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Sri Krishna Janmaashtami ki jai !

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<center><font size=+1 color="navy">"kRSNAya vAsudevAya devakI nandanAya ca

nanda gopa kumArAya govindAya namo namaH"</font>


(Queen Kunti devi's prayers - Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.21)



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<font size=+1 color="maroon">"vasudeva sutaM devaM kaMsa cAnUra mardanam

devakI paramAnandaM kRSNaM vande jagadgurum"

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Is today really Krishna's birthday, or is this a reminder because it's almost here? If it is His birthday, then us networkers have been so busy talking about Him, we plum forgot to throw Him a party!


This is one of the things I like about Krishna. Even if you forget His birthday, He reminds you that all knowledge, remembrance and forgetfulness come from Him, so you don't go on a big guilt trip over it. Plus, Him being unlimited, there's no telling when the party will wind down. No too late or too early; just be there.

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Dear friends,

Thank you for the info and the images.The reminder was something I needed because I had almost forgot.

Every time while reading a story for my daughter in the night I would pick up diferent ones everytime although she really likes the pastimes of Krishna book.I'll make it a point to read it to her this day.

The best gift that we should pass on to our kids is the love of krishna.

SriKrishnajanmastami ki jai again.



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<h3>President, PM extend Janmashtami greetings</h3>


Indraprasth, Aug. 11 (PTI) - President K R Narayanan, Vice-President Krishan Kant and Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee today extended their greetings to the people on the eve of 'Janmashtami' and said Lord Krishna's message of spiritual enlightenment was relevant to society even now.


''On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami, may Krishna's Song Celestial inspire us to follow the path of 'Nishkama karma' and strengthen the moral foundations of

our society,'' the President said in his message.


Kant said Krishna personifies, in his life and teachings, the sublime and eternal values of life and abides in the popular consciousness as the peerless saviour of mankind.


''Bhagwad Gita, expounded by him, is a timeless beacon, which illuminates our path. Janmashtami reminds us of the greatness of Shri Krishna's birth and his teachings,

which have the power to rid us from evil and provide us spiritual solace,'' the Vice President said.


Vajpayee said Lord Krishna epitomises the ''supreme ideals of human life in all its facets. The message of spiritual enlightenment as unfolded in the Gita by Lord

Krishna holds good for the society even today.''



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Friendship is often

born under tyranny

and smuggled to a country cradle

to flourish in uncharted landscapes





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Happy birthday, baby

It's been a long, long time

Happy birthday, Krishna

You're lookin' oh so divine


Have a wonder-filled birthday

Hope someone gives a surprise

May you be even more amazed

Than even you have prophesized


Happy birthday, sweet Govinda

Cheers to a really great guy

Happy birthday, Radha's darlin'

And here's a chipped rice lullaby







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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

<h3>President, PM extend Janmashtami greetings</h3>


Indraprasth, Aug. 11 (PTI) - President K R Narayanan, Vice-President Krishan Kant and Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee today extended their greetings to the people on the eve of 'Janmashtami' and said Lord Krishna's message of spiritual enlightenment was relevant to society even now.


''On the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami, may Krishna's Song Celestial inspire us to follow the path of 'Nishkama karma' and strengthen the moral foundations of

our society,'' the President said in his message.


Kant said Krishna personifies, in his life and teachings, the sublime and eternal values of life and abides in the popular consciousness as the peerless saviour of mankind.


''Bhagwad Gita, expounded by him, is a timeless beacon, which illuminates our path. Janmashtami reminds us of the greatness of Shri Krishna's birth and his teachings,

which have the power to rid us from evil and provide us spiritual solace,'' the Vice President said.


Vajpayee said Lord Krishna epitomises the ''supreme ideals of human life in all its facets. The message of spiritual enlightenment as unfolded in the Gita by Lord

Krishna holds good for the society even today.''




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<font size=+1 color="red">

'prapanna pArijAtAya

totra vetraika pANaye,

jnAnamudrAya kRSNAya

gItAmRta duhe namaH'</font></center>



I fondly prostrate to the Milker of the Gita-Nectar, Lord Krishna, the wish-yielding divine Parijata tree to those who take TOTAL refuge in Him, the holder of the cane in one hand and the bearer of the Jnana-mudra, the symbol of Divine Knowledge!

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Happy, Holy Celebrations of Sri Krishna Janmashtami to all !!


On this auspicious occasion, let us enjoy this 'pada':


<font color="blue> "us,jasumati kE bhayE lAl rE,

lOg lugAyin,janu nidhi pAyin, nAcati sub dai tAl rE,

kaliyan kusuma bicyO naliyanahUm, galiyan udata gulAl rE,

kOvu kacu kahata na sunata, sabai sudhi bhUlE gwAlini gwAl rE,

mOhana-mantra daryO janu braja maha, gayi sudhi tiya, pati, bAl rE,

kahalaum kahiya 'kRpAlu' dEkh jOyi, yaha sukha, sOyi bEhAl rE." </font>


The Mahapurusha, who is visualising the Lord Sri Krishna's appearance day in Vraja Dhama, giving us a description of the Divine Event.


"The Blessed Mother Yasoda has been gifted with a Divine Child, Baby Krishna.


For His appearance day, the whole population of Braj have crowded at the residence of Nanda Maharaj.


The gathered men , women and children are playing loud musical instruments in a great joyful mood and dancing in ecstasy!


They simply look very satisfied like the poor beggar who has found a precious treasure of touchstone!


(The ancient touchstone, otherwise known as the Philosopher's stone is capable of turning any metal into gold!)


The whole courtyard and the streets are sprinkled with countless fragrant flowers and covered with delicate blossoms.


Adding to this, there goes the red colored saffron powder, 'gulal', thrown by the jubiliant crowds, flying in the air!


The devotees are so overwhelmed in the joy of celebration that they cannot hear anyone nor speak to anyone !


They have even forgotten their own families, their own kith and kin!


They are spell-bound as if they were victimized by a powerful curse, called 'Mohana-Mantra', laid upon them!


In the last verse, the Braja-Rasa-Rasik says, even as I am witnessing the immensely blessed, cheerful folks of sacred Braja, celebrating the appearance day of my Baby Krishna, it is utterly impossiblle to stay alert and conscious, without drowning my soul in the ecstatic trance of Divine Love."


Boliye, Nand ke Anand bhaye,

Jaya Kanhaiya Lal ki!!!


All Glories to the Blue Baby Boy, the Divine Joy of Nanda Maharaj!!!


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<font color="torqoise" size=+1>"adharaM madhuraM vadanaM madhuraM

nayanaM madhuraM hasitaM madhuraM

hRdayaM madhuraM gamanaM madhuraM

madhurAdhipater akhilaM madhuram"</center></font>


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These two songs written by the Rasik Saint Sura Das describes the Bliss of Vraja-vasis during Lord Krishna's appearance as the Son of Nanada Maharaj and Mother Yasoda.


The Poet-Saint, in the words of John S.Hawley's translation, takes the audience to Braj settings and glorifies the devotional ecstasy of Lord's loving devotees.


(S 642.11-12)


<font color="maroon">

"Braj has been blessed with a Headman's Son"-

this news traveled to everyone

And how they were filled with joy.

The WORTHY astrologers of Gokul,


had established a pillar that time would not shake,

Searched out the moment ordained in the skies

and CHANTED the sounds of the VEDAS.



dressed as always, in a simple way,

But They decked Themselves with Their newest clothes

and applied mascara to Their eyes.

Their forehead marks all set in place,

new blouses on Their bosoms, necklaces on Their breasts,

With braceleted hands They sat about

to decorate a golden OFFERING plate.


They raised Their blessings beneath dangling earrings


As SWEAT RAINED DOWN from Their hard-working brows

like droplets sprinkling from CLOUDS.


Their faces flushed a ROSY RED,

vermillion was daubed in the parts of Their hair,

And the breeze began to LOOSEN THEIR COLORFUL,

brilliant sarees- BUT THEN, WHAT DID THEY CARE?


</font>(S 639)




<font color="navy">"I've HURRIED on over, for the news has come:

Yasoda's a Mother,given birth to a SON.



Jewels strewn thick cover the earth;


the air is stirred in a SWIRL OF DIRT AND CURDS;







This song conveys the sense of wonder about the devotional feelings of the poor, dumbfounded Gopi, who has no words to say but falters with emotion.


But the Poet assures that the LORD IS OMNISCIENT (ANTARYAMI: "the One Who knows each mood ) and HE DISPENSES THE JOY WITH EQUALLY GENERAL EASE (gives its joy).


<u> God here is not only LORD of the World but HE IS NANDA'S LITTLE BOY.</u>


All glories to NAND KE ANAND (The Joy of Nanda) and

YASODA KI LAL (Baby Boy of Yasoda) !!!



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<font color="navy" size=+1>"In this whole vast universe there is nothing higher than I.

All the worlds have their rest in Me,

as many pearls upon a string.

I am the taste of living waters

and the light of the Sun and the Moon.

I am OM, the sacred word of the Vedas,

sound in silence, heroism in men.


I am the pure fragrance that comes from the earth

and the brightness of fire I am.

I am the life of all living beings,


and the austere life of those who train their souls.

And I am from the everlasting seed of eternal life.

I am the intelligence of the intelligent.

I am the beauty of the beautiful.



QUOTE Number. 281

Indian Paganism Daily Quotes

The Bhagavad Gita, p.74, translated by Juan Mascaro, published by Penguin Books Ltd. (1973).

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my dear lord govinda,


i don`t know how to animate these words

on your birthday because i`m an ordinary

surfer who loves to connect on the net

so he could associate with your devotees.

one moment of association with Your pure

devotee, Srila Prabhupad, is akin to be-

ing with him eternally. Together, we can

accomplish like no man has done: To inun-

date the world with krishna consciousness

at speeds faster than light.

please, my lord hari, come join with us

and become the lead member of our Band.


the jayasriradhey cosmic band!



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