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Does God Want Man to Eat Meat?

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Does God Want Man to Eat Meat?


When discussing the topic of killing (meat eating) with Christians and Muslims. They ultimately justify killing animals for food by pointing to their scriptures. Thus the main reason why man kills for a living (meat eating) is religion. The Bible and Koran both state that animals are food. They both claim that their scripture is the word of God and thus there is absolutely nothing wrong in killing innocent animals.


This raises the question does God want man to eat meat?


This question can be answered by looking at the health, economic, and violence issues.


1. Health


Is meat good for us?


It’s a scientific fact that vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat. Scientific studies show that vegetarians have a much lower risk of suffering from diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and other health disorders compared to meat eaters. A major study reported in the British Medical Journal in 1994 found that, of 5000 meat-eaters and 6000 non-meat eaters, vegetarians had 40% less risk of cancer and 30% less risk of heart disease than the meat-eaters and were 20% less likely to die of any cause (Oxford Vegetarian Study).


A US study of 50,000 vegetarians showed a very low rate of cancer (Seventh Day Adventist Study, Massachusetts). It has been estimated that by following a low-fat vegetarian diet, the risk of food poisoning is decreased by 80%.


A balanced vegetarian diet is better for humans than one that includes meat (from TIME magazine, July 2002).


There is overwhelming scientific evidence to prove that a vegetarian diet is much more healthier than a meat based diet. Eating meat can seriously damage your health.


What about Protein?


Most people are brainwashed into thinking that meat is the only source of protein. The simple fact is that there is plenty of protein in a vegetarian diet too.


Thus would God want man to eat food that will increase the chances of suffering from major diseases, reduce the quality of life, and reduce the life span?


Absolutely not.


Would you want your children to eat food that is not good for them? No?


Similarly God doesn’t want his children, you and me, to eat food that is bad for our health.


2. Economic


Does it make economic sense to raise animals for food?


It takes at least 17 kg of corn, beans, grains etc., many gallons of water, and some time to produce just 1 kg of beef. This is like investing $17 in a bank term deposit and withdrawing $1 at maturity.


The 17 kg of corn, beans, and grains would feed at least 20 people while the 1 kg of beef would feed at most 2 people.


Does it makes any sense to feed an animal 17 kg of vegetation, many gallons of water, provide shelter, allow some time, and then cut it’s throat and kill it to produce 1 kg of meat?


Would it be better just to take the 17 kg of vegetation and feed on it directly rather than having it go through an animal and then feeding on the animal a much reduced quantity of food?


The reason why somewhere in the World a child dies of starvation every two seconds is because of slaughterhouse mentality as described above. If the millions of acres of land which is used to grow food for animals who are destined for the slaughterhouse was used to grow food for humans directly then there be at least 17 times more food than currently. Thus there would be no poverty in the World.


About 70% of the crops grown in the US are fed to animals and not to humans. The mentality is that convert each 17 kg of vegetation to 1 kg of meat so that at most 2 people can eat instead of at least 20. Also there is the thrill of killing the animals, which is very much liked by the average person.


If everyone in the world became a vegetarian, there would be no such thing as poverty. But unfortunately the majority of the humans simply can’t give up the thrill of killing innocent animals and so the children will have to continue dying due to starvation at the rate of 2 every seconds.


3. Violence


Is violence related to meat eating?


What do all the terrorists have in common?

What do all the violent criminals have in common?

What do all the murdered have in common?


The simple answer is that they are all killers (meat eaters).


Have you heard of vegetarian terrorists?

Have you heard of vegetarian criminals?

Have you heard of a vegetarian murderer?


It would be extremely rare to find a violent person who is a vegetarian.


The violent people in the world are meat eaters.


How does meat eating make one violent?


By killing for a living (meat eating), the human mind develops a taste for killing, which leads to a mentality of injury to others. The result is violence. People who kill animals will also kill people. This is a fact as the terrorists, and the most violent criminals are all meat eaters.


The vegetarians don’t kill for a living (no meat) and so their mind develops a taste for non-injury to other living beings. The result is no violence, period.


The US government alone spends billions of dollars each year on combating terrorism. They think by going after those with guns and bombs will solve this problem. They totally ignore the root cause of violence. Which is a mentality of violence, caused by killing to a living (meat eating).


The simple formula for stopping terrorism and violence is:


No Meat= No killing = No mentality of violence = No terrorism/No violence


What about killing the plants?


There is a big difference between cutting grass and the necks of chickens. Killing plants and animals is not the same.






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in "The Path Of Perfection" it says nicely in one of the chapters:

(Note, this is not taken from original English version)


"Okay, if you wish to eat meat, worship goddess Kali and offer her meat by sacrificing a goat. Only afterwards you can eat meat. But do not eat meat that you buy in a butcher's store. You must respect the boundaries set for sacrifices. You need to sacrifice the goat to Kali on a specific day and utilize specific tools. A puja of this kind is only allowed on the night of a dark moon, once a month. Also, with sacrificing the goat, one must chant special mantras. The goat is told: "You sacrifice your life before goddess Kali, therefore you'll instantly proceed to human form." But the mantra also says: "You have a right to kill a human that sacrifices you." Now you should ask yourself "Why am I eating meat? Why am I doing this ? In my next life, I'll have to pay it with my own meat." And the purpose of all this is to revert humans from eating meat."




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