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India On Course to become an Islamic State

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Recent population figures show that the Muslim population in India is outpacing the Hindu Population.


The result of this will be that when the majority is Islamic, the country will be declared an Islamic State. This means no freedom of religion for the Hindus in their own country.


It's because of the stupidity and foolishness of people like Mahatma Gandhi that the Hindus will always suffer in their own country. Had India been declared a Hindu state in 1947 and had we treated the Muslims the same way as they treat us, thus don't let them open Mosques, don't give them citizenship etc.. Just like in the Arab countries. Then our children will not be ruled by the Muslims as our forefatehrs were.




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No Ratha Yatra

No Navratri

No Ganesh festival

No temple building

No chanting in public

No reading Vedic scriptures in public

No bringing in of Vedic scriptures from outside


If you fail to realize this just ask any non-Muslim who is living in an Islamic country today. They will confirm all of the above.



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Agree! The Muslims eagerly seek to destroy our Vedic culture (or any religious culture for that matter). Look how they have ruined the great temples of Vrndavan. I'm not bashing, only stating the facts. We must all pray that this will never happen but then again this is Kali-yuga. A doomed age!

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Prithivite achhe yata nagarädi gräm

Sarvatra prachär haibe more näma

- (Sri Chaitanya Mahäprabhu)


Translation : "In every town and village on this earth the glories of My name will be chanted."


Why are you people afraid ??


Read this poem Written by Dina Bandhu Prabhu (Krishna Balaram Mandir, Vrindavana) :


nama om visnu-pädäya krsna-presthäya bhü-tale

srimate bhaktivedänta-svämin iti nämine

namas te särasvate deve gaura-väni-pracärine


Our dearest Srila Prabhupäda,

On this most holy, blessed day,

Along with those around the world we pray,

Falling humbly at your feet,

Your sacred glories we repeat,

Like lamp lit unto morning sun

Or Gangä's worship with water done.

Our mind is stretched beyond the sky;

How can we ever glorify

That mercy that you’ve given?

But still today we're driven

To offer words as tiny measure,

In vain hope it may give you pleasure.

At three score years and ten,

You left this holy land,

Where endless waves of bliss

Are flowing due to this:

Sri Rädhikä and Syäma

Sport in this sacred dhäma.

Set sail for foreign land

With your divine command

To spread the holy name

As freely as the rain

To those who are not fit,

Entrapped in Kali's grip.

Prithivite äche yata


Sarvatra pracära

Hoibe mora näma.

Five hundred years have flown

Since Caitanya made this known.

But some of them had guessed

The ones that would be blessed

Were each and ev'ry town

In Nadiä around.

Or maybe in Bengal—

That certainly was all.

Orissa, too, they said,

Is where the name might spread.

In Bhärata-varsa, maybe,

But not across the sea.

The Thäkura did not agree:

"Why not beyond the sea?

If Caitanya's Lord of all,

Let all lands hear his call!"

And so he got a son,

To get the service done.

A lion among the saints;

The mäyävädi faints;

In you he marked the sign:

"He'll do the work in time."

He made you this request:

To get the whole world blessed.

‘Twas you, our Prabhupäda,

Who crossed the ocean broad.

To every continent

The holy name was sent,

Giving joy to all,

With Lord Gauräìga’s call.

“ ‘Tis very great indeed,"

Some of them agreed.

“The name has crossed the sea,

To the world that's free.

But in the Soviet,

They’ll surely say, 'Nyet.'"

That day I'll not forget—

Remembering, my eyes are wet:

The Russians came—sixty—

And danced in your samädhi,

Beyond their wildest dream,

Beside Yamunä’s stream.

We are so very low;

The Lord we do not know.

The Vaisnava, we have heard,

Is he who should be served.

But to such a one as you,

How can we give what's due?

We only hope and pray,

Our debt we can repay,

That when your servants come

To your home, Vrndävana-dhäma,

By service of their feet,

Your mercy we will meet.




The following are ten verses from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana that were spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning of Kali yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately five thousand years ago, and it has a duration of 432,000 years, leaving us with 427,000 till the end of the present age. [For a description of Kali yuga, please read the related article "Predictions for the age of Kali".] Within this 432,000 year period, there is a period of 10,000 years that will be a golden age. That golden age is being described below by Lord Sri Krishna. This text is taken from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.


Text 49


bhagarathy uvaca

he natha ramanashreshtha

yasi golokamuttamam

asmakam ka gatishcatra

bhavishyati kalau yuge




Ganges said: O protector, Supreme enjoyer, on your departure for the perfect abode, Goloka, thereafter what will be my situation in the age of kali?


Text 50


sri-bhagavan uvaca

kaleh pancasahasrani

varshani tishtha bhutale

papani papino yani

tubhyam dasyanti snanatah




The blessed Lord said: On the earth 5,000 years of kali will be sinful and sinners will deposit their sins in you by bathing.




We have presently passed through just over 5,000 years of Kali yuga. As was predicted by Lord Krishna, this period from the end of the previous age to the present comprising 5,000 years was a period of great degradation and darkness. The great and ancient Vedic culture of India was lost and the so-called followers became ritualistic practitioners, interested only in the bodily conception of life. The four pillars of spiritual life, namely truthfulness, austerity, cleanliness, and mercy are practically nonexistent today, even in the so-called holy sites of pilgrimage. The general mass of people have no interest in God, and any remnant of religion they might still follow is simply for the purpose of economic development. In the name of God so many sinful acts are being carried out throughout the world. Killing of innocent animals, intoxication, illicit sex, and gambling have become common and "natural" activities supported by the governments and religions of the world. All of these points confirm Lord Krishna's prediction regarding the first 5,000 years of the Kali yuga.


Text 51



bhasmibhutani tatkshanat

bhavishyanti darsanacca

snanadeva hi jahnavi




Thereafter by the sight and touch of those who worship me by my mantra, all those sins will be burnt.




Lord Krishna has said that for 5,000 years mother Ganga will purify the sinful inhabitants of the earthly planet in the age of Kali. But where will those accumulated sinful reactions go? Therefore Krishna says here that those sinful reactions, accumulated for thousands of years will all be burnt to ashes simply by a moments touch of a pure devotee of the Lord. The word tatksanat indicates that immediately the reactions are destroyed. A moments glimpse of a pure devotee is enough to purify the heart of a sinful man in this age of Kali. Even mother Ganga is blessed and purified by the association of the Lords devotees, so what to speak of fallen souls like ourselves. We must take every opportunity to associate with the Lord's pure devotees. This is the process of sadhu-sanga, or sat-sanga. Through association with the saints, we come in contact directly with the Supreme Lord. If we have such a great fortune to associate with the saintly devotees of the Lord, our heart will be purified of all the sinful reactions accumulated from countless lifetimes.


In this verse Krishna defines who are those pure devotees: man-mantropasaka, "one who is doing upasana, or worship, of Krishna by chanting Krishna's mantra." Krishna says literally "My mantra", man-mantra. This mantra Krishna is referring to is the Hare Krishna maha-mantra:


hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare


hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare




It should be noted that Krishna does not say mother Ganga will be purified by yogis. Nor does he say she will be purified by jnanis. Nor by rishis, tapasvis, siddhas or a host of other saintly minded men. Krishna says it will be His pure devotees (bhaktas) who chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra that will purify mother Ganga and the entire age of Kali. Only the chanting of Krishna's holy name is powerful enough to purify this present age of Kali. Therefore only the Lord's devotees have the power to bring about the golden age within Kali yuga.


Text 52


harernamani yatraiva

puranani bhavanti hi

tatra gatva savadhanam

abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi




There will be chanting of the name of Hari and reading of the [bhagavata] Purana. Reaching such a place, attentively hear.




Here Lord Krishna describes the activities within the golden age that will purify the Kali yuga. First and foremost is the chanting of Lord Krishna's name, indicated by the words harernamani. This is further confirmed in the Brihad-naradiya Purana as follows:


harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam


kalau nastyeva nastyeva nastyeva gatir anyata




"In the age of Kali there is no other way to achieve the supreme destination of life other than by chanting the names of Lord Hari (Krishna). There is no other way, no other way, no other way."




The second activity that Lord Krishna describes is the reading of the Bhagavata Purana, or Srimad Bhagavatam. The reading of Srimad Bhagavatam is especially recommended by the great sage Vyasadeva for purification of the heart:




srinvatam sva kathah krishnah




hridy antah stho hy abhadrani


vidhunoti suhrit satam




"By hearing and reciting the sacred narrations of the pastimes of Lord Krishna (within the Srimad Bhagavatam), all the bad qualities within one's heart are cleansed."




Elsewhere it is stated:




nashta-prayushv abhadreshu

nityam bhagavata-sevaya

bhagavaty uttama-shloke

bhaktir bhavati naishthiki




"By daily reading Srimad Bhagavatam and by rendering service to the pure devotees, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead is established as an irrevocable fact."




The present age is simply a reflection of the hearts of millions of living entities on the earthly planet. Because our hearts are polluted by kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed) and matsarya (envy), therefore the present age is called the age of quarrel. It is not that we are bad because the age is bad, but rather the age is bad because our hearts are impure. The cure for a polluted heart is described above: daily reading of the Srimad Bhagavatam. If the entire population were to take up the reading of the sacred text of Srimad Bhagavatam, everyone's heart would be purified and the age of Kali would no longer be able to influence the world. Therefore in the present age the need of the hour is to distribute the most sacred book Srimad Bhagavatam to the entire humanity.




The Srimad Bhagavatam is not an ordinary book, but it is directly an incarnation of the Lord:




idam bhagavatam nama

puranam brahma-sammitam


cakara bhagavan rishih

nihsreyasaya lokasya

dhanyam svasty-ayanam mahat




“This Srimad Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and it is compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of God. It is meant for the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all blissful and all-perfect.”




Srimad Bhagavatam is defined as brahma sammitam because it is the sound representative of Brahman, the absolute truth.



Text 53


purana shravanaccaiva


bhasmibhutani papani

brahma-hatyadikani ca




Sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be nullified by hearing the Purana and chanting of the names of Hari in the manner of devotees.


Text 54


bhasmibhutani tanyeva

vaishnavalinganena ca

trinani shushkakashthani

dahanti pavako yatha




Just as dry grass is burnt by fire, by the embrace of My devotees all sins are burnt.


Text 55


tathapi vaishnava loke

papani papinamapi

prithivyam yani tirthani

punyanyapi ca jahnavi




O Ganges, the whole planet will become a pilgrimage sight by the presence of My devotees, even though it had been sinful.


Text 56


madbhaktanam sharireshu

santi puteshu samtatam


sadyah puta vasundhara




In the body of my devotees remains eternally [the purifier]. Mother earth becomes pure by the dust of the feet of my devotees.


Text 57


sadyah putani tirthani

sadyah putam jagattatha

manmantropasaka vipra

ye maducchishtabhojinah




It will be the same in the case of pilgrimage sights and the whole world. Those intelligent worshipers of my mantra who partake My remnants will purify everything.




In this verse the words maducchishtabhojinah are very significant. Krishna states that those who chant His Hare Krishna maha-mantra and eat His remnants (mad- ucchishtabhojinah ) will purify the world.


Human life is meant for performing sacrifice because sacrifice develops transcendental knowledge. In the ancient times the great Kings of India would perform very costly and magnificent sacrifices buy offering items into a sacred fire. Even gold and costly jewels were offered into the fire as an offering to God. In the present age such forms of sacrifice are not possible, so the shastras prescribe a simpler form of sacrifice more suitable for the present age by which we may develop transcendental knowledge and advance in spiritual life


The first aspect of this sacrifice involves the chanting of the names of Krishna, as that will correct any deficiencies in our other services to the Lord due to improper circumstances, impure ingredients, irregular timing, etc. The age of Kali is an ocean of faults. One such fault is that in this age everything is impure. It is impossible to properly perform any sacred activity, as the impurity of the age has affected the entire atmosphere, from the subtle (inner) down to the physical (external). Therefore all sacred activities in the age of Kali must be performed accompanied by the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.


The second aspect of sacrifice involves the offering of all of our foodstuffs to the Lord before consumption. This form of sacrifice purifies the food and, when we consume it, purifies our body and mind. This sacrifice of offering all of our food to Krishna when accompanied by the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is equal to the ancient sacrifices (such as ashvamedha yajna, gomedha-yajna, rajasuya yajna, etc.) described in the scriptures. This is further stressed by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita (3.13):




yajna-shishtasinah santo


mucyante sarva-kilbishaih


bhunjate te tv agham papa


ye pacanty atma-karanat




"The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin."




Text 58


mameva nityam dhyayante

te mat pranadhikah priyah


puto vayushca pavakah




They are more dear to Me than My life, who everyday meditate only on Me. The air and fire become pure simply even by their indirect touch.


Text 59


kaler dasha-sahasrani

madbhaktah santi bhu-tale

ekavarna bhavishyanti

madbhakteshu gateshu ca




For 10,000 years of kali such devotees of mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees there will only be one varna [outcaste].


Text 60


madbhaktashunya prithivi

kaligrasta bhavishyati

etasminnantare tatra





Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled by kali. Saying this Krishna departed.


Hare Krishna...

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"[O Allah], I ask you of you by every name that You have named yourself or that You have revealed in Your book or that You have taught any of Your creation or that You have kept hidden, in the unseen knowledge, with Yourself." (Recorded by Ahmad, According to al-Albani, it is sahih.)


You can chant Lord's name for millions and millions of years, but to take the dust of a pure devotee and follow? Now that is needed.


Islam countries are not the problem for society. What IS the problem are country so-called "christian" countries where capitalism is making people demoniac: all four pilliars are crushed.


The only problem are fundamentalists who, just like Greenpeace, think that by violance, they could stop it.

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"Islam countries are not the problem for society. What IS the problem are country so-called "christian" countries where capitalism is making people demoniac: all four pilliars are crushed. "


The Christians may have crushed all four pilars, but at least they let the Hindus practice their religion freely in their countries like the USA. In Islamic countries even chanting in public is a crime.


Which is better?

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Hare Krishna,

In reply to -

"Agree! The Muslims eagerly seek to destroy our Vedic culture (or any religious culture for that matter). Look how they have ruined the great temples of Vrndavan. I'm not bashing, only stating the facts. We must all pray that this will never happen but then again this is Kali-yuga. A doomed age!"

I hope this doesn't happen. But if the Muslims try to dominate Hindus, or destroy our culture .... then man dont worry i will be the first one to kill those people. i have the same killer instinct as Jehadis & what better opportunity for me to fight for the cause of protection of Hindu/Vedic tradition & culture. i am sure there must be 1000's Hindus who would be thinking like me. And also if i kill those Islamic Demons it wont be considered as a sin, infact that is a Punya karma. And i would be really happy to do that.

Hare Krishna

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Lord Caitanya and Nityananda Prabhu were in a position where they had problems with muslims.


I do not think they killed anyone.


What they did was: preach. Educate. Share love.


The group of Muslims you are referring to, are illiterate and emotionally abused invidiuals controlled by a few very clever politicians.


Violance does not help. Be a brahmana, not a mlecca.


If youu open there eyes, who knows what may happen.

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Hare Krishna,

Dear Yashoda, you are right about Violence being not a solution to this. But there have been times in history where you are required to punish the Demonic peoples. The vedas clearly describe as Killing or punishing a Sinner is no crime at all. In fact just sitting back & looking at Crime to happen is a Sin. If some body is going aginst Lord Krishna or his devotees, & trying to set up there own regime by destroying our Vedic tradition, then these people have no right whatsoever to live in this world & i would love to kill such people.

Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to fight when righteousness is at stake. So fighting is necessary when our Dharma is at stake.


The Bhavishya Purana clearly predicted Islam as a religion for the demonic. Right from the beginning, the demigods and demons have always been fighting for supremacy.

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Well I read somewhere that in the time of the Mogal empire the Muslims would take Krishna Murti's and place them under the steps of the entrance to the mosques. Don't want to sound too radical but acts like that is definately something to worry about. The oppression of people's rights to perform religious activities (of choice) is something the Muslim's have been doing for centuries. Are all Muslim's bad? No. Are Islamic states open to other religious practices? I think not. Every religious movement in the world I'm sure would like to see their religion grow, thats natural. But it is wrong to do it by the sword.

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Look dear guys,


I live in Croatia. I used to live in Sweden and then I used to live in India, so I can see differences from first hand.


Just yesterday, Croatia had anniversary of falling down the city of Vukovar: Serbs killed thousands of people, woman, infants and elderlies.


So Croats fought back, what else? They had to defend their own houses.


But should I shoot a first Serb I see on the street? Come on!


I should forget mentioning this: Serbs were fighting for "Great Serbia" with their religion, against Roman Catolics. Their main targets were churches and deities.


Violance brings violance. It is not the main solution, just a quick not to those of you who are sharpening your knives.



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There is no doubt about an Islamic Onslaught! (http://www.atributetohinduism.com/Islamic_Onslaught.htm ). There have been many onslaughts, but it up to us to promote and protect the interests of all Hindus. Our organizations must be well structured to undertake hard-hitting campaigns and perform political lobbying on tough domestic and foreign policy issues. We all need to provide a window to the belief system that drives the few (and hopefully more to come) Hindu protect movements, both in Government and outside. Through Gods personal presence and Shakti, prayers are answered, karma softened, spiritual unfoldment guided. Surrender, worship with intense love, and God hears. Speak of them to all who will listen, They are the heritage of all souls. The end goal is to LOVE Krishna.

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My question is:

so you think a Hindu must kill Muslim because they are opposite to Hindu religion.


So what are you going to to with those "Hindus" who make abortions to girl-fetus, to those "Hindus" who eat all kinds of meat, take drugs, divorce, kill young women so they bring new "wife" with her fortune to the house?


What are you going to do with the "Hindus" who do not believe Lord Krishna is actually a Supreme Personality of Godhead, but instead they believe USA is a dream-land???

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When the Dharma is at stake, the sins within us are of no importance.


In the Mahabharat war, both sides had sinfull soldiers, but Kirshna told Arjuna to fight because when Dharma is at stake, fighting is necessary.


Bhisma was a very righteous person, but Krishna told Arjuna to kill him as he was on the wrong side.

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And I say: those of you who think that by distroying of the bodies you could actually win - you could only lose. Because if you really want to fight, then fight their minds and harts and not the bodies that are already dead. We are all aready dead bodies - it is a matter of time.


But to teach, to fight their backward understanding?


To kill that misunderstanding?


To hang that hole in their educations system?


To cut their ignorance?


How do you do that? By the sword of knowledge: that is Krishna consciousness all about, folks.


Otherwise, the ghosts of killed could come and hunt you down and twist your brains and inplant more and more hate in you, instead of a wonderful lata bhij.


Srila Prabhupada made devotees out of outcastes, mleccas, muslims and He still does. Now, that is a challenge. Try that.

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Those who talk of dharma should first themselves know what dharma is. The dharma of a kshatriya is to fight - that we accept. BUT ARE YOU A KSHATRIYA ???? Are you trained according to such principles ???


In the scriptures, it is said,


kalau südra-sambhavat.

Translation : In the age of Kali everyone will be like südras.


So, before saying that you will go and kill the muslims like a kshatriya and Krishna will be happy about it, try thinking what your position in the varnasrama system is ... If you are an ordinary person who is not trained as a kshatriya, if you are still addicted to one of the four pillars of sinful activity, then there is no question of being a kshatriya. True kshatriya means he can alone defeat tens and thousands of men by the power of his training. Can you do that ??? If no, then there is no use of saying that you will fight. What is the benefit to "HINDUISM" if one group of shudras fight against another group of shudras ??? The hindus of today eat meat, drink tea(intoxicant) and perform many illicit activities and still call themselves hindus. That is why, they are not qualified to fight. They are all on the level of shudra and therefore, they are meant to perform the yuga dharma -- "HARI NAAM SANKIRTANA"... That will solve the problem gradually but surely.


-- Dasanudasa,



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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Friends, we cannot be naive about the whole situation. This is the time to Act Vigrously. Thru Preaching, Holding Harinam Sankirtans and engaging the 'Hindus' in the Yuga Dharma. If preaching doesn't work then Simply Distribute Prasad in mass scale (which is one of the weapons to change the conciousness). How can we sit idle and wait to see that Lord Caitanya's prophecy will come true. --He wanted each and everyone to help in making it true, that way the person himself will be delivered ---not simply waiting and watching the onslaughts of injustices upon Bharat Varsha - (Whole World) Bharata Bhumi.



Recent population figures show that the Muslim population in India is outpacing the Hindu Population.


The result of this will be that when the majority is Islamic, the country will be declared an Islamic State. This means no freedom of religion for the Hindus in their own country.


It's because of the stupidity and foolishness of people like Mahatma Gandhi that the Hindus will always suffer in their own country. Had India been declared a Hindu state in 1947 and had we treated the Muslims the same way as they treat us, thus don't let them open Mosques, don't give them citizenship etc.. Just like in the Arab countries. Then our children will not be ruled by the Muslims as our forefatehrs were.




Would is the result of Islamic State for Hindus [re: Guest]

11/18/05 01:09 PM Edit Reply


No Ratha Yatra

No Navratri

No Ganesh festival

No temple building

No chanting in public

No reading Vedic scriptures in public

No bringing in of Vedic scriptures from outside


If you fail to realize this just ask any non-Muslim who is living in an Islamic country today. They will confirm all of the above.


This is a very good oppertunity to inform all the so called Hindus and show them the above two posts. (listed below).


And even though we know that Lord Caitanya words will come true --(thru the devotees who are helping in his mission (Lord Caitanya requested everyone help pick the fruit of Love of Godhead) -This is the oppertunity to take up the instructions of Lord Caitanya -'Bharata Bhumit Haila Janma Yara, Jivan Sathak Kari, Karo Upakar Para'. This is special instructions to 'Hindus' all over the world.

So Wake up sleeping Souls (from the lap of the witch called Maya), Jiva Jago, and go out and and preach to the sleeping souls.


Thank you

insignificant aspirant of Srila Prabhupada's mercy.


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The problem is that we too much tend to quote the scriptures and try to run away from the 'real' situation! the scriptures quote that yes Kshatriyas can kill fo rjustice, and that we are not that kind of kshatriyas and any kshatruiya for that matter can't kill without getting a jail term or karmic reaction. So what's the practical solution?? What's the use of plain argument? Can you do something productive? Yes! Stop the quota system for Muslims to start with. The history is witness - if Christians came as missioners in India, then Muslims came as mercenaries!! Wheather it is the Mathura Krsna janmabhumi or Ram Janmabhumi. We have always been a peaceful country. Hindusthan is a country that has not attacked another country for the past 1000 years!!!

They came and destroyed the temples and deities - may it be Kashi Vishvvanath or the temples of Vrindavana with the deiti heads cut off!!

Who gave them this right?? No one! They just grabed it! FORCED THEMSELVES ON US!! WHY BEACUSE we didnb't care enough!! We were weak!!

SO WHAT NOW?! there is still time to wake up!! They will demand extra rights in this country!! WHAT ABOUT HINDUS?? Why don't Hindus have any speacial rights in their own country - Hindusthan??

Muslims have major rights in many Islamic states world-over! Why would they need them in Hindusthan - the cradle of Vedic culture, the breeding ground of Vedic civilization and the Rishis?? Do not kill, but at least spread the consciousness!!




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A real Hindu is a real Hindu - one who recognizes his true identity and the sanatana dharma! Of course one can find negative examples within any sect, religion and congreegation including Iskcon. I can say what about the child molesters and gays of Iskcon etc. But you have to look at the bigger picture!

All Hindus may not be practicing strict religious beliefs!! Some of them may pray to Hanuman or Shiva r Durga or Krsna!! So what?? What's the big deal?? Pray to Krsna!! Is that an issue to argue?? It is still important that they are God fearing and believe in the Lord rather call him a devil like the Russia rascal archbishop!!

Hare Krsna!

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Lord krishna asked Arjuna to fight because he had to carry out his duty as a kshatriya and not because dharma was at stake, which was secondary. This is the most basic understanding of Bhagvad gita. If one cannot understand this, he should reach a ISKCON center and render service.

Secondly, as Harshad pointed, there are only 2 varnas in the beginning of the kali; vaishnavas and shudras and after the goldern era; shudras alone. Hence there is no question of kshitriyas and no question of killing, which if carried out will only be sin and sin and nothing else.

Sankirtan is the only yuga dharma.

Kali yuga will be worse, it is already predicted and repeats every maha yuga again and again. It is such a basic and simple thing that it is preplanned and its a lila of Krishna. Hence Krishna is telling just mind your

business of remembering me as per rules and regulations of that particular age.


Thank you

Hare krishna


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