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Can you worship other Gods, besides Lord Krishna!

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I'm new to Sanatana Dharma and I want to practice it properly. I've been studying different deities. The deity I feel most connected with is Sri Ganesha. I want to worship other gods, besides Lord Krishna. Would I still be practicing the Vedic religion properly. If I can't worship other deities, please explain, why.

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Hare Krishna.


One should follow the authorized scriptures. The Bhagavad-gita is the essence of all scriptures.


“Whatever a man sacrifices to other gods, O son of Kunti, is really meant for me alone, but it is offered without true understanding. I am the only enjoyer and the only object of sacrifice. Those who do not recognize my true transcendental nature fall down.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.23)


Lord Krishna says only worship him, so why would anyone want to be stupid enough to disobey him?

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"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. " Lord Krishna (BG 18.66)



Giving up Dharma here means giving up activities without Narayana or Krishna in the picture.


Otherwise Arjuna would have left Varnashrama Dharma of fighting as a Kshatriya as well. Note also Krishna's own advise to Arjuna, that it is better for one to do one's own duty etc.

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Hinduism is tolerate of other religions, but other Hindus aren't allowed to worship their beloved deities. Why aren't other Hindus allowed to worship Lord Krishna and other? Also, do you advise for the whole Hindu pantheon to be abandoned and have all hindus worship Lord Krishna, exclusively? What should happen to all the non-Krishna temples? Should they all be torn down, why? Why not have variety? Do you think what you're asking is fair?Also in the Bhagavad Gita, what is prescibed for Hindus who worship "demigods"? Please answer all my questions.

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Dear Original poster,


Nobody is saying that you should force others to worship Krishna or that you should destroy other temples.


What is told here is worship of other Devatas should be done under the guidance of Shastras.


Originally Devata worship was done to satisfy Narayana. How this is done is considering these Devatas as Sannithana(place of residence) of Narayana.


All worship processes given in Vedas(wrongly called as Karma Kanda) are meditative prcesses. One tries to realize the presence of Narayana in various elements and Abhmani Devatas of those elements the presence of Narayana. This is the original worshipping process.


Worshipping the Devatas with any other wrong motives and ideas will lead one to Tamas or painful existence in deep hell.

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Hare Krishna.


All Hindus should follow the Vedic scriptures, of which the Bhagaavd-gita is the supreme scripture.


Lord Krishna clearly says that we should only worship him, only him. So you can take up his advice or fall down, as he states in the BG.


Fall down means take birth in the animal kingdom or take birth in other temporary man made religions, where God is not seen or proven.


We should respect the demigods but not worship them. Lord Krishna states that only the less inteligent worship the demigods.


Being tolerant doesn't mean we can do all non-sense things.


The temples without Lord Krishna should be closed. As the people visiting them are wasting their life by not worshipping Lord Krishna. The result will be a fall.

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Hare Krishna.


There is only ONE GOD, man.


So how can there be varieties?


"Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be. " Lord Krishna BG 9.11


"I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting place and the eternal seed. " Lord Krishna 9.18


"Whatever a man may sacrifice to other gods, O son of Kunti, is really meant for Me alone, but it is offered without true understanding." Lord Krishna 9.23




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Why should Hindus close all non-Krishna temples, and churches and mosques stay open? My understanding is Hinduism tolerates other religions, because they all lead to God. So, why would a Hindu go to the deepest of Hells, by worshipping Sri Ganesh, but a christian or muslim wouldn't? What happens to them for worshipping Jesus or Allah?

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"Whatever a man may sacrifice to other gods, O son of Kunti, is really meant for Me alone, but it is offered without true understanding." Lord Krishna 9.23


This is the quote used to promote the idea that Hinduism tolerates other religions. So what this mean, really?

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There is only one god:



Human birth is rare:



Those who do not worship God (Krishna) will one day be liberated, but they may have to wait for millions of births, until they become krishna conscious.


So if you don't want to wait, then fully surrender onto Lord Krishna now.




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Lord GaNeSa, the most

universal of all divine manifestations

in our tradition.

There are several explanations for the

name of this most beloved of divine


One etymology is from gaNa: a class of

minor deities which are at the

service of Lord Siva + ISa: the God.

Thus, GaNeSa is the chief of the

gaNas. There is a verse in the Rig Veda

(II.31.1) with the line:

gaNAnAm tvA gaNapatim: Of the gaNas you

are the Lord.

The word gaNa also stands for class,

set, or category. From this point of

view the name GaNeSa means the God of

the categories. In mathematical terms

we may look upon GaNeSa as the Set of

all Sets.

The Sanskrit root gaN also refers to

counting, numbering, enumerating. Thus,

gaNitaSAstra means mathematics. This

makes GaNeSa the Lord of Numbers.

Since categorization and numbering are both characteristics of the

intellect, GaNeSa is also considered to be the supreme principle governing

our intellectual grasp of the world, the basis of all the fundamental

categories in terms of which we reckon the world.

GaNeSa is also known as GajAnanA: Elaphant-faced. According to another

interpretation, the word gaja is also to be seen as a combination of ga

(goal) + ja (origin), so that gaja stands for that which includes the

beginning and the end. GaNeSa's face thus represents the entirety of the


GaNeSa is represented by a form that has a human body, except for four arms

(catur bhuja), and the face of an elephant (GajAnana). The pleasant

elephantine face has a single tusk (Ekadanta) and a twisted trunk

(VakratuNda). GaNeSa's vehicle (vAhana) is a mouse (mUshakA). His favorite

food is said to be a sweet concoction with coconut, covered by a white

insipid coating of flour, called modaka, which he often holds in one hand.

He is generally shown as wearing a white robe.

There is deeper esoteric significance in the representational aspect of Lord


The face of the elephant is huge compared to human faces. It therefore

represents the divine. The human body is small compared to divine reality.

By combining the two elements in one body, the figure may be understood

as representing the link between the human and the divine. The

imperceptible continuity in the figure between the two aspects suggests a

similar connection between humans and the Divine. If humans seek communion

with the divine, we need the assistance of this linking principle. That is

why practically all Hindu worship services, at home and in the temple, at a

consecration or in the performance of a rite, begin with an invocation to

Lord GaNeSa: aum Sri GaNeSAya namah.

The grand elephant, if it stands on our path, can easily block our way, but

it can itself walk through thick jungles, sweeping away any hurdle that may

come its way. For this reason GaNeSa is also regarded as the god of

obstacles, (vighneSvara), as one who removes or destroys hurdles

(vighnavinAsa), and as the embodiment of boon-giver too: varadmUrti.

The twisted trunk is said to remind us that the path to higher truths is

never straight or direct, and the single-tusk is to remind us of the Oneness

behind multiplicity. As for the modaka, this is sweet inside as the inner

soul, while its white shell is like the gross physical body surrounding the

soul. Even GaneSa's mouse has been given a meaning: This creature is

regarded as a thief that steals away things, indifferent to whether these

are good or bad. Likewise, the inner spirit experiencing everything, is

itself indifferent to their intrinsic virtues or lack thereof.

GaneSa's wide ears which are like winnows are meant to say that he dusts

away the irrelevant words addressed to him.

In the PurANic realm, Lord GaNeSa is the first-born of Lord Siva and

PArvatI. So he is also called SivasutA (Son of Siva). The origin of Lord

GaNeSa's face is presented in the BrahmaVaivarta PurANa, the MAtsya PurANa,

The Siva PurANa The VarAha PurANa and the Skanda PurANas through different


Each of these is interesting in itself, and one may even detect hidden

meanings in them. Their impressive diversity reveals to us that we can grasp

the nature of the Divine only in symbolic terms, and even that grasp can

only be partial. We are, one and all, like the six blind men who imagined

the elephant from the inklings of perception each could get.

We of the Hindu tradition may justly rejoice that there is such richness,

poetry and depth of vision in our religious framework.



V. V. Raman


Jai Shree Krishna

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Krishna and Jesus the christian God are one and the same person. Only God the Father and Jesus Christ the son should be worshipped because they alone are sinless.


But if you do not listen to christian arguments already someone above me quoted the bhagavadgita saying the same thing:worship only Krishna.


But instead of asking us, simply ask the Eternal God what he desires from you and you will have your own answer.


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There's a lovely poster in our temple store, it says in huge

letters "Bhagavad-Gita - The Greatest Dialogue Ever" and

depicts image of Krsna being the chariot driver for Arjune on

the battlefield of Kuruksetra war.


Bhagavad-Gita comes from Lord Krsna directly. Therefore, the

Eternal God (who in Christianity is called 'Jahve', the one who exists) has given mankind His exact desires.

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indeed thomas he has. he has many times. he has done that on mount sinai with the jews. he has done that with arjuna on the battle of kurukshetra. and he has done it most recently 2000 years ago while preaching as Jesus Christ.

all to different people in different times and places,

all of equal worth, however sometimes his desires are only for specific times or persons or cultures...

And I hope I can enlighten at least one person here to stop hating all other religions and instead realise its the same God


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  • 3 months later...

Of course you can and you should. Whole essence of Hindu/Vedic dharma is that God is all pervading. To highlight this point, Vishnu himself has taken 10 popular and many more Avataras one among them is Krishna!!! As Prahalada says, "God is EVERYWHERE, in the atom and in the universe". Do not limit the GOD to a name or a form. If you feel connected to Krishna/GOD in the form of Ganesha, please worship(surrender your ego) to him or her but respect the other forms worshipped by others. All the forms, names, pujas and rituals are meaningless if you don't FOLLOW the spirit of Dharma, "Nishkama Karma without ego/self"


It hurts to see some people are trying to infuse intolerance and narrow mindedness of monotheistic religions into ABSOLUTELY OPEN Hindu/Vedic/Sanathana dharma. And look at the state of the world today because of this intolerance!!!



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this is the universal truth acknowledged by all Vaishnvas except gaudiyas who say vishnu is the avatar of Krishna. SO you must provide evidence. Krishna is the avatara-rupa of Vishnu who happens to be the moola rupa. Even common sense is enough to understand this. Vishnu is described in the veda, is Krishna described in the veda?


Vishnu was worshipped even in satya yuga, was krishna worshipped by Prahlad or others in satya yuga? If you say krishna and vishnu are one, so vishnu worship is the same as krishna worship, one might extend the same logic to kurma and consider kurma to be the supreme personality rather than Krishna! Bottom line, Vishnu is supreme and so are His avatars like Krishna, Kurma etc.

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"SO you must provide evidence"


Okie....here it is:


BG 7.7


Sri Bhagavan uvaach:

O conqueror of wealth, THERE IS NO TRUTH SUPERIRO TO ME*. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.


* - Krishna (and not Vishnu)


BG 7.6


All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I (Krishna) am both the ORIGIN and the dissolution.


Brahma Samhita 5.1

īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ


anādir ādir govindaḥ



Kṛṣṇa who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.




"Vishnu is described in the veda, is Krishna described in the veda? "


Yes. Please read Krishna Upanishad and Gopala Tapani Upanishad for more details. If you dont have time and energy to do the same, please let me know...I will quote the verses for you.


"Vishnu was worshipped even in satya yuga, was krishna worshipped by Prahlad or others in satya yuga?"


Yes. Evidences:---


BG 4.1

The Personality of Godhead, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvān, and Vivasvān instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Ikṣvāku.


It is clear from the above verse that, Lord Krishna instructed the same science 120,400,000 years ago to Sun God. Now.. some evidences from Srimad Bhagvatam:


Narada Muni gave the following instructions to Prahlada Maharaj, when He was in the womb of his mother:


SB 7.7.55

etāvān eva loke 'smin

puḿsaḥ svārthaḥ paraḥ smṛtaḥ

ekānta-bhaktir govinde

yat sarvatra tad-īkṣaṇam


In this material world, to render service to the lotus feet of GOVINDA, the cause of all causes, and to see Him everywhere, is the only goal of life. This much alone is the ultimate goal of human life, as explained by all the revealed scriptures.


SB 7.5.30

śrī-prahrāda uvāca


matir na kṛṣṇe parataḥ svato vā

mitho 'bhipadyeta gṛha-vratānām

adānta-gobhir viśatāḿ tamisraḿ

punaḥ punaś carvita-carvaṇānām


Prahlāda Mahārāja replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Kṛṣṇa are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.



Prahlada Maharaj knew that Krsna is the cause of all causes. But Lord Krsna had not descended in his original transcendental form in Satya yuga, hence openly worshipping Krsna would have defeated all purpose of Krsna's descending in Dwapara Yuga. Is it that difficult to understand?


"Bottom line, Vishnu is supreme and so are His avatars like Krishna, Kurma etc. "


Please provide valid evidence from the scriptures. And if you cant, then kindly shut up.






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Since the last post was with jumbled fonts...pasting it again:


"SO you must provide evidence"


Okie....here it is:


BG 7.7


Sri Bhagavan uvaach:

O conqueror of wealth, THERE IS NO TRUTH SUPERIRO TO ME*. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.


* - Krishna (and not Vishnu)


BG 7.6


All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I (Krishna) am both the ORIGIN and the dissolution.


Brahma Samhita 5.1

ishvarah paramah krsnah


anadir adir govindah



Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.




"Vishnu is described in the veda, is Krishna described in the veda? "


Yes. Please read Krishna Upanishad and Gopala Tapani Upanishad for more details. If you dont have time and energy to do the same, please let me know...I will quote the verses for you.


"Vishnu was worshipped even in satya yuga, was krishna worshipped by Prahlad or others in satya yuga?"


Yes. Evidences:---


BG 4.1

The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.


It is clear from the above verse that, Lord Krishna instructed the same science 120,400,000 years ago to Sun God. Now.. some evidences from Srimad Bhagvatam:


Narada Muni gave the following instructions to Prahlada Maharaj, when He was in the womb of his mother:


SB 7.7.55

etavan eva loke smin

pumsah svarthah parah smrtah

ekanta-bhaktir govinde

yat sarvatra tad-isanam


In this material world, to render service to the lotus feet of GOVINDA, the cause of all causes, and to see Him everywhere, is the only goal of life. This much alone is the ultimate goal of human life, as explained by all the revealed scriptures.


SB 7.5.30

Sri-Prahalada uvaach


matir na krsne paratah svato va

mitho bhipadyeta graha-vratanam

adanta-gobhir viaatam tamisrama

punah punas carvita-carvananam


Prahlada Maharaj replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward Krishna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.



Prahlada Maharaj knew that Krsna is the cause of all causes. But Lord Krsna had not descended in his original transcendental form in Satya yuga, hence openly worshipping Krsna would have defeated all purpose of Krsna's descending in Dwapara Yuga. Is it that difficult to understand?


"Bottom line, Vishnu is supreme and so are His avatars like Krishna, Kurma etc. "


Please provide valid evidence from the scriptures. And if you cant, then kindly shut up.






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I asked for evidence, you're providing jokes. Anwyay...


BG 7.7


Sri Bhagavan uvaach:

O conqueror of wealth, THERE IS NO TRUTH SUPERIRO TO ME*. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.


* - Krishna (and not Vishnu)*****


It seems as if you have trouble understanding the verses. Krishna is superior to all truths because He is Vishnu, not because He's superior to, or different from, Vishnu. Nowhwere does Krishna say He's superior to Vishnu...because He is Vishnu Himself. This verse proves Krishna's supremacy (because He's Vishnu) and it doesn't prove that Vishnu is lower than Krishna. Try again!


BG 7.6


All created beings have their source in these two natures. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I (Krishna) am both the ORIGIN and the dissolution.****


Same as above. Krishna cannot be superior to Vishnu or vice versa, because they are the same person and no entity can be superior or inferior to himself.


Brahma Samhita 5.1

ishvarah paramah krsnah


anadir adir govindah



BS is not authentic. Sorry.


Yes. Please read Krishna Upanishad and Gopala Tapani Upanishad for more details.****


I asked for soemthing in Vedas such Rg, Sama etc. and not in smritis or puranas.


BG 4.1

The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.****


Same as point one. Krishna and Vishnu are one, so the question of who's superior does not arise. The fact remains, however, that people in Satya Yuga worshipped Krishna in the form of Vishnu (or in later stages as Narasimha avatara, Vamana) and not as the Krishna of Vrindavan, the Krishna who descended in Dwapara Yuga. Get that into your head.


Prahlada Maharaj knew that Krsna is the cause of all causes. But Lord Krsna had not descended in his original transcendental form in Satya yuga, hence openly worshipping Krsna would have defeated all purpose of Krsna's descending in Dwapara Yuga. Is it that difficult to understand?****


So people in the first three yugas were worshipping the inferior versions of Krishna such as varaha, narasimha etc. and only the kali-yuga guys are lucky enough to worship Krishna in his original form???? Amazing!


Please provide valid evidence from the scriptures. And if you cant, then kindly shut up.****


Control your anger. All scriptures, including Ramayana and Bharata, speak of avatars such as Ram, Krishna as incarnations of Vishnu. Whereas this tradition of worshipping Krishna as superior to Vishnu (blasphemy in any case) is recent and totally faulty because an entity cannot be superior to himself.

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Hare Krishna,




"Unintelligent men, who know Me not, think that I have assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is changeless and supreme."




"I am never manifest to the foolish and unintelligent. For them I am covered by My eternal creative potency [yoga-maya]; and so the deluded world knows Me not, who am unborn and infallible."




Please forgive me, but from your post it seems evident that you are trying to grasp the concept of God by your own limited intellect, asking for scriptural evidence so you can decide from there. This is not only impossible but also not the way to achieve actual knowledge of God, nor the way to achieve a loving relationship with Him. Quoting from scriptures will not lead to the truth, but mostly to quarrel, for the flowery language of the Vedas is very confusing, especially if one tries to understand them without the proper guidance of a bonafide guru.


The Srimad Bhagavatam is the gist of all the Vedas, the conclusion that confirms Krishna as being the Cause of all Causes. This doesn't mean Vishnu is lesser than Krishna (they are equal) but it does mean that Krishna was the One from which everything else has come into existence, The Cause of all causes. That is why we first say Krisna is the Supreme Bhagavan.


Since the incarnation of Krishna, Srila Vyasadeva, is the author and compiler of all the Vedas, puranas and the Mahabharata, we have no reason to doubt the conclusion of His Srimad Bhagavatam,which is that Krishna is the Supreme cause of all causes,The Origin of all. That Bhagavatam which He wrote because He was not satisfied, even after writing so much about the numerous aspects of the Supreme. So when did He get satisfied? After He wrote about Krishna. Why Krishna and not Vishnu? Because of the rasa's contained in Krishna's pastimes, of which the rasa with the gopi's is considered to be the topmost, the most intimate relationship one can have with God, Krishna. Only with Krishna is this rasa possible. Krishna as Vishnu does not have these pastimes.


So there is no need to demand quotes that mention Krishna in Rg,Sama,Yajur or Attharva Veda as if their age would give them more significance than the latter works because all are from the same author. This religion is no recent one, this is the one true sanatana dharma, the seed has always been there, and Krishna as Lord Caitanya came to water this seed recently.


We do not limit God to one form only, of course He is all- pervading and Has countless Forms and Expansions, but that doesn't mean we can worship whimsically whatever God, Deity or object nor can we equate them all. If that were so, one could worship stool as Supreme because the Lord is all-pervading. No. So we take the instructions from Brahma to Sri Krishna Caitanya to Sri Guru (who all say that Krishna is the Supreme) and from the heart to us; the humble listener and aspirant devotee.



"this is the universal truth acknowledged by all Vaishnvas except gaudiyas who say vishnu is the avatar of Krishna. SO you must provide evidence."


This isn't a popularity contest, so any democratic voting system as to decide who is truly the Supreme is invalid by definition. For example, the USA is the most powerful country in the world, whatever they say goes, but does that mean they are always right? No.

I could list instances of occurrences in the past where people were sent to the stake because their findings went against common belief even though they were true, but I think you get the point.



"Hinduism is tolerate of other religions, but other Hindus aren't allowed to worship their beloved deities. Why aren't other Hindus allowed to worship Lord Krishna and other? Also, do you advise for the whole Hindu pantheon to be abandoned and have all hindus worship Lord Krishna, exclusively? What should happen to all the non-Krishna temples? Should they all be torn down, why? Why not have variety? Do you think what you're asking is fair?Also in the Bhagavad Gita, what is prescibed for Hindus who worship "demigods"? Please answer all my questions."


Of course it is allowed. Why would we want to tear down non-Krishna temples? We don't demand this. Everybody is free to choose to their liking. Different people, different wants and needs. Actually, there are not many who take to the worship of Krishna:




manusyanam sahasresu

kascid yatati siddhaye

yatatam api siddhanam

kascin mam vetti tattvatah


Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.


We are not forcing anybody to stop worshipping the demigods, not everybody is ready or looking for the Ultimate Truth. Some simply want more wealth or fame. Some want to merge into the Brahmajyoti effulgence of the Lord, others want to promote to the higher planets. That is that wonderful thing called free will. To obtain these goals, worship of the demigods such as Ganesha is recommended. This is what Krishna Has to say in the Gita about worship of demigods:




kamais tais tair hrta-jnanah

prapadyante 'nya-devatah

tam tam niyamam asthaya

prakrtya niyatah svaya


Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.




yo yo yam yam tanum bhaktah

sraddhayarcitum icchati

tasya tasyacalam sraddham

tam eva vidadhamy aham


I am in everyone's heart as the Supersoul. As soon as one desires to worship the demigods, I make his faith steady so that he can devote himself to some particular deity.




sa taya sraddhaya yuktas

tasyaradhanam ihate

labhate ca tatah kaman

mayaiva vihitan hi tan


Endowed with such a faith, he seeks favors of a particular demigod and obtains his desires. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone.




antavat tu phalam tesam

tad bhavaty alpa-medhasam

devan deva-yajo yanti

mad-bhakta yanti mam api


Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet.


So it is clear that worship of demigods is done for different purposes than worship of Krishna. Worship of Krishna does not constitute economical or temporal benefits and this is simply what most people are looking for in this world, whether in India, Europe or Africa. Why? Maya.


So why do we not worship the demigods? Because we seek to water the root of the tree, not the leaves or it's flowers. We do not seek to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of the material world. We simply wish to please Krishna and His devotees. This is not very appealing to most people as progression on this paths usually goes hand in hand with loss of material assets. But please do take note that this doesn't mean we disrespect or look down upon the demigods (not even by calling them "demigods") or any expansion or form of Krishna. Being singleminded is actually very beneficial when it comes to Krishna for as we please Krishna, the root cause of all causes, we please all else.


Hope this helped you clear any misconceptions, and please forgive any errors on my behalf,




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I am really amazed at your hipocrisy. At one end you are rejecting Upanishads, Smritis and Puranas, relying completely on Vedas. On the other hand, your own words:


". All scriptures (which ones??), including Ramayana and Bharata, speak of avatars such as Ram, Krishna as incarnations of Vishnu."


I never knew Ramayan and Bharata are the Vedas !!! Thanks for this new discovery.

So you reject Upanishads and Puranas and Smritis, but accept Ramayan and bharat !

Just see, how one can twist his own values to satisfy his false ego.


It is a fact that Vishnu is a planary expansion of Krishna. Krishna is the original personality of Godhead. And I have already supplied evidences for the same. Krishna posseses 64 qualities in full whereas Vishnu possesses 58/64 qualities. If you wish, I can list them here for you. We should follow the Vedic scriptures and not our own whimsical mind. Till now you have not quoted a single verse supporting your argument.


In between, Krishna himself in Gita says that he is the Rg, Sama and Yajur Veda himself. It is really pathetic how you are misinterpreting Gita by putting Krishna's tattva Vishnu in between. These kinds of misinterpretations have led people divert from the truth.



btw, you rely on Vedas before knowing what they contain...

Here we go:


RichaH saamaani chandaa.msi puraaNa.m yajuShaa saha |

uchchhiShTaaj jaj~nire sarve divi devaa divishritaaH || AV 11.7.24 ||


The Rig, Saama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas appeared from the Supreme Lord along with the PuraaNas and all the demigods residing in the heavenly planets (atharva veda 11.7.24).


Just see. Mr. Guest accepts Vedas but rejects Puranas. however Vedas establish the authenticity of Puranas. And you even reject the Upanishads !! Upanishads are nothing but the final portion of Vedas. nyways...


last but not the least... Please provide logical evidence to support your point. dont waste other's time in fake discussions.



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Vishnu and all this avatars, including Krishna, are one. How then can Vishnu be inferior to His avatars or vice versa? It is impossible. So to say that KRishna is superior to Vishnu is ridiculous because Krishna and Vishnu are one and the same. An entity cannot be superior to himself. Can you say, "I am taller than me?" Likewise, Krishna is not superior to Vishnu because He is Vishnu. Understand the basics first and then you can quote bogus verses from questionable sources.

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