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Jesus is the Only way!

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Jesus is not the only way.


This just shows the ignorance in those who believe this. I don't follow Jesus and never will, as God gave me Hinduism from birth. I am only going to follow Hinduism. Am I going to hell as I don't follow a religion given to me by God?

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Hinduism is Vedicism.


The Bhagavad-gita is the main scriptures of Hinduism.


Thus Lord Krishna is the only way, even for Jesus.


KC is Hinduism and vice versa.


Unfortunately most Hindus have forgotten this thus this is age is called Kali Yuga.

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Jesus is not the only way.


One can only go back to godhead by thinking of Krishna at the time of death, not Jesus.


Read the Bhagavad-gita, you fools.


"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear." Lord Krishna (Bg. 18.66)


"Whoever, at the end of life, quits his body remembering me alone at once attains my nature without a doubt." Lord Krishna (Bg. 8.5)


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Lord Caitanya came to deliver us, not anyone else. If Jesus was the only way, then did Lord Caitanya bother appearing 500 years ago? Why did Srila Prabhupada bother creating ISKCON?

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Hare Krishna.


In one of his lectures, Srila Prabhupada said why follow the son (Jesus) when you can follow the father (Krishna).


He also said if you know the father then you know the son, but if you know the son then you cannnot know the father.


In the IKSCON temples there is no cross or murti of Jesus, why? Srila Prabhuapda intended this way. This alone proves we should only focus on Krishna and not on anyone else.


I guess as Kali Yuga progresses, many will deviate from the instructions of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna (BG). As stated in the Vedic scriptures, those who deviate from the scriptures go straight to hell.



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"Lord Caitanya came to deliver us, not anyone else. If Jesus was the only way, then did Lord Caitanya bother appearing 500 years ago? Why did Srila Prabhupada bother creating ISKCON? "


srila prabhupada and the other acharyas have very often praised jesus christ and said that he's a pure spiritual master manifestation of sri krsna bhagavan


so it is offensive to find faults in jesus... if he has said "i am the only way" we have to interprete it in a non sectarian way:


in the circumstances that jesus and the disciples were living, jesus was really the only way to practice an effective way back to godhead


there's many examples, even in prabhupada's preaching, when the spiritual master shows an apparent sectarism or exclusivism for the preaching, to keep the disciples together and so on


that's the sense of jesus words, he's the only way because the pure vaishnava uttama adhikari is the only way to reach god

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You so called devotees of Srila Prabhupada are going astray. Please come to your senses. You are becoming like the deceiving Christian preachers who say the same thing 'Jesus is the only way'.



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"You so called devotees of Srila Prabhupada are going astray. Please come to your senses. You are becoming like the deceiving Christian preachers who say the same thing 'Jesus is the only way'."


i am very grateful that you are saying to me that i am wrong.. but you have to explain it with logic and scriptures, i cannot believe to you blindly


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You're blindly believing and asking me to justify my statements. Your statement 'jesus is the only way' is in complete blindness.


Why did Srila Prabhupada start ISKCON? If Jesus was the only way then the Bible is all that is needed. Why did SP write over 70 books?


You're simply living in darkness, your initiation should be annuled.

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Jesus is shaktiavesha avatara. Therefore the bible is also shastra.


1) The bible says jesus is 'the way' - not the only way.


And Krishna Conscious followers are following the way of Jesus. Jesus asked us to develop love for God. Hare Krishna's are sincerely trying to develop love for God - therefore they are following Jesus perfectly.


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant.

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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Dear devotee, please do not think that i am opposing just for opposition sake. My only intention is to bring out alternative viewpoints.



Jesus is shaktiavesha avatara. Therefore the bible is also shastra.




None of our acharyas accept bible as a shastra, rather just what was relevant at that point of time; jesus is considered a Guru and thus an empowered representative of God. In fact most devotees believe that Bible has been manipulated during the time of Emperor Constantine. In gaudiyas only the texts coming from the Lord i.e. Vedic texts (thus apaurushaya), and gaudiya acharyas are considered shastra, even those of other vaishnava sampradayas (e.g. books by Srila Madhvacharya) are not considered as an authority. In fact so many things in Bible are directly opposed to Vedic siddhanta that there is no possibility of reconciling the two. Even in puraanas only the sattvic puraanas are considered an authority on philosophy; ultimately only those conclusions which are in line with Bhagavad-Gita/Srimad-Bhagavatam are considered as correct. Srila BhaktiSiddhanta Saraswati says:



Q: -- Do not the Pandits of the Kashi School accept the Shrimad Bhagavatam?


A: -- They look upon the Bhagavatam as only one particular book among others, a particular Purana among other Puranas. They do not adopt it solely. We think there is no need for any other book than the Bhagavatam. Only those other books are acceptable that say something in its favour; the deliberations that go against it, are not worth being called spiritual.




Q: -- Your Holiness seems to have taken a biased view in saying that the good moral precepts of Christ come nowhere near "the morality" of amorous love of the devotees of Krishna".


A: -- Certainly not. We claim to be greater and better Christians than Westerners. Our judgment is not restricted only to secular morality. The morality of the object of spiritual love transcends the supra-natural morality, which again surpasses secular morality. If Christian morality is perfected thereby, then it may be said to receive proper nourishment. To a pure soul that remains situated on that transcendentally moral plane of love, the secular moralities appear reduced to the smallness of pygmies. But there is not found any feeling of apathy, nor attachment towards these secular moralities. On the other hand all moralities wait like maids behind the spiritual moralities to become glorified, being permitted to serve the Lord of transcendental Love. The character of a culturist of spiritual love is never devoid of morality. One hostile to morality or fallen from it can never be a spiritual man. In the blaze of the teaching of Shri Chaitanya Deva's ideal, it has been propagated that dissoluteness is not devotion. Its palpable evidence is found when we reflect on the character of Shri Chaitanya Deva or the followers at His heel. The people of the realm of the secular morality concerned with the worldly enjoyments and their renunciation will not be able to grasp in their tiniest brains how fostered by the climax of morality and how adored in the highest degree by all the morality of the universe are the Amorous Sports of Krishna so much glorified by the noble clan of such high personages of strictly continent character as the devotees of Shri Chaitanya Deva like Shri Rupa, Shri Sanatana, Shri Raghunatha Dasa, Shri Raghun tha [sic] Bhatta, Shri Gopal Bhatta, etc.




Though Jesus Christ is given respect as a Spiritual Master, neither did he preach anything about shuddha-bhakti nor does bible contain anything related to it and so is of little relevance to vaishnavism.
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Hare Krishna.


The bible is not sastra. Sastra is what has existed since the beginning, the vedic scriptures. The bible is less than 2000 years old. Man has existed for 2 billion years in the current cycle.


So please don't say 'Jesus is the only way'. He is not the only way.


Srila Prabhupada actually said why follow the son (Jesus) when you can follow the father (krishna)?




The ignorant devotee who started this dicussion needs to read the Vedic scriptures and listen to SP.

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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Dear devotee, i think you misunderstood what Govindaramji is trying to say. He is only saying that when (if he said that at all is itself contentious and another issue) Jesus says that he is the only way then in the context of Krishna Consciousness it should be understood to mean that he is saying Guru is the only way to God, and Guru is One (being an empowered representative of Lord) who appears in different bodies. However, if we consider from the rasa point of view then there is a difference between them otherwise no difference being on the Absolute platform.

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Govindaramji needs to be very carefull with words.


When one says 'jesus is the only way' That gives fuel to the deceiving christians who are converting the gullables who are ignorant, using this same statement. These deceiving Christians have no knowledge on the Vedic philosophy.


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Even if Jesus is the only way, Hare Krishna's have nothing to worry about. What instruction of Jesus are Vaishnavas such as Srila Prabhupada not following perfectly? The teachings of Jesus are perfectly followed by all Vaishnavas. As Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur said 'in fact, Vaishnavas are better Christians (i.e. followers of Jesus Christ) then the Westerners.'


Hare Krishna,

Your Servant.

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