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SIGH, for the 1002th time, i do not criticise chanting hare krishna mantra. you criticise my way, i do not criticise yours.

i didnt mean to say vaishnava are cheaters.

since vaishnava is also a christian God, its just the name that differs and i could consider myself vaishnava.

religion means connection to God, yes, and there are different connections.


Okay. I KNOW krishna talks in ways you dont think of as godly and i KNOW he doesnt speak like those gurus.

For one thing, in His perfect state, his intonation and melodic voice tells more than about his qualities than the words which he speaks, but because hes already master of Yoga, he doesnt need all the things your busy with and he can speak with the same purity about womanising as about the heavens.


in every airplane it should be known its not the only one. God id love it when the 1000yr reign starts. no more quarrelling.


What i wanna unite? Gods followers.

i didnt start a quarrel. i asked questions, i did not criticise your way and i encourage singing all day long.




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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam



who decides who is qualified?




We ourselves with our sincere reflection. Do we understand the two philosophies completely before trying to harmonize them? Have we seen the results of the practise of both to be able to judge them. Otherwise our premature judgements will be necessarily wrong. You asked us to be openminded to be able to accept that Vedas are wrong, but we can see the teachings of Jesus as being given in Vedas; you will see this as a super-arrogant statement but again i will only say that such a judgement is premature. The essence of both is the same.



whats opulence?




Vedanta-sutra defines the Supreme Brahaman (ParaBrahman Krishna) to be the One from whom everything/everyone emanates. Then He is also called param-ishvara i.e. the Supreme Controller. He possesses six opulences in full (i.e. infinite) viz. strength (i.e. He possesses all the energies), fame (no one in material world or spiritual world has more fame), wealth (He is the possessor of everything), knowledge (Absolute knowledge of everything), beauty and renunciation (He is Supremely Independent and everything and everyone else is completely dependent on Him). Srila Prabhupada explains:


Krsna means God. So God, this word, does not explain the nomenclature of God. Now this Krsna is Sanskrit word, and it conveys the full meaning of God. Krsna means all-attractive. All-attractive means He is full of all opulences. In this world we are attracted by one who is very rich, we are attracted by one who is very famous, we are attracted by one who is very highly educated, we are attracted by someone who is very beautiful. Similarly, these are features of attraction. And when all these attractions are reposed in one place without any rivalry, He is God. That is the conception of God. So Krsna means all these six opulences in fullness together. That is the full definition of God.




You said:


jesus is son of God. if i reject anything, its the gurus of this age before jesus.




On what do you base your judgement on; you reject without having any knowledge of those persons. Quite simply either one is a Guru or not; of course there are many false "gurus" (i.e. they are not Gurus at all) but that is not any reason to reject everyone before Jesus. If you believe in Jesus as the one and only Spiritual Master for the eternity then all i will say that this belief is ill-founded.
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"I KNOW krishna talks in ways you dont think of as godly and i KNOW he doesnt speak like those gurus."


boy.. that's offensive and blasphemous against krsna conscious philosophy and our beloved spiritual masters that we consider trasparent mediums of krsna's will and expansions of krsna's mercy


spiritual master is our real father so please avoid to make such statements or abandon this forum

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Dear Vishnu

Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


Okay i realize there are many books and will take a long time to read. However, i missed one important one which will give a true insight into vaishnavism so that we can find the common platform to understand and glorify the Lord. It is Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, a very nice summary biography and since Lord Chaitanya is the centre of gravity of the KC movement you will be able to understand its underpinnigs and direction; if you have read Sri Ishopanishad and Gita then this will be a very good one for a sort of "crash course":). But as i said you will need to read it for finding nectar (just read for the pleasure of it) and not finding errors which could be offensive to the Lord and the whole point will be lost. You can get offline version here:


(as i said you will need fonts here: http://www.hare-krishna.org/v-fonts.zip)

or an online version here:


or if you prefer hardcopy then at www.krishna.com or amazon

This is a medium sized book, something like 300-pages.

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