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spiritual experiances

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i am 32 years old and i have always had a distaste for western religions. being raised by a buddhist mother i for some reason rejected some of the tenants of buddhas teachings but i always was fasinated by yogis and hindu art and photos and statues of the various gods. in my experimentation with psylcociben mushrooms i had powerful visions of sages and some of the vedic gods and a few conversations with Rudhra after that i found my nitch in hare krishna vishnava philosophy.




just for note i was told to stop the dope in the vision. but the vision i think really gave me a vision into what i need to be doing in life; renouncing all to krishna.


i would like to know if anyone has had experiances like this.


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such experiences are maya... lord shiva is not so cheap that it is enough to take some drug to see him..


lord shiva is a complete transcendental person, if you want to see him you have to be in complete transcendence, not under the effect of some material substance

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Don't discourage this person! He is stopping the mushrooms and wants to renounce to Krishna. To that I say Hare Krishna!

I think that even if it took a drug induced vision to make you see Krishna, and want to stop drugs, AND renounce to him, thats ok. So many millions of people do not awaken their natural love for Krisna in their hearts in this lifetime, so when someone does, don't discourage please.


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if he starts to study krsna consciousness he will read from masters and scriptures the same things that i am saying, so why discouragement?


drugs is maya, if we are interested in krsna consciousness it is for krsna's mercy only..

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it was life changing for me. so i dissagree with you on that one. maya is also not understanding when somethig special happens. its not like it was so super transental experiance, but then soma was material too. but i am sure you knowitalls will dissagree.

the whole experiance was very simple nothing profound. but life changing as in this is what you need to study and learn about not some huge mystical vision.


so it definatly was not maya. is was a glint of reality in my maya induced state.


so with lord rudhra saying to me study KC and stop doing mushrooms, that is maya?


i think he desided to show me i was stuck in maya and how to get some reality.


so maybe i should not study KC as lord rudhra said because it was drug induced maya. mushrooms are not drugs by the way. they are natural. but there is some vedic rule against eating mushrooms.


i am not saying eat mushrooms to see god, jerk! i was saying in my mental state of being i was in maya and lord rudhra desided to tell me get with the real picture and study krishna and not get high and waste your time and mind by getting goofy on mushrooms.


perhaps it was divine intervention or part of the plan?


no that is impossible gods dont do things like that.


cause this knowitall devotee says so. the gods are a little more powerful then you give them credit, oh i forgot devotees are more powerful then gods. but wait rudhra is one of the highest devotees of krishna.

so he has the power to give a hippy a reality check and stay get your act together and worship krishna and stop the drugs are you call them. even though they are not drugs since they are natural.


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i agree with these guys it was maya but i think it was intervention. drugs are wrong moraly ethicaly and spiritually.

i was wrong and stupid but rudhra told me what was up, stop this . and get it together.

thank you guys for the positve encaragement! i have been clean over 10 years too. i study KC only, nothing other, no hinduism, no newage junk eather. i even converted my agnostic wife by pure vedic logic and vedic sciences. that is amazing to me as i am the lowest devotee ever, i mean the lowest devotee period. i am in the mode of passion constantly and i know it and freely admit it.

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i am very happy that you are now seriously interested in krsna consciousness, but we accept as truth only visions and dreams experienced by pure devotees of the lord who have their mind completely controlled by krsna and not by maya..


by your words ("mushrooms are not drugs by the way. they are natural.") i see that you have a little appreciation.. stop it and stop to recall experiences induced by material substance as spiritual..


spiritual is chanting hare krsna mahamantra

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blahblahblahblah even more spiritual than visions or drugs is when a genuine religious loving family takes inside their home a person depraved of love, food, water, shelter, clothing and feed him the richest banquet, give him the finest drinks, the most luxerieus hospitality their hearts can give the person and nice clothing fit fot himher-all done as if done for God and credited to God.

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your quite a great guy. the internet makes people very bold. i read your insane posts often and i really feel for you. pity is the word of the day.


i pray you will find truth and find you way out of maya. you halfway there but your ingnorent nature really shows today. gotta love you man.


so back at ya blahblahblahblah. just kidding!


boy i feel good now i made a devotee feel great. i insulted him. i am a really wonderfull devotee. i feel so impowered today i can make fun of someone.

this is frankly why i am very bothered by american devotees when i go to temple i have to show up just in time for services and say unha unha and yep yep to all the americans that bother me contiuously during prasadam with their trivial material QnA and all the where ya from, are you new here, what religion were you raised in, wanna give me a ride, i dont have a car cause i was on drugs and booze and lost my job and licence can you pick me up, what you do for a living; nonsense. or even better the ones that are mentally handicaped (from drugs and booze)and can not even speak with studdering and sounding like a schitzo that have totaly burned up brains. they need this more then anyone so i am happy they are there but it is still totally unnerving.

i come to worship and discuss krishna; not chit chat.

i am not there to make buddies and all that i came for assocation and talk about krishna only.


and yes i got the you need to be nicer speech from some devotees and i tell them you should try to deal with PTSD from being in the army and having to deal with all the rotton stuff you did cause you were just following orders. so ya i am a pretty cynical and hard. i wonder how many people here ever were in combat or did wet work? none of you i hope and pray.

that really makes it hard to have assocation when your constantly bothered by people with nice intentions and all there jesus is krishna talk and what ever else that has nothing to do with serving the lord. vishnu your babble is just so impeading to your spritual life. please get a clue and leave the kaliki and mixed religion talk to a newage board go to belifenet boards or something. keep it krishna only here. your annoying and i am not going to respone to your blahblahblahblah any more. smartguy!

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and you know this how? judgemental arent we?


you said "stop it and stop to recall experiences induced by material substance as spiritual.."


your recieving info direct from god now?


just so you know it was near death experiance, the poison from the mushrooms almost killed me i had toxic reactions from them so it was a real spirtiual experiance, and mushroom induced toxic reaction. i almost died and was told in the vision i could die and do i really want the be one the same cycle of death and rebirth. i was playing with fire and i almost got burned. i had fever tremors and puking and headaches after that. tellme do you knwo what toxic shock is? you can die from it. i was sick for 3 days from that garbage even though it was natural. it may have been poisonus mushrooms, secondly if you know how i ingested the mushrooms you would understand my situation i drank it with out knowing how potent it was and drank too much. very very very stupid i almost killed my self.

rudhra most likely saved my life with his advice and krishna may have made sure i did not die. i did a horrible thing to my self and i suffered for it and by gods grace i am here to tell the devotees. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

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Hare Krishna and dandavats



i read your insane posts often and i really feel for you. pity is the word of the day.




Oh why you say this, many of us have been much much worse at some point. Our friend has a problem of being a little naive sometimes, but really his sincerity is exceptional -- okay i am not a distant mind-reader but all i can tell from his posts.
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"your quite a great guy. the internet makes people very bold. "

thanks for stating. the boldness, and my humour, got me banned from over 8 christian forums.

"i read your insane posts often and i really feel for you. pity is the word of the day. "

thanks for the compassion

"i pray you will find truth and find you way out of maya. you halfway there but your ingnorent nature really shows today. gotta love you man. "

thanks for prayers and love. love you more /images/graemlins/smile.gif

and your right, i am deep in maya, but it has a reason. i assure you, as a child i was with God like knotted fingers.

anyone wants to hear more just ask-but only if you accept that witchcraft exists.


"so back at ya blahblahblahblah. just kidding!"



"boy i feel good now i made a devotee feel great. i insulted him."

when you say you love me in the same sentence, i really dont see it as an insult so do not worry. i know where I am with God. I know I am reincarnated and it was meant that i go way deeper in maya than most from childhood onward.


"i am a really wonderfull devotee. i feel so impowered today i can make fun of someone."

i used to do that as a child all the time.

i knew peoples hearts then.


"this is frankly why i am very bothered by american devotees when i go to temple i have to show up just in time for services and say unha unha and yep yep to all the americans that bother me contiuously during prasadam with their trivial material QnA and all the where ya from, are you new here, what religion were you raised in, wanna give me a ride, i dont have a car cause i was on drugs and booze and lost my job and licence can you pick me up, what you do for a living; nonsense. or even better the ones that are mentally handicaped (from drugs and booze)and can not even speak with studdering and sounding like a schitzo that have totaly burned up brains. they need this more then anyone so i am happy they are there but it is still totally unnerving.

i come to worship and discuss krishna; not chit chat.

i am not there to make buddies and all that i came for assocation and talk about krishna only."

Well then I hope I havent bothered you too much with such questions.

im not american by the way.

"and yes i got the you need to be nicer speech from some devotees "

but you will not get it from me

"and i tell them you should try to deal with PTSD from being in the army and having to deal with all the rotton stuff you did cause you were just following orders. so ya i am a pretty cynical and hard.


we're like soulmates pal!

" i wonder how many people here ever were in combat or did wet work? none of you i hope and pray.


i have a different combat, but i know your point! and i repeat that being like you in some ways has got me banned from 8 christian forums, with all their idle words, when their hearts are not with God

"that really makes it hard to have assocation when your constantly bothered by people with nice intentions and all there jesus is krishna talk"

you dont have to believe my belief.

though it would be good.

"and what ever else that has nothing to do with serving the lord. vishnu your babble is just so impeading to your spritual life.




please get a clue and leave the kaliki and mixed religion talk to a newage board

"hell no, the energy there feels so draining. by the way i got banned from lightworker.com


go to belifenet boards or something. keep it krishna only here. your annoying and i am not going to respone to your blahblahblahblah any more. smartguy!


im looking forward to meeting you in heaven as well!


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"just so you know it was near death experiance, the poison from the mushrooms almost killed me i had toxic reactions from them so it was a real spirtiual experiance, and mushroom induced toxic reaction. "

--near death experiences are not spiritual experiences. If we are conditionated even when our body dies we remain in matter, so being you under illusion, there's no evidence that you really saw lord shiva


so please chant hare krsna


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so if my near death experiance was not a ligit spiritual experiance and i did not talk to shiva/rudhra.

then what i imagined was not real eather, i imagined that he told me some simple things nothing grand or super enlighting just some clues to what was going on (study KC, be a bit nicer to people and open your eyes to karma enought to not think i can just be semi nice and i will havea wonderful after life, he also said the cycle of death and rebirth applys and you need to renounce it all to god and you got it all wrong and its in the hidu scriptures and i will find it when i see it and you will feel sercure in your spiriual finding enought to learnd about what your goal in life really is, when you read it you will feel like every thing else is just plain wrong, well when i read swaim prabuhpadas works i like it all and found no fault, now i dislike reading other socalled spiritual books, i only have a taste for KC litrature), or maybe i read a hare krishna book asa teen and forgot about it and i had a flash back to that. so does that make it any less spiritual?


typically according to a few of you i am in delutional thinking and it a mental concoction.


ok i desided your right i was go back to being a agnostic cause i never talked to shiva/rudhra and i was just having some vivid halucination and i was just sick in the head.



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a pandit that i told all about my experiance and he said it was pretty much ligit and keep studing KC and he said all the books the swami prabhupada wrote were excellent and he said your org is great.

he said if since i did not have a massave vision from this substance; it is real.


if it the things i heard in the vision were not according to scriptures then it was all delutions and a mental fabracation aka a mental lie.

shiva said just study and gave me clues.

so from what i said take it as divine intevention/karma. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


i do not want to go into details cause it was so simple and i already stated it before i will not repeat my self.


but shiva did not tell me anything different the what swami has said. so was it ligit according to the pandit that i told every thing too, i will go with his qualified yes.

also the gentalmen that runs my local temple said "your karma lead you in this direction so i would not think about it too much but what happend is a positive thing you should never forget what he said and keep studing like i was instructed. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


so i will say your guys are incorrect about it being not a true experiance, what if i was a devotee in my last life (i was) then i am a devotee now and that vision was to put me back on track.

so you guys are just guessing or being know it alls.


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now i dislike reading other socalled spiritual books

--it is fanaticism


maybe i read a hare krishna book asa teen and forgot about it and i had a flash back to that. so does that make it any less spiritual?

--The result is spiritual, the vision is material.. if you practice seriously krsna consciousness you will learn that to have spiritual visions is not cheap and near death experiences or mushrooms are not spiritual.


ok i desided your right i was go back to being a agnostic cause i never talked to shiva/rudhra and i was just having some vivid halucination and i was just sick in the head.

--why? you have decided to be krsna conscious .. so go on practising and learning. I knew krsna consciousness in a sunday when with my friends we did not what to do, if go to the pub or to the disco.. then we decided to go to the sunday feast.

As for yourself the situation was material, the decision was a krsna's grace


what if i was a devotee in my last life (i was) then i am a devotee now and that vision was to put me back on track.

--so be a devotee and be humble learning what is a spiritual vision and what is not... do not be attached


chant hare krsna and be happy

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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam


(sorry kristji could not resist /images/graemlins/smile.gif)


You sure have an argument for everything and are really compelled to present it without even remotely trying to know the other person. You have to win this argument in any way. Let me play your game.


now i dislike reading other socalled spiritual books

--it is fanaticism




Really? You know what fanaticism is; did you care to first know what "other socalled" spiritual books he is talking about. His statement is perfect; either a book is coming from the spiritual platform or it is not. The "socalled" spiritual books means those that are not spiritual at all. Okay so at least you don't be fanatic and go read books by the mayavadi gurus with great faith ...



maybe i read a hare krishna book asa teen and forgot about it and i had a flash back to that. so does that make it any less spiritual?

--The result is spiritual, the vision is material.. if you practice seriously krsna consciousness you will learn that to have spiritual visions is not cheap and near death experiences or mushrooms are not spiritual.




No anything directly connected with God is spiritual (in a higher sense everything is spiritual because coming from the Supreme Spirit; our misuse and not seeing in relation to God is material). So if he had a vision directly about God where Lord Shiva is talking about Spiritual life, it is spiritual.



what if i was a devotee in my last life (i was) then i am a devotee now and that vision was to put me back on track.

--so be a devotee and be humble learning what is a spiritual vision and what is not... do not be attached




I guess most devotees will see who needs to be more humble; again do i need to present quotes from Srila Prabhupada and Srimad-Bhagavatam as regards what means by spiritual and what not.
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The "socalled" spiritual books means those that are not spiritual at all.

--you are missing the point.. This boy taking drugs and almost dieing had an experience that he wants to sell to us as transcendental. One of the demonstrations he has brought is that after that "experience" he dislikes all books if not by hare krsna.


So if he had a vision directly about God where Lord Shiva is talking about Spiritual life, it is spiritual.

--if you are not a pure devotee and you do not have a pure mind you do not know what's a vison, what's directly, who's god, who's shiva, what's spiritual life and so on.. remember that in a prayer we say that "we are blinded by ignorance..".

We are all neophites facing basic moral problems, not pure devotees who have visions of the spiritual world


I guess most devotees will see who needs to be more humble

--if they see that i am a big rascal they see very well... but that's a technical discussion, we consider true spiritual experiences only the dreams and visions of pure devotees of the lord.. not the ones induced by drugs in a near death experience.. actually there's also doubts about near death experiences and i have to believe in someone who say that he has seen shiva?



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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam



So if he had a vision directly about God where Lord Shiva is talking about Spiritual life, it is spiritual.

--if you are not a pure devotee and you do not have a pure mind you do not know what's a vison, what's directly, who's god, who's shiva, what's spiritual life and so on.. remember that in a prayer we say that "we are blinded by ignorance..".

We are all neophites facing basic moral problems, not pure devotees who have visions of the spiritual world




I seriously doubt if you believe what you write or just doing this for the sake of it. You mean to say that neophytes worshipping Krishna or chanting Mahamantra etc. is not spiritual but a mundane activity. Or you mean that dreams of Krishna are mundane if for neophyte/intermediate devotee. First you said that the result of this event in taking up KC was spiritual, then you say that only pure devotees can be connected to spiritual realm at all. Care to explain how was the result spiritual when you say that spiritual can only be for pure devotees.



I guess most devotees will see who needs to be more humble

--if they see that i am a big rascal they see very well...




You brought the humble thing up.



actually there's also doubts about near death experiences and i have to believe in someone who say that he has seen shiva?




That is a different question. But if he has seen Lord Shiva (whether hallucination or for real) who has asked him to take to KC then it is spiritual for it is directly connected to God (remember whatever is connected to Me is real and other things are unreal ?? remember Krishna Name, etc. are spiritual etc.). Taking Krishna's Name or thinking of Krishna while awake or asleep is a spiritual activity, not mundane -- okay.


But what is your point. Why are you interested in increasing the pages of this pointless discussion? (other than saying to Kristji that you are in delusions and need to learn many things)

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You mean to say that neophytes worshipping Krishna or chanting Mahamantra etc. is not spiritual but a mundane activity.



Or you mean that dreams of Krishna are mundane if for neophyte/intermediate devotee.

--simply they are not dreams of krsa.. if i remember the picture of krsna of bhagavad gita and tonight i go to bed and i dream that krsna in such shape and form says something to me i cannot say that such dream was a spiritual vision.. is it difficult?


First you said that the result of this event in taking up KC was spiritual

--i got in contact with krsna consciousness one sunday when with some friends and girls decided that we were bored of the same disco and pub and we decided to go making some laugh to that funny hare krsnas at the sunday feast. Is to be bored of some disco and pub, and going to offend devotees a spiritual event?.. it is spiritual the fact that krsna has given to me the possibility to start the practice and associate with vaishnavas. The same thing can be said of taking drugs and dreaming of sri shiva


then you say that only pure devotees can be connected to spiritual realm at all

--of course.. we can be connected only indirectly. We cannot see krsna, but we can see someone who sees krsna.. the guru


Why are you interested in increasing the pages of this pointless discussion?

--1)ask it to yourself.. we are both discussing. Stop answering and discussion stops

2)i do not like to see drugs propagandized as mediums of spiritual visions



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a gang of zelots beating me to the ground. /images/graemlins/confused.gif this is amazing.

i really dont care about if it was real or not. i am happy with KC. i can really see your no better then the xians fundys. all this bashing is really good for me no one has helped me at all, a few perhaps but mostly i get filth. you are really all knowing bunch aren't you. good luck you guys, well i am happy that pandits and devotees that i can talk face to face with are supportive and thing my experiance was a truly wonderful thing. over the years i have found that assocation at hare krishna centers is the worst thing for spiritual advancement casue it attracts freaks and burned out dopers, ya i did shrooms once and smoke pot for 6-8 months over 10 years ago, but i am going to stick with my personal studies of our acharya swami prabhpada and the our other acharyas and go to a traditional vishnava temple that follows the teaching of lord chataynia. i will stick with the all indian temples and avoid the ones with westerners and corupted indians.

the only temple i feel comfortable in are all indian temples. i have mentioned topics here that people have told me at the hare krishna temples and was told it was wrong and horse puckey. your guys don't know what the other hand is doing.


i am sick of the hare krishna orgs and there fanatical zelots. boy am i sick of americans. i am sick of kaliyuga. this is what i deserve i can not wait to move back the the deep deep northern wilderness where there is no tv or internet. some nice place in alaska. back to nature and peace and quiet. where i can chant with out distractions and do my private worship of krishna in peace and quiet.


good luck i quit this forum.

i will check back to see what nasty things are said to me and about me..

i understand the worst thing one can do is insult a devotee. well i forgive you. please for give me. also i am sincerly do appolgize as i am a very passionate person about my faith stuck in the gunas one day i will rise past this arrogence and i hope you all will too. when you become sick of the bull of material life.


hare krishna


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well i forgive you. please for give me.

--there's no one to forgive... simply you have to understand that vaishnavism is philosophic. Everyone s happy of your decision to practice krsna consciousness, but ther's no doctrinal or philosophic way to interprete your experience as spiritual.. and there's the need to say it because no one has to think that drug experiences or nde experiences are spiritual


so go in any gaudya vaishnava temple or association you like and simply chant hare krsna... that's enough. When you'll be more advanced your being against western devotees and your feeling a victim because my opinion about your experience will disappear..


you have come in a forum... and a forum is meant to discuss

if you do not like to discuss.. do not come in a forum

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