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Jesus Suffered for the Sins of Man?

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Hare Krishna.


With all due respects to Jesus as a Guru. The Christians think that Jesus suffered for the sins of Man. This is simply foolishness and ignorance.


There are millions of humans who suffered more than Jesus, did they also suffer for the sins of man? Why don't the Christians follow them?


Srila prabhupada stated that it's foolish to believe that one man suffers for the sins of another.


Every man is accountable for his own sins, and only he will suffer for his sins.


The law of karma is straight forward. For every action you take, you will face a reaction. You cannot transfer your reactions to others.


Please come out of ignorance now.


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Sorry but your post doesn't make sense to me. You say many men have suffered like Jesus? You cannot equate normal men with that of Uttama-adhikari devotee like Jesus was. This is against scripture, a person may be very nice or suffered but he can NEVER be on same level as devotee of Krishna.


I am not pointing the finger at anybody but people seem to think God or His devotee is of a particular country, Jesus is white body or Prabhupada is Indian body, this is not the right. Guru is soul surrendered cent percent unto Lord Sri Krishna.


I heard one Christian say to me Christ {Krishna name} is an English sound vibration after I said many people in India pronounce it as Krista. I was unaware anybody could be practicing Christianity with this thought, no wonder they say we shouldn't chant. They have no conception of the HOLY NAME! I am done for now...!


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jesus was great because he bore the karma of the people at the time, there are many stories of great gurus becoming sick because they took on the karma of their disciples, it is the mark of a truly great man, even srila prabhupada said that one has to be careful about taking disciples because when one does he takes on their karma too...this is what it menas to suffer for the sins of man...i'm sure srila prabhupada fits this category too...

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YES,why can't we treat him another form of krishna?

We should see jesus as another form of krishna as of GITA he decends to this earth planet whenever there is a need ..irrespective of caste ,creed or religion...or place ..as HE is always there in one or another form.people see jesus as GOD have atleast faith in some form of god ..and believe me just compare the teachings of lord KRISSHNA and of JESUS ...love for all..love for mankind .its all same

Infact the root cause is not the teachings of jesus or KRISHNA IT IS WE WHO MOULD THE WORDS TO OUR CONVENANCE

KRISHNA gave us the path to live but we moulded it as per our own requirements.we should respect all the religions and faith and yet try to spread the message of LORD KRISHNA which is very simple and straight...and try to spread love ..all the time



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apparently friend you are not aware of yogic techniques that enable higher level conscious individuals to transfer negative karma onto themselves from their disciples. as a person like Christ whose consciousness surpasses words to describe his ability to die for the sins of humanity is quite plausible and possible for it has been done. through him we are able to live in the spontaneity of the moment after repentance and surrender onto the Lord.

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Just because one suffers, you cannot assume he suffered for the sins of man.


There are millions who suffered more than Jesus, why don't you say they also suffered for the sins of man?


One person cannot take the karma of another, it's that simple.


For every action you take, you will face a reaction, that's the law of karma. You cannot change the law for Jesus or anyone.




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Hare Krishna.


Every living being is subjected to the law of karma, even Lord Bramha and Lord Shiva.


As Lord Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita:


From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to my abode, O son of Kunté, never takes birth again." Lord Krishna (Bg. 8.16)


Thus the suffering of Jesus is no different then to that of anyone else.


Even Lord Krishna himself obeys the law of karma. Why was he shoot in the foot by an arrow which ended his appearance?


In a previous incarnation, he shoot the same person with an arrow and told him that he would be able to shoot him (Lord Krishna) in a future incarnation.


Thus one person cannot take on the karma of another, you must face your own reactions. You cannot transfer the reactions from your actions to someone else. No you cannot.


In physics, if you kick one ball, that ball will react by moving. Not any other ball. It's the same with karma.


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You are all crazy, why do't you just carry on taking drugs day a nd night.

Karishna was never a god, how can he?

how many wives he had?

he was a disco dancer.

he was a lover of women.

how can you talk about spiritual things when you don't even know the earthly?

carry on dreaming.

when you die you might turn into a rat.

Leave Jesus and the subject alone. you will never understand the love God.

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Hare krishna.


My friend drugs are banned in the hare krishna movement.


Disco is a western invention not Vedic.


If anyone can have 16,108 then he must be God, no ordinary man can have 16,108 wives. You should understand that Lord Krishna didn't ask for 16,108 wives. The 16,108 women asked Lord Krishna to marry them. Also it wasnt' one male body with 16,108 female bodies. It was 16,108 male bodies with 16,108 female bodies. Lord Krishna expanded himself into 16,108 bodies.


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Hare Krishna


Simply because he isn't; even he says so many times in Bible apart from our Spiritual Masters who have confirmed it many a times. Equating a jiva to Krishna is an offense; however we do think of him like a Spiritual Master and in that capacity an empowered representative of God.

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Jesus is Krishna! Th 9th incarnation. i dont know of any other guru stories taking on karma of others, but you are the ignorant fool if you let this one way trip out of samsara pass!

did you know the bible states that jesus was the word, in whom all was made? hey, so does krishna.

and did you know jesus came back on a horse? hey krioshans 10th incarnation kalki just happens to come back on a horse!


you dont understand the true law. ou are so obsessed with letter of law that you cannot see love, which the law is based on, love can carry other peoples sins!


and ehm, for the one stating the comment about women. im very sorry youre too much into lust to keep yourself clean, but there are some people or god that do not have lust, but love, and thus they can easily do such a thing without being a perverted sicko.


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Hare Krishna.


Will all due respects to Jesus as a Guru.


One must read the Srimad Bhagavtam to learn of the incarnations of Lord Krishna. Jesus isn't one of them, so please don't concoct your own beliefs.


Accept the SB and not your concoctions.


It is a great sin to go against the scriptures.


By the way, the Bible was written by man not God. It's man concoctions. Even Jesus would diapprove of the bible. He said 'thy shall not kill' but the bible says 'animals are food'. This alone proves that the bible is mans concoctions.


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Hare Krishna



did you know the bible states that jesus was the word, in whom all was made? hey, so does krishna.




Before trying to reach fantastic conclusions please give your understanding of the statement of Bible that "word was God" and the "Word" came in flesh. What is the nature of Word? and how is Word God? After that we can talk of your other conclusions.
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jesus is a myth and christian religion is manmade. bible religions are manmade religions. one book existed about this jesus called a bible and there are many bibles and most of them are worthless translations. heck the jews are not even the same religion as the bible they believe in the talmud. they are not hebrews eather. the hebrews are long gone and 98% of the jesus myth has been disproven as myth and collected stories that changed so much that the original person that the jesus was is totally differnt. they invented a religion around it. if jesus existed he was vishnava and a not a beliver in the jewish fables.

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Please stop bashing other religions, if you don't like or belief them, ok your choice but at least respect it as your hurting other people by your comments, which is not devotee behaviour. Whether the bible was man made or not, this has nothing to do with Jesus, who was real and bonafide. True Krishna devotees are always respectful of other people's beliefs. One said, even recently the Bible was revised, well I have some news for you, recently the iskcon Gita has been revised as well. Does that prove our religion is manmade? No, it only says something about the people involved in it. Go figure.



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