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It's a destructive cult that should have never been considered a religion. They base their "truths" on no real facts what so ever. The "religion" was made up by Hubbard in the 60's(I think) just as a means of making MONEY, it is a horrible cult. My mom's cousin got involved with them and his father was never able to find him again. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


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When I was living in L.A. we lived a few blocks from their housing center. I always made a point of smiling to them and telling them "Hare Krsna" and tried to be very nice to them, I was always met with indifference or rudeness and they walked right past me, not even acknowledging my existence. I remember they wore these one-piece uniform like jumpers with a key around their neck. There were different colors so I'm assuming that it signifies different ranks. I didn't get far in my attempt to investigate their beliefs so eventually I just gave up on it but would still tell them "Hare Krsna" when I saw them. A few years later I was staying in Austin, TX and saw that they had a center there in the same strip-mall as the coffee house I was working and for kicks I had my "bio-energy" or something like that "read". It was stupid, but free and when I asked them the results of my "reading" they tried to sell me a book about it instead. To this day I still have no idea what they found out.

I do know that the largest "cult awareness" organization in the world is owned by the Scientologists. That's very curious.


Hare Krsna.

-Gopalapriya das

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a scientologist told me that their programs are the only ones in the world that offer the technology to attain enlightenment and free oneself from the bondage of death and rebirth, i told him that it was nothing more than commonplace psychology mixed with "borrowed" buddhist and hindu doctrine which have been warped and repackaged for the modern and ignorant westerner, i never heard back from him...but i must say that i took their personality test and it was very accurate

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i know exactly what my iQ is i sat the big 4 hour test in school then the university here made me sit another one because my score was so high.

So one day (this is back when I was a karmi) my best mate and I decided to go and have these free IQ tests done - I went sober he wetn drunk as a skunk - and he scored higher than me - then i went back the next week drunk off my head - got another "tester" person who didnt recognise me - and they told me my IQ was really high - yet i KNOW i got a lower score!

I think they jujst make up the scores to flatter your ego - the more illusioned you appear to them to be - the more they flatter! :o

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l ron hubbard was a navy operative that invented a method of brain washing field agents so they could not remember their operations. he then took this method that worked occasionally and started a cult to make money. they are basically brainwashed. the goverment funded his research and its a hollywood money cult and they destroy familys constantly. they only get the most simple minded and greedy types. such as tom cruse, kristy allie , john travota, lisa presley and a host of other simpletons, they are a highly demonic group and sue people and belive in this very strange alien worshiping religion. look up ex-scientoligists and their experiances, they get sued casue they are forced to sing legal papers to silence them about the groups methods such as starvation and seclution and forceing people to do strage meaning less tasks and getting paid pennys a day and sex abuse and the like.

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my first iq test in the 3rd grade said 169, at 19 i took another and they said i was unscoreablely high and i was a savant genius over 200 iq. they even seid i was considered normal in my mental health level, also that most people are not normal in thier psychological profiles. i asked if people that put down they belive in god and ghost are paranoid scitzophrenics, she said yes. i naturally put athiest. cause i knew that is a dead giveaway. but then what i call god is not what they call god. their defintion of god is paranoid and scitzo. LOL


what horse .. those psychologics have their own wacko religion. they are wacked out from the start.

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