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why was krishna blue

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Mate who ever you are, but I bet you haven't even read 5 pages of 'Geeta' yet you portray yourself as well known with all the facts about Krishna let alone all the four religions you wanna nail. You have full right to not following any religion (may be thats good for you). You definitely have the courage to publish your opinion on Krishna/ Hinduism in public, but did you have the courage to study the entire "Geeta" to form that opinion?? How can you come up with an opinion about all those 4 religions when you don't even know the abcd of them....I feel sorry for you my ignorant friend.


Ask the people who have read "Geeta", regardless of race, color and religion they all have been enchanted by it...ask the anglo-saxons on the street of sydney who everyday sing n dance enchanting Krishna's name. Why do you think Millions of people all over this world follow Krishna....not every one of them was forced to follow it....they only follow it because they belive in it and there is no one in this world at this time who forces them to believe in it.


Just before i moved to Australia I had no humble respect for pakistanis and you know why because I was ignorant, I had all these views about them yet I knew nothing about them. I once had an opportunity to make friends with a pakistani, and in the end he became my best friend.


In the end I have one suggestion for you "Ignorance is NOT always a bless in disguise"




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from all the replies i have read one thing is clear,that even in case of an incarnation people give umportance to the colour of the skin.however from what i have heard in devotional songs krishna was "saavala" i.e neither very fair(caucasian) nor black(negroid).this is because he was born in india,where most of the people are of brown skin.even "rama" is described as being "neel varna" i.e of brown skin.however it should be noted that god can manifest himself/herself in any colour."godess kali is black skined,godess laxmi is fair.

the only thing one should concentrate on is to how to become one with the"parmatama"

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The Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna is Blue because of He being the embodiment of all knowledge. This is explained in Brahma Samhita. He is Blue because of intensity of knowledge. Hope this will remove all doubts.

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It is natural that human beings are inquisitive. Most of the answers are in the sciptures. E.g. in Brahma Samhita, it is mentioned that Krsna is Blue because of intensity of knowledge.

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In the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Arjuna's lamentation for his kinsmen is certainly unbecoming, and therefore Krsna expressed His surprise with the word kutas, "wherefrom." Such unmanly sentiments were never expected from a person belonging to the civilized class of men known as Aryans. The word Aryan is applicable to persons who know the value of life and have a civilization based on spiritual realization.

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in the norse religion the sages painted them selves blue or wode from smearing (mushrooms?) juices (soma?) on their bodies to imitate the divine and to obtain spiriual extacy.


the blue skin of krishna is claimed to mean divinity but he is blue litterly and physically, there is not much more to it beyond that. there is not a metaphysical reason for his blue skin. the indians are genetically caucasion and asiatic races mixed to varying degrees with some being totally caucasion or the opposite, the brown in their skin is to do with climate(melenin) not race. indo-european is a race classification of people but they come in many hues from brown/black skinned to pink/white, people in yemin are dark skinned and people from scandinavia pink/white.

the people of the time of lord rama were most likely physically taller(6-8 feet tall) and bigger boned (mesomorphic type ) then peoples of today but they were most likely pure caucasions and looked much like the nordic/germanics in physical features and possibly many shades of skin color or perhaps just white.


before anyone argues please do some research on race, genetics and dna, and understand dna profiling before spouting innaccurate blind illogic. my conclusions may be slightly inaccurate but anyone that knows slightly about it will understand what i mean. lastly i am not claiming to know this is totally true but the odds are pretty good that i am correct.

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Hare Krishna


Was Lord Krishnas skin colour different because he was not actually composed of ordinary physical matter the way the rest our universe is, but of spiritual energy (intense, blissful eternal knowledge) ?


Please correct me if I am wrong, as I am still learning, but Lord Krishna was not ordinary flesh and blood was he ? His body did not age beyond being a young man although he lived for 125 years?


Ordinary matter has its physical limits - would a body made of ordinary matter be able to lift a hill for instance?


Forgive me for any offence due to ignorance.


My regards to all devotees.








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Hare Krishna and dandavat pranam



Was Lord Krishnas skin colour different because he was not actually composed of ordinary physical matter the way the rest our universe is, but of spiritual energy (intense, blissful eternal knowledge) ?




This is right, the Lord always descends in His original transcendental form. The original color in his Shyamasundara form is told to be transcendental bluish-black (like a dark cloud). The color in His Narayana form is more bluish.


The thing to remember is that in vaishnava theology, the material world is considered to be a perverted reflection of the spiritual world. So the reflection of the transcendental color of the Lord is (approximately) like the ordinary bluish-black or blue. When the Lord appears in this world the pure devotees see His original form with their transcendental eye while others see only a shadow/reflection of His original form.


This is my understanding, so please forgive me (and correct) if there are any errors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We would definitely question even if Krsna would be of any color. Isn't it ? If he is white.we would ask, " Oh ! Krsna is just like any white man.What characterises Him as God ?"

or, if He was orange or red or whatever we would definitely question.So there is no end for these unnecessary discussions. Ofcourse everyone are curious to know about Krsna bcoz He is such a personality. However to make our life best successful, I feel we should patiently, submisively read Srila Prabhupad's books and start following regulated principles. All truth will be revealed to us. Urgent arrogance leads to time waste.This is my opinion.

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U have u'r right to follow any religion but u dont have the right to dump any religion . U'r saying that our religion was manmade ( indirectly) by men macho and rude men . But we r not hurting anyone like u'r so called rude men . I agree now some morons in the name of hinduism iltreat women & dalits . But for u'r kind information it is wanted by the scriptures , moreover women were praised like gods , they were given the first rights , why do u think we call gods as lakshminarayana ,sitarama, gangadhar & so on ? Lakshmi ,sita,ganga are all female powers . There is a saying that "when narayanan comes lakshmi only he is recpected " why is it like that ? Coz we respect women . So ot is noe u who is blind & rude . Moreover our religion was examined & was proven correct & non-myth to be in u'r language . So think before u say something , pray to krishna he is u'r guide . So sorry if i have hurted u ,sorry . Hare krishna hre rama

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