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I have a same-sex partner - now what?

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i have my Godbrother who is gay and into a relationship with a non-devotee guy. I also have a Godsister who is transexual and just married another devotee girl.


Maybe you could get in touch with this people and they will help you and inspire you, ok just tell me and i'll ask them to write you.

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yes, dear, be yourself...tell everybody you are gay and Krishna conscious...if all the gays in the world were visible with the bisexuals, sure it should be "normal" in a basis of fifty-fifty with the men dedicated to women...Prabupada himself didn't discriminate gays in the movement, at the birth of Lord Chaitanya many homosexuals disguised as "women" hijras or transvestites in modern world chanted and danced around his birth bed to give HIM a nice welcome...do not be afraid with the other comments above, they are "straights" like everyboy and it's not because they are vegetarians, eat prasad and chant their rounds they are free from their homophobic thinkings...they are not yet in Govindaloka, remember...


if they insist I can just add here an endless list of "gays" in the Hare Krishna movement from the beginning and many others still nowadays that helped as a 50per cent male force to spread Krishna consciousness...there's a full gay vayshnava spreading in the movement, just give a glimpse at




you are never alone,even in Krishna consciousness, because gay or straight male, a cow or a fish, all we are parts of Krishna, so made by Krishna's will...and more, if they are straight now, they have been surely homosexuals their lives before! Chant Hare Krishna, have sex with your friend in a monogamous basis and leave Krishna decide the rest!

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why should I hide my real material nature??? I'm not a criminal??? why only straight-oriented vaishnavas in the HK movement can show they are so "unhappy" to be in maya when attracted to women in the streets??? how many times I could see those "gay" oriented viashnava lecturers speaking to an audience in a basis"of "me a poor straight attracted by women and not by Krishna"??????

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are illicit by nature...


...therefore should not be encouraged...


...this is not being negative, this is just following Krsna's instructions...


...the point is that living with same sex you are attracted to is just going to increase the feelings...the thing to do is accept that you have this attraction for men, but try and make your situation so that there is the least possible agitation for this feeling...in other words make sure you associate with those who are not gay - so the attraction will not be encouraged...also, just pray to Krsna that this feeling goes away...there is nothing negative about this response...it is better than encouraging a relationship that can only take the focus away from Krsna...




just like one should not be proud of having sex outside marriage, one should not be proud of being homosexual.


If you guys have this gay and lesbian network as a constructive way to try and help each other escape the sexual attraction, then fine...


if not, then one should chant, hope the feeling will go away and refrain from acting on your sexual feelings...

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... when hetero vaishnavas are in maya they are allowed to tell around their unhappiness and being counselled and therefore sometimes being allowed to take a woman as spouse, make sex in Krishna mood( well, let's see it in practice)...the same thing should and must be allowed to gay vaishnavas, show around their unhappiness to being in maya occasionally because attracted to men, being counselled and sometimes, in last case and out of ashrams being allowed to live with a best friend also in Krishna mood...so,it's much better to have those two souls in Krishna conciousness than seeing them parading as karmis on the "gay prides" and having huge fun in famous night-clubs...you, dear hetero vaishnava souls should also be a few more open-minded and compassionate...I think sometimes you think vedic laws are only meant for you, but do not forget your previous gay lives as human or even animals...by logical one could think that material straight mentality and sex orientation is higher than the gay one...isn't this you believe?

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  • 2 weeks later...



illicit sex is a problem for all. whether gay or straight. its all the same. The solution - just desire to advance in KC, act on it and all these will fall off like rotten apples. so start sincere chanting ( beg the mahamantra for engagement in KC ) & engage in service as u ignore your sexual urges. Conscious out-of-site-out-of-mind approach. nip the desire in the bud as it starts by qucikly finding something else to do. dont dwell on it or worry if it doesnt go away as fast as u may want it to go. everything takes time but when u engage in service, u can be surprised at the speed at which things can change. look up & have faith in chanting - that it will pull u out !

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  • 3 months later...

he did not understand homosexual behavior he was in shock when confronted with a questions about it and confused when it was said in english to him so a hindi speaker explained it to him. he said a few things compleatly (nicely) against it. but in hindi culture it is the lowest thing a peson can be; below untouchables and dog eaters. in vedic religion homosexuality is the worst offence against god.


just don't have sex with him be celibate and leave him if he will not except krishna and the regualtive pricipals.


fight the urge give up the gay life style. you know its wrong and yes you were born with a gay genes but you dont have to be actively homosexual.

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  • 2 months later...
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I beg to differ with just one point of yours. While im not yet fully clued up with the Laws of KC I am fully aware of one thing: HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONS CAN BE BASED ON LOVE IN THE SAME WAY THAT HETROSEXUAL RELATIONS ARE. while I say this without any contempt for the author, but clearly he is a hetrosexual who does not understand homosexuals. So then if "being gay" can also be based on love an intimacy does that change anything?

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"Don't confuse frienship with gay tendencies. In friendship there is no sexual desire but in gay tendencies there is illicit sex tendencies."


Yes, that's exactly the point that needs to be made here.

If you are gay it means you have sexual attraction towards the same sex, otherwise if you just like/love somebody of the same sex without having sexual inclinations towards him/her, it is simply called friendship. So when you say "hey, I'm a gay vaisnava", you are actually saying " Hey, I'm an illicit sex vaisnava". This is foolishness. When you say you are a vaisnava, you are saying you have declared war on maya, so how can you then be a gay vaisnava? There is no such a thing. As soon as you make the decision to move on this path, you have made the decision to stop and fight those illicit activities and tendencies. Of course the tendencies won't go away in one day, but that doesn't mean that they should go hand in hand. That way there won't be any progress for you at all. It would be like pressing the brake and gas pedals at the same time.So first ask yourself why it is that you feel the need to tell the world that you are gay? I don't feel the need to tell the world that I'm hetero. It makes no sense, first you provoke and then you get angry over the responses you're getting.Please, just do your spiritual duties and keep any sexual desires you may be having to yourself or your private surroundings. Gay relations, like illicit sex practice, should never be promoted by the Krishna consciousness movement under some guise of new progressive Krishna'ism. Because then it would be just like today's bogus Christians, who want a "progressive" new pope that promotes the use of condoms (and thus illicit sex) and says yes to abortion etc.. These people are actually fools who fail to understand that the standpoint of the late pope John Paul II was actually the proper spiritual viewpoint. So if gay people want to practice Krishna consciousness, fine and excellent decision, but they should not make any demands, loud statements or create seperate movements using Krishna's name, as that is all bogus spiritual practice, promoting self-delusion. They should really bring in an effort to fight their sexual motives. This is not a negative or fanatical view, as some will have it, but rather the undeniable truth of the situation. I'm not saying I'm a swami.I don't need to be one to be able to see this fact clearly, similarly I can see that my very own illicit sexual activity is sinful and destructive to my spiritual progress. It will never go harmoniously together as some would have it in their "it's all good,no problem" state of mind. No sexual activity is spiritually helpful or good, unless one engages in such an activity for want of propagating Krishna conscious offspring. That is not discrimination, that is fact.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Whoever wrote this post obviously doesn't understand the first thing about being gay, or gay relationships, for that matter. Love is love, and it's always the most important thing. Krsna loves everyone, including gays. It has nothing to do with sex. Many gay relationships eventually end up as platonic, just as heterosexual ones do. It is just a matter of time, maturity and spiritual advancement.

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"Many gay relationships eventually end up as platonic"


Well, that means that they cease to be gay and evolved the relationship into a spiritual friendship, so there is then no more question of being gay.

However, as long as one keeps shouting in an woeful fashion that he is gay, which literally means he has sexual attraction towards one of the same gender, it can only be illicit, because it refers to sexual acitivity, contrary to heterosexual acitivity which is not illicit when executed in KC. If you don't believe you can look up the word gay in the dictionary.

It has nothing to do with understanding the gay person, or hatred towards gay people. I don't hate gay people. Actually, it seems here that many gay people themselves hold a somewhat discriminative view towards heterosexual people, claiming they can't understand how a gay person feels or about their relationships(which are supposedly so different), and when someone who understands the true nature of homosexuality comes up and states the truth they are instantly being chastised as rude un-vaisnava-like fundamentalists. If you say you are gay, you are involved in illicit sexual activities, period. Sorry for speaking the truth. If you stop having sex and move it into a platonic relationship, you simply have a dear friendship, risen above the sexual platform which is needed for spiritual progress. That's the point. So don't state you are gay. You can hold dear a friend without having sexual inclinations towards them, but in the end we simply need to cease identifying ourselves with our bodily condition.

So please, just stop these useless proclamations and focus on Krishna. No heterosexual man is posting here "I have an opposite-sex partner, now what?"

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A fellow wrote here, "A good psychologist can help you to fix those weak desires so you can approach the right woman for you." Hello? Have you been in a cave somewhere? The American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from the DSM-IV years ago. It is no longer considered a disorder. It is just another flavor or type of sexual preference.


The real issue is the practice of sexuality. The only legitimate Vedic use is reproduction. The means both GAY or STRAIGHT sexual relations are illegitimate if not done for procreation.

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"The means both GAY or STRAIGHT sexual relations are illegitimate if not done for procreation."


Right, and to add on this; How are you going to get procreation from a homosexual sexual relation? Exactly, you're not, and thus it is a demoniac exhibition because it is not according to the design of the body and not prescribed by Krishna. This sexual activity is therefore always based on lust.

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Without judging good or bad/wright or wrong, may I say there are two types gays:

1. Gays who might be able to enjoy

2. The other set of gays who might be sort-off fundamentalists for homosexuals, fighter for their group as though their freedom is limited.


The types which is on the rise will be the second type. Wait for them to get a good excuse, like the famous insult to Draupadi. And the sort-off gay-liberation front might be all over the place. Perhaps they already have enough excuses, not yet so famous.


Let's channelize the energy for something more useful.

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I am sorry that you feel you will be rejected if you return to the temple. That is very sad. That completely contradicts KRISHNA. Whoever it is that is rejecting you for your lifestyle choice is deeply entrenched in maya. Rejection and Krishna are complete polar opposites.

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