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Obstacles to chant

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Hare Krishna

I have come to the conclusion that sometimes the karma of a person is so bad that it even prevents the person to chant the maha-mantra or to advance spiritually. That is my personal case. Although i want to chant the maha-mantra and sometimes i can do it, most of the time i just dont't have enough mental peace to chant it, because of my personal (familiar) situation.

I've had a very bad relationship with my parents my whole life, specially with my father. And now i'm forced to live with them due to economic reasons. But in this situation i can't avoid to feel a very deep anger at every moment. Although i want to advance spiritually and want to chant the maha-mantra i just can't most of the time. I feel that if i chant being angry the chant isn't effective, in fact i feel that is offensive in some way to chant in that state of mind, i feel that i must not chant in that situation.

I suppose in cases like mine one just have to suffer until the bad reactions of previous lifes are consumed, and the spiritual development is in some way checked because one really have to suffer the reactions. To be more graphic, people who are in hell can't chant the maha-mantra or perform devotional service, because the reactions are so strong, so terrible that they don't have a minimum of mental peace required. Very often i feel like if i were in hell in this aspect. I haven't been a bad person in this life, but i only can explain my personal situation recognizing that i must have done very bad things in previous lifes.

I suppose my only option is to chant when i can and try to survive, because i have to suffer. I hope the reactions ends some day, in some life.

What can you tell me?

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Hare Krsna Prabhuji


Please Accept my humble obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Prabhuji please do not feel that you have bad karma and thats y u can not chance. It is very easy for us to blame Karma. Even if you are in an angry mood,please chant, because chanting is the only remedy. While chanting please pray to Krsna and Lord Chaitanya to allow you to chant. Sri Sri Gaur Nitai are patit pavana... most merciful, please pray to them with a sincere heart.


Your useless servant.

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Dear Prabhu,


I have the same problem as you, i'm angry because of my past, a lot of things happened, the worsth thing was that my own mother threatend me to shoot me dead, and she also scared my kids that something could happen to them.

Enough of that, i like to be happy, so PLEASE CHANT, sometimes i can not do it with enough feeling, but i continue, i keep chanting, if not sixteen rounds than less than that.

Better chant a few rounds than nothing, chant for KRSNA and be happy, don't live in the past but in the future.

Everey town and village is what Lord Chaitanya said, so let it be, help the world and our beloved Lord by Chanting the Maha Mantra !!


Tulsi from Holland

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BhagaG you have a genuine concern. I had faced some similar problems while chanting intially. I could never chant without thinking about something else. So my mind used to wander all over. Also there are times when one is feeling morose or angry or annoyed with some situation in life.


Last week I happened to be at one religious discourse of one of Srila Prabhupada's disciples. The topic was how to remember Krishna at all times. Srila Prabhupada said that 'remember Krishna at all times and never forget Krishna'. While deliberating on the subject matter the maharaj said that sometimes bad times in life were the best to make one krishna conscious. How true that statement is. You feel angry sometimes because of daily problems in life, but then also remember that this is allowing you to get closer to Krishna. Maybe it is some past karmic reaction that is affecting you, but it is also beneficial in some way. How many people would go to Krishna if they lived lifes peacefully and in mundane happiness. Devaki (if I am not mistaken) prayed to Krishna that there should always be problems for her so that she could be close to Krishna. Though we cannot hope for the same being only normal people, we can make the best of the situation we are in. Having said so, I would also like to commend you that you are still devoted to Krishna in adverse situations. Many just believe in going the wrong way.


On the same day, one of my friends had a question regarding how one should chant, meaning, how to concentrate only on holy name without being disturbed by ones thoughts or emotions at the time of chanting. So the maharaj told us that one should say the maha-mantra and listen to it at the same time. So, if one is chanting, he/she should listen to the chanting. Thereby one is listening as well saying the holy name with twice the benefits. Also this helps to quell other thoughts from your mind allowing you to concentrate on Krishna. Having personally tried the method suggested, I found chanting much more satisfying.


I only narrate here my experiences which might help you in your Krishna consiousness, for I am only one more like you trying to be His devotee. So forgive anything said wrongly.



Hare Krishna

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It is recommended that even if one commits offenses, one should continue chanting the holy name. In other words, the chanting of the holy name makes one offenseless. In the book Nama-kaumudi it is recommended that if one is an offender at the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, he should submit to that Vaisnava and be excused; similarly, if one is an offender in chanting the holy name, he should submit to the holy name and thus be freed from his offenses...


One should be very humble and meek to offer one's desires and chant prayers composed in glorification of the holy name, such as ayi mukta-kulair upasyamanam and nivrtta-tarsair upagiyamanad [sB 10.1.4]. One should chant such prayers to become free from offenses at the lotus feet of the holy name.


- Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.5.23-24





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  • 3 months later...
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Respected prabhuji.

All glories to sri guru and sri gauranga.

Here are some practical tips to help in chanting peacefully wthout feeling hurt pain and resentment:

1. Get up early and fresh (in the brahma muhurat), take a cold water bath and start chanting earnestly.

2. Sit in front of the dieties/ Photographs of Krsna and/ or guru.

3. Follow the three P's : - posture, prayer and pronounciation.

4. Maintain a diary to monitor all three p's.

5. Pray, pray and pray.....thats the cure.

6. set goals for urself. Get immersed in the process.

7. Don't give ur mind the time to think of the hurt and pain. any time u feel indignation, pick up ur beads and chant......

8.Practice, practice and practice. Don't forget the diary ..monitor urself.

9. Reward urself if u want to for good chanting. Be honest with urself.Though devotional life itself is the reward.

10.Never forget that these are small testing times, u have to pass these, then only u will be prepared for the final test.....death

11.We can only endeavour, without our endeavour, we won't get Krsna's mercy and without His mercy, we are nowhere.

12. 99% of our spiritual life depends on chanting..


don't give up. Remember Krsna is with u. Don't let maya win. Go back to Krsna.. all the best


I am unqualified to say all these things, these are what i have heard from my senior vaishnavas and godbrothers and sisters. We have no hope without the mercy of vaishnavas.

Plz pray for me.


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yeah, advice good, but:


CANNOT do the cold bath thing - did it a few days and came out with a cold - couldn't chant while my nose was running like crazy!! Better to have a bath that is not too cold...(in my view)...


But definitely waking up early is the best thing.


Also, I noticed that the four regs are harder to keep to when one stops chanting even for 1-2 days...so always keep to a schedule and don't deviate...

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1)this fact of the cold bath is a concocted bad speculation

3)posture is not important, some one chants seated, someone walking, some one on the floor, some one on the sofa... everyone has his posture

4) why? one has simply to concentrate

5)chanting hare krishna is superior to any prayer

12)1000% of our life depends from chanting!! what is the 1% that does not depend by krsna?


these are what i have heard from my senior vaishnavas and godbrothers and sisters.

--everything has to be backed up by acharya's instructions

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hey, about the maha mantra, should one decrease listening kirtans of the maha mantra if it makes the repetitive, non-musical chanting seem more, please forgive me for saying this, boring?

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we feel it boring because we are materialists


but we are not forced to listen continously the kirtan... the important thing is that me and you chant a fixed number of japa rounds everyday as adviced by the spiritual master


other things are marginal

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ok, yeah a fixed number,


but is this wise even if we are causing offence everytime we chant, because although we try to concentrate, our mind just keeps wandering?

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HareKrishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Yes..you are right by saying we commit an offense when we chant and our minds wandering. But as a devotee who said, it is better to commit an offense by chanting than by not chanting since we all commit offenses just by existing in the material plane. So its ok to commit an offense by chanting than by not chanting. Iam sure by Krishna's mercy we will cleanse ourselves and chant much better. But not chanting is not the solution. Haribol!



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  • 10 months later...
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Hare Krishna prabhu,





Your topic has been very usefull and inspiring to me.

I also chant very disturbed and make so many offences while chanting.

I once heard: Chanting with attention, is chanting with love for Krishna.

There are three levels of chanting:

1.)Chanting with offences

2.)Chanting with minimized offences

3.)Chanting offencelessly

I'm very neophyte and remain on the first fase, so therefor the reactions that were placed on your input, were very nice for me too!

I also got a few tips from devotees around:

Try do the japa early in the morning before sunrise, read a sloka (Sri Namamrta has a lot of nice sloka's on the holy name) before chanting so when your mind distracts it goes out to the holy name, listen Srila Prabhupada japa during chanting, put in one earplug so you can hear what your saying a little better, drink what you say during chanting...,

Always fill your mouth with the holy name as it is the remedy for everything!




Yfs in practice, Jeroen


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