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Hare Krsna Prabhus and Matajis,

Thank you for this forum,humble obeisances to the vaisnavas,from my lowly posistion.

I write this paragraph today with hope for the future.For i have realized that i am a follower of the follower of the Brahma Madhva Guadiya Bhaktivedanta Sampradahya.And when i can honestly follow a Guru from the Brahma Madhva Guadiya Bhaktivedanta Sampradahya i will take initiation. I dont need to be worried if they are for ritviks or diksa,or from the GuadiyaMatha.Or from Iskcon or from Prabhupada or GBC. As long as they are followers and exponants for this age we have entered into which is known as the Brahma Madhva Guadiya Bhaktivedanta Samprahdaya age.Then i am Their faithfull servant and will follow cent per cent with great inspiration.When their instructions differ from the Acaryas from THIS Sampradhaya then i will not follow,untill they have come back to the standard.


HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE a mostly illiterate mudha for sure,bhakta christopher

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I would advise you to read "Siksa outside ISKCON?" by Sivaram Swami. There he explain why we should be initiated inside Srila Prabhupada's gotra.

Caytania's message for sure is followed in every math but there are differencies in rituals.

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  • 4 years later...


I would advise you to read "Siksa outside ISKCON?" by Sivaram Swami. There he explain why we should be initiated inside Srila Prabhupada's gotra.

Caytania's message for sure is followed in every math but there are differencies in rituals.


then that would not be the "Brahma Madhva Guadiya Bhaktivedanta Sampradahya" it would be the Brahma Madhva Guadiya Sivaram Sampradahya

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