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Kundalini Problems!

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I just read that if the Kundalini awakens the wrong way, or in a body with impurities health problems result. So i'm here to look for help.


Once when i was doing spiritual practices a little intensely my heartbeat went very fast, and i started feeling hypertensive and completely restless. Accompanying this was a skin problem that refused to go.


Later i found a way to keep the skin problem in control, but now there's a swelling on the right side of my face. If there's anyone in here who has some special insight into the matter please help me, for its at a point where i cannot do any spiritual practices without wrecking my system and bringing on new diseases.

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  • 4 months later...

chant the gayatri mantra and this is what i did. the kundalini goes up slowley and only as fast as you can handle. the impurities go away as much as you can handle. i was instructed to chant this mantra 24/7 365 days a year till i become realized. i came a long way and feel very fantastic. here is a link to the video of the mantra.

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From an Arunachala Satsang with Ramana Baba (Muz Murray) in Tiruvannamalai, India


Kundalini is the intelligence of the universe manifesting as Prana in the physical organism. Which, upon reaching the brain centre, releases the Cosmic Intelligence, enabling one to be enlightened, or—to be unburdened of all the residual hang-ups which exist in the subconscious. It cleans out everything. And by such a process one can eliminate all the stuff that one would normally have to go through therapy to eliminate. But as it doesn’t happen to everybody, there has to be step-by-step therapy ‘en route’ as it were.


So when you are having Kundalini effect when things are just happening, that is stuff clearing out?


Yes, that is—if it is occurring naturally. It is the kundalini moving through the different chakras. It then surges from the chakras through the nadi system at each particular level. But if you are just doing it technically, by using intense yoga practice to force the kundalini to rise, say for example, by going to a weekend workshop to raise your Kundalini, without being spiritually involved, this can land you in big trouble.


For example, if enforced kundalini is rising and just bursts out at Muladhara, then you might not be able to control your bowels. If affects Svadhisthana chakra, you may lose control of your urination or become sex-crazed. If it comes up to another level, maybe you will be unable control your laughing, or your crying, or your shaking limbs. On another level it can derange your brain because it is coming on too fast and it is not a step-by-step progression. It can make you crazy or even kill you.


  When it arises because there is an inflood of spiritual insight, or a spiritual movement in the heart, then it comes up correctly. But just doing it as a technical pump can be a disastrous.


So in fact the consciousness is more important than the Kundalini?


   You could say that, although kundalini is conscious energy.


…and it is a result because of the consciousness quality?


   Yes, yes. It is actually the quality of spirituality that makes it move. One augments the other as it were.


So you don’t think much of Kundalini Yoga then?


Well, not Kundalini Yoga practised in that manner without heart and soul involvement. In fact, Mantra-work itself is Kundalini Yoga. But I am not happy about enforced Kundalini arousal. I have seen too many casualties.


However, Mantra is a step-by-step form of Kundalini Yoga, in as much as you are activating the chakras, you are energising the chakras. You are at the same time strengthening the nadi system, giving this psychic nervous system a charge. It is like putting extra protection round a thousand-volt live wire, until your system is ready to take a stronger charge. Then, when it happens, when kundalini starts rising, it can travel through you system more safely. But if you are forcing Kundalini before your ‘psychic wiring’ system is ready, you ‘blow the fuses’ as it were of the chakras.


   So Kundalini is an effect, or what happens along the way, rather than a precursor to realisation because of a rising spirituality of consciousness?


Yes, but it can’t happen without it. It is a part of it, sort of carrying it. Without it rising, realisation rarely happens; the two have to come together.


When you had your spiritual awakening, or that of Ramana Maharshi for example. That is because Kundalini has finally got to Sahasrara?


Precisely, although Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi never mentions kundalini. But he does speak of spiritual energy descending from saharasra via a secret nadi (known as amrita nadi) down to the heart centre. Otherwise it can stay in Sahasrara and not descend to the heart centre. In which case, spiritual enlightenment is not fully consolidated. But instead you will have intellectual enlightenment. So we have enjoyed some brilliantly intellectual geniuses as spiritual teachers, but that does not make them Sages. [like Gopi Krishna, like Osho, Aurobindo and Krishnamurti]. They are not considered as Maha-rishi’s, such as Ramana. They have become intellectually enlightened, but they have not become totally one with the Omnipresence, because it has not descended and finally settled in the heart centre.

So Kundalini Yoga means absolutely nothing for Ramana Maharshi. He didn’t practice Kundalini Yoga. It was just a sudden spiritual perception that caused it to happen. He didn’t have to do the techniques to raise the Kundalini.


Was that because he was already clear and it didn’t need to force its way through?


Yes. He had obviously done work in other incarnations to have this happen to him at the age of sixteen. For me, it was the age of twenty-three, and it just happened, just like that, without any practice whatsoever. And it happened to me again in Vrindavan when I was just sitting and reading a spiritual book, a Zen book actually, and some of the Zen insights shocked me into a spiritual state and Kundalini came shooting up again.


So when you had your first experience it didn’t remain? Is it that it takes a while to work its way through?


Well, the effect of it stayed for many days. My vision was like the pristine morning of the first day of the world and I could see into the soul quality of everybody. That capacity stayed, but the pristine quality faded away. But all the insights that I perceived in those moments had to filter through my consciousness from my cellular memory, over many years. My intellect was totally bypassed by the experience but the knowledge in the cells remained, so I came to realise that the whole body was the ‘brain’ not just the lump of grey matter up there.


    How old were you when the second experience happened?


The second time it happened was when I was about thirty-six. It took me twelve or so years of trying to get back into the same state as before. But you can never go back. When I stopped trying to achieve that, it happened in another form.


    I haven’t heard you speak about that before.


I wrote about it in my book ‘Sharing the Quest.’ There was another time in the same place, the day before or the day after, when some one dropped the handle of a milk pail in a cowshed and the vibration hit my body and my whole being dissolved into vibrating particles. And I saw the cosmic joke that everybody was God trying to find God.  It was hilarious and I fell about laughing for about half an hour.


    Yes, but if we are all God, why are we behaving so stupid?


Because of ‘maya,’ and lack of attention to what we really are. We have the veil of maya in front of the Self, which we attach ourselves to and call it ‘me’, ‘I’, ‘my personality’. When you give up the idea of ‘me’ and ‘my sense of ego’ then there isn’t anything else but the Omnipresence. But we are so attached to the personality that we have created all these years.


There is nothing new to get, there is only mistaken I-dentity to get rid of. We think that samadhi is something far away, but we all experience fleeting Samadhi. Any moment between two thoughts, when we are not thinking anything is fleeting Samadhi. It may last for a few seconds but that is the samadhi state. We all experience it, but we don’t take any notice of it because we are looking for something else. The whole work is to enlarge the time between each thought until you are clear and as thought-free as is constantly as possible. And the more you are in that clear space; the more you are living in the samadhi state every moment of the day


If you suddenly realise that what is not thinking is the Omnipresence and what is thinking is ‘little old me’— then you will find yourself in full-blown samadhi.



  This is observation—or Witness consciousness. If it became permanent, then it would be the natural samadhi state.



   Muz Murray (known as Ramana Baba in India) is a world-travelling mystic and Mantra-Master. 

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