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How can I achieve absolute mental peace and control of thought?

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Is there any mantra or any type of meditation which advents a full peaceful mind and the ability to control any thought. I went through a minor depression and overcame it through sandhyvandanam. But recently, I face a new problem. I have a song that is continuously stuck in my head for a few weeks and is distracting me from work and is making me depressed again. This has never happened to me before two weeks ago and now it suddenly happened and I didn't do anything for it to come about. This repetition of a musical tune is driving me crazy and is making me extremely 'thought conscious'. This never happened before two weeks ago and is making me feel depressed again and hope-lost.


Currently I am doing sandhyavandanam once a day and saying vishnu sahasranamam once a day. I am also starting to read the Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita.


So is there any direct spiritual way, as to attain this material wish of having a peaceful mind and not be disturbed by unwanted musical repetitions.



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Hi Indra,

I would like to understand your problem in detail so that i can serve your need.

Observe your routine and understand what is actually going on. Most of our problems are self inflicted. See what u can do about it. When did it start, Why and what could be the solution?

Every person will be knowing the route cause of his problem and also the solution. He just wants someone to shed some light on it. So do a detail self analysis report and tell me what's going on.

I ll try my level best to guide you out of this.

Take Care, God Bless

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Thank you for offering your help to me. I will tell you everything about this problem.


This is a common problem experienced by everyone, but with all the difficulties people face, some react to each one differently and address each problem differently. I will tell you my 'problem' as best as I can. Earworms, last song syndrome, whatever one may call it, is when a portion of a tune becomes stuck in one's head and plays itself over and over again. Now to some people, these musical repetitions are soothing and are usually enjoyed. And to others, as I have read online, it is extremely and EXTREMELY, distracting, irritating, and annoying, leading some to break down and feel as if they have lost control of their thought. This is how I feel. On November 17, I was writing an essay in English class and a song was stuck in my head for the first time, without reason, and severely distracted me from my writing abilities. This continued all day and would only stop when I go to sleep. The next morning, a new song was stuck in my head and repeated itself for the whole day, causing great anguish and suffering to me. This has continued till today, but fortunately as I am writing this to you, I have no song stuck in my head. This has made me very 'thought conscious' and always makes me manage my thoughts to see if there is a song stuck in my head. I have tried ignoring it but it comes back through my subconscious and affects me. Another problem is when I watched a movie that had a good soundtrack before I went to bed. I could HEAR, yes, HEAR the music being played in my head, it was extremely loud. So from that day, I have barely touched video games, movies, and music, and devoted myself to chanting mantras, and reading the great epic. My lifestyle has changed. For the better, who knows?


This kind of suffering has never happened to me in the past, and for some unknown reason, has started and has not let go.


Sandhyavandanam has brought me out of depression, so I hope any other mantras will help me out of this suffering. I am a devout believer in spirituality, hence why I am on this site looking for a solution.


Currently, I am chanting vishnusahasranamam every day and reading the bhagavad gita, which has reduced my suffering greatly.


I hope to continue doing this, until I achieve peace.


Please offer anything you have.


Thank you.

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Hi Indra,

First step read any book on meditation and get a basic understanding about it. I would suggest Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda.

The Process- Stop fighting the thought. Relax yourself completely while doing Sandhyavandana. Sit in a comfortable pose and observe your breath. Just observe it, nothing else is to be done.

If the thoughts arise just observe them unattached/detached. As if they are not your thoughts. Be aware of your breath constantly & observe the thoughts. If you get distracted bring your focus back on your breath and stay there. Try doing this for at least 20 minutes daily and twice a day. And if you are regular enough you can see your thoughts going down and down. Settling down. This is one of the major MEDITATION Technique used by Buddhists and which has its mention in THE VIJNAN BHAIRAVI TANTRA. Where Lord SHIVA explains the techinque to MATA PARVATI.

This greatly helps your focus, concentration and helps in controlling your thoughts.

Along with Bhagavad Geeta read local books in the sense normal spiritual books like AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI, Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami RAMA etc. These books guide us in many ways and can be related to our lives. They provide us great spiritual insight into our lives and how the universe works. They commonly speak in our language.

One more thing I met one MR.Vibhuti Ganesh who can understand your situation I think. 'Coz he had posted a link which is very similar to what you are going through. He is a senior person who can guide you well, better than me. You can search the forum for him - (VibhutiGanesh)

Take Care, God Bless

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shri Indraji:


I believe, mantra is helping to control man means mind. Pick up any short mantra which you believe in and you like it. Then chant mentally or vachik and bring your mind on our 108 energy centers. You can pick up few of them. In the beginning your mind will not help you to do this but if you stay strong and stick with it. In few days, you will be in your own control. Remember to pick up the mantra which you like most so it can help you to concentrate. Om shanti.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You can try doing the Gayatri Mantra, and each time you think of this persistent thought- you can try replacing with a thought of Happiness Success. It requires effort, but it helps.


There are some dhyaan videos I am refrencing here. You can hear them (they are 20 mins each and the Dhyaan is enclosed at the end of the video).

There are 6-7 dhyaans and u choose the one that resolves your specific issue.

I hope it helps u out.

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