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Help Needed!! urgent please

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Hi Everyone,


I am a new member to this forum. Actually, i am suffering from black magic for more than 6 years. I know the person who has done to me and also, i came to know from a spiritual source that they have sent kaateri along with karna pishachini. First, i had problem of some noises hearing only to me and then slowly i could able to hear some ppl i.e. three to four ppl speaking into my ear. Then, i could able to hear very clearly what they speak and i came to know that they are chasing through the thought reading also. But, i could able to say that through some witch craft, these ppl know what ever i think and they are causing so much hurdles in my development.


I dont know in tantric world, its possible. i dont know how they do it. I just believe one and only in god. I dont have any other problems other than this. I am sure this is not psychological problem. I am normal in all other activities. But, i heard through some ppl who are close to me that these things are done to give hurdle to my development and to make me lunatic.


I just wanted to break this black magic/ witch craft stuffs. But, i could not. I tried so many means, performing homam of prityangira matha, homom for varahi matha and daily chanting sundar gandam of Ramayana. I am a devotee of matha Chandi and lord Ram. I chanted Chandi paath/devi mahatmayam for more than 10 times and given 2 times of fire sacrifice during the navaratri. My spiritual guru is the god himself/herself. I pray to all god/goddess whichever is the holy spirit. And i dont get any bad dreams. I always get positive dreams. Good sleep. only problem is the hurdle for the marriage and my career development. But, now after these good number of chants of Devi mahatmaya, the sounds into ear has been very much reduced. Only problem is the thoughts reading.


Moreover, through this thought reading, i have chased by rowdies whom were engaged by the persons who kept black magic. Insulting me and teasing me through this vidya which i could feel that this vidya has been misused. I could not tolerate much because i think i lost my freedom. I feel as if i lost myself handcuffed. I tried all the means to come out of this mentally. But, i could not able to break it. I searched in this forum for the ppl who had similar problem. Could not find about it. I have been chased everywhere even in my workplace. I learnt many ppl are very cheap. But one thing, i have 100% confident on god. I have tried so many means of removing it. No help from anyone. I could not able to trust anyone on getting help as all of the manthriks whom i approched are fake. No improvements on this. I know this happening to me due to over jealousy. But, somehow i learnt to be mentally strong. Please kindly throw some light on this witch craft and let me know how well i can break it.


Please, can you anyone advice me what additional things i need to do? Do this kind of witch craft is really possible?? how this has been done? I wonder is it ever exist even in this kali yuga. Why these ppl believe in demi-gods / evil spirits and dont they have any fear of almighty for punishments?


Thanks in Advance.

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Hi Raj,


Thanks for the quick response. I will certainly do the kaal bhairav prayog. May i know when is the kaal bhairav ashtami. I will try to find a guru to get diksha also. Meanwhile if you any person who can give diksha, a tantric also will be fine. Please let me know. This problem has to be ended very soon to me in the name of lord.




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Kaal bhairav astami is today i.e. 18 Nov... The line "a tantric also will be fine" sounds a little funny. I guess u don't know the meaning of true tantrik and the power of tantra.

To suggest you, I strongly recommend you Gurudev Shrimali ji. You can also visit jodhpur where Gurudev stays. But do contact him first. Best time to visit there is on 31st dec 2011. I know he can definatley heal you. Go and see for yourself.

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If u cant make it to guriji, u can also recite 108 asaramayan path--availble on internet and ashram.org-u cn call any of ashrams from this site for details. Have gained a lot from thispaath--i kept on doing this twice a month five times in all and all the problems were gone which could not be done away with even by tantra badha nivaran diksha and all kavach etc. stuffs...even tried kritya and was quite successful bt only only and only asaramayan cured me completely....hariom...jai gurudev...


In case u can meet gurudev shrimaliji, do remmber to keep meeting and dod as directed, he is also a genuine able guru. Also, remember, god is one bt has to be found in form of guru...do have one sadguru and respect all others..they r one in depth...only the physical and astral body differs...

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