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our wishes

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in this yug, we all have materialist aspirations. I don't think this bad, because this is the way life of human beings are structured now.


Why does our wishes not fulfilled. Or is it that we should not wish or aspire for things in life; I have a wish since the last 8 years, but never fulfilled. I am a very religious person, but there are times when i am averse to the gods I pray, because i feel they don't listen, they don't show any mercy.

What I do, appears to be ending up in negative results, resulting in pain and frustration. The Atma in me have no mercy on me. It seems its there to make me do things, so I get bad results so I repent doing it, and cry on my fate and action. So why does the Atma make me do it.

It is there to create pain and disease in my body. however treatment and prayers I perform, the pain does not go. Is this life all about. Any one please enlighten me.

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  • 3 months later...

the most fascinating part about Hinduism is that it is very flexible. u think being materialistic is d way human are structured now. well if you are very spiritual u have to accpet watever comes to. it is nothing bt a blessing from the Superior Lord. whatever happens in this world is a doin of The Creator Bramha. me telling you this is also his wish. you cannot be totally non materialistic being in the grihasta ashram. do not blame your Atma for what you do.it is not his flaw. it is the wish of the Lord. if you are facing pain and hardships its because of your karma. think of it in the positive way.probably facing all this pain would clear all your wrong doings and give u moksha.

and to end it i'll quote from Bhagvad Geeta - Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani.

it means that v r supposed to perform our actions and not to expect d results.never consider yourself d cause of your results and never fail from doing your duties.

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  • 2 months later...

dear mohanan,

pls continue your worships. dont stop them. i feel you have a little bit depression problems due to long spell of bad time. belive me time will change. when u want some material benefit do pursue them for quite long time until u get them.instead of quitting it for this-and-that reason. show u r sincerity.

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  • 2 months later...

whoever you are buit remember you taken birth in this land of god .they give you the body made of soil .to just live ,it minor life given us by god because of the mistake made by satan and our father adam .second the god cannot fulfill every one's wishes reason there are uncountable of living thing and people in earth so they fullfill the wishes only of some .

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