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Hello everybody, i was recently graduated ( in august) i was looking for a job since a long time but i do not find any job. Now i think i got some health problems ( very painfull headeach, depressed ... ) i feel so sad because i i was studying very very hard and paid my studies fees by working part time. But now i think i don't deserve this ... i really tried everyday ... All my life is only pain, suffers , and tears ..... i hope everytime but now i am too tired ....

Please can someone help me ... i really want to get a job especially for my parents , who did a lot for me ... i feel so unusefull ...


Thank you

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sophia


I think you just have to relax and take it easy. Have a rest, relax, take care of yourself. Nobudy will benefit if you will be stressed out, sick and dpressed. especially your parents won't be happy about that. So my advice is just give some time for yourself and take it easy.

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Dear Sophia,

First of all start meditating. Simply start with taking 10 deep breaths every morning when you wake and 10 before you fall asleep and you can do that during the day when you feel overwehlmed. Then start adding 5 breaths each week until you reach 100.

First of all you have to calm yourself , you are carrying too much tension. Don't get a job for your parents but for yourself. When you are focused on your parents then you can't focus on yourself. Meditate on why, where and what job YOU want, you may feel that your parents put pressure on you, no matter what they love and this is their way of showing love to you. They want the best for you and want you to be successful. Take that pressure off. You will be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For your health problems, I studied with buddhism and they help to observe everything in my life. The first thing is to observe our emotion, our feeling inside, but after some months of this I noticed that every physical pain I had were because of some emotion that I never looked. We observe that most of the time headeach are due to all the control we have with what is happening in our life. Because you didn't look the control you have in your life, this experience became denser and denser and now it affetcs your physical body.


Your soul is trying to tell you something about your studies. What was the Real reason why you studied that hard? Were you afraid of something, was it for someone else? this kind of question. When you find why, take a deep breath and accept the feeling that you tried to hide with your studies. After that, you will feel better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, dont be so pessimistic... Let me know about your Education.. Will Try.. God Bless.



Hello everybody, i was recently graduated ( in august) i was looking for a job since a long time but i do not find any job. Now i think i got some health problems ( very painfull headeach, depressed ... ) i feel so sad because i i was studying very very hard and paid my studies fees by working part time. But now i think i don't deserve this ... i really tried everyday ... All my life is only pain, suffers , and tears ..... i hope everytime but now i am too tired ....

Please can someone help me ... i really want to get a job especially for my parents , who did a lot for me ... i feel so unusefull ...


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hello everybody, i was recently graduated ( in august) i was looking for a job since a long time but i do not find any job. Now i think i got some health problems ( very painfull headeach, depressed ... ) i feel so sad because i i was studying very very hard and paid my studies fees by working part time. But now i think i don't deserve this ... i really tried everyday ... All my life is only pain, suffers , and tears ..... i hope everytime but now i am too tired ....

Please can someone help me ... i really want to get a job especially for my parents , who did a lot for me ... i feel so unusefull ...


Thank you


“... All my life is only pain, suffers , and tears ..... i hope everytime but now i am too tired ....”

All the best!

Everybody life is like yours, but it matters how we are handling, if u think you are suffer then u will be..if u think u r tired then u will be…

Instead of that you start practicing in u r daily life that everything is fine at your end and practice u r mind that u will get the job within so and so date (be specific), never mind of any problem..if u have a problem consider that as a experience. You have to train your sub-conscious mind (Big Me) to dominate instead of u r conscious mind (Small Me) for this u can achieve by repeating 5times in a day some words like “I will get job before this month end” daily…sure it will work…be happy…


Let's make the world a better place!

Be Blessed With the Divine Bliss!

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  • 7 months later...

Whatever religion you are following, it does not matter, but you might be praying someway. Take your prayer say it loudly after taking deep breath with your nose only and keep praying until you completely exhaled. It is better you pick up a prayer which is short and you can say it completely in one breath. Just like we call a mantra which should have good meaning. Just chant your prayer and complete it in one breath. It is most important that you breath through nose and do not breath irregularly. Take a breath before your start chanting and end your breath at the end of your prayer. Also, say it loudly. This is the first step.


Now second step. While chanting your prayer, you have to concentrate your mind in different parts of the body, such as toes of feet and hands, joints in the body, etc. Best places to concentrate is 108 centers described in the mantra yoga literatures. This will distribute your energies and mind evenly in the whole body and this pain will go away. It may take a while, but you have to be patient. Good luck. If you need further help, let me know.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You have to keep your eye on the job you were studying to have. You need to keep trying and even try for longer hours. In the meantime, you can work for your neighbors. Ask them to sit and talk with you about their needs and tell them that you are looking for clients, project partners and business partners. You can also contact a job agency. You should review the yellow pages and a list of local companies in your area. Good luck!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Pranam Guruji,

I am Anita Solanki,

currently i am doing job in delhi.But i am not satisfied with my current job. My DOB is 27 Aug 1984, Time is 8 AM, Birth Place is Mathura(UP). Guruji please help me out of this to get a good job with good hike .I am not able to focus on anything, whatever I do that just go in vain. What should I do, please help me.




Anita Solanki


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  • 3 months later...

While reading & browzing different forums of Astrology, Spirituality n many more kept me wondering about the Corporate Astrology.


Does Corporate Astrology really works??


We the humans have a physical body and is being attracted & controlled by the planets but the company doesnt have a physical body.


How does the entire science work for corporate??


Does the Raashi of the Company affects the operations & growth??

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