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Birth Chart reading

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Hi. First thing my apologies if i'm posting this thread in thw wrong place.


Well here is my birth details


Time- 8:43 AM Pune, Maharashtra.


I would like to know:-

1. My character

2. My qualities and any malefics and remedies

3. My marriage and what kind love or arranged and when

4. My furure in medical field.


Thank you.

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you may be tall and slim or short in stature, slim and very small waist. red eye, look younger than the age. You are creative and often opposed by other people who do not fit into your plans.



-Very Energetic, interested in astrology, interested in writing or other arts, can overcome and defeat enemies through well judged arguments, chance of entering to politics if you want to and also to any managerial position. Problems in career may be due to some person acting as a teacher and misguiding.




May be more possessive or attracted towards opposite sex even in work sphere leading to distractions from work.




-marriage may happen to someone related to the same work you do or in your work sphere. Your spouse may act as your teacher or guide many times. More chances of arranged marriage or love marriage that is arranged willingly by parents.


Medical field:


Although if you might have been now working in medical field you have more creativity in some areas (may be writing, singing, music etc.) that suits you well and gets you fame among friends.



Remedies or suggestions for negatives:


Distribute items related to sports to kids.

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