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HELP ME PLEASE, Shri USRji and other learned gurus

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My salute to all the learned members,


I had been struggling to be an interior designer since 4 years and finally I started making some projects with the generous help of Revered Shri USRji and my life was taking shape. But suddenly I lost all interest in my work. I have become the most lethargic person. I find failure in everything. No endeavour is bringing any sort of success. Not even close to it. My life is in a mess both professionally and personally. I always tend to spend the money that I earn and when it’s all gone I sit back and regret. I have ignored 3 offers in the past 2 months. I just waste my days watching new gadgets or surfing the net (although I do not chat nor am a FB/Orkut or Twitter addict. I take knowledge about varied fields from the net. I crave for knowledge and love reading). At this age I suddenly feel as if I am a teenager, not sure what to do in life. At times I feel to quit Interior Designing and become a Photographer, then I feel like I should be a Writer, then again I feel I should join my father in our family business. I skip visiting my existing project and then spend sleepless nights thinking what am I doing with my life? (Like I am doing now at 3:00 AM IST)


I am under Guru Mahadasha and was guided by Shri USRji some procedure to propitiate Guru(like visiting Navgrah Temple on Thursdays and worshipping Lord Brihaspathy, donating yellow cloth, bengal gram etc.) Worshipping Godess Parvati/Durga for my Moon. In addition to what he guided I also wear a Yellow Sapphire (Bankok Origin) and a Burmanese Pearl. I worship a lot, especially Lord Ganesha, (my Ishta devta) Lord Shiva, Godess Durga and Sai Baba. But the more I get into pujas and stuffs, the messier my life becomes. So I am even loosing the interest, the devotion and the trust that I used to worship with earlier.


I am sorry Shri USRji that I couldn’t keep up to your expectations. I followed your remedies (and still do) but I had been unsuccessful, at large, to yield any fruit. I am sorry to have disappointed you. But I don’t know why I do it? It’s like there is someone else who’s making me do all this and I have no control what so ever.


I may sound funny but could this be some sort of Subconscious Genetics because my grandfather and father also had quite similar a story? Please Help:pray:


My Birth Details: December 10, 1982 at 3:37 AM IST in Kolkata (then Calcutta) West Bengal, India.


Thanking you


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Sometimes the waiting takes it’s own time.From the end of November 2010 things turn in favour of you.

Shani sadesath is on and you have completed half the period.By Oct’2014 it ends.Being yogakaraka he will not harm you ,but protects you.But he has to do his duty in slowing the results.

Pl light a lamp(with sesame seed oil) on Saturdays before Shani idol,offer black sesame seeds.Help the poor and aged with food or cloths etc.

Continue prayers to Mata Parvathi.

To continue with other puja and prayers is left to you.

Hope this information can help you.I feel sorry that my previous advice has not given you the desired results.Let us hope for the best.

God bless you.


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