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Saptamamsha Chart

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Hello Sow.Aaradhana


you are running jupiter dasa and venus antar.

venus is aspected by saturn and associated with mars both in rasi and saptamsa

Affllicted venus antar may not yield a child. Venus is chart pitrukaraka in your chart.

Lineage is supported by pitris.


you were born on june 16, 1977 either with vrishaba lagna or kataka lagna, the birthtime close to

either 0450 hrs or 0840 hrs !!! mmmm..... what prevents you from posting your birth detail ?



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Dear Aradhana,


Using the saptamsa provided your first child should be a male child while the second one will be a girl child. There will be only 2 children.


Some astrologers may choose to go counter-clockwise for reckoning children for this lagna but with Ketu in the lagna I've opted to go clockwise.


Hope this helps


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Thanks for the reply..nothing is preventing me from posting my birth details.I just wanted to know about my kids.thats why I posted my Saptamamsha Chart .and you are correct ,my DOB is june 16th 1977 and time between 8:45 am - 9:00am.I don't know much about astrology so can give me straight answer of my questions.please.

When I will get a baby girl? Is there any pooja or Mantra for conceiving a baby girl?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Sow.Aradana,


Since your birth time is approximate, it is difficult to pin point the saptamsa lagna. It needs lot of fine tunning.

Also you have not mentioned your place of birth. Along with it if you can post the time of birth of the first child( date of birth, time, and place) and the date of abortions you had , a close study can be attempted.



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