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want to get rid of my wife

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hey everyone..

i want to know a mantra or puja wherein i can get rid of my wife. We are separated from the past 10 months and i want divorce. she is not willing to give divorce and she does not want to stay with me as well.

I hope you all can understand the situation.

Please help me. I have tried a lot from my end.

Have done hanuman puja and hunuman chalisa(100 times a day) for 90 days.

Done om shani devay namah mantra.

Someone told me to do Guru gorakhnath puja i.e. go to gorakhnath temple and give kitchri for 6 wednesday.

Have done this.

Have done shani puja for 40 days.

I think something is wrong. I have heard that she in touch with some tantricks and she knows everything i do.

Can anyone help me in this regard.

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I want, I want, I want.......

you need to stop being paranoid, miracles don't just happen, if that was true everyone would be praying to get a flat screen tv, a nice car and a nice wife.

People always seem to think of god when the worst happens, but when it is all good, I never hear the name of god mentioned...interesting. I'm sure another member can answer the religious side of the question.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Shriram,

Here is a couple things I recommend. Someimes, god gives us situations that help us to grow. Looking back, you would thank god for providing you the opportunity to learn and work tings out.

Start a heart to heart dialog with your wife and find out why she is doing what she is doing. It is not going to be easy to start this dialog, but, approach it a fresh look. Ask yourself if you can change your attitude and work things out. Things may not always be what you want it to be, but the alternative could be worse. It could mean you would need to change somethings about yourself. Shed your ego for your own benefit and change. Change is good. When she sees the sincerity from your end, I am positive your wife will also change her attitude over a period of time. Keep your options open.

Recite Durga saptashati or start learning to recite it and learn the meanings along the way. This helps transform your feelings to positive thinking and helps surrender yourself and your ego to the divine. Once you do this you should be least worried about what she could be doing to hurt you. The Devi will take care of everything once you surrender yourself completely to her. The combination of these two will definitely yeild results. Remember there is always two sides to a situation. When you can see this with clarity, you would realize how easy it is to over come them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jai Sri Ram:


First of all, you need to train your mind and get rid off everything from your mind, like nothing had happen. You do not know anyone with that name and you did not have any relationship with that person. I know it is very hard to do. I did it for 8 years and I was in the same situation. Remember everything has an end. Your situation has end too. There is nothing in this world without end or endless. You have to dedicate your somewhere in good place. There is nothing more than Ishwar. I was very fortunate, I found one Bengali Sadhu in Gujarat. I dedicated my life to learn about mantra. Mean 100% dedication. I left my job, I serve my guru - day and night. (I do not want to list the thing I did.) My dedication made me closest person to my guru. At least I achieve something good. Then I experienced all mystic and spiritual stages, etc. Today's great fonny guru Asaram tried to take me away from my guru so he can have me with all those knowledge of mantras. Because he was knowing that what I know. During this time, my in laws and my wife, understood that they are nothing for me. After eight years of time, they had to give up my hope and get their daughter to get remarried and misery ended. I do not wish you to get this far, but what I mean to say that put your mind somewhere, where you can get piece of mind and keep going forward in life. The otherside will be not able to do nothing, not even tantric. Tantric things only can work, if you have a feelings of jealousy, revenge, greed, etc. If you are calm and pure, this tantric shakti come to you and go back where it came and destroy that person who sent to you. If it is a really tantric attack, but, if nothing happen to them, means it was your falls belief. Good luck.

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  • 2 months later...


Jai Sri Ram:


First of all, you need to train your mind and get rid off everything from your mind, like nothing had happen. You do not know anyone with that name and you did not have any relationship with that person. I know it is very hard to do. I did it for 8 years and I was in the same situation. Remember everything has an end. Your situation has end too. There is nothing in this world without end or endless. You have to dedicate your somewhere in good place. There is nothing more than Ishwar. I was very fortunate, I found one Bengali Sadhu in Gujarat. I dedicated my life to learn about mantra. Mean 100% dedication. I left my job, I serve my guru - day and night. (I do not want to list the thing I did.) My dedication made me closest person to my guru. At least I achieve something good. Then I experienced all mystic and spiritual stages, etc. Today's great fonny guru Asaram tried to take me away from my guru so he can have me with all those knowledge of mantras. Because he was knowing that what I know. During this time, my in laws and my wife, understood that they are nothing for me. After eight years of time, they had to give up my hope and get their daughter to get remarried and misery ended. I do not wish you to get this far, but what I mean to say that put your mind somewhere, where you can get piece of mind and keep going forward in life. The otherside will be not able to do nothing, not even tantric. Tantric things only can work, if you have a feelings of jealousy, revenge, greed, etc. If you are calm and pure, this tantric shakti come to you and go back where it came and destroy that person who sent to you. If it is a really tantric attack, but, if nothing happen to them, means it was your falls belief. Good luck.



Can you give more information of Bengali Sadhu in Gujarat. I need different kind of help.

I am littleleary about self proclaim Bhagwan Asharam Bapu. When I listen to his lectures i hear lots of rag daddies that he ask them to praise him and his powers. True sadhu soen't have to prove his power. But I feel sorry for many of my close firends they have been blindfolded they don't see anything but the Bapu.

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