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Job less need some mantra

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nameste guru ji


i am neelima,d.ob:21 may 1979 6,05pm tirupati.

recently lost my parents,no job its been 10 yrs i have finished my BE ,no one

is marrying me loat all my fathers property.no money for anything,no body is helping me

my sisters brother all are avoiding me not even picking my call,no home to stay


please kindly tell some mantra so that i can some how get rid of some trouble and get some

job which pays me salary



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  • 2 months later...

hello neelima2010,

You have kalsarpa dosha in ur Kundali and now u r in Ketu Mahadasha, thats why so much of problem u facing now. Don't be tensed because u have Laxmi Narayan Yog(Venus-Mercury combination) which'll give u enough money but u have to wait. Ur good time starts from 5 Oct 2013 because at that time ur Venus Mahadasha will start.


The first and foremost thing i would like to tell u to do remedy for Kal Sarpa dosha. And 90% of problems will get solved when u have enough money and for money u need to have a job and also u need a job. Ok now i m going to tell u remedy for getting a job.

For that u have to keep ShivLinga at ur home if possible would be very very much better, if not possible then do it any Shiv Mandir. When u bring Shiv Linga to ur home it should be kept after Pran Prathistha... But remember one thing....as ur username suggests u r a female...and thats why take care during ur monthly menstural periods at that time don't go to mandir or even don't worship Shiv Lina at home for 7 days(i think u know this one, but i told u as a precautionary measure). Now do the following puja on every monday:-

First bring raw milk,kesar,misri(in hindi) mix all these and do abhisek on Shiva Linga with chanting of mantra "Om Namah Sivaya".

Then offer Diya with pure ghee, sandal incense sticks, naivadya(prasad), perfume, bilva patra, Aak and Dhatura to lord with full devotion and love.

Then tilak Yellow Sandal on Linga then offer 11 seeds of Lotus, 51 Nagkesar flowers and 11 green elaichi to lord with devotion and love. Do this on every monday and see the magic. U definitely get a job. One more thing if u worship Shiv Ling at home then do the above puja on every monday and do simple puja and avisek of Shiva Linga on rest of the days of week. During ur monthly periods tell some another one to worship the Shiv Linga,never stop the puja of Linga even a single day and 24 hrs u keep a pot with a hole on the lower part with full water above shiv linga so that every sec the linga gets water because Shiv Linga is very hot and we must offer water to cool it.



If above is impossible for u then do the following:-

Unemployed or alternate job seeker has to take a large size, well-developed. Yellow-colored Lime and cut it into 4 equal parts. Throw each piece in East, South, West and North directions at a four-junction road for 11 consecutive days without a break. You will get an employment. I am not sure of this one but u may try.


And consult a good astrologer for remedy of ur Kal Sarpa Dosha. Remember one thing astrologer should be very good in his field.

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one more thing.....i forgot to tell u....that to solve every problem of life do SUNDERKAND everyday with offering of chameli oil diya. First do it for consecutive 43 days without any break after taking sankalp. Remember to do it in the same time everyday. And do not be frustrated in between the 43 days...first complete 43 days of sadhna..every problems of life will be solved. Then after 43 days u can do it on every Tuesday and Saturday with chameli oil diya, and flowers and naivedya as per ur ease. BUT DO IT WITH FULL DEVOTION.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello InterJohn,


I have the similar situation and would like to have an answer... I am without job for the last 2 years and I get interview calls but no result at the end. my dob is July 12, 1968 and place of birth is Delhi and time of birth is 11 am. Right now I am living in canada for the last 10 years. Could you please advise some suggestions

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  • 1 month later...





My name is S.v.g.k.Kishore


I am not having a job for the last three months. Please do suggest me a mantra to get one ASAP and also sustain the job for a good period.

My date of birth and time of birth are 18 April 1965 time 02:43 AM early hours of 18 April 1965. Place is Kharagpur Dist. Midnapur West Bengal.


I would be greatful for all your help.





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  • 1 month later...

Jai Gurudev ji!!


I am Abhishek

DOB:10 August 1980



I always face hurdles and problems in my life despite of the hard work I do.

I feel there is something bad in my fate which obstructs each and every thing I do.

Please gurujee guide me with the solutions/mantra/tantra for leading a happy and a bit easy life as I am undergoing mental breakdown.


Thank you.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi Neelima,


I'd like to know from u regarding ur problem and solution. While remedy u applied and what is the result? Please give the detailed answer. It would be very much useful for all the visitors. I personally request to send ur response


if ur not going to post it in this column, I would also be happy to share other things with u



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  • 1 month later...



I am writing you today for a friend. She has been married for two yr now, but from day one her husband is emotionally and mentally abusive. He constatnly tries to control her in every aspect of her life. she has lost all her confidence. she was in India an successful working young lady she had car everything. She came here on dependant visa now she is home bound, no friends and family. he does not allow her to communicate with anyone unless he approves, she can not talk to her family in India. She finally got her work permit, she is looking for a job but every job interview she clears technical part, they like her but at end it falls through, so now her husband puts her down tries to hurt her on that aspect. Everyone has tried talking to him but he is not willing to liesten to anyone. Guruji can you gie her some mantra that will help her with his behaviour toward her, snd more than that any mantra she can do that will help her gt a job. she needs to be independant for her to gain some of her self confident back.


can some one please help!!!!!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello Sir,


I used to work with my husband but due our personal relations I stopped working with him.

we use to fight a lot on small things so I had do this. Now Poland is a country they dont speak english except for

the big cities. somehow with lot of hard work I learnt the local language here which almost impossible for a foreginer.

its 5 yrs now that i am here and i have a son who is 2 yrs old. I have a good work experience in India and even with

my husband I was having important responsibilities.

relations with my husband are not at all good but all i ask for right now is a job. because i am getting depressed all day

sitting at home doing nothing.

it has been 2 yrs i am looking for a job. i tried every single thing but no results.

i gave few interviews, they all go good but at the end i get to hear - NO.

I am loosing my confidence now. I dont know what to do.


I am wearing chandra ring and a rahu locket.

the person who did all the pooja for me told me that i will for sure get a job

but i have not yet got any job.


I have at home shani yantra, mangal yantra and nagdevta yantra which i have kept in my mandir at home.

i pray everyday and now i have lost all hopes in pooja also. i do just for the hack of it.


please help me, I will appreciate. there is no temple here just so that you know.


THanks & Regards


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