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Question about amt. of viable members here

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Hi Fraggle,I live in Porto, "The Capital of the North", city of Port Wine, the FC Porto football team (I believe you call it soccer in US) and Francesinhas, that is a typical specialty here. It is basically a sandwich with a spicy, hot sauce. Sauce made with beer :D, hehe, so that one you'd probably like. And the vegetarian versions are just as tasty. To be vegan, we gotta find a solution for the cheese, though :S.A Francesinha goes wonderfully with a "Sagres Boémia", have you tried that one already?Becoming a veggie was very difficult for me, specially in the beginning, as I wasnt acquainted with any other veggie and basicaly had to find out everything on my own.Eating out, in particular, was extremely tiresome, with the usual complaints I hear of other veggies from other countries, too.But, things have been changing, thank

God. Mentalities have been changing. I have been expanding my choices. More and more places are having veg alternatives and every now and then I have a pleasant surprise. Like my non-veg dad not minding eating tvp, lol.Many times people approach me asking for veg recipes and of course I'm radiantly happyto do so. If they use that chickpea-breadspread even once, at least once they are not eating meat.I'll try to get a vegan recipe for the Francesinha and post it to the group. If You know a good alternative for grilled cheese, please let me know.Here's a link to wiki so you get an idea what I'm talking abouthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FrancesinhaCheers,BeatrizP.S.: And we drink a lot of beer, too :D--- On Thu, 6/26/08, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:fraggle

<EBbrewpunxRe: Question about amt. of "viable" members here Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 1:42 PM



you are absolutely and 100% fine Beatriz

if i may ask, where do you reside in portugal?(please, i don't want an adress! something like "25 miles outside of lisbon, next to the rampaging olive grove" is fine!)

how difficult (or easy) are you finding it to be veggie there?

Beatriz Jun 26, 2008 4:17 AM @gro ups.com Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here






I just joined a couple of days ago but am also here. Very, very here."Really really really here" :DSorry, folks, cant help it, I love talking nonsense. Let me know if that goes on anybody's nerves :SBeatriz--- On Wed, 6/25/08, stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk>Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here@gro ups.comWednesday, June 25, 2008, 5:18 PM








Im really here well I hope im really here metaphorically speaking its possible im not here but metapsysically im here in body at least!!

Steve --- On Wed, 25/6/08, qweiop75 <qweiop75 > wrote:

qweiop75 <qweiop75 > Question about amt. of "viable" members here@gro ups.comWednesday, 25 June, 2008, 9:10 PM



Hi, I'm glad to find this group & glad to be here! I was also glad to see how active the group is (wow! over 400+ posts per month!) although once I saw all that email in my box in just 24 hours, I quickly changed it to no delivery lest I lose track of those more crucial to my daily existence ;)....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other 1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and why we aren't hearing from the others. Anybody care to

chime in?


Sent from Mail. A Smarter Email.

“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.” - Bill Moyers

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Dont know who I am more embarrassed a , you for the quotation, or myself for knowing the reference.................damn, last bottle of beer, and its raining..........




Peter vv


fraggle <EBbrewpunx Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 6:14:21 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



do you like pina coladas?

getting caught in the rain?

sorry, couldn't resist....

and yeah, we've had folks who've come here in the past who've just wanted to start things and talk about how fun it is to shoot lil critters and how much they luv a good hunk of decaying burnt flesh...

hence why everyone who first joins is stuck in moderated land..until the mods feel the person isn't here just to be a "bomber",

heartwerk Jun 25, 2008 11:54 PM @gro ups.com Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




Hi StephenVegans don't generally like chatting about raising animals for food, killing them, eating them, meat-recipes, raising animals for dairy, eggs, etc. They don't appreciate recipes using any animal ingredients.I think it is pretty much what you would expect amongst a group of vegans.I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and the paranormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc. What do you like?Jo@gro ups.com, stephen hawkey <stedhawk@.. .> wrote:>> What subjects would be offensive to vegans that for example wouldnt be offensive to meat eaters I dont really get what subject I couldnt talk about because of my dietary preferences? ?> Steve> > --- On Wed,

25/6/08, jo <jo.heartwork@ ...> wrote:> > jo <jo.heartwork@ ...>> Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here> @gro ups.com> Wednesday, 25 June, 2008, 10:47 PM> > > > > > > > The aim of the group is to be able to chat about anything, as long as it is not offensive to vegans, so therefore, our chats are often about other subjects. If anyone wishes to start topics on food etc. please do.>  > Jo>  > > - > yarrow > @gro ups.com > Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:53 PM> Re: Question about amt. of

"viable" members here> > > > At 8:10 PM +0000 6/25/08, qweiop75 wrote:> >....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the> >same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all> >wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts> >from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other> >1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there> >from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since> >the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many> >members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and> >why we aren't hearing from the others.> > Sometimes it *does* look like a private conversation among those > three (usually not about veg topics), so if anyone else does

post, it > gets lost. Some days 50 or more messages get filtered into the > veg-chat box, and when the volume is that high, often I don't have > time to look at them. That's when I think I ought to weed out some > e-mail lists that appear to be more noise than signal. But then once > in a while something interesting comes along.> > I've noticed that some people post once or twice when they first > join, then never again.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Not happy with your email address?.> Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at http://uk.docs. / ymail/new.


“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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I would certainly agree. In one of my lists there are five main posters, in another there are about 6 with contributions from various other people, but not often, and in another group there are only three main posters.


I have joined large groups before, and posted. I am always pleased if the core members chat with me, and disappointed if they don't. After all, if the core members don't chat to newbies, who else is going to?







Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:34 AM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Hi qweiop (BTW, should we think of you as qweiop, or as something else? :-))Just firstly thought I'd take note of how many people actually post - in my inbox this morning, there are actually posts from 10 different members of the list, so as a straw poll, we seem to have a few currently active members... and from experience on other lists, it is usually a limited number who post with a big majority of lurkers, so I think in that respect we are in fairly healthy shape...> And I realize that none of you in the "core" group can read the minds> of silent members any more than I can, so....Let me ask this one> question, which was going to be my next post anyway.> Has the " where do you live" question been addressed already> recently? If so, maybe someone will just give me the title as it was> listed and I'll do a search for it so you don't all have to read the> same posts over again.It comes up ocassionally - not sure of the last time, but I'm happy to kick it off again... I'm from South West England :-)BBPeter

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I have found in life that it is easy to make new friends by going and talking to people - it doesn't matter if you have anything important to say, or not. In fact, that's how I met Colin :-)


Very often, if I don't talk first, silence ensues!







Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:43 AM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




Hi Heather


> Sometimes it's not that the other people in this group don't want to post, its just that we don't know what to say. If someone other then the 4 main members of

> this group post something, it usually turns into a conversation between the 4 main people, and that can be intimidating. I think if someone posted a survey or a

> question not directed at one person (which is how it is quite often) then I would be among the first to reply. Just my opinion--Heather


It's an interesting perspective, and quite different to my own.


I notice that every day we get around 15 different news articles posted by people. Maybe once or twice a week, these are accompanied by a comment directed at an individual. Similarly we get a good dozen new members each week, many of whom post questions hoping to find help with vegan issues (or other issues), and people answer.


What then happens is, that the people who have comments directed towards them are generally courteous enough to reply to those comments. People who have a good knowledge base reply to those posts directly asking questions. The articles are more often than not ignored (at least in terms of responses).


Whenever someone posts a "newbie" message (i.e. hi, I'm here sort of thing), they get at least 6 welcome messages back each time. Some of them then join in, others don't. This is very different to most lists I've been on, where new people are either ignored or actively shunned.


However, as with any long-standing group, be it virtual or physical, if you want to be an active part of it, you have to actually make an effort to join in. It's no good sitting in the background watching everything happen, and then complain that a few people are more socially active than others.




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Nonsense I understand, talk on............




Peter vv


Beatriz <searchingalight Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 12:17:03 PMRe: Question about amt. of "viable" members here






I just joined a couple of days ago but am also here. Very, very here."Really really really here" :DSorry, folks, cant help it, I love talking nonsense. Let me know if that goes on anybody's nerves :SBeatriz--- On Wed, 6/25/08, stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk>Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here@gro ups.comWednesday, June 25, 2008, 5:18 PM








Im really here well I hope im really here metaphorically speaking its possible im not here but metapsysically im here in body at least!!

Steve --- On Wed, 25/6/08, qweiop75 <qweiop75 > wrote:

qweiop75 <qweiop75 > Question about amt. of "viable" members here@gro ups.comWednesday, 25 June, 2008, 9:10 PM



Hi, I'm glad to find this group & glad to be here! I was also glad to see how active the group is (wow! over 400+ posts per month!) although once I saw all that email in my box in just 24 hours, I quickly changed it to no delivery lest I lose track of those more crucial to my daily existence ;)....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other 1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and why we aren't hearing from the others. Anybody care to

chime in?


Sent from Mail. A Smarter Email.


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Oh pleaase dont encourage me..............:)




Peter vv


Peter <metalscarab Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:55:47 AMRe: Question about amt. of "viable" members here


 Hi Peter / Jo


You've both said similar things, and the answer is an absolute no.... keep posting how ever often you want to post.


If people want to join in, then they are welcomed, and encouraged to do so. If they don't join in when you're posting, they're not going to join in when you're not posting. My suspicion is that this is some sort of virtual "happy slapping" from vegans uncensored - let's face it, they've done it before, and I've no doubt they'll do it again.







Peter VV

@gro ups.com

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:13 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here


Would you like me not to post so often?

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Yay :-) Glad you are here. You won't get on my nerves.







Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:17 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here







I just joined a couple of days ago but am also here. Very, very here."Really really really here" :DSorry, folks, cant help it, I love talking nonsense. Let me know if that goes on anybody's nerves :SBeatriz--- On Wed, 6/25/08, stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

stephen hawkey <stedhawk (AT) (DOT) co.uk>Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 5:18 PM








Im really here well I hope im really here metaphorically speaking its possible im not here but metapsysically im here in body at least!!

Steve --- On Wed, 25/6/08, qweiop75 <qweiop75 > wrote:

qweiop75 <qweiop75 > Question about amt. of "viable" members here@gro ups.comWednesday, 25 June, 2008, 9:10 PM



Hi, I'm glad to find this group & glad to be here! I was also glad to see how active the group is (wow! over 400+ posts per month!) although once I saw all that email in my box in just 24 hours, I quickly changed it to no delivery lest I lose track of those more crucial to my daily existence ;)....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other 1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and why we aren't hearing from the others. Anybody care to chime in?


Sent from Mail. A Smarter Email.

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you think I could stop for a couple of days?




Peter vv


heartwerk <jo.heartwork Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 7:59:32 AM Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here


LOL - that's probably because we like chatting - and it is a chat group :-)In the other groups I moderate, and those where I am a member, there is a small core of posters.Maybe if Fraggle, Peter, Peter VV and I stopped posting for a few days other people might converse. Does anyone (general genuine question) think that would encourage people to post?Jo@gro ups.com, Heather Farlow <farjoy2 > wrote:>> Sometimes it's not that the other people in this group don't want to post, its just that we don't know what to say. If someone other then the 4 main members of this group post something, it usually turns into a conversation between the 4 main people, and that can be intimidating. I think if someone posted a survey or a question

not directed at one person (which is how it is quite often) then I would be among the first to reply. Just my opinion--Heather> > > > fraggle <EBbrewpunx@ ...>> @gro ups.com> Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:00:33 PM> Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here> > > sorry you feel that way Yarrow...> anyone here is welcome to post anything they like, as long as it isn't vicious or likewise.> peter, peter vv, jo, and i have been here a long time. so, we chat. we bring up things that might interest anyone in the group. if you (or anyone) wants to talk about a subject, please please please feel free.> > > >

> yarrow > Jun 25, 2008 1:53 PM > @gro ups.com > Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here > > > At 8:10 PM +0000 6/25/08, qweiop75 wrote:> >....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the> >same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all> >wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts> >from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other> >1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there> >from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since> >the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many> >members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and> >why we

aren't hearing from the others.> > Sometimes it *does* look like a private conversation among those > three (usually not about veg topics), so if anyone else does post, it > gets lost. Some days 50 or more messages get filtered into the > veg-chat box, and when the volume is that high, often I don't have > time to look at them. That's when I think I ought to weed out some > e-mail lists that appear to be more noise than signal. But then once > in a while something interesting comes along.> > I've noticed that some people post once or twice when they first > join, then never again.> > > "We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out." - Bill Moyers>

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HI Gaya


Thanks. I think with the majority of people, there is just not enough time to join in regularly. I know I belong to groups that I don't often contribute to, but enjoy reading the posts.







Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:53 AM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




I really don't think so - I think it would be much more likely that you'd juist have a dearth of people not posting, or not sure what to say, and one of the appeals of this board is that it doesn't have that sort of pressurised feel - not normally anyway.


For my part I have no qualms about barging into a conversation with my opinions! I just don't post so much because of my working hours and time differences - a lot of the action here happens while I'm away from the computer and there's only so much catch-up that I can do. I don't think that's a bad thing, though, and it's not like we can't have more than one active thread on the board.


Gaya x


On 6/26/08, heartwerk <jo.heartwork > wrote:





LOL - that's probably because we like chatting - and it is a chat group :-)In the other groups I moderate, and those where I am a member, there is a small core of posters.Maybe if Fraggle, Peter, Peter VV and I stopped posting for a few days other people might converse. Does anyone (general genuine question) think that would encourage people to post?Jo , Heather Farlow <farjoy2 wrote:>> Sometimes it's not that the other people in this group don't want to post, its just that we don't know what to say. If someone other then the 4 main members of this group post something, it usually turns into a conversation between the 4 main people, and that can be intimidating. I think if someone posted a survey or a question not directed at one person (which is how it is quite often) then I would be among the first to reply. Just my opinion--Heather> > > > fraggle <EBbrewpunx> > Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:00:33 PM> Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here> > > sorry you feel that way Yarrow...> anyone here is welcome to post anything they like, as long as it isn't vicious or likewise.> peter, peter vv, jo, and i have been here a long time. so, we chat. we bring up things that might interest anyone in the group. if you (or anyone) wants to talk about a subject, please please please feel free.> > > >

> yarrow > Jun 25, 2008 1:53 PM > @gro ups.com > Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here > > > At 8:10 PM +0000 6/25/08, qweiop75 wrote:> >....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the> >same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all> >wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts> >from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other> >1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there> >from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since> >the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many> >members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and> >why we aren't hearing from the others.> > Sometimes it *does* look like a private conversation among those > three (usually not about veg topics), so if anyone else does post, it > gets lost. Some days 50 or more messages get filtered into the > veg-chat box, and when the volume is that high, often I don't have > time to look at them. That's when I think I ought to weed out some > e-mail lists that appear to be more noise than signal. But then once > in a while something interesting comes along.> > I've noticed that some people post once or twice when they first > join, then never again.> > > "We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out." - Bill Moyers>



-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson -- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson

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Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.






Blue Rose

Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork > wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans

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Heather, Heather, Heather,

I dont have a clue what I am going on about half the time, but it seems to keep some people amused, dont be put off, just post anything you like. Everyone has a delte button, and even the most silly posts ( like the one I sent on Alicia Silverstones dogs farting less since they became vegan ) can generate some interesting rapport, so dont feel self concious, or worry, be happy.waffle................I just did................:)




Peter vv


Heather Farlow <farjoy2 Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 3:16:29 AMRe: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




Sometimes it's not that the other people in this group don't want to post, its just that we don't know what to say. If someone other then the 4 main members of this group post something, it usually turns into a conversation between the 4 main people, and that can be intimidating. I think if someone posted a survey or a question not directed at one person (which is how it is quite often) then I would be among the first to reply. Just my opinion--Heather

fraggle <EBbrewpunx@earthlin k.net>@gro ups.comWednesday, June 25, 2008 7:00:33 PMRe: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



sorry you feel that way Yarrow...

anyone here is welcome to post anything they like, as long as it isn't vicious or likewise.

peter, peter vv, jo, and i have been here a long time. so, we chat. we bring up things that might interest anyone in the group. if you (or anyone) wants to talk about a subject, please please please feel free.

yarrow Jun 25, 2008 1:53 PM @gro ups.com Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




At 8:10 PM +0000 6/25/08, qweiop75 wrote:>....then I checked the archives back a year and saw that it's been the>same three people posting most of the time. There's nothing at all>wrong with that, & I"ve had plenty of interests in some of the posts>from those three folks, but it just makes me wonder where the other>1000+ people are. Okay, so I did see a post or two here and there>from names that weren't PeterVV, fraggle or Jo (handwerk), but since>the membership is closed to look at, I'm curious as to how many>members are in the bouncing list, and how many are "really" here, and>why we aren't hearing from the others.Sometimes it *does* look like a private conversation among those three (usually not about veg topics), so if anyone else does post, it gets lost. Some days 50 or more messages get filtered into the veg-chat box, and when the volume is that high, often I

don't have time to look at them. That's when I think I ought to weed out some e-mail lists that appear to be more noise than signal. But then once in a while something interesting comes along.I've noticed that some people post once or twice when they first join, then never again.“We now know that a neo-conservative is an arsonist who sets the house on fire and six years later boasts that no one can put it out.†- Bill Moyers

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LOL - we had a cartoon series here called Count Duckula - about a vegetarian vampire duck! He used to like tomato ketchup.







Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:02 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




You "vi" every day, the "vi" being from the latin "vita" (or the French "vie"), meaning life.


So, if taken literally, anyone non-viable here must be a zombie. Would vegan zombies only eat flesh of other vegans, I wonder?


Gaya :D


On 6/26/08, Peter <metalscarab > wrote:






Hi Beatriz


> Thanks, Peter :)> But, am I "viable"? :-S

Now that's a fine question. Do people "vi" you much? Do you have any experience of being "vi'd"?







-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson -- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson

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:-) Who is your favourite Doctor? I think my favourite is now David Tennant, as he seems to have mannerisms from all the previous Doctors - but I have liked them all.







Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:11 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




*not a pagan, but very much a Doctor Who fan*



On 6/26/08, Blue Rose <bluerose156 > wrote:





Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork > wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans


-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson

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LOL - I just posted about Count Duckula before I read your email. It was very amusing - especially 'Nanny'.






Blue Rose

Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:51 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



That reminds me...does anyone else other than me remember Count Duckula, the vegetarian vampire? Gods I loved that show. :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Beatriz <searchingalight > wrote:






//Would vegan zombies only eat flesh of other vegans, I wonder?//that would be cannibalism.. but wait, the last time I checked vegans didnt eat meat, so the possibilty of the existence of flesh-eating-vegan-zombies is outruled--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Peter <metalscarab > wrote:

Peter <metalscarab > Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here

Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 9:51 AM






Hi Gaya


> So, if taken literally, anyone non-viable here must be a zombie.

> Would vegan zombies only eat flesh of other vegans, I wonder?


I'd have thought they'd have gone for fleshy fruits... possibly heart of lettuce...






-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans

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Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or " intelligently eclectic " . I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_Gothic


-- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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Guest guest

Oh yes (although I was not a kid) - that was really amusing.







Thursday, June 26, 2008 7:05 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here




One of my favourites when I was a kid... I particularly remember the episode where they come across a tribe of Nannys!






Blue Rose

Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:51 PM

Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here

That reminds me...does anyone else other than me remember Count Duckula, the vegetarian vampire? Gods I loved that show. :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Beatriz <searchingalight > wrote:






//Would vegan zombies only eat flesh of other vegans, I wonder?//that would be cannibalism.. but wait, the last time I checked vegans didnt eat meat, so the possibilty of the existence of flesh-eating-vegan-zombies is outruled--- On Thu, 6/26/08, Peter <metalscarab > wrote:

Peter <metalscarab > Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here

Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 9:51 AM






Hi Gaya


> So, if taken literally, anyone non-viable here must be a zombie.

> Would vegan zombies only eat flesh of other vegans, I wonder?


I'd have thought they'd have gone for fleshy fruits... possibly heart of lettuce...






-- Email: bluerose156 AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_GothicBoston_MysticBoston-Pagans

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Guest guest

From the old school, Always Tom Baker. Technically I'm young enough that McCoy was my Doctor but my parents showed us lots of re-runs. Baker always got the best storylines (he wins for " Genesis of the Daleks " alone). From the new doctors... it took me a very long time to get there, because I was very protective of my fandom, but this season I got to the point where Tennant was my doctor.* I'm very impressed with Stephen Moffat's episodes, and looking forward to him taking over the reigns next season. :D

Gaya*Incidentally, he's a fantastic actor, and hopefully come November he will be my Hamlet as well *squee*On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 9:25 PM, jo <jo.heartwork wrote:







:-) Who is your favourite Doctor? I think my favourite is now David Tennant, as he seems to have mannerisms from all the previous Doctors - but I have liked them all.








Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:11 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here




*not a pagan, but very much a Doctor Who fan*



On 6/26/08, Blue Rose <bluerose156 wrote:





Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose-x.livejournal.com~Boston_Gothic



-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson



-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson

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Guest guest

Hi Gaya


> From the old school, Always Tom Baker. Technically I'm young enough that McCoy was my Doctor but my parents showed us lots of re-runs. Baker always

> got the best storylines (he wins for "Genesis of the Daleks" alone). From the new doctors... it took me a very long time to get there, because I was very

> protective of my fandom, but this season I got to the point where Tennant was my doctor.* I'm very impressed with Stephen Moffat's episodes, and looking

> forward to him taking over the reigns next season. :D


I agree with you on Moffat - should get even better.

> *Incidentally, he's a fantastic actor, and hopefully come November he will be my Hamlet as well *squee*


Just be careful what you say.... we couldn't get tickets... and they've even sold out for the London run, which don't even go on sale to non RSC members until September!!!!




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Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?




Peter vv


Blue Rose <bluerose156 Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or "intelligently eclectic". I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans

-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans

Not happy with your email address?

Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at

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Ah, I have RSC member friends who alerted us more or less as soon as it was available. All the weekends were gone when we got there, so we went for the Thursday before the wedding, so we have some enforced time away from all the mad people. Plus Navyboy and I first bonded over love of Star Trek, so Patrick Stewart will be absolutely awesome.

GOn Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Peter <metalscarab wrote:






Hi Gaya


> From the old school, Always Tom Baker. Technically I'm young enough that McCoy was my Doctor but my parents showed us lots of re-runs. Baker always

> got the best storylines (he wins for " Genesis of the Daleks " alone). From the new doctors... it took me a very long time to get there, because I was very

> protective of my fandom, but this season I got to the point where Tennant was my doctor.* I'm very impressed with Stephen Moffat's episodes, and looking

> forward to him taking over the reigns next season. :D


I agree with you on Moffat - should get even better.

> *Incidentally, he's a fantastic actor, and hopefully come November he will be my Hamlet as well *squee*


Just be careful what you say.... we couldn't get tickets... and they've even sold out for the London run, which don't even go on sale to non RSC members until September!!!!






-- Ms Madeline J Andersont: 01242 861269m: 07881 623654e: maddy.anderson

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I worship Greek gods.



On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:



Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?



Peter vv


Blue Rose <bluerose156

Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here




Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or " intelligently eclectic " . I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans


Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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Guest guest

Realy? worship as in believe they exist sort of thing? wow, does anyone believe on Roman gods still? are they two sides of the same coin, dont wish to offend, I realy am ignorant, sorry.




Peter vv


Blue Rose <bluerose156 Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:12:20 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



I worship Greek gods.



On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:



Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?



Peter vv


Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>@gro ups.comThursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or "intelligently eclectic". I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans


Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans

Not happy with your email address?

Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at

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Worship as in yes, like any other religion.


And yes, there are people who worship the Roman gods also (not all of them are the same).

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:



Realy? worship as in believe they exist sort of thing? wow, does anyone believe on Roman gods still? are they two sides of the same coin, dont wish to offend, I realy am ignorant, sorry.



Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156


Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:12:20 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



I worship Greek gods.




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:




Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?



Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>



@gro ups.comThursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here




Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or " intelligently eclectic " . I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans



-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at




-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com

~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystic

http://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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Guest guest

Thanks for clearing it up.

I dont believe in much realy, the earth, the sky, the seasons, tangable things I can see , feel, and affect my life directlty I suppose.....beer?...:)




Peter vv


Blue Rose <bluerose156 Sent: Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:19:43 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Worship as in yes, like any other religion.


And yes, there are people who worship the Roman gods also (not all of them are the same).

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:



Realy? worship as in believe they exist sort of thing? wow, does anyone believe on Roman gods still? are they two sides of the same coin, dont wish to offend, I realy am ignorant, sorry.



Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>@gro ups.com

Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:12:20 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



I worship Greek gods.




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:




Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?



Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>



@gro ups.comThursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or "intelligently eclectic". I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of "viable" members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans



-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at



-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans

Not happy with your email address?

Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at

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I'm a wine gal myself. I was thrilled when I found out that Yellow Tail is vegan, because their pinot noir is fab for the price!

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:23 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 wrote:




Thanks for clearing it up.

I dont believe in much realy, the earth, the sky, the seasons, tangable things I can see , feel, and affect my life directlty I suppose.....beer?...:)




Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156


Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:19:43 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here




Worship as in yes, like any other religion.


And yes, there are people who worship the Roman gods also (not all of them are the same).


On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:




Realy? worship as in believe they exist sort of thing? wow, does anyone believe on Roman gods still? are they two sides of the same coin, dont wish to offend, I realy am ignorant, sorry.



Peter vv




Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>



@gro ups.com




Thursday, 26 June, 2008 10:12:20 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



I worship Greek gods.




On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Peter VV <swpgh01 (AT) talk21 (DOT) com> wrote:




Boy am I ignorant, I dont understand any of this?



Peter vv



Blue Rose <bluerose156@ gmail.com>



@gro ups.comThursday, 26 June, 2008 9:28:08 PMRe: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here




Not all, but working on it! The current one is my favorite. He is quite squee.


I'm a Greek polytheist. I'd describe myself more as either syncretic or " intelligently eclectic " . I don't really mix 'n' match, just fill holes. :)

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 4:20 PM, jo <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:



Oooooh! I feel some chat coming on :-)


What path are you (I'm eclectic and Druid (but not wholly)) and have you seen all the old Doctors? or did you come in on the newer ones? We have just two episodes left this year :-( but they look as though they should be good.







Blue Rose

@gro ups.com




Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:16 PM

Re: Re: Question about amt. of " viable " members here



Yay!<-- also a Pagan and Doctor Who fan.:D :D

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:54 AM, heartwerk <jo.heartwork@ gmail.com> wrote:

I personally like heavy metal, Doctor Who, Paganism and theparanormal, photography, gardening, gentle walks etc.What do you like?


-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans




-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.com

AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothic

http://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystichttp://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans







Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at




-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com

~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystic

http://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans










Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at




-- Email: bluerose156@ gmail.comAIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156http://x-bluerose- x.livejournal. com

~http://groups. / group/Boston_ Gothichttp://groups. / group/Boston_ Mystic

http://groups. / group/Boston- Pagans






Not happy with your email address? Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at -- Email: bluerose156AIM: A Blue Rose 156 YM: blue_rose_156



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