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Bravo for your English! Can you order food online? glutenfreemall.com or

Kinnickinick.com (not sure if Kin. is vegan?) are good sources. There are some

good German companies, too.


Your baby is very young to be diagnosed Celiac! I am still nursing my 2.9

yr old, and she has not shown symptoms yet. I'm hoping she does not need to be

gluten free.






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Hi Viviana,


I nursed a boy that needed to eat gluten free too. And now three of us

in the family know that we need to eat this way. It is so worth it for

the health of the child. My approach, more and more is to eat things

that don't require bread, ethnic foods from other countries that are

naturally gluten free. And we eat more and more simple fruits and

vegetables. It is really better for our overall health. I agree that

it takes more effort to cook everything from scratch, but when we do it

that way we aren't eating all the additives, preservities and other

things they put in pre-made food that isn't good for us anyway. I

still wish I could run out for a pizza. But we are adjusting and

finding more things that everyone likes. There are some things that

aren't good that we won't make again, but it is that way with store

bought foods too.


I hope you can figure out something that works for you. Be sure to

email back if you need some more encouragement.


Barbara in Washington state, who would love to visit France someday


On Mar 14, 2006, at 12:02 PM, vlg0901 wrote:


> Hi,

> I'm french, vegan and mother of a 2 years old boy who is allergic to

> gluten (and eggs, milk, peanuts, mustard and sesame). As I'm still

> nursing him, I eat gluten free just like him.

> So I'm very intereting in reading your recipes, for in France, gluten

> free products are very rare, and very expensive.


> It seems to me that I live in the kitchen, and cooking takes so much

> time ! For I have to cook almost everything...


> I apologize for my bad english.


> Viviana, mom of Malo (born 3 5 2004)

> (mesvies.hautetfort.com)






> Our vegan and gluten free recipes are available in the archives

> for this group or at the following URL (***Recipes Posted to VGF***):




> Check out these affiliated vegan lists ~


> http://www.Christian-Vegan-Cooking






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On Mar 14, 2006, at 6:32 AM, jonrees81 wrote:


> Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I'm Jon and I managed to

> lose around 40lbs three years ago, I lost the weight through a

> combination of healthy eating and exercise. I've managed to keep most

> of the weight off but I'd say I need to lose about 10lbs right now -

> and I want to nip it in the bud before I end up back at square one!


> I know I've only got a small goal compared to a lot of people but I

> know that anything is achievable with enough motivation and the right

> information! I'm here to find out what's new since I last was serious

> about losing weight. But also to give and receive support and advice

> from fellow weight-losers!


> If there's anything you think I could help you with or anything you'd

> like to ask me the please send me a message.


Ack, some how I totally missed this message. I get behind with email

often, but not usually this bad. Sorry.


Anyway, welcome to the list. 40lbs is an impressive amount to lose. I

don't know how much has changed about dieting in the last three years,

but we're happy to share any information we have.


Haras the Wonder Frog

Princess of the Sandwiches


] " To forget a friend is sad, not everyone

] has had a friend. " - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Welcome to our little family! Ask any questions you need to know about and I

am sure someone will have suggestions. A brand name for cheese that most

people seem to like the best is by " Follow Your Heart. " It feels a little

different than real cheese, a bit more oily, but it is good and I use it for

anything that calls for cheese including pizza. There are also vegan

parmesan cheeses that are good and many people make their own.





> Hi,

> My name is Trisha. I live in Orlando, Fl and have 7 yr old that is also

> vegetarian. My husband eats fish and chicken but on a limited basis. We


> hoping to move over to a vegan lifestyle but need to really figure out how


> completely get rid of dairy in our diet. I have a few health problems that

> really prompt me to get serious about eating healthy. My daughter


> enjoys cheese but drinks soymilk not cow milk. Anyway, looking forward to

> learning from you all!!

> Thanks,

> Trisha

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi I'm Shirley, 30 yrs old, mother to two boys 8 and

12, we are all vegetarians. I've been veg since I was

11 and my boys since birth. We live in Columbia.


I am hoping to get some new recipies for my picky 8 yr

old who would live off of burritos and pizza if I let

him! And just some interesting ones to mix things up,

as it seems we have gotten into a rut when it comes to

what to make for dinner. Hopefully some of my old

recipies will be new and exciting for someone else in

the group!






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  • 2 weeks later...
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Congratulations on your weight loss.

It really helps your body, once you become a vegetarian. When I became

vegetarian, I took care that I was getting all the essential nutrients by

including different fruit and vegetable groups in my diet.

Have you tried raw milk before. this is unpasturized milk which even lactose

intolerant people can have. I also juice a lot of frutis and vegetables, so

that I get a concentrated source of the required nutrients.





violetrayz121 <violetrayz121 wrote: Just want to introduce

myself. My name is Jodie and I've been a

vegetarian for 6 yrs and just recently became Vegan 1 month ago. I

live in Nevada and am constanly getting teased for being a vegetarian.

I would not go back to eatting meat. I feel so much better and have

lost 20 lbs since changing my eatting habits. My mom has even become a

vegetarian 4 months ago and has lost weight. She always wonder why I

changed the way I eat and now she understands. Hope to meet many new










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Hi Jodie,


Welcome to the group! Yes, Congrats on your weight loss. I am trying to

get my mother and son to 100% raw. I am happy your mother is a

vegetarian it will do her good as well you.

Again Welcome!











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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Kathie ~

Get yourself a nice tofu cookbook! It is so versatile! My partner & I share

the cooking responibilities as well. Neither of us eat any meat. Last night we

made Vegetarian Hot Pot or something like that out of some old magazine we have.

It was yummy! Had tofu, bok choy, rice sticks, veggie broth and a couple other

things which are escaping me now. My partner wasn't feeling well, so I wanted

to make her a nice hearty soup with protein and it turned out delicious!

We've consciously changed our eating habits over the last few months to make

more meals from scratch and be aware of our protein and carb intakes. There a

multitude of yummy veg dishes out there, you just need to look and stock up on

some great essentials (veggies, spices, sauces etc)




Kathie Schmidt <tiskathie wrote:

Hi All,


I am Kathie from Asheville, NC. I have been a veggie (eat dairy, eggs and

once in a while I still do eat fish). My biggest problem is that I have

gone into this undereducated and mainly substituted bread and rice or meat.

Sooo, yes, I have put on weight.


My partner and I share the cooking, though she will still eat meat at times.


I look forward to this group.








The newly wed Ms. Drake-Martinez





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  • 1 month later...
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They papaya enzymes I " used " to take were full of sugar. So make sure

there is no sugar in them. Also there are lots of good enzymes on the

market. I take them. I just went into Whole Foods and asked for advice.

Each time they suggest Advanced Enzyme System by Rainbow Light. There

is some papaya in it with lots of other stuff.




rawfood , sway2880 wrote:


> hi i was wondering if any of u have lost any

> weight by following this diet-is there any hope for

> someone who want to lose 50lbs and how long do u think it

> will take thanks-oh one more question-does anyone take

> papaya enzyme over the counter in a pill form or is it

> just bs thanks sway


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Good morning! I've lost over 60 pounds in the last 14 months and most

of that was on raw foods. I don't take any pills or supplements. All

I do is eat good, nourishing raw food and exercise. You can read all

about it on my blog listed below my name. I also have a forum for

people interested in 811rv. http://snipurl.com/sf3a. BTW, I hardly

ever eat carrots!





rawfood , sway2880 wrote:


> hi i was wondering if any of u have lost any

> weight by following this diet-is there any hope for

> someone who want to lose 50lbs and how long do u think it

> will take thanks-oh one more question-does anyone take

> papaya enzyme over the counter in a pill form or is it

> just bs thanks sway


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I lost abt 50 lbs by eating 100% raw and green juicing 2X a day. Enzymes

were part of it, (not papaya). Losing weight was not my 1st priority, I was

trying to regain my health after a serious illness. I also did a lot of

detoxing. I ate whatever I wanted as long as it was raw and vegetable based- no

meat ,dairy, sugar, processed food etc. It took about 10 months. I was very


The first 3 weeks I spent at a raw food health center (Hippocrates) which

really helped me get started.





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Welcome Katie,

Nice to have you with us. Check out the recipe files and you will find

so many wonderful recipes from our members. Lot of 'how-to's' and great

advise in this group. There are mothers and fathers in the group like

yourself,and they are raising their children as Vegetarians. I'm sure

they will have lots of good information for you.

Thanks for joining

Sending smiles and hugs your way


, " katie_garr " <kgarr wrote:


> hello

> Im new to the group .Im a mom to three wonderful childeren, husband

> of 12 wonderful years. i would just like to learn more about

> vegetarian cooking the how to's of it . Thank you so much katie


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Hi, Katie. Welcome!

Come on in and have a cuppa!

I am fairly new to the group also. And 3/4 Vegetarian. LOL

But, I am learning.







08/21/06 15:44:09





Im new to the group .Im a mom to three wonderful childeren, husband

of 12 wonderful years. i would just like to learn more about

vegetarian cooking the how to's of it . Thank you so much katie







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Please do share them.... We love to get good ethnic recipes ...Yumm





Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:54 AM




Hello I am Angie and I am from Trinidad in the Caribbean. I would like

to share with all of you some of my local Caribbean vegetarian dishes

as well as East Indian vegetarian dishes that I know. Trust me I have

been making these dishes for 11 years and they are all great. Hope you

will enjoy them as much as my family and friend do. ENJOY!







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Hi Angie, welcome in here with us.

Your recipes look wonderful. We can use some recipes

from the islands. I don't think we have much in the

files in this category.

Hope you enjoy our recipes too.



--- angie00735 <angie00735 wrote:


> Hello I am Angie and I am from Trinidad in the

> Caribbean. I would like

> to share with all of you some of my local Caribbean

> vegetarian dishes

> as well as East Indian vegetarian dishes that I

> know. Trust me I have

> been making these dishes for 11 years and they are

> all great. Hope you

> will enjoy them as much as my family and friend do.






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Hi Carol, and welcome to the group. Are you possibly thinking about taking

up vegetarianism, or maybe including more vegetarian dishes in your diet? or

maybe you are interested from a point of view of providing menus for clients

who may choose a vegetarian way of life and have to combine this with other

dietary restrictions?


Whatever the case, I think you will find a lot of useful information in this

group. The discussions are rather quiet at the moment but this will no doubt

change, and meanwhile if you go to the website of

vegetarianslimming you have the opportunity to

look through the archive of messages which have been sent before - the

improved message search allows you to search for a particular subject e.g.

the name of a vegetable or a food suppliement, and all the messages

including that term will be revealed. Also the Files section includes a

valuable library of recipes added by the members, grouped according to type

(breakfasts, main meals, salads etc.) and there are a set of useful Links.


Looking forward to hearing from you on the group. If you have any questions,

don't hesitate to ask, I'm sure someone will know the answer or be able to

find out!


Regards, Piers Clement (co-owner group)


Carol wrote:


> hi, im carol from the Philippines. Im a nutritionist-dietitian from a

government hospital. i am not a vegetarian but i want to know more about

vegetarian, and how it works.

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Which 1/4 are you not veggie?




In , " Sue " <kup wrote:


> Hi, Katie. Welcome!

> Come on in and have a cuppa!

> I am fairly new to the group also. And 3/4 Vegetarian. LOL

> But, I am learning.

> sue



> ----


> katie_garr

> 08/21/06 15:44:09


> hi


> hello

> Im new to the group .Im a mom to three wonderful childeren,


> of 12 wonderful years. i would just like to learn more about

> vegetarian cooking the how to's of it . Thank you so much katie







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Thank you for the welcome

I had to go all veggie. Meat just does nothing for me

Every time I ate it I would be sick . My family is slowly

Getting there. I'm learning lots thanks again katie




8/22/2006 4:57:06 PM


Re: hi


Which 1/4 are you not veggie?




In , " Sue " <kup wrote:


> Hi, Katie. Welcome!

> Come on in and have a cuppa!

> I am fairly new to the group also. And 3/4 Vegetarian. LOL

> But, I am learning.

> sue



> ----


> katie_garr

> 08/21/06 15:44:09


> hi


> hello

> Im new to the group .Im a mom to three wonderful childeren,


> of 12 wonderful years. i would just like to learn more about

> vegetarian cooking the how to's of it . Thank you so much katie







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Uh.....that would be fish!







08/22/06 17:57:02


Re: hi


Which 1/4 are you not veggie?




In , " Sue " <kup wrote:


> Hi, Katie. Welcome!

> Come on in and have a cuppa!

> I am fairly new to the group also. And 3/4 Vegetarian. LOL

> But, I am learning.

> sue



> ----


> katie_garr

> 08/21/06 15:44:09


> hi


> hello

> Im new to the group .Im a mom to three wonderful childeren,


> of 12 wonderful years. i would just like to learn more about

> vegetarian cooking the how to's of it . Thank you so much katie







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Hi! I'm Kadee from Illinois, and I know what you mean, it's rough being the only

vegetarian family around. I have really enjoyed this group. It is really nice to

know there are other people out there who won't give you the " they need meat "

talk. :) My kids are Leah, she'll be three next month (sob!!) and Jeffery Jr.,

who is 1 1/2. They've been vegetarian all their lives, and it's so nice to let

them love all the animals to the greatest extent they can without one learning

that that animal is what they have on their dinner plates. My daughter

especially loves animals. She spent nearly an hour in our rat room earlier this

evening and fed them nearly a whole bag of papaya treats! Guess we'll have to

buy more. :) I hope this list is good for you- This is where I learned about

using baking soda and vinegar instead of laundry detergent. :)


Kadee Sedtal


ben wenzel <jillben2005 wrote:

Hello Everybody,


I have been watching your conversations for a couple of weeks now and figured

I should probably introduce myself and say hello.

I have two little girls (3 and 7) who are being raised vegetarian and my

husband and I are vegan. Most of what our daughters eat is vegan, but they do

occasionally get mac n cheese or something terrible like that.

I'm really excited to get to know you all better. I have a deep need to feel

more connected with other veg families. Also, my older daughter is beginning to

feel a need to know that there are other veg kids out there. We live in a small

town in Wisconsin and I have found it really difficult to find other veg


Our family is veg almost solely due to our concern for animals. While we do

try to eat healthily, it is always most important for us to influence others to

consider the welfare of animals.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better....


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Hi! I also have a 7 year old that is Vegetarian. He constantly tells me that

he is the only Vegetarian in his class, at his school, etc. I am not sure if

that is true, but I know he feels that way. He doesn't mind, just wishes he

could convert them, but I do wish he could get to know others, so as not to feel

so different!



in Florida



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Wenzel family,

Welcome! I hope you find this group helpful! It's so important to connect

with other veg families, and for your children to see that many others make

this choice too! If you ever have a chance to attend the Vegetarian

Summerfest that happens every summer in Johnstown PA you might want to try

it. It's a nice family summer vacation/summer camp way to meet other like

minded folks from all over. We've attended twice and loved it! We hope to go

again once our family is a little more mobile. But you might be able to seek

out some semblance of a veg community closer to you too!





> On Behalf Of ben wenzel

>Friday, October 13, 2006 2:50 PM


> Hi


>Hello Everybody,


> I have been watching your conversations for a couple of

>weeks now and figured I should probably introduce myself and say hello.

> I have two little girls (3 and 7) who are being raised

>vegetarian and my husband and I are vegan.

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Help him find some families from India and Seventhday Advetntist Church friends.

They would love for you to come anytime and join time for their Saturday worship

Service and frequent potlucks Potlucks as vegetarian and you would be most

welcome to join in and enjoy the delightful food that has been make for potluck.

.. Come often and get to know these warm wonderful souls that love Jesus and the

fellow man. We love visitor,but love it even more when you join in on all the








Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:28 AM

Re: Hi



Hi! I also have a 7 year old that is Vegetarian. He constantly tells me that

he is the only Vegetarian in his class, at his school, etc. I am not sure if

that is true, but I know he feels that way. He doesn't mind, just wishes he

could convert them, but I do wish he could get to know others, so as not to feel

so different!



in Florida


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