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Hi Laura..

Am not sure who this is directed too since I am running off to work

and can't read all the posts yet. (love this group by the way)... If

you check over past posts you will see my own grain burger recipe

which is basically oats, rice, and whatever you desire (good with

lentils, nuts, etc.) All of my past guests including meat eaters love

the baked burgers... they compliment any meal and will save you $$

besides your health...

I am glad for the comments about soy by the way. I lived by soy

fields when back east in VA and support the industry. I think that

the negative press is coming from the beef and dairy advocates. The

guy who put out soy scares in our local alternative press is a big

beef eater even though he runs a massage and healing center. When I

was saying that I felt the material was a " tad " overstated it was

very tongue-n-cheek! I think you all are right but still think that

balance is key. I think that a serving of bean product is better with

a larger portion of grains and easier on the bod. I remember eating

bean burritoes with my 5 brothers and whew - did we smell up the room

later! We could run a bus on all the natural gass!! :>) David

" Laura Scott " <llscott2000@a...> wrote:

> Please share your recipe for oatmeal patties.

> I am limited in what I eat now as am allergic

> to soy, dairy & egg whites.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here in FL it looks like the rain is letting up and it should be a beautiful



I cooked portabella mushrooms last night and they were great. I cooked them in

olive oil, Kraft peppercorn ranch salad dressing, roasted garlic (comes in a

small jar in Publix in our area) and a little soy sauce. Cook them until they

are barely done, don't overcook. The produce guy in our local Publix sometimes

makes them and gives out samples, so you can thank him for this idea.


I also tried a new recipe with filo. I have decided that if any recipie has

filo, it will not be quick. It wasn't even that great either. Oh well




--- Jeanne Reiswig <r5c2j wrote:

> HI everyone.


> How is everyone doing? As always the recipes that were

> sent here. :) I did save them all. Thanks again. Do

> take care everyone and I hope you all is well with

> everyone and that you all are having a wonderful day.

> JC


> =====

> E-mail is like coming home at night after a long day and finding 70 people in

> your kitchen. - John O' Donohue Heehee. And I love getting email. :)


> ____________________

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL LOL I thought that was cute too. Believe me my

husband and his stomach is something else. Guess

after all these 24 years i've pretty much got him.


:) Thanks Tim




--- Jeanne Reiswig <r5c2j wrote:

> Yes you do have the right ladyvelvet to post here.

> And

> as for me I really have appreciated you taking the

> time in sending them as well. :)


> Glad to see you online Bonnie. I'm Jeanne alias, JC.

> :)


> Now this could be an interesting answer from

> Ladyvelvet. LOL I've heard that the way to the man's

> heart is thru his stomach. LOLOLOL Sorry I couldn't

> resist. LOL


> **LadyVelvet will you marry me? -Tim**


> ROFL @ LadyVelvet. Oh that's funny. It wasn't your

> hubby that wrote that question was it. LOL


> **:0) That's funny. My husbands name is Tim. Have a

> wonderful day. **


> Glad you're back Dawn. I agree with you 100% on

> where

> no one will learn anything by arguing and by adding

> rules that limit individualism. :) That's why I

> joined

> this group to learn and get recipes that others

> have.

> :)


> Thanks P.T. for the spaghetti sauce recipe. Sure do

> appreciate it a lot. :)


> Well inspite of the sad day yesterday, I hope you

> all

> had a good day just the same. I know that it was a

> hard day for alot of people. Keep looking up. JC


> =====

> My mind works like lightning ... one brilliant flash

> and it's gone.


> If it wasn't for muscle spasms, I wouldn't get any

> exercise at all.


> Dime: A dollar with all of the taxes taken out.





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, Jeanne Reiswig <r5c2j> wrote:


> Thanks P.T. for the spaghetti sauce recipe. Sure do

> appreciate it a lot. :)


> Well inspite of the sad day yesterday, I hope you all

> had a good day just the same. I know that it was a

> hard day for alot of people. Keep looking up. JC


Thanks JC. It was a rough one yesterday emotionally for me, and physically

as well. I woke with one of those aweful headache and upset stomach bugs

that is going around the area. I sipped ginger ale and munched a few whole

wheat crackers...watched those 9/11 shows. Some were uplifting and some

were just so sad. Good to remember for healing I guess. You keep looking up,

too and thanks for being a sunny member here. Namaste.


Bright blessing upon America and peace for the whole world.


~ P_T ~



Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with

the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the

one getting burned. -Buddha (c. 566-480 BCE)

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Laura,


Hope you are starting to feel a little better, can’t wait for the vegan recipes, I have to get some vegan cookbooks, I have been vegan for just over a week now (started the new month with the new lifestyle change), and want to get some good recipies.




On 10/3/03 3:46 pm, " Laura " <child_of_the_80s wrote:


Hi everyone,

i've been having some problems and haven't been able to post

here for a while but i'm back now. Thought i'd tell you what

happened to me the other day and the reason i'm posting now and not

at work!


i'm off work with a bad back and neck after I had a car crash on

saturday night... well, i didn't, the taxi driver did!

I was travelling home from a fancy dress party, as Madonna in her

desperately seeking susan era, with my friends Marilyn Monroe and a

Mechanic (it was an M party) when our taxi was hit from behind my

another car! We then had to go in an ambulance to A & E, still in our

costumes and wait to be seen. They even sent me to xray like it,

how embarrassing! But i can see the funny side which was why i

thought i'd share!


Anyway, hoping to spend some time adding recipes soon. How is

everyone? I just got 5 vegan cookbooks that i'd ordered today so

expect to see some recipes from them soon.


Take care people x




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Hi Jon,

Congrats on going vegan. I was eating vegan for a week then had a veggie

weekend, now i'm trying to be vegan again and hope to stay that way. take a

look at my onlione diary


I've included a list of web addresses of sites that have info on veganism

and a list of sites that have searchable archives of vegan recipes. they're

all pretty good sites. I'm going to hopefully post a couple of recipes soon


Nice to hear from you :)





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Hi Laura!

How are you feeling? The party sounds like fun :-))))) I am still on holidays for another 2 weeks..........I hope to be in Edmonton Canada on Saturday. Looking forward to reading more emails later on in the week.

Bridget :-)If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere. - Vincent Van GoghPost your free ad now! Canada Personals

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>Earthy Lady <earthylady_39

>Hi Laura!

>How are you feeling? The party sounds like fun :-)))))

>I am still on holidays for another 2 weeks..........I hope to be in

>Edmonton Canada on Saturday.

>Looking forward to reading more emails later on in the week.

>Bridget :-)


Hi there,

i'm still off work with my aching back so i'm quite bored. Keep alternating

between lying down and typing at the computer... and sometimes both!

I'm sure i'll be back on top of things soon,

thanks for your concern,

have fun on your hols!


Laura :)



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Welcome to the list, Janet. It is good to have you here.



~ PT ~


The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.

-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)


, " Janet "



> Hey,Just wanted to say Hi and thanks for the invitation to join


> Vegetarian,its so cool to see so many people taking the side of the

> animals for a change:)

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Laura this is neat :-) I have some reading to do next week.


Laura Moore <child_of_the_80s wrote:

Hi Jon,Congrats on going vegan. I was eating vegan for a week then had a veggie weekend, now i'm trying to be vegan again and hope to stay that way. take a look at my onlione diaryhttp://laurakate01.diaryland.com/I've included a list of web addresses of sites that have info on veganism and a list of sites that have searchable archives of vegan recipes. they're all pretty good sites. I'm going to hopefully post a couple of recipes soon too.Nice to hear from you :)LauraIf you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere. - Vincent Van GoghPost your free ad now! Canada Personals

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello, Rohit, and welcome!


From India, huh??? Indian food is one of my favorites...I usually manage to hit

one of our Indian restaurant buffets once/week and " pig out " on the food. My

almost 4-year old granddaughter started Indian food at age 9 months, thanks to



When you get comfy, I am looking forward to seeing your recipes! Ummm...would

you have a good recipe for Chai tea?





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi, nice to meet you Ju. Welcome to the group!

I think the easiest way to change your diet is probably gradually. that seems to work best for most people. So if your ideal is a vegan raw diet you could go vegetarian, then vegan, then mostly raw etc.

Having said that, i went veggie overnight and then vegan overnight a few months later and that seemed to work for me.

the best adivice i have for you about sticking with it is to read all you can and watch all you can about the meat/dairy industry. I have found now that i know so much and have watched so much that i could never bring myself to eat meat, and i'd even feel bad about eating dairy.

So i say knowledge is power in this case!

Try www.Petatv.com if you want to watch some videos.

I know these things are shocking but sometimes it makes me feel so bad that this stuff is happening and people choose to ignore it. Once you have watched this stuff, even if you have previously not had an interest in animal rights/cruelty issues, it will make you feel empowered in your decision to stop eating meat!

I went veggie for health reasons but found i felt more compassionately about animal cruelty issues afterwards.

Anyway, i hope this helps. Vegan by Erik Marcus is an excellent book for exlaining why to go vegan. And the livewire guide to being, going and staying veggie (or something like that) by Juliet Gellatley is good too.

If you would like to know more about anything feel free to ask!


LauraJu <cb2_pl wrote:


Hi,I thought I would just write a few lines and come out of lurking....My name is Ju - female, nearly 39, living in the South East of England... young, free and single.I joined this group as in the past I have been vegetarian - came via wholefoods.. but due to practicalities and hunger went back to eating dead animal. I also am trying to loose some weight - about 30 lb!Now I am going back to being vegetarian - with the aim of eating a mainly vegan and/or raw food diet at home - and being vegetarian when going out.Would any of you be so kind as to tell me how to best effect this change?Is it best to go straight from a mixed diet to vegan - or is it better and/or easier to go vegan... I am studying hard the nutritional aspects of it all as well - and want to prepare well! And how to

deal with older people who may not understand what a vegetarian is - and are resistant to any change...?And what about a change to raw food as well?Sorry I have asked too many questions...Thanks for all your helpJu

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  • 5 months later...

Hey Phuc.....Welcome to ! We're glad to have you

here. Thanks for the intro.





, " Phuc " <fookthedevil@h...>


> hey, i got invited to this group. thanks for the invitation. It's so

> hard being around a family who devours meat like crazy. thanks for

> the comfort of people with similar mentalities.


> PHuc.

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In a message dated 1/8/04 9:12:33 AM,




> hey, i got invited to this group. thanks for the invitation. It's so

> hard being around a family who devours meat like crazy.  thanks for

> the comfort of people with similar mentalities.


> PHuc.



welcome to the group, phuc! hope it helps you realize that there are plenty

of us out there! :)










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  • 10 months later...

Hi Laura-

Glad to have your advice, but also to hear a little about you

personally. I'm also a teacher, but in the U.S., so I can relate to

your time crunch. As for reading, my favorite genre is the

biography. I like to see where others have come from, how they've

dealt with their life's problems, managed their successes, etc.

Speaking about successes, have you ever heard of Christina Perillo?

She has a cooking show that originates in Philly (my hometown) and

swears that vegetarian / organic eating cured her cancer and saved

her life. Certainly a bid for eating vegetarian! Talk to you all

again soon.



, Laura Moore

<laurakatemoore> wrote:

> Hello everyone,

> I've been a longtime member of this group but have been no mail

for a very very long time! Thought i'd come back and say hi. I

originally started this group because there wasn't anything out

there for veggies who wanted to slim but i soon found out that i

didn't have time to run it and give it the attention it deserves so

i handed over to Pat who has done the most fantastic job. I am now

a vegan but still need to lose a bit of weight. To make things more

complicated i have IBS so i often get an upset stomach and certain

foods make me feel pretty rough. Aurora, I find that charcoal

capsules (to soak up the gas and acid) and a tummy rub with ginger

essential oil blended with some carrier oil works well for me. I've

yet to find anything that works amazingly well though.

> Anyway, I'm still pretty busy because i'm a teacher but i will be

reading and hopefully replying to mails. I'm 23 and live in the UK

and i love reading, in case anyone is interested. ;)

> Hel.lo to anyone who remembers me... and to everyone who

doesn't. :)



> ~* Laura *~

> ReadingFairy


> Set your books free!

> http://bookcrossing.com/friend/Reading-Fairy

> Still a Vegan Vixen!


> Currently Reading: Them: Adventures with extremists - Jon Ronson



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Hi again, Laura!


Don't go away again - promise? ;=)


Big hugs and lotsaluv,


Pat ;=)


, Laura Moore <

laurakatemoore> wrote:

> Hello everyone,

> I've been a longtime member of this group but have been no mail for a very

very long time! Thought i'd come back and say hi. I originally started this

group because there wasn't anything out there for veggies who wanted to slim

.. . .

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Athena, and welcome,

Am I correct that assuming you are Pagan by your name? Well, no matter, I found

that Vegetarianism increased my spirituality.

For those of you that are Pagan I say that it is hard to seek your spirit guide

when it is possible that you would eat him/her.





Sunday, January 09, 2005 3:14 PM




Hi everyone,


I've signed up for this group a few days ago and am now finally introducing

myself. I had been debating the concept of going vegetarian for months now and

finally decided to do it as one of my resolutions. I'm actually finding it a

lot easier than I thought, and my love for meat has actually seemed to

disappear. I've noticed that even the sight of it kind of makes me uneasy.

It's really weird. I've only been doing this for about nine days. But I am

very happy with the decision I've made. So I hope that by joining this group I

could gain support, some recipes, and a couple friends at that.





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No I'm not Pagan. I was named after my godmother who I think is Catholic. I'm

not sure. Thanks for the welcome.




Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

Hello Athena, and welcome,

Am I correct that assuming you are Pagan by your name? Well, no matter, I found

that Vegetarianism increased my spirituality.

For those of you that are Pagan I say that it is hard to seek your spirit guide

when it is possible that you would eat him/her.





Sunday, January 09, 2005 3:14 PM




Hi everyone,


I've signed up for this group a few days ago and am now finally introducing

myself. I had been debating the concept of going vegetarian for months now and

finally decided to do it as one of my resolutions. I'm actually finding it a

lot easier than I thought, and my love for meat has actually seemed to

disappear. I've noticed that even the sight of it kind of makes me uneasy.

It's really weird. I've only been doing this for about nine days. But I am

very happy with the decision I've made. So I hope that by joining this group I

could gain support, some recipes, and a couple friends at that.





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Wow! you are very lucky to have been given such a beautiful name! And after your

grandmother, that is so cool. Anyway, ya know, when I first decided to become a

vegetarian I thought my food choices would now be limited, but instead it has

opened up so many more choices. Can't wait to try that seitin, or however ya

spell it. ;O)





Sunday, January 09, 2005 9:26 PM

Re: Hi



No I'm not Pagan. I was named after my godmother who I think is Catholic.

I'm not sure. Thanks for the welcome.




Maria/Chanda <puterwitch wrote:

Hello Athena, and welcome,

Am I correct that assuming you are Pagan by your name? Well, no matter, I

found that Vegetarianism increased my spirituality.

For those of you that are Pagan I say that it is hard to seek your spirit

guide when it is possible that you would eat him/her.





Sunday, January 09, 2005 3:14 PM




Hi everyone,


I've signed up for this group a few days ago and am now finally introducing

myself. I had been debating the concept of going vegetarian for months now and

finally decided to do it as one of my resolutions. I'm actually finding it a

lot easier than I thought, and my love for meat has actually seemed to

disappear. I've noticed that even the sight of it kind of makes me uneasy.

It's really weird. I've only been doing this for about nine days. But I am

very happy with the decision I've made. So I hope that by joining this group I

could gain support, some recipes, and a couple friends at that.





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welcome Molly,

I am a new vegetarian and I have found much info here and a lot of warmth too.





Sunday, January 09, 2005 9:59 PM





I can't remember if I introduced myself here. I'm Molly. I have been

vegetarian for 4 months. I am eating eggs (which will eventually leave

my diet) and some dairy products.


My main impetus for the change is a sometimes dormant but reoccurring

passion for the oceans. Reading about the impact the fisheries are

having on the coral reefs and the ecology of the oceans in general

started me thinking... so maybe I am a bit backwards because I quit

seafood first.


Basically I want to eat nothing that caused an animal to die and I

want to eat the oher stuff as organically as I can afford. :0)









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  • 1 year later...

Hi Carla,


Welcome from a fellow Aussie !!! You should find plenty of great

recipes in the files here .... and they're all converted to metric

(and Australian) too. You'll normally find the Aussie measurements and

names in brackets beside the US ones.


Happy cooking,

Kim, Melbourne, Australia.



, " Carla " <jordan@w...>



> G'day everyone.

> I'm an Aussie and live on the west coast, north of Perth. Hope to

learn heaps from you all and looking forward to some really tasty

healthy cooking. I'll try to contribute as much as I can.

> Cheers

> Carla



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Sandy,


Welcome! Yes, you will hear the dehydrator when it's on, especially in a

small apartments. You're right, the recipes that are 70-90 % fat are too much

fat as a general rule. Not all " raw " diets/lifestyle are the same. Nuts, seeds,

and oils should be used as " supplement " not as the staple of your meals. About

the third question, I'm not sure. Keep reading and talking to people!








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Jon...How did you lose the 40lbs?


" Dream as if you will live forever....Live as if you will die Today! "




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