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Hi there Bob


......Stuff deleted.......

> salad - good

> avocado - good food, very high fat: recommended in

> very limited

> quantities, like 1/2 avo per week!

> cooked rice - not raw - lots of problems with it.

> rice milk - not raw - even more refined than above -

> not whole

> organic food bars - not raw usually, not whole, very

> processed,


This is the 90% raw, vegan one. I was recommended by

my friend who is raw (and has been for 5 years). Here

is the link to them




> lara bars - don't know; probably same as above

> granny smith apples: good: fruit


> Sorry, but if that is what you're eating: that's not

> a good diet, it's

> horrible, and not even close to a raw diet. On a

> caloric basis,

> you're probably getting less than

> 10-15% of your calories from raw, if that!


Thanks for that!


> Can anybody see anything

> > that could be added to this to get my weight up

> > (besides eating more).


> And what can be done to > increase my transit time?


......stuff deleted......



> give your body a rest - if everything is going

> through that quickly,

> the body is telling you it doesn't want it...it

> really wants some good

> nutrition...

Actually it is slowly. I am looking for something that

will speed it up.


> And my final question, any

> > advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell

> and

> > stuff, very bad I know)?


> yes, much more fruit during the day: especially

> sweet fruits: bananas,

> fresh dates, figs, persimmons, melons, etc. Late

> night cravings

Ok, but my mind gets cloudy when I have sugar

especially something high in sugar like a banana or

something like that. that's why I stuck to salad

originally. Any solutions? You said that avocaodos are

not the best, can you tell me why? Thanks!


Thanks and I will read the docs in the rawschool today








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Hi again Rich/Froggy..


I'm assuming your questions are for you, and not for Heather...or were

you asking why I'd made the comments I made for Heather?


I see you and Heather as being in different places on the journey:

you're on a side road, remerging with the main road, and Heather is

just getting on the main road. that said, I'll answer your questions:



> there's only living (raw, plant food) for me. everything else is

> death and i can't live happily eating death.




> i don't think bread is food either but what's your understanding of

> this?


**no, bread is not what I'd call a food either - cooked combo of stuff***


> i do drink tap and spring water.


** recommendation remains the same: too much, if not all, of our tap

and spring water is contaminated by man. I recommend stickig with

pure steam distilled water.


> i'd like to finish all my eating by 8pm latest, maybe someday but i

> don't see that day anywhere in the near future.*


**ok....and, as I've said before - we can make any choices we'd like;

we just don't get to choose the consequences - they happen automatically.



> why skip avocado?


for starting out, it's way too high in fat; in 100g, there's 75% of it

that's fat, a whopping 121 cal out of 160 calories. I think I

remember from when I saw you earlier that you were a huge avo fan -

used to eat multiple every day, as I remember.

and i thought you said a little nuts/seeds are

> good, why skip them for now?


yes, little nuts and seeds are ok - suggested skipping for now for

Heather to get an easier start into Raw, and to concentrate upon sweet





> i go to produce stores mostly, not organic but most inexpensive.


ok..and probably not optimal; like many other parts of life, we all

get to make choices and maybe compromises all the time; that doesn't

change what is physiologically optimal for us.


> that's right, i'll just become a model of how i eat since they'll be

> watching.




good luck to you...are you asking from an inquiring perspective, as in

you want to learn something? or is it something else? As I remember,

you were here for a long time, posted lots, and I assume, read lots.


all the best,


Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach


> www.rawfoodeaters


> rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:

> > Hi Heather!

> >

> > congratulations on making the realization that you need to do

> > something else!

> >

> > I may have suggested this before, and I encourage you to look at

> food

> > as being on a continuum, with " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or

> > better, fruits, vegetables, and a few nuts and seeds " as being over

> on

> > the far right of the continuum, where it says:

> > optimal, health-creating, vibrant living.

> >

> > On the other end of the scale is

> > dis-ease, health-destroying, lifeless living.

> > and on this end of the scale you'll find: animal products, sugar,

> > bread, alcohol, condiments, spices, herbs, etc. and all of the other

> > things we ingest that are either not food at all (Kisses?!?), or

> poor

> > imitations of such.

> >

> > I, and many others, have found it helpful to establish a base of a

> > couple of " sweet " fruits, like bananas and dates, and then fill in

> > around those with other fruits that are in season, and some greens,

> > and maybe a few nuts/seeds. Since I saw you were over in Orlando,

> I'm

> > in Tampa, now we can get great watermelons, lopes, and mangoes for a

> > start. Use some of these to fill in around the bananas and the

> dates.

> > See RawSchool file section for more info on dates:

> > http://tinyurl.com/b477d (the link is ok...just made it tiny,

> since

> > it's waaaayyy too long for here..)

> >

> > For now, while you're transitioning, try this:

> >

> > start the day off, as soon as you've gotten out of bed, made a trip

> to

> > the bathroom, and maybe brushed your teeth: have 16 oz. of pure,

> > steam-distilled water to start off the day.

> >

> > then, when you feel " hungry " (you're probably not, but more on that

> > much later...), have some more water...(wait at least 15 min. before

> > solid food) .then next time have a large

> > fruit: like 2# of watermelon, or a large canteloupe, or honeydew,

> > etc... Chew each mouthful many times...liquify the food in your

> > mouth: " drink our food, and eat our drink " lol! meaning, get it all

> > thoroughly masticated in the mouth before swallowing.

> > Wait at least 30 minutes, and then if still " hungry " have a few

> > mangoes, for instance.

> > Wait another 30 minutes, if still hungry, have this for a late

> morning

> > by now, hopefully, or around lunch:

> > 3-5 medium bananas - eaten slowly, as above

> > 3-5 dates

> > few stalks of celery

> >

> > lunch, or afternoon snack - same as above - more bananas,dates, and

> > celery. Maybe increase both the bananas and the dates. Eat up:

> it's

> > great stuff!

> >

> > about 1/2 hour before " dinner " (finish all eating by 8pm latest!)

> > have a nice, fresh, juicy orange.

> >

> > for dinner, have a large salad, consisting of lettuce, (red leaf,

> > romaine, bibb, etc...), tomatoes, cukes, and celery. For now, skip

> > the avocado and the nuts/seeds.

> >

> > Watch how you feel....:observe what your body is telling you.

> >

> >

> >

> > As far as the others and what they eat: that is their choice. We are

> > each free to choose whatever we'd like; we are *not* however able to

> > choose the consequences: they are automatic, based upon the choices

> > we've made. My suggestion here is that you become a model for what

> > you want to eat, and eat that. They'll be watching.

> >

> > I also live with two non-raw people (rest of family grown and

> gone) -

> > some things I've done that are helping: always have a large salad

> > available to share for dinner/supper. Have a container on the

> > counter with fresh fruit in it....ask, when I'm going shopping, if

> > anyone has any special fruit requests. For example, my 17.5 yr. old

> > son said he'd like some apples and strawberries. sooo, I bought

> those,

> > he now regularly eats those, and I keep them in stock: it's a step.

> >

> > The refrigerator normally has lots of good choices available, if

> > anyone is interested...

> >

> > and lastly, try shopping at farmer's markets; failing that Whole

> Foods

> > Market does a great job - I saw there one in Winter Park...or go

> here

> > for their other Florida locations:

> > http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/list_FL.html

> > if that fails, Publix is now starting to have a better organic

> > section: and they'll even special order in bananas for you, if they

> > dont' have them. I find their cukes too expensive for even me, and

> > their celery is good. Tomatoes are ok...

> >

> > Good luck on the journey.

> >

> > all the best,

> >

> > Bob Farrell

> > Personal Health Creation Coach

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Hi Tino...


responses in *** ****


rawfood , Tino Dai <oberoc> wrote:

> Hi there Bob


> .....Stuff deleted.......

> > salad - good

> > avocado - good food, very high fat: recommended in

> > very limited

> > quantities, like 1/2 avo per week!

> > cooked rice - not raw - lots of problems with it.

> > rice milk - not raw - even more refined than above -

> > not whole

> > organic food bars - not raw usually, not whole, very

> > processed,


> This is the 90% raw, vegan one. I was recommended by

> my friend who is raw (and has been for 5 years). Here

> is the link to them


> http://www.organicfoodbar.com/usa/home.html


probably better than many things, and it's not food - it's not found

in Nature like that, and it's not " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or

better.... "


> > lara bars - don't know; probably same as above

> > granny smith apples: good: fruit

> >

> > Sorry, but if that is what you're eating: that's not

> > a good diet, it's

> > horrible, and not even close to a raw diet. On a

> > caloric basis,

> > you're probably getting less than

> > 10-15% of your calories from raw, if that!

> >

> Thanks for that!




> > Can anybody see anything

> > > that could be added to this to get my weight up

> > > (besides eating more).

> >

> > And what can be done to > increase my transit time?


> .....stuff deleted......


> >

> > give your body a rest - if everything is going

> > through that quickly,

> > the body is telling you it doesn't want it...it

> > really wants some good

> > nutrition...

> Actually it is slowly. I am looking for something that

> will speed it up.


*not sure what you meant here* - trying to speed *what* up?

we can't speed the body up: it's way smarter than we are, it routinely

controls/directs/coordinates over 100 trillion calls every day; only

when we get in there and interfere does it start having real problems.

Our job is to help supply it with the correct raw materials, and let

it do its job. It definitely knows how.


> >

> > And my final question, any

> > > advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell

> > and

> > > stuff, very bad I know)?

> >

> > yes, much more fruit during the day: especially

> > sweet fruits: bananas,

> > fresh dates, figs, persimmons, melons, etc. Late

> > night cravings




> Ok, but my mind gets cloudy when I have sugar

> especially something high in sugar like a banana or

> something like that.


sounds like your body needs a rest. we're not designed to get cloudy

when we eat bananas. It's not the bananas - it's something else

within your body, and my guess is too much fat. with that much fat,

it surrounds the sugar molecules, and then the insuling can't get to

the sugar, and we start another cycle.



that's why I stuck to salad

> originally. Any solutions? You said that avocaodos are

> not the best, can you tell me why?


see previous post to Froggy/Rich - they're way too high in Fat - like

75% fat! they're a great food, in very small quantities, like 1/2

avocado per WEEK!





> Thanks and I will read the docs in the rawschool today

good luck, and enjoy the journey.




> Tino





> __

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs

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rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:

> > i do drink tap and spring water.


> ** recommendation remains the same: too much, if not all, of our tap

> and spring water is contaminated by man. I recommend stickig with

> pure steam distilled water.


i look on distilled water as a cooked item, it's heated. it wouldn't

affect me adversely to drink distilled water since it comes cold, but

i'm still wary of anything that's heated, i just don't think i need

to heat anything, i don't think god set it up that way. i'll

probably just take my chances with tap and spring water, i know

they're not as healthy but i don't think this diet has a lot to do

with health in the sense that spirituality can overcome anything

easily, in other words, eating as i believe i should is the important

thing and it's spiritual growth that makes all the difference, the

physical is like a shadow nothing as far as food and everything else



> > why skip avocado?


> for starting out, it's way too high in fat; in 100g, there's 75% of


> that's fat, a whopping 121 cal out of 160 calories. I think I

> remember from when I saw you earlier that you were a huge avo fan -

> used to eat multiple every day, as I remember.


i don't know, i'd say a lot of fat as a comfort food for

transitioning to raw is a good thing, i remember when i first went

raw back in '95 i soon found avos and relied on them right from the

beginning. plus a person is going to lose a lot of weight on this

diet initially just because it's such a radical change, that taking

in as much fat as raw allows is a good thing to eat something

substantial that may help weight.


i used to eat a lot everyday, now i just eat 2 or 3.


> and i thought you said a little nuts/seeds are

> > good, why skip them for now?


> yes, little nuts and seeds are ok - suggested skipping for now for

> Heather to get an easier start into Raw, and to concentrate upon


> fruits....


from my perspective, nuts and seeds are for processing anger over

this radical change of diet and the anger is highest initially so

swallowing some raw nuts right from the beginning could be a good

thing just so i feel like i'm eating something substantial and

cooling my emotions a little bit. of course, you have to believe in

the emotional component to getting raw to understand what i'm saying.


> good luck to you...are you asking from an inquiring perspective, as


> you want to learn something? or is it something else? As I


> you were here for a long time, posted lots, and I assume, read lots.


just dialoguing man, saying whatever comes to mind, i wouldn't ask

anything for anyone else, if i ask, it's for me. and yes, sometimes

i can learn something, just getting someone else's perspective and

dialoguing about this is helpful, it doesn't matter a whole lot what

someone else says. it's the commitment to being raw and

communicating with others who want same that's the helpful thing,

i've got to keep my commitment strong by sharing what i've got with

others who believe in this.


i posted lots on here earlier this year, it's not interesting enough

to get that involved anymore. i haven't really read much about food,

i was an avid spiritual reader for a long time and i simply know that

i've got to get comfortable being a produce eater if i ever want any

peace of mind in this life.






it cheers me so when someone joins this group.

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Hi there Bob,


Quick questions


Here is my new diet (yet to be implemented)



3 bananas

5 - 6 organics dates

3 peaches

2 apples



salad with cukies and tomato





How does that sound?


about how much time does it take for a person to

become fully detoxed, and start gaining weight again?


Will this improve my elimination?



Thanks in advance







--- Bob Farrell <rjf2 wrote:



> Hi Tino...


> welcome to the list.


> yes, several thoughts, and they'll be brief since

> I'm about to go play

> tennis..


> in a nutshell eat this: " whole, raw, fresh, ripe,

> organic or better,

> primarily fruits, and some vegys, and few nuts and

> seeds. "



> -snip---

> > I had been almost completely raw at one point

> > about 1.5 month time span, but I got really really

> > thin (like 115 - 120 lbs thin being 5'9 " )

> don't know where you started, and 1.5 months is a

> very short timespan

> compared to your 32 years of age...



> and the

> > transition time for the food to past through my

> body

> > went into the toilet.


> more later..

> But, I was happy, my moods were

> > light, and my ADD symptoms seem to disappear.


> sounds like an improvement....

> >

> > I am again on the quest to become raw (for

> emotion

> > health reasons). When I was raw last time, my diet

> > consisted of salad.


> that was my basic mistake back in about 1979! same

> results: we

> *cannot* subsist/exist on only salads: it's

> virtually impossible to

> get the calories we need from just salad stuff: a

> very large salad

> with a whole head of lettuce, several tomatoes, some

> cucumbers, some

> celery, and a few nuts will only have about 400

> cals. we need much

> more than that.



> Now it contains salad, avocado,

> > cooked rice, rice milk, organic food bars and lara

> > bars, granny smith apples.


> salad - good

> avocado - good food, very high fat: recommended in

> very limited

> quantities, like 1/2 avo per week!

> cooked rice - not raw - lots of problems with it.

> rice milk - not raw - even more refined than above -

> not whole

> organic food bars - not raw usually, not whole, very

> processed,

> lara bars - don't know; probably same as above

> granny smith apples: good: fruit


> Sorry, but if that is what you're eating: that's not

> a good diet, it's

> horrible, and not even close to a raw diet. On a

> caloric basis,

> you're probably getting less than

> 10-15% of your calories from raw, if that!



> Can anybody see anything

> > that could be added to this to get my weight up

> > (besides eating more).


> yes, introduce lots of fruits into your diet:

> suggest starting with

> bananas and fresh dates (see files secion over on

> RawSchool for

> sources:

> http://tinyurl.com/8594g (used tinyurl since the

> other link is so

> long..)


> I'd recommend you do some serious reading on

> raw...read or search

> here, and over on RawSchool - you're on the wrong

> path! need to get

> over onto a Health-building path..


> look in rawschool also for a file with searching

> instructions.




> And what can be done to > increase my transit time?


> give your body a rest - if everything is going

> through that quickly,

> the body is telling you it doesn't want it...it

> really wants some good

> nutrition...


> And my final question, any

> > advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell

> and

> > stuff, very bad I know)?


> yes, much more fruit during the day: especially

> sweet fruits: bananas,

> fresh dates, figs, persimmons, melons, etc. Late

> night cravings

> typically are our bodies telling us we didn't give

> them enough of what

> they needed during the day. The reason the taco

> bell stops the

> cravings is that the body looks at them as

> toxins/poisons, and now has

> a much bigger job to do: somehow eliminate that

> toxin/poison, and it

> won't be talking to us about what it needs at the

> moment: it's

> literally fighting for its own survival.


> all for now and all the best...


> suggest reading up, and let us know how you're

> doing. Look for things

> on food-combining also.




> Bob

> Personal Health Creation Coach



> >

> >

> >

> >

> __

> > Start your day with - make it your home

> page

> > http://www./r/hs









Start your day with - make it your home page


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rawfood , Tino Dai <oberoc> wrote:

HI Tino...


Generally it looks ok, and if I were doing it, I'd switch dinner

toward breakfast,and drop everything down, like this:




> Quick questions


> Here is my new diet (yet to be implemented)



> Breakfast

> oranges.



> 3 bananas

> 5 - 6 organics dates

> 3 peaches

> 2 apples


> Dinner

> salad with cukies and tomato




> How does that sound?

sounds fine...try it, and see how it works for you...


> about how much time does it take for a person to

> become fully detoxed, and start gaining weight again?


can vary greatly from what I can tell...


> Will this improve my elimination?

probably, once your body starts regaining some of its energy.


and a couple of times a week, you might get some additional benefit

from a few nuts/seeds (like 1/4 c. each time) or 1/2 of a avo added to

your salad....if you're looking for a salad " dressing " , try some fresh

squeezed lemon juice.


many new RFers don't start off anywhere near this well! good plan...

and best to you,


Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach



> Thanks in advance


> -Tino





> --- Bob Farrell <rjf2@t...> wrote:


> >

> > Hi Tino...

> >

> > welcome to the list.

> >

> > yes, several thoughts, and they'll be brief since

> > I'm about to go play

> > tennis..

> >

> > in a nutshell eat this: " whole, raw, fresh, ripe,

> > organic or better,

> > primarily fruits, and some vegys, and few nuts and

> > seeds. "

> >

> >

> > -snip---

> > > I had been almost completely raw at one point

> > > about 1.5 month time span, but I got really really

> > > thin (like 115 - 120 lbs thin being 5'9 " )

> > don't know where you started, and 1.5 months is a

> > very short timespan

> > compared to your 32 years of age...

> >

> >

> > and the

> > > transition time for the food to past through my

> > body

> > > went into the toilet.

> >

> > more later..

> > But, I was happy, my moods were

> > > light, and my ADD symptoms seem to disappear.

> >

> > sounds like an improvement....

> > >

> > > I am again on the quest to become raw (for

> > emotion

> > > health reasons). When I was raw last time, my diet

> > > consisted of salad.

> >

> > that was my basic mistake back in about 1979! same

> > results: we

> > *cannot* subsist/exist on only salads: it's

> > virtually impossible to

> > get the calories we need from just salad stuff: a

> > very large salad

> > with a whole head of lettuce, several tomatoes, some

> > cucumbers, some

> > celery, and a few nuts will only have about 400

> > cals. we need much

> > more than that.

> >

> >

> > Now it contains salad, avocado,

> > > cooked rice, rice milk, organic food bars and lara

> > > bars, granny smith apples.

> >

> > salad - good

> > avocado - good food, very high fat: recommended in

> > very limited

> > quantities, like 1/2 avo per week!

> > cooked rice - not raw - lots of problems with it.

> > rice milk - not raw - even more refined than above -

> > not whole

> > organic food bars - not raw usually, not whole, very

> > processed,

> > lara bars - don't know; probably same as above

> > granny smith apples: good: fruit

> >

> > Sorry, but if that is what you're eating: that's not

> > a good diet, it's

> > horrible, and not even close to a raw diet. On a

> > caloric basis,

> > you're probably getting less than

> > 10-15% of your calories from raw, if that!

> >

> >

> > Can anybody see anything

> > > that could be added to this to get my weight up

> > > (besides eating more).

> >

> > yes, introduce lots of fruits into your diet:

> > suggest starting with

> > bananas and fresh dates (see files secion over on

> > RawSchool for

> > sources:

> > http://tinyurl.com/8594g (used tinyurl since the

> > other link is so

> > long..)

> >

> > I'd recommend you do some serious reading on

> > raw...read or search

> > here, and over on RawSchool - you're on the wrong

> > path! need to get

> > over onto a Health-building path..

> >

> > look in rawschool also for a file with searching

> > instructions.

> >

> >

> >

> > And what can be done to > increase my transit time?

> >

> > give your body a rest - if everything is going

> > through that quickly,

> > the body is telling you it doesn't want it...it

> > really wants some good

> > nutrition...

> >

> > And my final question, any

> > > advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell

> > and

> > > stuff, very bad I know)?

> >

> > yes, much more fruit during the day: especially

> > sweet fruits: bananas,

> > fresh dates, figs, persimmons, melons, etc. Late

> > night cravings

> > typically are our bodies telling us we didn't give

> > them enough of what

> > they needed during the day. The reason the taco

> > bell stops the

> > cravings is that the body looks at them as

> > toxins/poisons, and now has

> > a much bigger job to do: somehow eliminate that

> > toxin/poison, and it

> > won't be talking to us about what it needs at the

> > moment: it's

> > literally fighting for its own survival.

> >

> > all for now and all the best...

> >

> > suggest reading up, and let us know how you're

> > doing. Look for things

> > on food-combining also.

> >

> >

> >

> > Bob

> > Personal Health Creation Coach

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > __

> > > Start your day with - make it your home

> > page

> > > http://www./r/hs

> >

> >

> >





> __

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the group, Ron. It is great to have you with us. :)


Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like - anytime you like. We

have wonderful members who love to share recipes, information and advice.

Please feel at home.


Thanks for the recipe. It sounds great. Susie is in charge of adding recipes

and organizing recipes in the file section. Feel free to share as many

recipes as you like with us. Our wonderful Susie has taken the burden off of

us and she so wonderfully files all of the recipes that we all share.


Great intro and once again, Ron, welcome aboard.


Shawn :)


On 9/17/05, Ron wrote:


> Hello,

> I am new here. My name is Ron and I am new to this group and any group,

> LOL. A coworker told me to check out as I have no vegetarians

> in my life with whom to share any recipes or data, besides my coworker that

> is, and I don't want to bother her all of the time, LOL.

> I have so many questions to ask but I don't wish to bombard anyone with my

> needs immediately after just joining, so I will post a recipe now.

> I hope this is the way it is done. If it is not and I need to add my

> recipe into the files section or use some other procedure, please inform me

> of this and I will take the appropriate steps.


> My coworker Anna gave me this recipe, I have no idea from where she

> obtained it, it was a truly delicious experience:


> Ingredients:

> 3-4 medium zucchini, unpeeled

> 2 tablespoons butter

> 2 tsp. parsley, chopped

> 2 tablespoons chopped onion

> 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced

> 1 tsp. salt

> 1 garlic clove, minced fine

> 1 tsp. fresh oregano or 1/2 tsp. dried

> 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, grated

> 1/2 cup buttered, seasoned bread crumbs


> Wash and slice zucchini in thin rings. In a large skillet, saute parsley

> and onion in the butter until soft, add mushrooms, then garlic (the last

> minute). Stir in remaining ingredients, except bread crumbs.


> Pour into buttered casserole dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs over top, and

> Parmesan cheese if desired. Cover with foil and bake at 275 degrees for 30

> minutes.


> Remove foil and bake about 15 minutes longer or until browned.


> Nice to meet you all,

> Ron






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Hi Ron. Welcome to the group. The recipe sounds great. I plan on trying it next

week. :-)


Janice's Jewels




Free Satellite


Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the

little voice at the end of the day that says...

" I'll try again tomorrow " .







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Thank you so much Janice for the warm reply.

I am especially eager to respond to you as you share the name of my sister, and

I notice the spelling is the same. I am sorry if I am digressing from the

original topic but I can't help but elaborate on the lovely name. It was

actually chosen by my maternal aunt for my sister as it means God is gracious,

as my mother almost died during childbirth. Again, sorry for the digression but

I don't often see it spelled that way.

Do try the recipe and I am sure you will be pleased.



Janice's Jewels <janices_jewels wrote:

Hi Ron. Welcome to the group. The recipe sounds great. I plan on trying it next

week. :-)


Janice's Jewels




Free Satellite


Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the

little voice at the end of the day that says...

" I'll try again tomorrow " .







Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.1/104 - Release 9/16/2005




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Thank you for the compliment. :-)



Janice's Jewels




Free Satellite


Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the

little voice at the end of the day that says...

" I'll try again tomorrow " .




Ron Hess

Saturday, September 17, 2005 10:12 PM

Re: new here



Thank you so much Janice for the warm reply.

I am especially eager to respond to you as you share the name of my sister,

and I notice the spelling is the same. I am sorry if I am digressing from the

original topic but I can't help but elaborate on the lovely name. It was

actually chosen by my maternal aunt for my sister as it means God is gracious,

as my mother almost died during childbirth. Again, sorry for the digression but

I don't often see it spelled that way.

Do try the recipe and I am sure you will be pleased.



Janice's Jewels <janices_jewels wrote:

Hi Ron. Welcome to the group. The recipe sounds great. I plan on trying it

next week. :-)


Janice's Jewels




Free Satellite


Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the

little voice at the end of the day that says...

" I'll try again tomorrow " .





Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.11.1/104 - Release 9/16/2005



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  • 5 weeks later...

rawfood , " Debi " <debiannp> wrote:


> What are the best books to get?




Welcome, Debi!


My current favorite book is The Raw Food Gourmet: Going Raw for Total

Well-Being by Gabrielle Chavez (ISBN 1-55643-613-0). The forward was

written by Victoria Boutenko. Here's what's written on the back cover:


" 'Going raw' is not a fad. It's a favor to yourself and the conscious

choice to embrace health and optimize your life. The gourmet recipes

and meal ideas here show that far from taking away familiar pleasures,

raw foods can match them plus bring new excitement to your diet. Raw

foods give the full complement of needed nutrition, and they have

become a happy alternative for people with allergies or eating

disorders. Perhaps the most surprising benefit from raw foods is that

you will feel terrific -- physically energized and spiritually renewed.


" Featuring some 150 'rawsome' recipes, from appetizers and snacks to

feast foods and desserts, Chavez describes what you can create with

the wide range of fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables, spices, and

seasonings that make up the repertory of raw foods. Along with

information on ingredients and preparation, she shares stories of her

own voyage discovering the joys of un-cooking. Even those who can't

imagine eating only raw foods will find irresitible recipes here. "





(Washington State)

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Thanks for the tip on the book. I just donated most of my old cook

books. I tossed a lot of the " old " flours and nasty white rice too.

No turning back now!

So far this has been fairly easy. My husband has been on a trip for

the past week. I figure if need be I can grill him a piece of meat.



Hope Everyone has a good weekend!




Norman OK

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Cyndi,

Here are some links I found tat look good.














Monday, October 31, 2005 2:08 PM

New Here



Hi everyone ~ thanks for letting me join the group. I am a single

working mom. My daughter Meg and I are struggling vegetarians. Any

suggestions for an ultra picky teen who doesn't like most veggies and

fruits?! LOL As long as I have rice and corn around, she's happy.

Enjoying the recipes that I've found so far (can't wait to try the

lentil/rice loaf) ~ Cyndy











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Thanks Chanda!

I will certainly check these out. We ate out last night at Old

Country Buffet ~ we both ate strictly vegetarian! Celebrating her

acceptance to Clarion University next fall. Maybe she can find some

fellow vegetarians there....




, " PuterWitch "

<puterwitch@c...> wrote:


> Welcome Cyndi,

> Here are some links I found tat look good.


> Blessings,

> Chanda




> http://www.pamf.org/teen/health/nutrition/veggieteens.html


> http://www.vrg.org/family/kidsindex.htm





> -

> Cyndy


> Monday, October 31, 2005 2:08 PM

> New Here



> Hi everyone ~ thanks for letting me join the group. I am a


> working mom. My daughter Meg and I are struggling vegetarians.


> suggestions for an ultra picky teen who doesn't like most veggies


> fruits?! LOL As long as I have rice and corn around, she's


> Enjoying the recipes that I've found so far (can't wait to try


> lentil/rice loaf) ~ Cyndy





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  • 2 months later...

Hi Paul! I'm in the Sacramento area and I'm a new veg too (and in both groups

as well). Welcome!






paul v <paulvatoloco wrote:

Hi I'm Paul in L.A. and I know PT from the I'm in.

I will be sure to start looking in the recipe files. I haven't been a

vegetarian very long but I'm learning.

Being in both groups will give me alot of help and extra recipes.






Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.



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hi paul!

and welcome. glad to have you here. between the two

groups you are taken care of for help and recipes. :)

let us know if you need anything.



--- paul v <paulvatoloco wrote:


> Hi I'm Paul in L.A. and I know PT from the

> I'm in.

> I will be sure to start looking in the recipe

> files. I haven't been a vegetarian very long but

> I'm learning.

> Being in both groups will give me alot of help and

> extra recipes.

> Paul




> Photos

> Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality

> prints in your hands ASAP.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

-Welcome Sharon,

We have all been here waiting for you. LOL. Glad you stopped " lurking "

and started posting. You'll like this group. In reference to the milk

alergies..I finally got my 86 year old mother to stop drinking milk and

using cream. She was having one sinus infection after another,stomach

cramps, and acid reflux. After she stopped the milk no more problems

and no need to take the medicines that the doctor gave her. She

actually ended up in the ER before she would listen. Sometimes it takes

a lifetime to stop old habits.

I will be a Vegan in this lifetime but have to give away my leather

boots,shoes and handbags first. I have vowed to never buy any leather

again so that will be easy. Now to give up butter and occasionally

cheese and it will be accomplished.

Sending smile and hugs your way


-- In , " ringtwins " <ringtwins



> hello everyone. my name is sharon. i've been veg for about 20 years. i

> am striving hard for a vegan life style. i've been lurking for a few

> days and am amazed at the info and the volume of info shared. where

> have you been all my life? ;) someone posted info on the addictiveness

> of dairy... oh my. thank you! it all seems obvious now. thank you



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Guest guest

I have gained much from this group by just lurking. If I ever start to

cook from a cookbook I will be sure to post the recipe.

I have tried a few from the files and they are now favorites. The

pasta dishes, soups and grain recipes also. I'm going to try a loaf

one of these days. I've been using the frozen Boca's and I'm rather

tired of those now.



, " ringtwins " <ringtwins



> hello everyone. my name is sharon. i've been veg for about 20 years. i

> am striving hard for a vegan life style. i've been lurking for a few

> days and am amazed at the info and the volume of info shared. where

> have you been all my life? ;) someone posted info on the addictiveness

> of dairy... oh my. thank you! it all seems obvious now. thank you



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Guest guest

Hi Sharon....welcome to our group. My middle name is Sharon...mmm! Does that

mean we are related? LOL! I think we ALL are related. Just feel free to

jump right in and join our conversations. Have a good time with all your new

family members.



from WA State






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Guest guest

Jade in NYC - where in nyc? Beth


Jade Barrett <jzbarrett wrote:



“The right adult at the right time can make an enormous difference. Many kids

have a history of difficult, disappointing relationships and one good

relationship--one person who is there for them--can make a huge difference.”

-Jean E. Rhodes Professor, Psychology at the University of Massachusetts in







New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.



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Guest guest

Hi Beth-


I live in midtown 55th Street between 5th & 6th Ave.



Beth Renzetti <elmothree2000 wrote:

Jade in NYC - where in nyc? Beth


Jade Barrett <jzbarrett wrote:



“The right adult at the right time can make an enormous difference. Many kids

have a history of difficult, disappointing relationships and one good

relationship--one person who is there for them--can make a huge difference.”

-Jean E. Rhodes Professor, Psychology at the University of Massachusetts in







New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I wish you the best of luck with defeating your breast cancer and regaining your

life after an unhappy marriage. My daughter is a breast cancer survivor (and

skin cancer) and how I wish she would be more open to more of a raw food diet.

Maybe I can share your sucess stories with her!!!


Trish Burrows

P.O. Box 456

Newland, NC 28657









5/6/2006 2:50:03 PM

[Raw Food] New Here



Hi everyone. I am a 58 year old woman recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

I am obese and 3 years ago came out of a very difficult 25 year marriage which

I ate my way through!!!


When I was in my late 20ies, I became very interested in raw food. I still have

all of my books, and have recently ordered a sprouter, and hope to detox and

start eating primarly raw foods.


Just wanted to introduce myself.










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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome and definitely share some recipes. We love them here.



Raul Garcia

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:02 AM

new here



Wanted to say hello, I'm a new vegetarian and new to the group.

My name is Raul, I'll try to post you a recipe real soon.




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