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hi sheri,

welcome to the list!



--- moondance3591 <sheruntsch wrote:

> Hi All,


> I'm new to the list & thought I should introduce

> myself. I have

> already gotten some great recipe ideas looking back

> at some of the

> posts on the list. Thanks!


> Sheri

> in MN







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  • 1 month later...
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Warm welcome, Kimberly. That wasn't a

jumbled mess at all, but rather a very nice

intro. I am glad you joined the list, and I look

forward to reading your future posts here.

I don't know very much about macrobiotic

diets as I have not read much at all on the

subject. What are some books or websites

on it that you have found most helpful to you?

I could always do a google or search for myself,

but find that being directed by folks living it

is the best approach to getting to the good stuff.

I hope you enjoy the feral vegetarian! *s*


~ PT ~


Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves.

~ Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)


, Kimberly Chadwick <

qterthanu23> wrote:


> Anyway, hope that wasn't too much of a jumbled mess.


> Thanks again for the invite, I look forward to chatting!


> For the animals,

> Kimberly

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welcome Kimberly, you are right about not all vegetarians being

skinny cause I been lacto/ovo(easy on the lacto and the ovo) for 15

years and one thing I am not is skinny. I gotta work on that one.

anyway enjoy this group.

stay cool,Dave

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There's seems to be quite a divergence in opinions on what exactly

macrobiotic is. Some sites seem to say something about (less fluids)-

(why i have no idea) and some that it is more about not eating many

processed foods and sugars. I know someone who considers herself

macrobiotic and she said it's simply living by the credo " You are

what you eat " . So if you don't mind elaborating, what does

macrobiotic mean to you?


> > Anyway, hope that wasn't too much of a jumbled mess.

> >

> > Thanks again for the invite, I look forward to chatting!

> >

> > For the animals,

> > Kimberly

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hmmm..less fluids? I know I physically drink less (if at all on some days) but I

have never heard that to be a part of or a goal of the diet. As far as processed

foods and sugars go, macrobiotics do not consume these products. There is no

processed anything in the macro diet. I have also never heard the credo " you

are what you eat " as a description of macrobiotics. She could be consuming

animals products for all I know, that would ensure that she is not macrobiotic.

The only sentient creatures in a macro diet are fish but not all fish. Tuna and

blue-skinned, fatty, oily fish are on the foods to avoid list. A macro friend of

mine occasionally eats halibut.


Macrobiotics to me means eating whole foods at every meal. Grains and a variety

vegetables (keep in mind there are some forbidden fruits and vegetables on this

diet as well, depends on the phase of macro you are in, I am currently doing a

healing phase) supplemented with sea vegetables, pickles, beans and vegetable

soups. It means three meals a day, roughly 5 hours apart, chewing each mouthful

at least 50 times, not eating at least 3 hours before bed, a body rub at least

once a day, a foot soak each night, wearing cotton clothing as much as possible,

filling my home with green plants to clean the air, keeping a positive mental

attitude as often as possible. Being macro is more than just what you eat, it is

a lifestyle. There are many different levels of macrobiotics but to me, I

believe one must live the practices to call onself macrobiotic. As I mentioned

there are multiple levels of macro, the " highest " level is the brown rice diet,

where brown rice is the only food consumed. From

there the rice may be supplemented with other grains and the foods I mentioned

above. Anything beyond the occasional serving of fish would not considered

macrobiotic as far as I have been taught.


Hope that gives you a clear view of another way to look at it.








Message: 12

Wed, 10 Mar 2004 21:50:46 -0000

" dave "

Re: New Here


There's seems to be quite a divergence in opinions on what exactly

macrobiotic is. Some sites seem to say something about (less fluids)-

(why i have no idea) and some that it is more about not eating many

processed foods and sugars. I know someone who considers herself

macrobiotic and she said it's simply living by the credo " You are

what you eat " . So if you don't mind elaborating, what does

macrobiotic mean to you?


> > Anyway, hope that wasn't too much of a jumbled mess.

> >

> > Thanks again for the invite, I look forward to chatting!

> >

> > For the animals,

> > Kimberly






Kimberly Chadwick

The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for

humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.

- Alice Walker

The questions is not; Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?

- Jeremey Bentham



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  • 2 months later...
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, " quossnr " <quossnr> wrote:


> Hi, my name's Nicole. I've been a vegetarian for 16 years. I have to say that

finding great

> things to eat has gotten so much easier over the years. Still, it's easy to

get into a rut,

> eating the same things. I'd like to hear what other people make as their

favorite easy

> recipes, and I'll share mine also. Thanks!


Hi Nic ole,

My name is Gina and I am new here also. I have been a vegetarian for 4 years,

thats great you've been

for 16! What type of things do u like to eat for lunch? I'll share some

recipes, but don't know many. I

would love to hear some of yours. Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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There are a few hemp protein powders on the market. I like the one from

www.rawfood.com <http://www.rawfood.com/> that is hemp, sprouted flax and

maca all-in-one.







rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:15 AM


[Raw Food] New Here






but still need a raw protein to put in the drink.






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I just happened to have theatwebsite in my favorites. I didn't know they

had the protein powder. Thank you so much. I have asked many and finally

someone had an answer. I really appreciate it.




rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf

Of Poppy Davis

Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:21 PM


RE: [Raw Food] New Here


There are a few hemp protein powders on the market. I like the one from

www.rawfood.com <http://www.rawfood.com/> that is hemp, sprouted flax


maca all-in-one.







rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf



Saturday, April 23, 2005 9:15 AM


[Raw Food] New Here






but still need a raw protein to put in the drink.






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Some people use raw hemp protein powder as a

supplement. YOu can get it in the health food store.




--- April <allhaul wrote:



>I plan to get some almonds

> and start making

> almond milk but still need a raw protein to put in

> the drink.







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April wrote:




> Hello

> I have been virtually all vegan for many years. I have just been

> learning about needing go all raw as well. That is a new territory for

> me and would like to learn from others if I can.

> I live in Northern CA with hubby and son and 4 dogs on 2 1/3 acres. I

> love it in the country and just moved here a year ago. I have a lot do

> to with no fence and a lot of rocks before I attempt a garden but is

> in the plans.

> I am hypoglycemic and need ideas on how to deal with that while

> trying to go all raw vegan. Currently I make soy protein shakes to

> keep from passing out. Maybe there is a raw equivalent I could start

> making. I do have maca root I've been putting in the shake which is

> suppose to be very good. I plan to get some almonds and start making

> almond milk but still need a raw protein to put in the drink.

> Anyway it will fun to get to know everyone and learn all I can.

> April



Hi April,


Welcome to the group. I have no doubt that you are going to learn much

on this group that will help you make that step into raw living foods.

There is a wealth of health here and lots of most excellent advice.



Peace be with you, April.


Don " Quai " Eitner


" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "





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Hello Don

I know you from the other group. I joined this group since the other

group does not seem to really focus on eating raw foods. I wanted to

learn more. Nice to see you here.




Hi April,


Welcome to the group. I have no doubt that you are going to learn much

on this group that will help you make that step into raw living foods.

There is a wealth of health here and lots of most excellent advice.



Peace be with you, April.


Don " Quai " Eitner


" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the

animal and wakes in man. "





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  • 3 weeks later...
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Welcome Kimberly,


There are soooooooo many recipes in " Files " . All vegan, all gluten

free and the recipes that are soy free all have (SF) beside the name.

The recipes that can be easily made soy free have (*SF).


Kim, in Australia.



PS - I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I have made indexes for

the recipes - one for each main category and a really, reALLY, REALLY

long index of all the recipes. Out of interest I printed it up - 87

pages (A4) !!! (and it's probably longer now).



, " Kimberly Little "

<littlek@w...> wrote:

> Hello! I'm new to the list. I'm looking for good recipes to help


> Mom cook for my Dad who was recently diagnosed as gluten-


> He can't eat barley, rye, oats or wheat, gluten, and he's also

> intolerant to soy! We're all vegetarian, and Dad avoids dairy


> as well, so I think this list will be just the place for me! :-)

> Looking forward to getting lots of great new recipes! I've already

> been through the first 2000 messages in the archives, LOL


> Kimberly

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How satisfying! It's wonderful to know that we have all those vegan and

gluten free recipes at our fingertips. Thank you, Kim, for filing them and

organizing them for us.


Much appreciation,



>>>PS - I don't know if anyone has noticed, but I have made indexes for

the recipes - one for each main category and a really, reALLY, REALLY

long index of all the recipes. Out of interest I printed it up - 87

pages (A4) !!! (and it's probably longer now).

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Kimberly--Welcome! We're about to go GF here, as soon as we're all done with

our Celiac testing. We are already mostly CF. We do eat some meats, but not

much. And we avoid soy, too, like you do. Also all " artificials " , corn syrup,

and similar things typically added to commercially made foods. I think you'll

really enjoy this list! Marilyn




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  • 3 months later...

hi heather, good luck on your venture into raw foods. 100% all the

way. i've eaten unhealthy much in my life. my energy is much less

when i'm not raw. eat produce, there's a book. there's lots of raw

plant food avaailable, all kinds of fruit and vegetables and nuts. i

look forward to getting to know you too heather. my knowledge is eat

produce, same for my tip.


well, i'm trying to make a comeback here. i've been raw since

saturday after a two and a half month binge. i'll lose where i live

if i drink and that's keeping me raw because if i wasn't raw i'd be

miserable. i through out some cream cheese with red spots (looked

like peppers maybe) and herb spots of some kind on saturday, i've

never been able to through cooked food out before, i just let it sit

there until it drives me so crazy i go ahead and eat it and give up

my raw food, but not this time, actually the only reason i through it

out was because i went on a trip saturday morning and i through it

out on the way, lucky i did, because had it been home when i got home

i would have eaten it, but hopefully i would have gotten raw sunday,

but who knows, i'm raw since saturday.


there was some light blue tropical drink that i wanted to try the

other day but i let that go too. i've had a few food scares,

temptations this week but i've lived through all of them. i've

gotten a little decent sleep but i still need at least one more good

sleep before i fully have my equilibrium back. i hope i stay raw for

the rest of my life. i read that if i'm disharmonious at all then

i'm not paying attention to god who is harmonious all the time.


i'm leaning on raw nuts too much for my liking for now, maybe when i

run out of what i have in about a week i'll give them up. i'd rather

just pretty much be a fruitarian with a few vegetables thrown in now

and then, and no dates either, i just want to give them up, but not

for now. hopefully soon i'll just rely on avocados, bananas and

grapes for my fury and food binges and overeating and late night

eating, if i could limit myself to these foods for my needed comfort,

emotional, maybe some physical since i'm pretty thin, i'd be in good

shape as they're all fruit.




rawfood , " Heather " <nrcysus69@c...> wrote:

> Hi, I am Heather. I am just starting to venture into the raw food

world. I have a friend that is primarily raw (I'd say about 95%)and

she has introduced me to some wonderful foods. I have been eating

very unhealthy the past 2 years. I feel pretty drained most of the

time and have decided it is time to do something about it. I am

working my way through a few raw books right now and have learned



> While I have most of the tools to cook just about anything I feel I

need more stuff to not cook:) I am looking for the cheapest place to

buy a dehydrator and some other things. I have decided on an

excalibur. Does anyone here have a link to the best place to purchase

items like this? I am in the Orlando, FL area and would also like to

know of any places here that may sell items to use also.


> I look forward to getting to know you guys and would love any

knowledge and tips you want to pass along.


> Thanks,

> Heather



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i'm 143 lbs and 5'10 which is fine, i could go as low as 135 lbs and

not worry about it but i hope i stay at 140. i'm thin boned but it

is strange to see myself so thin.


i'm definitely happy and my moods are light eating raw and that's the

only way they could be so raw better be right for me. to be honest

with you, i'd rather die raw than be tortured mentally not being raw,

but i don't think raw will kill me, i think i'll be as healthy as i

can be and be bright and active at 100 years old.


raw for me is only about emotional health reasons and of course, i

add spirituality into that reality.


i don't think there's any way to eat produce and keep your weight up,

the body only takes what it needs to maintain and doesn't add any

extra weight.


late night munchies are avocados, bananas, dates, grapes and raw

nuts, aren't they the same for everyone? probably not eh.




rawfood , Tino Dai <oberoc> wrote:

> Hi Everybody,


> My name is Tino, and I have been searching for a

> raw group for a long time (about 6 months). A little

> background on myself. I am 32, had a stroke when I was

> seven (no, nobody knows why), have symptoms of ADD,

> and have sometime be described as moody.


> I had been almost completely raw at one point

> about 1.5 month time span, but I got really really

> thin (like 115 - 120 lbs thin being 5'9 " ) and the

> transition time for the food to past through my body

> went into the toilet. But, I was happy, my moods were

> light, and my ADD symptoms seem to disappear.


> I am again on the quest to become raw (for emotion

> health reasons). When I was raw last time, my diet

> consisted of salad. Now it contains salad, avocado,

> cooked rice, rice milk, organic food bars and lara

> bars, granny smith apples. Can anybody see anything

> that could be added to this to get my weight up

> (besides eating more). And what can be done to

> increase my transit time? And my final question, any

> advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell and

> stuff, very bad I know)?



> Thanks in advance

> Tino





> __

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs

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Hi Tino...


welcome to the list.


yes, several thoughts, and they'll be brief since I'm about to go play



in a nutshell eat this: " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or better,

primarily fruits, and some vegys, and few nuts and seeds. "




> I had been almost completely raw at one point

> about 1.5 month time span, but I got really really

> thin (like 115 - 120 lbs thin being 5'9 " )

don't know where you started, and 1.5 months is a very short timespan

compared to your 32 years of age...



and the

> transition time for the food to past through my body

> went into the toilet.


more later..

But, I was happy, my moods were

> light, and my ADD symptoms seem to disappear.


sounds like an improvement....


> I am again on the quest to become raw (for emotion

> health reasons). When I was raw last time, my diet

> consisted of salad.


that was my basic mistake back in about 1979! same results: we

*cannot* subsist/exist on only salads: it's virtually impossible to

get the calories we need from just salad stuff: a very large salad

with a whole head of lettuce, several tomatoes, some cucumbers, some

celery, and a few nuts will only have about 400 cals. we need much

more than that.



Now it contains salad, avocado,

> cooked rice, rice milk, organic food bars and lara

> bars, granny smith apples.


salad - good

avocado - good food, very high fat: recommended in very limited

quantities, like 1/2 avo per week!

cooked rice - not raw - lots of problems with it.

rice milk - not raw - even more refined than above - not whole

organic food bars - not raw usually, not whole, very processed,

lara bars - don't know; probably same as above

granny smith apples: good: fruit


Sorry, but if that is what you're eating: that's not a good diet, it's

horrible, and not even close to a raw diet. On a caloric basis,

you're probably getting less than

10-15% of your calories from raw, if that!



Can anybody see anything

> that could be added to this to get my weight up

> (besides eating more).


yes, introduce lots of fruits into your diet: suggest starting with

bananas and fresh dates (see files secion over on RawSchool for


http://tinyurl.com/8594g (used tinyurl since the other link is so



I'd recommend you do some serious reading on raw...read or search

here, and over on RawSchool - you're on the wrong path! need to get

over onto a Health-building path..


look in rawschool also for a file with searching instructions.




And what can be done to > increase my transit time?


give your body a rest - if everything is going through that quickly,

the body is telling you it doesn't want it...it really wants some good



And my final question, any

> advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell and

> stuff, very bad I know)?


yes, much more fruit during the day: especially sweet fruits: bananas,

fresh dates, figs, persimmons, melons, etc. Late night cravings

typically are our bodies telling us we didn't give them enough of what

they needed during the day. The reason the taco bell stops the

cravings is that the body looks at them as toxins/poisons, and now has

a much bigger job to do: somehow eliminate that toxin/poison, and it

won't be talking to us about what it needs at the moment: it's

literally fighting for its own survival.


all for now and all the best...


suggest reading up, and let us know how you're doing. Look for things

on food-combining also.





Personal Health Creation Coach






> __

> Start your day with - make it your home page

> http://www./r/hs

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Hi Rich/froggy...


good to see you're working your way back. I've been on the list since

February 27th, and remember seeing you lots back then.


as far as late night munchies, I find that I work to avoid them all

together - eating late at night doesn't usually work for me at all;

if/when I get the munchies, I find that I almost invariably didn't

have enough to eat during the day.


all the best,


Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach


rawfood , " Froggy " <seconaphim> wrote:

> i'm 143 lbs and 5'10 which is fine, i could go as low as 135 lbs and

> not worry about it but i hope i stay at 140. i'm thin boned but it

> is strange to see myself so thin.


> i'm definitely happy and my moods are light eating raw and that's the

> only way they could be so raw better be right for me. to be honest

> with you, i'd rather die raw than be tortured mentally not being raw,

> but i don't think raw will kill me, i think i'll be as healthy as i

> can be and be bright and active at 100 years old.


> raw for me is only about emotional health reasons and of course, i

> add spirituality into that reality.


> i don't think there's any way to eat produce and keep your weight up,

> the body only takes what it needs to maintain and doesn't add any

> extra weight.


> late night munchies are avocados, bananas, dates, grapes and raw

> nuts, aren't they the same for everyone? probably not eh.


> rich


> rawfood , Tino Dai <oberoc> wrote:

> > Hi Everybody,

> >

> > My name is Tino, and I have been searching for a

> > raw group for a long time (about 6 months). A little

> > background on myself. I am 32, had a stroke when I was

> > seven (no, nobody knows why), have symptoms of ADD,

> > and have sometime be described as moody.

> >

> > I had been almost completely raw at one point

> > about 1.5 month time span, but I got really really

> > thin (like 115 - 120 lbs thin being 5'9 " ) and the

> > transition time for the food to past through my body

> > went into the toilet. But, I was happy, my moods were

> > light, and my ADD symptoms seem to disappear.

> >

> > I am again on the quest to become raw (for emotion

> > health reasons). When I was raw last time, my diet

> > consisted of salad. Now it contains salad, avocado,

> > cooked rice, rice milk, organic food bars and lara

> > bars, granny smith apples. Can anybody see anything

> > that could be added to this to get my weight up

> > (besides eating more). And what can be done to

> > increase my transit time? And my final question, any

> > advice about late nite munchies (like taco bell and

> > stuff, very bad I know)?

> >

> >

> > Thanks in advance

> > Tino

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __

> > Start your day with - make it your home page

> > http://www./r/hs

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yea, i started out by reading every post on here from december 21 when

i first got raw for 90 days and commented much obviously. now i just

follow a thread or start a new one but i don't comment too many times



what kind of job has you working at night? for now i like that full

feeling before i go to bed, not the best thing but a bunch of raw plant

food isn't going to hurt me in any way, mentally or physically. i'll

get away from it eventually after i get more comfortable raw.


like i said, my fare is usually pretty light during the day, mostly

fruit and a few vegetables but i generally don't go for the hard stuff

like raw nuts or dates. but really, logically, to me, it is plenty, i

really believe i'm meant to just eat a little produce whenever i'm

hungry, i'd like to see it be completely fruitarian at some point, that

makes the most sense to me, logically, and from a taste standpoint.




rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:

> Hi Rich/froggy...


> good to see you're working your way back. I've been on the list since

> February 27th, and remember seeing you lots back then.


> as far as late night munchies, I find that I work to avoid them all

> together - eating late at night doesn't usually work for me at all;

> if/when I get the munchies, I find that I almost invariably didn't

> have enough to eat during the day.


> all the best,


> Bob Farrell

> Personal Health Creation Coach

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Hi Rich..


sorry..I must've said something wrong: I'm not working at nights at

the moment...







rawfood , " Froggy " <seconaphim> wrote:

> yea, i started out by reading every post on here from december 21 when

> i first got raw for 90 days and commented much obviously. now i just

> follow a thread or start a new one but i don't comment too many times

> anymore.


> what kind of job has you working at night? for now i like that full

> feeling before i go to bed, not the best thing but a bunch of raw plant

> food isn't going to hurt me in any way, mentally or physically. i'll

> get away from it eventually after i get more comfortable raw.


> like i said, my fare is usually pretty light during the day, mostly

> fruit and a few vegetables but i generally don't go for the hard stuff

> like raw nuts or dates. but really, logically, to me, it is plenty, i

> really believe i'm meant to just eat a little produce whenever i'm

> hungry, i'd like to see it be completely fruitarian at some point, that

> makes the most sense to me, logically, and from a taste standpoint.


> froggyrich


> rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:

> > Hi Rich/froggy...

> >

> > good to see you're working your way back. I've been on the list since

> > February 27th, and remember seeing you lots back then.

> >

> > as far as late night munchies, I find that I work to avoid them all

> > together - eating late at night doesn't usually work for me at all;

> > if/when I get the munchies, I find that I almost invariably didn't

> > have enough to eat during the day.

> >

> > all the best,

> >

> > Bob Farrell

> > Personal Health Creation Coach

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Hi, Rich, thanks for the encouragement. I know I have felt reallyt awful since

I had my 4th child and know that it is something missing from my diet that I

need and from info I have read in every raw food book I have picked up it seems

it must be from a fruit or veggie and not from all the crap I have been

ingesting. I am trying to slowly transition myself. I have been eating cooked

foods but having alot more raw foods and less cooked food. Even though it is not

high I think I am at about 15% or so (guessing) raw and that is really good for

me since it is usually none. I know something is going on from adding all the

good food. I know that when I eat nothing but fruit for breakfast or lunch, or

even as a snack I don't get the high then low that normally happens. I am hoping

that by eating this way I can get of antidepressants and start enjoying life

again. I would also love to get rid of the 40lbs I have gained from the numerous

pints of haagen dazs and bags of kisses.

It is a challenge in my house with 6 others eating cooked food. I did

succesfully eat a mostly raw (except for bread) dinner last night. It was a

sandwhich with avocado, tomatoes, sprouts and cukes.

I am lucky that I live in Fl with the warm weather and fresh produce year round.

Wish me luck I need it. Now to wean my kids off cooked stuff with me :)






Friday, August 19, 2005 11:56 PM

[Raw Food] Re: New here



hi heather, good luck on your venture into raw foods. 100% all the

way. i've eaten unhealthy much in my life. my energy is much less

when i'm not raw. eat produce, there's a book. there's lots of raw

plant food avaailable, all kinds of fruit and vegetables and nuts. i

look forward to getting to know you too heather. my knowledge is eat

produce, same for my tip.


well, i'm trying to make a comeback here. i've been raw since

saturday after a two and a half month binge. i'll lose where i live

if i drink and that's keeping me raw because if i wasn't raw i'd be

miserable. i through out some cream cheese with red spots (looked

like peppers maybe) and herb spots of some kind on saturday, i've

never been able to through cooked food out before, i just let it sit

there until it drives me so crazy i go ahead and eat it and give up

my raw food, but not this time, actually the only reason i through it

out was because i went on a trip saturday morning and i through it

out on the way, lucky i did, because had it been home when i got home

i would have eaten it, but hopefully i would have gotten raw sunday,

but who knows, i'm raw since saturday.


there was some light blue tropical drink that i wanted to try the

other day but i let that go too. i've had a few food scares,

temptations this week but i've lived through all of them. i've

gotten a little decent sleep but i still need at least one more good

sleep before i fully have my equilibrium back. i hope i stay raw for

the rest of my life. i read that if i'm disharmonious at all then

i'm not paying attention to god who is harmonious all the time.


i'm leaning on raw nuts too much for my liking for now, maybe when i

run out of what i have in about a week i'll give them up. i'd rather

just pretty much be a fruitarian with a few vegetables thrown in now

and then, and no dates either, i just want to give them up, but not

for now. hopefully soon i'll just rely on avocados, bananas and

grapes for my fury and food binges and overeating and late night

eating, if i could limit myself to these foods for my needed comfort,

emotional, maybe some physical since i'm pretty thin, i'd be in good

shape as they're all fruit.




rawfood , " Heather " <nrcysus69@c...> wrote:

> Hi, I am Heather. I am just starting to venture into the raw food

world. I have a friend that is primarily raw (I'd say about 95%)and

she has introduced me to some wonderful foods. I have been eating

very unhealthy the past 2 years. I feel pretty drained most of the

time and have decided it is time to do something about it. I am

working my way through a few raw books right now and have learned



> While I have most of the tools to cook just about anything I feel I

need more stuff to not cook:) I am looking for the cheapest place to

buy a dehydrator and some other things. I have decided on an

excalibur. Does anyone here have a link to the best place to purchase

items like this? I am in the Orlando, FL area and would also like to

know of any places here that may sell items to use also.


> I look forward to getting to know you guys and would love any

knowledge and tips you want to pass along.


> Thanks,

> Heather



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Hi Heather!


congratulations on making the realization that you need to do

something else!


I may have suggested this before, and I encourage you to look at food

as being on a continuum, with " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or

better, fruits, vegetables, and a few nuts and seeds " as being over on

the far right of the continuum, where it says:

optimal, health-creating, vibrant living.


On the other end of the scale is

dis-ease, health-destroying, lifeless living.

and on this end of the scale you'll find: animal products, sugar,

bread, alcohol, condiments, spices, herbs, etc. and all of the other

things we ingest that are either not food at all (Kisses?!?), or poor

imitations of such.


I, and many others, have found it helpful to establish a base of a

couple of " sweet " fruits, like bananas and dates, and then fill in

around those with other fruits that are in season, and some greens,

and maybe a few nuts/seeds. Since I saw you were over in Orlando, I'm

in Tampa, now we can get great watermelons, lopes, and mangoes for a

start. Use some of these to fill in around the bananas and the dates.

See RawSchool file section for more info on dates:

http://tinyurl.com/b477d (the link is ok...just made it tiny, since

it's waaaayyy too long for here..)


For now, while you're transitioning, try this:


start the day off, as soon as you've gotten out of bed, made a trip to

the bathroom, and maybe brushed your teeth: have 16 oz. of pure,

steam-distilled water to start off the day.


then, when you feel " hungry " (you're probably not, but more on that

much later...), have some more water...(wait at least 15 min. before

solid food) .then next time have a large

fruit: like 2# of watermelon, or a large canteloupe, or honeydew,

etc... Chew each mouthful many times...liquify the food in your

mouth: " drink our food, and eat our drink " lol! meaning, get it all

thoroughly masticated in the mouth before swallowing.

Wait at least 30 minutes, and then if still " hungry " have a few

mangoes, for instance.

Wait another 30 minutes, if still hungry, have this for a late morning

by now, hopefully, or around lunch:

3-5 medium bananas - eaten slowly, as above

3-5 dates

few stalks of celery


lunch, or afternoon snack - same as above - more bananas,dates, and

celery. Maybe increase both the bananas and the dates. Eat up: it's

great stuff!


about 1/2 hour before " dinner " (finish all eating by 8pm latest!)

have a nice, fresh, juicy orange.


for dinner, have a large salad, consisting of lettuce, (red leaf,

romaine, bibb, etc...), tomatoes, cukes, and celery. For now, skip

the avocado and the nuts/seeds.


Watch how you feel....:observe what your body is telling you.




As far as the others and what they eat: that is their choice. We are

each free to choose whatever we'd like; we are *not* however able to

choose the consequences: they are automatic, based upon the choices

we've made. My suggestion here is that you become a model for what

you want to eat, and eat that. They'll be watching.


I also live with two non-raw people (rest of family grown and gone) -

some things I've done that are helping: always have a large salad

available to share for dinner/supper. Have a container on the

counter with fresh fruit in it....ask, when I'm going shopping, if

anyone has any special fruit requests. For example, my 17.5 yr. old

son said he'd like some apples and strawberries. sooo, I bought those,

he now regularly eats those, and I keep them in stock: it's a step.


The refrigerator normally has lots of good choices available, if

anyone is interested...


and lastly, try shopping at farmer's markets; failing that Whole Foods

Market does a great job - I saw there one in Winter Park...or go here

for their other Florida locations:


if that fails, Publix is now starting to have a better organic

section: and they'll even special order in bananas for you, if they

dont' have them. I find their cukes too expensive for even me, and

their celery is good. Tomatoes are ok...


Good luck on the journey.


all the best,


Bob Farrell

Personal Health Creation Coach






rawfood , " Heather " <nrcysus69@c...> wrote:

> Hi, Rich, thanks for the encouragement. I know I have felt reallyt

awful since I had my 4th child and know that it is something missing

from my diet that I need and from info I have read in every raw food

book I have picked up it seems it must be from a fruit or veggie and

not from all the crap I have been ingesting. I am trying to slowly

transition myself. I have been eating cooked foods but having alot

more raw foods and less cooked food. Even though it is not high I

think I am at about 15% or so (guessing) raw and that is really good

for me since it is usually none. I know something is going on from

adding all the good food. I know that when I eat nothing but fruit for

breakfast or lunch, or even as a snack I don't get the high then low

that normally happens. I am hoping that by eating this way I can get

of antidepressants and start enjoying life again. I would also love to

get rid of the 40lbs I have gained from the numerous pints of haagen

dazs and bags of kisses.

> It is a challenge in my house with 6 others eating cooked food. I

did succesfully eat a mostly raw (except for bread) dinner last

night. It was a sandwhich with avocado, tomatoes, sprouts and cukes.

> I am lucky that I live in Fl with the warm weather and fresh produce

year round. Wish me luck I need it. Now to wean my kids off cooked

stuff with me :)


> Heather

> -

> Froggy

> rawfood

> Friday, August 19, 2005 11:56 PM

> [Raw Food] Re: New here



> hi heather, good luck on your venture into raw foods. 100% all the

> way. i've eaten unhealthy much in my life. my energy is much less

> when i'm not raw. eat produce, there's a book. there's lots of raw

> plant food avaailable, all kinds of fruit and vegetables and nuts. i

> look forward to getting to know you too heather. my knowledge is eat

> produce, same for my tip.


> well, i'm trying to make a comeback here. i've been raw since

> saturday after a two and a half month binge. i'll lose where i live

> if i drink and that's keeping me raw because if i wasn't raw i'd be

> miserable. i through out some cream cheese with red spots (looked

> like peppers maybe) and herb spots of some kind on saturday, i've

> never been able to through cooked food out before, i just let it sit

> there until it drives me so crazy i go ahead and eat it and give up

> my raw food, but not this time, actually the only reason i through it

> out was because i went on a trip saturday morning and i through it

> out on the way, lucky i did, because had it been home when i got home

> i would have eaten it, but hopefully i would have gotten raw sunday,

> but who knows, i'm raw since saturday.


> there was some light blue tropical drink that i wanted to try the

> other day but i let that go too. i've had a few food scares,

> temptations this week but i've lived through all of them. i've

> gotten a little decent sleep but i still need at least one more good

> sleep before i fully have my equilibrium back. i hope i stay raw for

> the rest of my life. i read that if i'm disharmonious at all then

> i'm not paying attention to god who is harmonious all the time.


> i'm leaning on raw nuts too much for my liking for now, maybe when i

> run out of what i have in about a week i'll give them up. i'd rather

> just pretty much be a fruitarian with a few vegetables thrown in now

> and then, and no dates either, i just want to give them up, but not

> for now. hopefully soon i'll just rely on avocados, bananas and

> grapes for my fury and food binges and overeating and late night

> eating, if i could limit myself to these foods for my needed comfort,

> emotional, maybe some physical since i'm pretty thin, i'd be in good

> shape as they're all fruit.


> rich


> rawfood , " Heather " <nrcysus69@c...> wrote:

> > Hi, I am Heather. I am just starting to venture into the raw food

> world. I have a friend that is primarily raw (I'd say about 95%)and

> she has introduced me to some wonderful foods. I have been eating

> very unhealthy the past 2 years. I feel pretty drained most of the

> time and have decided it is time to do something about it. I am

> working my way through a few raw books right now and have learned

> alot.

> >

> > While I have most of the tools to cook just about anything I feel I

> need more stuff to not cook:) I am looking for the cheapest place to

> buy a dehydrator and some other things. I have decided on an

> excalibur. Does anyone here have a link to the best place to purchase

> items like this? I am in the Orlando, FL area and would also like to

> know of any places here that may sell items to use also.

> >

> > I look forward to getting to know you guys and would love any

> knowledge and tips you want to pass along.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Heather

> >

> >

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there's only living (raw, plant food) for me. everything else is

death and i can't live happily eating death.


i don't think bread is food either but what's your understanding of



i do drink tap and spring water.


i'd like to finish all my eating by 8pm latest, maybe someday but i

don't see that day anywhere in the near future.


why skip avocado? and i thought you said a little nuts/seeds are

good, why skip them for now?


i go to produce stores mostly, not organic but most inexpensive.


that's right, i'll just become a model of how i eat since they'll be







rawfood , " Bob Farrell " <rjf2@t...> wrote:

> Hi Heather!


> congratulations on making the realization that you need to do

> something else!


> I may have suggested this before, and I encourage you to look at


> as being on a continuum, with " whole, raw, fresh, ripe, organic or

> better, fruits, vegetables, and a few nuts and seeds " as being over


> the far right of the continuum, where it says:

> optimal, health-creating, vibrant living.


> On the other end of the scale is

> dis-ease, health-destroying, lifeless living.

> and on this end of the scale you'll find: animal products, sugar,

> bread, alcohol, condiments, spices, herbs, etc. and all of the other

> things we ingest that are either not food at all (Kisses?!?), or


> imitations of such.


> I, and many others, have found it helpful to establish a base of a

> couple of " sweet " fruits, like bananas and dates, and then fill in

> around those with other fruits that are in season, and some greens,

> and maybe a few nuts/seeds. Since I saw you were over in Orlando,


> in Tampa, now we can get great watermelons, lopes, and mangoes for a

> start. Use some of these to fill in around the bananas and the


> See RawSchool file section for more info on dates:

> http://tinyurl.com/b477d (the link is ok...just made it tiny,


> it's waaaayyy too long for here..)


> For now, while you're transitioning, try this:


> start the day off, as soon as you've gotten out of bed, made a trip


> the bathroom, and maybe brushed your teeth: have 16 oz. of pure,

> steam-distilled water to start off the day.


> then, when you feel " hungry " (you're probably not, but more on that

> much later...), have some more water...(wait at least 15 min. before

> solid food) .then next time have a large

> fruit: like 2# of watermelon, or a large canteloupe, or honeydew,

> etc... Chew each mouthful many times...liquify the food in your

> mouth: " drink our food, and eat our drink " lol! meaning, get it all

> thoroughly masticated in the mouth before swallowing.

> Wait at least 30 minutes, and then if still " hungry " have a few

> mangoes, for instance.

> Wait another 30 minutes, if still hungry, have this for a late


> by now, hopefully, or around lunch:

> 3-5 medium bananas - eaten slowly, as above

> 3-5 dates

> few stalks of celery


> lunch, or afternoon snack - same as above - more bananas,dates, and

> celery. Maybe increase both the bananas and the dates. Eat up:


> great stuff!


> about 1/2 hour before " dinner " (finish all eating by 8pm latest!)

> have a nice, fresh, juicy orange.


> for dinner, have a large salad, consisting of lettuce, (red leaf,

> romaine, bibb, etc...), tomatoes, cukes, and celery. For now, skip

> the avocado and the nuts/seeds.


> Watch how you feel....:observe what your body is telling you.




> As far as the others and what they eat: that is their choice. We are

> each free to choose whatever we'd like; we are *not* however able to

> choose the consequences: they are automatic, based upon the choices

> we've made. My suggestion here is that you become a model for what

> you want to eat, and eat that. They'll be watching.


> I also live with two non-raw people (rest of family grown and

gone) -

> some things I've done that are helping: always have a large salad

> available to share for dinner/supper. Have a container on the

> counter with fresh fruit in it....ask, when I'm going shopping, if

> anyone has any special fruit requests. For example, my 17.5 yr. old

> son said he'd like some apples and strawberries. sooo, I bought


> he now regularly eats those, and I keep them in stock: it's a step.


> The refrigerator normally has lots of good choices available, if

> anyone is interested...


> and lastly, try shopping at farmer's markets; failing that Whole


> Market does a great job - I saw there one in Winter Park...or go


> for their other Florida locations:

> http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/list_FL.html

> if that fails, Publix is now starting to have a better organic

> section: and they'll even special order in bananas for you, if they

> dont' have them. I find their cukes too expensive for even me, and

> their celery is good. Tomatoes are ok...


> Good luck on the journey.


> all the best,


> Bob Farrell

> Personal Health Creation Coach

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