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Question Aboot Chickens

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Hi Taga (may I call you that?)


I have never seen one before - well only in a cartoon, not a real one.


Well done for rescuing him. I hope he gets better. I will light a candle for him tonight.


Will you hear any news of him at all?





Taga Sickler

Sunday, May 08, 2005 7:51 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


hi jo,


I found this on the grass, outside of my house.

at first I didn't know what it was, I am a city person.

It was definately injured, it made a small whimpering noise when I picked him/her up.

I always have my camera with me so I took a picture. this is in the inside, in my butterfly/bee garden.

I put him in a little box with one of my baby's old blankets.

I did searches on the internet an found out that he is a baby Opossum or Possum.

they cling to their mother's back with their tail, and they can hang upside down.


I suspect this one fell of his mamas back and some dog or cat must've had him.

As you can see from the picture he's got a puncture wound, He is so tiny he fits in my hand.

Sometimes he would open his eyes and sip some water.

when my husband got home, we brought him/her to a wild animal hospital, which is called

The Pelican Man's Bird Santuary, they take care of wild creatures.


We gave them a small donation and they imediately warmed him up and gave him antibiotics.

That is where he is now.

I hope that he makes it. He is one of the creatures featured in the "pest removal" ads we get in the mail.

now I know who's been eating my strawberries : )

I am praying for him.

sometimes I don't believe in God.

Today I do.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 7:24:41 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


This is very sweet - what is it?




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Hi Anouk


I thought it was you, but couldn't remember which email you use.


Thaks - I would like to know how he does.





Taga Sickler

Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:18 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


Hi jo,


taga is my husbands name and I am using his computer email name, becuase mine has a computer virus on it for now.

I'ts actually me anouk.

I live in florida on the gulf of mexico side.

I will call the hospital and let you know how he is doing.

thanks for caring.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 2:58:33 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


Hi Taga (may I call you that?)


I have never seen one before - well only in a cartoon, not a real one.


Well done for rescuing him. I hope he gets better. I will light a candle for him tonight.


Will you hear any news of him at all?





Taga Sickler

Sunday, May 08, 2005 7:51 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


hi jo,


I found this on the grass, outside of my house.

at first I didn't know what it was, I am a city person.

It was definately injured, it made a small whimpering noise when I picked him/her up.

I always have my camera with me so I took a picture. this is in the inside, in my butterfly/bee garden.

I put him in a little box with one of my baby's old blankets.

I did searches on the internet an found out that he is a baby Opossum or Possum.

they cling to their mother's back with their tail, and they can hang upside down.


I suspect this one fell of his mamas back and some dog or cat must've had him.

As you can see from the picture he's got a puncture wound, He is so tiny he fits in my hand.

Sometimes he would open his eyes and sip some water.

when my husband got home, we brought him/her to a wild animal hospital, which is called

The Pelican Man's Bird Santuary, they take care of wild creatures.


We gave them a small donation and they imediately warmed him up and gave him antibiotics.

That is where he is now.

I hope that he makes it. He is one of the creatures featured in the "pest removal" ads we get in the mail.

now I know who's been eating my strawberries : )

I am praying for him.

sometimes I don't believe in God.

Today I do.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 7:24:41 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


This is very sweet - what is it?




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Hi jo,


taga is my husbands name and I am using his computer email name, becuase mine has a computer virus on it for now.

I'ts actually me anouk.

I live in florida on the gulf of mexico side.

I will call the hospital and let you know how he is doing.

thanks for caring.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 2:58:33 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


Hi Taga (may I call you that?)


I have never seen one before - well only in a cartoon, not a real one.


Well done for rescuing him. I hope he gets better. I will light a candle for him tonight.


Will you hear any news of him at all?





Taga Sickler

Sunday, May 08, 2005 7:51 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


hi jo,


I found this on the grass, outside of my house.

at first I didn't know what it was, I am a city person.

It was definately injured, it made a small whimpering noise when I picked him/her up.

I always have my camera with me so I took a picture. this is in the inside, in my butterfly/bee garden.

I put him in a little box with one of my baby's old blankets.

I did searches on the internet an found out that he is a baby Opossum or Possum.

they cling to their mother's back with their tail, and they can hang upside down.


I suspect this one fell of his mamas back and some dog or cat must've had him.

As you can see from the picture he's got a puncture wound, He is so tiny he fits in my hand.

Sometimes he would open his eyes and sip some water.

when my husband got home, we brought him/her to a wild animal hospital, which is called

The Pelican Man's Bird Santuary, they take care of wild creatures.


We gave them a small donation and they imediately warmed him up and gave him antibiotics.

That is where he is now.

I hope that he makes it. He is one of the creatures featured in the "pest removal" ads we get in the mail.

now I know who's been eating my strawberries : )

I am praying for him.

sometimes I don't believe in God.

Today I do.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 7:24:41 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


This is very sweet - what is it?




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at least he looks old enough to survive....


our only marsupial over here.... Taga Sickler May 8, 2005 11:51 AM Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


hi jo,


I found this on the grass, outside of my house.

at first I didn't know what it was, I am a city person.

It was definately injured, it made a small whimpering noise when I picked him/her up.

I always have my camera with me so I took a picture. this is in the inside, in my butterfly/bee garden.

I put him in a little box with one of my baby's old blankets.

I did searches on the internet an found out that he is a baby Opossum or Possum.

they cling to their mother's back with their tail, and they can hang upside down.


I suspect this one fell of his mamas back and some dog or cat must've had him.

As you can see from the picture he's got a puncture wound, He is so tiny he fits in my hand.

Sometimes he would open his eyes and sip some water.

when my husband got home, we brought him/her to a wild animal hospital, which is called

The Pelican Man's Bird Santuary, they take care of wild creatures.


We gave them a small donation and they imediately warmed him up and gave him antibiotics.

That is where he is now.

I hope that he makes it. He is one of the creatures featured in the "pest removal" ads we get in the mail.

now I know who's been eating my strawberries : )

I am praying for him.

sometimes I don't believe in God.

Today I do.







Jo Cwazy


5/8/2005 7:24:41 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


This is very sweet - what is it?






Taga Sickler

Sunday, May 08, 2005 3:39 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens








peter hurd


5/7/2005 11:27:10 AM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens



Ah Zebu, Can you say Dewflap?


The Valley Vegan.......Taga Sickler <zurumato wrote:


hi jeff,


two of my cats are hunters, the other one doesn't care for it.

I try to keep them indoors most of the time, but sometimes they bolt out.

when they do, they come back with dead things in their mouth.


I know that it is their instinct, but It really saddeneds me to see an animal die a slow painful death.

They usually piearce their canine teeths in their neck, but don't actually eat the animal, the result

is an agonizing wait till death comes,


I don't feel that this is humane, let alone vegan.

They have killed,

precious butterflies, lizards, birds, squirrels, snakes and frogs.


I raise frogs, hard it is to make it from tadpole to frog.

I feel upset when a snake is killed, just because my cat felt like hunting.


what's worse is that some of my neighbors let their cats out all of the time, since they climb fences, I find dead birds in my yard all of the time. Most birds mate for life.


I can't help you with the meowing problem, my cat does this too.








5/5/2005 4:46:14 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


no..i just have hordes of useless information in my noggin

all domesticated animals came from something wild at one point..they didn't just *poof* into existence, but were bred for certain qualities we found pleasing/wanted

cows apparantly were domesticated on three seperate times in human history, in diverse parts of the world..the european auroch(now extinct), whih ranged from europe, across north africa and into asia is the main progenitor of *modern* cattle

in asia, they were domesticated with the addition of stock from the asiatic water buffalo (this breed was known as the zebu), and some other breeds i'm sure i'm forgetting..and in africa with the addtion of stock from the african water buffalo...

american bison and european bison have never been domesticated..

as for cats...no..sorry..not mountain lions....

cats mainly come from the Egyptian wild cat, with maybe some stock from the european wild cat(spanish wild cat, scottish wild cat, etc)...


and, as for letting yer cats run wild


1. you are responsible fer yer cats well being, as, would you let a 6 yr old run in traffic?

2. while its natural for cats to hunt and all that, remember, domesticated cats are not *natural*..sure, they can survive on their own...but...in the wild, nowhere would there be several hundred cats per small area, as there is in many neighborhoods today..soo..while tabby gets to go out and decimate the local wildlife population(be it birds, rodents, bunnies, wotever), they get to keep thier populations high because there is no check..we feed them...so, they really don't need to hunt..but they still do it...

so, in essence, by letting tabs run amok, you are helping to kill other critters out their needlessly...

my opinion of course


i'm sorta hypocrite, as my cat runs free..tho..i'm sorta stuck as

1. i have room mates..

2. trying to keep lickey inside was a full time job when it was just me and my ex(he would wait by the door when we come home so he could attempt to bolt out)

3. he doesn't seem to be much of a hunter..tho, alas, he has taken an interest in the mice in the compost bin....


if i had the choice..any cats part of my family would be inside....


fraggle Jeff May 5, 2005 1:25 PM Re: Question Aboot Chickens Hey FraggleYour pretty smart! Thanx for the info. So basically is comes down to the fact that "domesticated" animals have been bred by man from wild animals. So like cows and cattle were probably buffalo and pigs were boars and so on. Makes sense, but is this the case with cats? Like would my cats be mountain lions or something if they weren't domesticated? I have 2 cats and I let them go outside when ever they want, eventhough there is the risk of gitting hit by a car, etc. I live on a busy street. My rational is that cats are natural predetors and should be given the freedom to roam and hunt. Or do you think I have a responsibility for the safet y of my cats by keeping them indoors, since they are domesticated? Would you let your cats go outside, even if it is taking a risk?To send an email to -





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Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you they are still young ( 8 & 11).


The Valley Vegan.......Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> dont think so.


What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most children do by instinct!



PeterTo send an email to - Peter H


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wot have we told you about locking yer kids in the closet fer years on end?!


actually..i've never known a child of either gender NOT chasing pigeons..i thought it was hardwired as well... peter hurd May 10, 2005 9:17 AM Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens

Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you they are still young ( 8 & 11).


The Valley Vegan.......Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> dont think so.


What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most children do by instinct!



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Peter H






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Maybe its because they are vegetarian since birth and love animals, the only exception being my wife passing her nuroses on spiders on to the eldest.

Oh and wasps, mind you they are the angriest insect I know!


The Valley Vegan.........fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


wot have we told you about locking yer kids in the closet fer years on end?!


actually..i've never known a child of either gender NOT chasing pigeons..i thought it was hardwired as well... peter hurd May 10, 2005 9:17 AM Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens

Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you they are still young ( 8 & 11).


The Valley Vegan.......Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> dont think so.


What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most children do by instinct!



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Peter H






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Hi, my name is Nikki, and I am a recovering pigeon chaser


*hangs head in shame*


Tho haven't hit anyone over a toy that I can recall!


Nikki :)


, peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:

> Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I

have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They

certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you

they are still young ( 8 & 11).


> The Valley Vegan.......


> Peter <metalscarab@c...> wrote:

> Hi Peter


> > Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting

other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> > dont think so.


> What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most

children do by instinct!


> BB

> Peter



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Hi Peter (VV)


I think Peter was talking from the experience of going to school. I can remember children hitting out and taking toys when I was at school. I have known it happen to both my children, and I see it almost constantly in our local town. As for chasing pigeons - sometimes they even kick out at them and throw stones at them. If it is not natural to them then their parents must have taught them to act that way.





peter hurd

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:17 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you they are still young ( 8 & 11).


The Valley Vegan.......Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> dont think so.


What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most children do by instinct!



PeterTo send an email to -

Peter H




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That could be the reason - sounds likely to me.





peter hurd

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens


Maybe its because they are vegetarian since birth and love animals, the only exception being my wife passing her nuroses on spiders on to the eldest.

Oh and wasps, mind you they are the angriest insect I know!


The Valley Vegan.........fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


wot have we told you about locking yer kids in the closet fer years on end?!


actually..i've never known a child of either gender NOT chasing pigeons..i thought it was hardwired as well... peter hurd May 10, 2005 9:17 AM Re: Re: Question Aboot Chickens

Not my kids, maybe its more a boy thing than a girl thing - (I have two girls), or maybe I `ve just sheltered them too much? They certainly seem more influenced by me than their friends, mind you they are still young ( 8 & 11).


The Valley Vegan.......Peter <metalscarab wrote:


Hi Peter


> Maybe I have more ( blind ) faith in human nature, but hitting other children and stealing their toys? - natural instinct?, no I

> dont think so.


What about chasing pigeons? That seems to be something that most children do by instinct!



PeterTo send an email to -


Peter H






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