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tofurky vs. unturkey

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The only people who have profited from people, be they Scottish, Welsh, Irish or English, are the ruling classes. You should not forget that the English working class has always fared as badly as any other. Our beloved rulers are very good at the 'divide and conquer' tactic. By pitting the people of one country against another they then have time to go about their unsavoury business without the normal people being aware of what's going on - because the normal people are too busy hating/resenting other normal people.





So would you say there are ( allegedly) more derelict castles per square mile in Wales than any where else in the world because of Scottish repression, however you look at it those who call themselves english have benefitted most from the fruits of others labour.





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I must say I do not watch a lot of sport - sometimes I get interested for a while - maybe in rugby, or snooker or tennis, but not for long. My main interest in the sporting field is F1.





Lee Delaney

Friday, November 21, 2003 5:38 PM

RE: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey


haha very true, Northern IReland are woeful, we haven't scored for over a thousand hours of football!


Heartwork [Heartwork]21 November 2003 16:48 Subject: Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey

..... you're just jealous cos we beat you at what used to be your game !!!





hahahaha, and singing all the while :)

I was gutted Wales lost the other night, and Scotland too. AS a celt I just can't bring myself to support England, hee hee


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well i am welsh and i call myself celt.......our language and the cornish etc languages are similar........




> >

>Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:26:18 -0000 > > > CYMRU AM BYTH!!!!!!!!!!!............me too lee..............when i watch any sports which is rare, as a celt i support anyone > > against england.................... > >Ummm - the Welsh aren't Celts - completely different language and mDNA. Strictly speaking, more Arabic than Celtic. > >BB >Peter > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.538 / Virus Database: 333 - Release 10/11/03 Start downloading music from 62p per track with the MSN Music Club.

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and by the repression and invasion of wales by edward the first.........all those fancy welsh castles were built to keep us welsh in as we were savages........



> >

>Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:22:14 -0000 > > > hee hee, we're nothing if not bitter about centuries of repression..... > >That would be the "repression" under the Stuart Monarchy???? Y'know, the bunch of Scots who were monarchs of England??? > >Always baffles me as to how everyone seems to forget that Great Britain was created by the Scottish take over of England, not the other way around! > >BB >Peter > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.538 / Virus Database: 333 - Release 10/11/03 Stuck for ideas this Christmas? Find bags of gift inspiration at MSN Shopping!

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yes we do have some rare and knarled trees left on lonely hillsides, they are consigned to the level of agent provocateur and they all have special branch files lol


>EBbrewpunx > > >Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:56:59 EST > >In a message dated 11/21/03 4:37:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, >cait2 writes: > > > > maybe they have heard of us woolly welsh...........living in > > caves.............swinging from trees etc etc > > > > catherine > > > > > > > > > you guys have trees??? >wow >here they have been listed as a possible terrorist organization and are being >shipped to Gitmo..via various lumber companies.... Protect your PC from e-mail viruses. Get MSN 8 today.

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Hi Catherine


> well i am welsh and i call myself celt.......our language and the cornish etc languages are similar........

> arabic??


Yep. The original inhabitants of England and Wales, before the Romans, were the people that are basically now the Welsh and the Cornish. The Welsh language isn't a Celtic language at all, but does have similarities to some ancient middle-eastern languages!





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> and by the repression and invasion of wales by edward the first.........all those fancy welsh castles were

> built to keep us welsh in as we were savages........


Ah, so you're bitter about something which happened 9 centuries ago?


In that case I hate the French because of what William I did, and the Italians because of Caesar!





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that's a helluva long time ago to hold it against us now!





Catherine Harris

Friday, November 21, 2003 10:46 PM

Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey




and by the repression and invasion of wales by edward the first.........all those fancy welsh castles were built to keep us welsh in as we were savages........



> >

>Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:22:14 -0000 > > > hee hee, we're nothing if not bitter about centuries of repression..... > >That would be the "repression" under the Stuart Monarchy???? Y'know, the bunch of Scots who were monarchs of England??? > >Always baffles me as to how everyone seems to forget that Great Britain was created by the Scottish take over of England, not the other way around! > >BB >Peter > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.538 / Virus Database: 333 - Release 10/11/03


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bath is elegant watering hole roman baths essentially english..........not in my opnion in any way woolly


>EBbrewpunx > > >Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:50:14 EST > >In a message dated 11/21/03 2:46:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, >lee.delaney writes: > > > > wooly? what parts of britain have you seen? > > >the wooly parts obviously... >heh heh >actually..my view of old albion was limited to: >arriving by ferry at ramsgate >train to London >A quick view of london as walked from trainstation to the tube >then another train across lower England >oh..and a week in Bath >bath is wooly right? >fraggle Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list this Christmas at MSN Shopping.

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Yeah, I hear ya! ;=) I too have trouble with things that 'pretend' to be

meat - although not so long ago I remember thoroughly enjoying eating in

Chinese and also Thai vegan restaurants that did mock meat dishes in

imaginative ways. Maybe I just don't like the taste of meat or anything

that approximates it now, and I *don't* like the idea of drumsticks,

even if the name isn't meaty *lol* Funny prejudices we have!!! I use

tofu and tempeh for added protein in some dishes, but then they don't

look or taste like meat and aren't intended to in my recipes. My

celebratory meals at home are usually as far away from the traditional

carnivorous holiday menu as you can get - although I did dice pumpkin

into one of my curries this last Canadian Thanksgiving! ;=)





> whats wrong with a nut cutlet roasties and onion gravy?????..........why

> will only a manifestation of turkey do??


> catherine


> ps skin and legs...eeewwwww










* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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> sorry

> know not where to locate seitan in the wooly lands of Great Britain



Here in my part of Canada it is called 'gluten' in my usual asian shop.

Since I don't use it myself I don't know if that is usual. It was in

tins, though, ready to heat and eat ;=(









* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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In a message dated 11/22/03 7:46:16 AM Pacific Standard Time, cait2 writes:

the welsh for xenophobic is saesneg..............


cymru am byth




just be a good conquered people and go eat some chips...


i kid i kid!!!

i luv that llewellyn guy


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I always thought that the English were a bunch of mongrels, and I too like

Catherine consider myself from a purer breed Celts ( I am sure the first and

last two letters were right!). Obviously I am not as well educated to study DNA,

recumbent or not???!

Oh dear now I am waffling again,

P.S. Whats welsh for xenophobic?

The valley vegan.....



Peter H



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Friday, November 21, 2003 5:43 PM

Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey


Hi Simon


> So would you say there are ( allegedly) more derelict castles per square mile in Wales than any where else in the world because

> of Scottish repression, however you look at it those who call themselves english have benefitted most from the fruits of others

> labour.


How have I benefitted from the benefits of others' labours? (Beside the obvious give and take in any community)


For the past couple of generations, the spend of tax money in Scotland and Wales has been far higher per head than in England, yet the tax revenue has been less... seems to me that the English have actually been supporting the Scots and Welsh in recent history.>


I think we can safely say that England holds the wealth of many counties..personally I don't like the idea that England holds that wealth and plays the great provider.

I try to hold nothing against anyone personally.>



Also, in the parliament which governs England, we have representatives from Wales and Scotland taking part in decisions that just affect England, while both of those countries have their own parliaments which make near enough all decisions which affect their own countries - this is why tax payers in England are supporting Scottish students, while English students have to pay their own tuition fees. This is a very strange form of English oppression IMHO.>


As the Bank of England stores countless billions of pounds in it's bank which is ment to be used throughout even England itself... but chooses to stash the cash in it's controlling hands... rather than release it for the masses...Yes those in charge of it are repressing positive investments in important areas.



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too damn right we are angry,not bitter, and recent developments such as welsh assembly, european prioritising of nationality and local culture help sooth our anger..................

and we are growing again as a nation, yes all these centuries later



> >

>Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Fri, 21 Nov 2003 23:01:17 -0000 > > > and by the repression and invasion of wales by edward the first.........all those fancy welsh castles were > > built to keep us welsh in as we were savages........ > >Ah, so you're bitter about something which happened 9 centuries ago? > >In that case I hate the French because of what William I did, and the Italians because of Caesar! > >BB >Peter > > >--- >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). >Version: 6.0.538 / Virus Database: 333 - Release 10/11/03 Start downloading music from 62p per track with the MSN Music Club.

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hi valley vegan

the welsh for xenophobic is saesneg..............

cymru am byth


>swpgh01 > > >Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Sat, 22 Nov 2003 15:33:30 GMT+00:00 > > >I always thought that the English were a bunch of mongrels, and I too like Catherine consider myself from a purer breed Celts ( I am sure the first and last two letters were right!). Obviously I am not as well educated to study DNA, recumbent or not???! >Oh dear now I am waffling again, >P.S. Whats welsh for xenophobic? >The valley vegan..... > > > >Peter H > >-------------------- >talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com > Win your pick of these top prizes - a parachute jump, a VIP night out, or a day at a health spa, for you and three mates. Find out how you can win with MSN Messenger.

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lol lol lol


pengam pagan

>swpgh01 > > >Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Sat, 22 Nov 2003 15:51:03 GMT+00:00 > > >Dda Iawn!!! >The Valley Vegan... > > > >Peter H > >-------------------- >talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com > Win your pick of these top prizes - a parachute jump, a VIP night out, or a day at a health spa, for you and three mates. Find out how you can win with MSN Messenger.

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LOL Peter!


I wonder where all this rivalry comes from.






Saturday, November 22, 2003 3:33 PM

Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey

I always thought that the English were a bunch of mongrels, and I too like Catherine consider myself from a purer breed Celts ( I am sure the first and last two letters were right!). Obviously I am not as well educated to study DNA, recumbent or not???!Oh dear now I am waffling again,P.S. Whats welsh for xenophobic?The valley vegan.....> Peter H--------------------talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com

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Funnily enough, when I was young none of my Welsh ex-pats friends seemed to be bitter. I suppose they wouldn't live in England if they were. Also when I first started visiting the lovely land of Wales people seemed pleased to see us and spoke in English - shop signs and road signs were in English - everyone seemed friendly. Then what happens - graffiti saying keep the English out - Welsh shop signs and road signs and everyone saying they dislike the English. Seems like a bit of retrograde step in getting along to me. It's not as though we cannot live with Welsh signs - after all we cope in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland when we visit. I just cannot quite work out what is going on in the minds of some Welsh people nowadays. Anyway I look forward to the time when being English is also receiving some prioritisation.




too damn right we are angry,not bitter, and recent developments such as welsh assembly, european prioritising of nationality and local culture help sooth our anger..................



and we are growing again as a nation, yes all these centuries later


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What does xenophobic mean Catherine ???? :-)





Catherine Harris

Saturday, November 22, 2003 3:44 PM

Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey




hi valley vegan

the welsh for xenophobic is saesneg..............

cymru am byth


>swpgh01 > > >Re: Re: tofurky vs. unturkey >Sat, 22 Nov 2003 15:33:30 GMT+00:00 > > >I always thought that the English were a bunch of mongrels, and I too like Catherine consider myself from a purer breed Celts ( I am sure the first and last two letters were right!). Obviously I am not as well educated to study DNA, recumbent or not???! >Oh dear now I am waffling again, >P.S. Whats welsh for xenophobic? >The valley vegan..... > > > >Peter H > >-------------------- >talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at http://www.talk21.com >


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Hi Peter


> I always thought that the English were a bunch of mongrels, and I too like Catherine

> consider myself from a purer breed Celts ( I am sure the first and last two letters were

> right!).


Y'know, it's far more natural to be a mongrel... all this in-breeding just creates genetic weakness... perhaps that's why the English did become the dominant race in the British Isles? ;-)





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Which Llewellyn guy is this - Bill Llewellyn - composer and conductor, or Llewellyn from the house makeover programmes?



ohhhjust be a good conquered people and go eat some chips...i kid i kid!!!i luv that llewellyn guy:)

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