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Try eliminating corn, and all grains if you can to see if that helps absorption.

That is when anemia stopped being a problem for me! There are glutens in all

grains & some people are sensative to all glutens and not just the common form.

If that is the case with your son, once you remove grain he should improve quite

rapidly. My iron was as good as meat eaters in less than 3 months after cutting

out all grains. All lingering problems disappeared! I was severly anemic my

entire life and last year they gave my IV iron & after that my levels where a

little better but still too low! The other glutens in the gf grains where

preventing absorbtion!

For protein, try adding hemp protein powder or hulled hemp seeds to smoothies or

use the seeds in place of a sprinkle of cheese on food.

I make noodles out of zucchini or squash, add some muir glen fire roasted

crushed tomatoes for the sauce, toss in some mushrooms & herbs, & top it off

with hulled hemp seeds for a delicious pasta dinner that IMO taste better than

any real pasta I've ever eaten in the past! ;)



Shannon West <shanwest

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:33 PM


Re: Re: Protein



I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had a

blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry of

Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also remarkably

low. It was terrible.


So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes molasses.




Shannon West, shanwest


----- Receiving the following content -----

Jae Jones


Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

Re: Re: Protein


>According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food! On

>top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy! I've

>developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants alone,

>and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a

>week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that the

>closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp foods

>as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

>Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean, natural

>diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and I

>have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any more!

>Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

>fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of my

>life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

>health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood work

>panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

>severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!





[The entire original message is not included]



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I agree Jae. When we first started eating vegan, a local small town doctor

we had was super negative about it. At the time, we weren't taking B12, so

that much he was right about. We started taking a supplement AND I gave HIM

a package of information on why vegan diet is health promoting.


It worked! Now he eats a vegan diet too!










On Behalf Of Jae

I do take B12 & am well aware of the need for it & health issues associated

with deficency, but thank you for your concern. :)

My main point is that you can be healthy (probably even more so) on a vegan

diet & get plenty of protein & other nutrients, regaurdless of what doctors

say! Doctors actually know very little about nutrition, so if your not sure

and need help or advise your better off seeking out someone who very

knowledgeable about vegan nutrition.



Deborah Pageau <dpageau <dpageau%40dccnet.com> >

Thursday, May 13, 2010 12:01 AM



RE: Re: Protein


Hi Jae;


I hope you are taking B12. If you aren't yet, please begin doing so.


Humans have been documented as living on stored B12 for years but when the

stores run out, the damage tends to be catastrophic and often, irreversible.


All vegans are well advised to take a B12 supplement.




On Behalf Of Jae Jones

According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food! On

top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy! I've

developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants alone,

and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a

week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that the

closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp foods

as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean, natural

diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and I

have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any more!

Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of my

life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood work

panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!




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Jae, like you, I feel best when I eat no grains at all. I'm allergic to a

lot of foods, but avoid only the most problematic ones (wheat, corn,

tomatoes, dairy, soy, flax, and spinach). Considering how many foods these

ingredients are in, that means eating " close to the earth, " as you said.

Processed sugar is turning out to be a problem, too.


Anyway, I've recently started running and have been concerned about getting

enough protein and other nutrients. Your suggestion of hemp seeds was a

good one. I'll be sure to give that a try.







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Corn is already gone. He doesn't eat a lot of other grains. But yeah, hemp's a

good idea.


Shannon West, shanwest


----- Receiving the following content -----



Time: 2010-05-12, 22:22:21

RE: Re: Protein





>Try eliminating corn, and all grains if you can to see if that helps

absorption. That is when anemia stopped being a problem for me! There are

glutens in all grains & some people are sensative to all glutens and not just

the common form. If that is the case with your son, once you remove grain he

should improve quite rapidly. My iron was as good as meat eaters in less than 3

months after cutting out all grains. All lingering problems disappeared! I was

severly anemic my entire life and last year they gave my IV iron & after that my

levels where a little better but still too low! The other glutens in the gf

grains where preventing absorbtion!

>For protein, try adding hemp protein powder or hulled hemp seeds to smoothies

or use the seeds in place of a sprinkle of cheese on food.

>I make noodles out of zucchini or squash, add some muir glen fire roasted

crushed tomatoes for the sauce, toss in some mushrooms & herbs, & top it off

with hulled hemp seeds for a delicious pasta dinner that IMO taste better than

any real pasta I've ever eaten in the past! ;)



>Shannon West

>Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:33 PM


>Re: Re: Protein



>I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had a

blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry of

Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also remarkably

low. It was terrible.


> So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes molasses.


> Shannon


> Shannon West, shanwest

> 2010-05-12

> ----- Receiving the following content -----

> Jae Jones

> Receiver:

> Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

> Re: Re: Protein


> >According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food! On

> >top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy! I've

> >developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants alone,

> >and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a

> >week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that the

> >closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp foods

> >as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

> >Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean, natural

> >diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and I

> >have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any more!

> >Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

> >fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of my

> >life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

> >health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood work

> >panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

> >severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!

> >hmmm....

> >



>[The entire original message is not included]



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I just want to point out, that if someone is very active, charts with average

amounts may not apply - I work out about 20-25 hrs/wk and need a lot more

protein than your average person would. I struggle with this too, especially as

I am sensitive to soy.


When I bake, I add soymilk powder (I can handle some), use at least some higher

protein flours, and when applicable add other protein to it (nuts, seeds, or

whatever depending on what I'm making). When I make a " cheese " bread or bagels,

this way I get usually at least 10 grams of protein per serving, which isn't

enough for a meal for me, but along with other stuff helps.


I have some brown rice protein powder most days - I usually start out the day

with this with my workout, it helps get me through the early morning until

breakfast (which I usually eat a little later when I get to work - I work out

very early). I don't know how much of this gets absorbed, but it does help keep

my blood sugar stable after not eating all night (while sleeping).


I rarely eat without eating some protein - even a little, then it adds up over

the course of the day. I eat a lot of nuts (when not at home - my daughter is

allergic) and pumpkin seeds (I'm allergic to sesame and sunflower). Otherwise

beans - I've even made tortillas with all bean flour before and thought they

turned out pretty good - I just used the standard Bette Hagman recipe but used

bean flour instead.


Breakfast - my protein is mostly from the protein powder + food - usually from

soy, grains (I also eat veggies)


Snack - protein usually from nuts (also eat fruit here)


Lunch - protein usually nuts and/or seeds on my salad, probably beans too -

either with salad or as a separate dish, possibly with a grain.


Snack - fruit/nuts; fruit/nut bars - Kind and Larabar I like - they don't have

as much protein but those that do I'm allergic to.


Dinner - Protein from beans, grains, also probably eat some veggies and fruit.


Some beans have more protein than others (as with nuts).


I've also baked cooked beans in the oven w/spices to get them crunchy - kind of

like a homemade soynut but with a different kind of bean.








, Deborah Pageau <dpageau



> Hi Shelley;


> How much protein do you consider necessary as your daily allowance?


> How are you calculating your intake?


> Here is a informative article on this topic:


> http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.htm


> Deborah

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On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 10:02 AM, akua456 <akua456 wrote:


> I just want to point out, that if someone is very active, charts with

> average amounts may not apply - I work out about 20-25 hrs/wk and need a lot

> more protein than your average person would.




Then you might be interested in Brendan Brazier's book, THRIVE: The Vegan

Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. He's a vegan

professional triathlete who encourages a gluten free vegan diet. He's also

one of the few who doesn't promote soy for protein. Instead, he says it's

best to get the protein from things like buckwheat, quinoa, seeds,

vegetables, etc.


I have a lot of allergies, and I can see myself using a lot of the recipes

in his book. Haven't finished reading it yet, but so far it looks

excellent, both for people who are sensitive to a lot of foods and for

people who are active and need nutrient-dense foods. Come to think of it

*everyone* needs nutrient-dense foods. :-)







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Shannon, do you know what his pre-albumin level was? ... the actual number?




I hope the clinic made it clear that pre-albumin can change quite quickly

over a couple of days. To get a reliable indication of his status, 3

evaluations in a week should be taken.




Just to clarify, as I recall from previous emails, your son is a very

selective eater, is that right?




As I recall, although you offer him a plenty and varied vegan diet, he

refuses to eat most, right?




So your challenge is finding enough nutritious recipes/foods in sufficient

quantity that he will eat. Is this correct?




This is a problem many families have (we did too) and is really not an issue

related to vegan diet per se.




Ministry workers can be too quick to point the finger of blame at vegan

diet, when chances are that the child would be having nutritional

difficulties with whatever diet the household has.




I'd like in the Ministry to get active over the rampant obesity and growing

rates of diabetes of children in families who live on junk " food " and fast

" food " !









On Behalf Of Shannon West

May-12-10 8:33 PM


Re: Re: Protein






I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had a

blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry of

Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also

remarkably low. It was terrible.


So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes molasses.




Shannon West, shanwest <shanwest%40shaw.ca>


----- Receiving the following content -----

Jae Jones


Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

Re: Re: Protein


>According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food! On


>top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy!


>developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants alone,


>and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a

>week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that the

>closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp foods


>as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

>Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean, natural

>diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and I

>have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any more!

>Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

>fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of my


>life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

>health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood


>panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

>severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!









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I don't remember, no. I'm sure she told me though. I'll find out. And no, they

didn't say anything about three evaluations. The doctor just made it out that I

was starving him, " He's malnourished! " . His B12 was low too. And his iron

numbers, except for the hemoglobin, were all in the " severe anemia " range.


The other son is the picky eater. This is the little one. He's 14 months old. He

should be getting plenty of iron and b12 from my milk, but apparently not.

They're on my case to feed him meat. That horrible baby food meat that smells

like dog food. :(




----- Receiving the following content -----

Deborah Pageau


Time: 2010-05-14, 11:54:41

RE: Re: Protein





>Shannon, do you know what his pre-albumin level was? ... the actual number?




>I hope the clinic made it clear that pre-albumin can change quite quickly

>over a couple of days. To get a reliable indication of his status, 3

>evaluations in a week should be taken.




>Just to clarify, as I recall from previous emails, your son is a very

>selective eater, is that right?




>As I recall, although you offer him a plenty and varied vegan diet, he

>refuses to eat most, right?




>So your challenge is finding enough nutritious recipes/foods in sufficient

>quantity that he will eat. Is this correct?




>This is a problem many families have (we did too) and is really not an issue

>related to vegan diet per se.




>Ministry workers can be too quick to point the finger of blame at vegan

>diet, when chances are that the child would be having nutritional

>difficulties with whatever diet the household has.




>I'd like in the Ministry to get active over the rampant obesity and growing

>rates of diabetes of children in families who live on junk " food " and fast

> " food " !









> On Behalf Of Shannon West

>May-12-10 8:33 PM


>Re: Re: Protein






>I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had a

>blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry of

>Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also

>remarkably low. It was terrible.


>So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes molasses.




>Shannon West, shanwest


>----- Receiving the following content -----

>Jae Jones


>Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

>Re: Re: Protein


>>According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food! On


>>top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy!


>>developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants alone,


>>and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a

>>week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that the

>>closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp foods


>>as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

>>Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean, natural

>>diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and I

>>have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any more!

>>Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

>>fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of my


>>life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

>>health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood


>>panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

>>severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!









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Guest guest

So how are your iron and b12 levels?




2010/5/14 Shannon West <shanwest




> I don't remember, no. I'm sure she told me though. I'll find out. And no,

> they didn't say anything about three evaluations. The doctor just made it

> out that I was starving him, " He's malnourished! " . His B12 was low too. And

> his iron numbers, except for the hemoglobin, were all in the " severe anemia "

> range.


> The other son is the picky eater. This is the little one. He's 14 months

> old. He should be getting plenty of iron and b12 from my milk, but

> apparently not. They're on my case to feed him meat. That horrible baby food

> meat that smells like dog food. :(


> Shannon


> ----- Receiving the following content -----

> Deborah Pageau

> Receiver:

> Time: 2010-05-14, 11:54:41

> RE: Re: Protein


> >Shannon, do you know what his pre-albumin level was? ... the actual

> number?

> >

> >

> >

> >I hope the clinic made it clear that pre-albumin can change quite quickly

> >over a couple of days. To get a reliable indication of his status, 3

> >evaluations in a week should be taken.

> >

> >

> >

> >Just to clarify, as I recall from previous emails, your son is a very

> >selective eater, is that right?

> >

> >

> >

> >As I recall, although you offer him a plenty and varied vegan diet, he

> >refuses to eat most, right?

> >

> >

> >

> >So your challenge is finding enough nutritious recipes/foods in sufficient


> >quantity that he will eat. Is this correct?

> >

> >

> >

> >This is a problem many families have (we did too) and is really not an

> issue

> >related to vegan diet per se.

> >

> >

> >

> >Ministry workers can be too quick to point the finger of blame at vegan

> >diet, when chances are that the child would be having nutritional

> >difficulties with whatever diet the household has.

> >

> >

> >

> >I'd like in the Ministry to get active over the rampant obesity and

> growing

> >rates of diabetes of children in families who live on junk " food " and fast


> > " food " !

> >

> >

> >

> >Deborah

> >

> >

> >

> >



>[ <%40grou\


> On Behalf Of Shannon West

> >May-12-10 8:33 PM

> >

> >Re: Re: Protein

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had

> a

> >blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry

> of

> >Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also

> >remarkably low. It was terrible.

> >

> >So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes

> molasses.

> >

> >Shannon

> >

> >Shannon West, shanwest <shanwest%40shaw.ca>

> >2010-05-12

> >----- Receiving the following content -----

> >Jae Jones

> >Receiver:

> >Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

> >Re: Re: Protein

> >

> >>According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food!

> On

> >

> >>top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy!

> >I've

> >>developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants

> alone,

> >

> >>and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in a


> >>week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that

> the

> >>closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp

> foods

> >

> >>as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

> >>Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean,

> natural

> >>diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and

> I

> >>have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any

> more!

> >>Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

> >>fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of

> my

> >

> >>life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

> >>health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood

> >work

> >>panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

> >>severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all grains!


> >>hmmm....

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Yes, good question Pam.




And is baby eating solids?









So how are your iron and b12 levels?




2010/5/14 Shannon West <shanwest <shanwest%40shaw.ca> >




> I don't remember, no. I'm sure she told me though. I'll find out. And no,

> they didn't say anything about three evaluations. The doctor just made it

> out that I was starving him, " He's malnourished! " . His B12 was low too.


> his iron numbers, except for the hemoglobin, were all in the " severe

anemia "

> range.


> The other son is the picky eater. This is the little one. He's 14 months

> old. He should be getting plenty of iron and b12 from my milk, but

> apparently not. They're on my case to feed him meat. That horrible baby


> meat that smells like dog food. :(


> Shannon


> ----- Receiving the following content -----

> Deborah Pageau

> Receiver:

> Time: 2010-05-14, 11:54:41

> RE: Re: Protein


> >Shannon, do you know what his pre-albumin level was? ... the actual

> number?

> >

> >

> >

> >I hope the clinic made it clear that pre-albumin can change quite quickly

> >over a couple of days. To get a reliable indication of his status, 3

> >evaluations in a week should be taken.

> >

> >

> >

> >Just to clarify, as I recall from previous emails, your son is a very

> >selective eater, is that right?

> >

> >

> >

> >As I recall, although you offer him a plenty and varied vegan diet, he

> >refuses to eat most, right?

> >

> >

> >

> >So your challenge is finding enough nutritious recipes/foods in



> >quantity that he will eat. Is this correct?

> >

> >

> >

> >This is a problem many families have (we did too) and is really not an

> issue

> >related to vegan diet per se.

> >

> >

> >

> >Ministry workers can be too quick to point the finger of blame at vegan

> >diet, when chances are that the child would be having nutritional

> >difficulties with whatever diet the household has.

> >

> >

> >

> >I'd like in the Ministry to get active over the rampant obesity and

> growing

> >rates of diabetes of children in families who live on junk " food " and



> > " food " !

> >

> >

> >

> >Deborah

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >[



> On Behalf Of Shannon West

> >May-12-10 8:33 PM

> >

> >Re: Re: Protein

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >I'm glad you don't have trouble with protein. My kids do. My son just had

> a

> >blood test that showed his pre-albumin was low. I almost had the Ministry

> of

> >Children and Families on my case. His iron and iron stores were also

> >remarkably low. It was terrible.

> >

> >So I've been working on it, but damn it's hard! Thank GOD he likes

> molasses.

> >

> >Shannon

> >

> >Shannon West, shanwest <shanwest%40shaw.ca>


> >2010-05-12

> >----- Receiving the following content -----

> >Jae Jones

> >Receiver:

> >Time: 2010-05-12, 20:12:51

> >Re: Re: Protein

> >

> >>According to doctors (and most everyone I know) I don't eat enough food!

> On

> >

> >>top of no animal products, I eat no grain, no beans/legumes and no soy!

> >I've

> >>developed so many allergies that my diet is literally down to plants

> alone,

> >

> >>and there are plenty of them I can eat! The amount of food I consume in



> >>week probably wouldn't satisfy most people in a day! I have found that

> the

> >>closer to nature my food is, the less I actually need! I consume hemp

> foods

> >

> >>as my main source of protein, and hemp is a complete protein! :)

> >>Since having to eliminate all these foods and go on a pure, clean,

> natural

> >>diet, my MS has gone into remission, I have not had any GI problems, and

> I

> >>have no pain or symptoms associated with my chronic pancreatitis any

> more!

> >>Migraines are no longer a problem! I don't suffer from PMS or chronic

> >>fatigue or any of the problems that where unbearable at best for most of

> my

> >

> >>life! If seeing is believing, I can't deny the truth of how diet affects

> >>health! And protein has never been a problem for me! I get a full blood

> >work

> >>panel done every year! My B12 has always been great too, even when I was

> >>severely anemic, which is no longer a problem since giving up all



> >>hmmm....

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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