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Andy & Shell,


From what you say, there is a case for you reading David Wolfe's Sun

Food Success System which you can often find in UK bookstores and

certainly on UK Amazon.


Mixing fruit and vegetables at the same meal causes flatulence. Fruits

require different digestive juices of the stomach from vegetables.

Fruit is essentially acid whilst vegetables are alkaline. It is also not

good to mix fats and sugar.


On cost, you should be able to save money. In the UK, I pick green

leaves in the fields which I eat for dinner and pay nothing. I suppose I

could ask the farmers first but I do not live in the UK and it is

tedious explaining that I do not the turnips but just the leaves and

only a handful at that. Supermarkets are bad places to buy fresh fruit

and vegetables as they are far too preoccupied by shelf life and

standardization. I like to buy cheaply from the markets and Green

Grocers. Thus I go for in-season produce. A month ago I bough runner

beans for example but now they are stringy. Now I am back in Belgium and

the Arab markets are terrific here.


It will take a few months to " transition " during which time you will be

nagged by a kind of hunger. In consequence you will eat more. A good

idea to keep fruit around in the morning and vegetables around in the

evenings. Eating fruit before sleeping will produce strong dreams -

nuts or fats then will tend to stimulate the procreative urges whilst

green leaves are the most inducive to rest.


You seem to be on the right track





Andy & Shell [andy.mich]

23 August 2003 11:00


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




Hi Geri,

I am new to the group too and just dipping my toe tentitively into raw

foods to see what happens. I can't immagine a life without potatoes or

bread or rice and stuff though, so don't think I could be totally raw, I

think I'd be hungry. I have an enormous appitite and need to lose quite

a lot of weight. I have been a vegan for ten years and got interested

in raw foods after I bought a juicer a couple of months ago and have had

fruit and veg juice for lunch every day since then. I already eat raw

breakfast, as I like to eat seeds, nuts and fruit, so really, it's just

my main meal and snacks. At tea time, I'm starving and so thought maybe

I could try half the meal raw and put it with some potatoes or

something. So far it's been salad every night, but I'm getting a bit

fed up with the same old things in it, so thought I'd try this list to

see what other people eat. It all seems very confusing and my attempts

at sprouting have been only partially succesful.

Thanks for your informative post Rufus, it's encouraging to see

someone so enthusiastic. The links and book titles will be very useful.

I'm a bit worried that the raw food lifestyle might stretch my finances

a bit, some things and supliments look very expensive and I'm not sure I

would want to be taking all kinds of goofy looking stuff, but it will

take a lot of research. Cheers for now. Love Shell. In North Wales.







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Thanks Rufus,




This sounds an interesting avenue. I have visited the site, ordered

Primal Defence and

asked for the book. I suppose that once the " good bacteria " is

established, it looks after itself.


The only way in which I am able to pass an opinion on diet is in so far

as it relates to myself or

by quoting some higher source. I know very about little microbiotics but

I am convinced that they are of

high importance.





Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

23 August 2003 16:59


RE: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




Peter here is the link to his web site.




move your mouse over his photo to see the " after

photo " He wrote a book called " Patient heal thyself "

its very interesting. Because it plugs his products,

and becuase he had made so much money selling Primal

Defense, he gives his book away at health food stores.

If they have the product, they will have the book.

Ask for it, if nothing else, it's a great read. It

was a wake up call for me.


Note, his company sells a lot of produts, but 90% of

his revenues come from Primal Defense, which was his

first and flagship product.


I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Also, If you

can't find the book, let me know and I'll mail it to

you. I can allways get another one at the health food

store down the road. Thats the good thing about

California, there are health food stores everywhere.









--- Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

> Interesting post Rufus,


> Where do I find your " Primal Defence " .


> Where do I read up on the subject?


> Peter





> Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

> 23 August 2003 03:22

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




> Geri,


> Welcome to the world of Raw food. I am not too far

> behind you, as I just started to experiment with raw

> foods at the end of 2001, and in 2002 I went for 3

> months totally raw. I lost a ton of weight, never

> felt like I was starving, and had a ton of energy.

> I

> could not stay commited to raw foods, because 1) I

> didn't know enough about it to do it right, and I

> had

> an unreasonable stressful job (10-12 hour days 6

> days

> per week). Last November I fell while rock climbing

> and broke my leg in 4 places. I was laid up for 2

> months. My bosses showed no compasion, and only

> wanted to know when I would be back. When I did

> return, I quickly realized that my job did not care

> at

> all about me, just wanted me to do the work for

> them.

> It took 4 months to be able to walk without

> crutches

> or a cain, and during that time I got very out of

> shape. I came to realize that I had been way too

> focused on making lots of money, and not focused at

> all on good health and happyness. I up a quit my

> job,

> and have spent the past 5 months commited to health

> and happiness.


> The most important thing for me was to find Dr

> Norman

> Walker's book " Vibrant Health " He was a pioner in

> the

> field of raw foods. This lead me to David Wolf's

> book " Sunfood Diet Sucess System " I have nbow read

> both 3 times. I have also read many other books on

> the subject, but these two are my favorite.


> It took me a long time to learn all I needed to.

> David Wolf's food triangle was key for me. I am

> very

> active now, but ate way too much sweet fruit, and

> not

> enough green leafy vegies. 2lbs per day as

> recomended

> makes me feel great, but it is difficult to eat that

> much, so I bought a Green Star juicer for greens.

> Now

> I can consume a ton of green food each day. I also

> have a L'equip juicer for fruit juice, which I drink

> before I go for a long run or hike on the weekends.


> It also took me a while to learn how important

> organic

> food is. I found an outdoor market with tons of

> organic food near by, and now eat only organic.


> I read " Paitent Heal Thyself " by J.S. Rubin, which

> made me realize how we have killed all our " good

> bacteria " by taking anti-biotics, and drinking water

> with clorine in it. I started taking " Primal

> Defense "

> (jerms found in dirt) and I can not put into words

> how

> much my energy level has gone up. I have not felt

> this good for as long as I can remember. I lift

> weights, run and do yoga, and It never tires me out,

> like it used to when I ate cooked food. So now I

> don't take any medicine (even got off of the anti

> anxiety medication), drink tap water(only distilled

> water), and take " Primal Defense " germs every day.

> I

> am now looking forward to going on a month long

> Ejuve

> cleanse.


> About weight, I have gone from 212 to 193 in 5

> weeks.

> I should note, that I have gained a LOT of muscle

> very quickly. I saw my mom recently who had not

> seen

> me in a while, and she was shocked how slim and

> musclar I lookes. I think I still have about 20lbs

> to

> loose. One of the motivating things about the raw

> diet, is that when I cheat (and I do). I gain a

> very

> strange amount of weight. Some times as much as

> 7lbs,

> even though I have only eaten 1lb of cooked food.

> it

> will take me a week to lose that weight, after the

> cooked meal. I keep trying to go longer, and it

> helps

> to be motivated by the cooked food weight gain.


> So, welcome to the world of raw food. Please buy

> some

> books, and if you havent already, check out Shazzi's

> web site, especially the before and after photos.

> Here

> is the link, click on the names at the top of the

> left

> hand side.

> http://www.shazzie.com/raw/transformation/


> it is motivating to me to see how beautiful people

> become eating raw food.


> Have fun !


> Rufus

> --- geritmc <geritmc wrote:

> > Hi there,

> >

> > I am new to this group and also to eating raw. I

> > was actually doing

> > some research on why I always feel much more awake

> > and on the ball

> > when I eat fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch

> > compared to the days

> > when I eat bread & fastfood for breakfast and

> lunch.

> > And boy, am I

> > surprised to find out all the whys. I am actually

> > shocked...me being

> > so ignorant...gee!!

> >

> > I know that I won't even last a week going 100%

> raw. Therefore, I

> > will go with tiny steps. I guess this will make

> the

> > journey easier.

> > I have started to take only raw fruits for

> breakfast

> > and lunch. So

> > far, I feel quite good actually. I still eat

> dinner

> > with my hubby

> > which made of vegetables, rice, chicken/fish and

> > soup.

> >

> > But I do have a question, what about beverages /

> > drinks? Is cordial

> > OK? Or do we just have plain water?

> >

> > Secondly, I am also trying to shed some pounds as

> I

> > am 16lbs

> > overweight. From what I have read, eating raw

> will

> > also help in

> > loosing those unwanted pounds.

> >

> > I am glad that I have found this group as I am

> very

> > new at this and

> > what I really need is a group of friends who can

> > guide me.

> >

> > Thank you for creating this group.

> >

> > Cheers,

> > Geri

> >

> >

> >

> >





> SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site

> design software






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Hi there,


I am new to this group and also to eating raw. I was actually doing

some research on why I always feel much more awake and on the ball

when I eat fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch compared to the days

when I eat bread & fastfood for breakfast and lunch. And boy, am I

surprised to find out all the whys. I am actually shocked...me being

so ignorant...gee!!


I know that I won't even last a week going 100% raw. Therefore, I

will go with tiny steps. I guess this will make the journey easier.

I have started to take only raw fruits for breakfast and lunch. So

far, I feel quite good actually. I still eat dinner with my hubby

which made of vegetables, rice, chicken/fish and soup.


But I do have a question, what about beverages / drinks? Is cordial

OK? Or do we just have plain water?


Secondly, I am also trying to shed some pounds as I am 16lbs

overweight. From what I have read, eating raw will also help in

loosing those unwanted pounds.


I am glad that I have found this group as I am very new at this and

what I really need is a group of friends who can guide me.


Thank you for creating this group.




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I would not worry too much about an apple and a carrot. I do not think

there is much conflict there. Generally sweet fruit with green leave set

up the gas and for me an ache in the stomach.





Andy & Shell [andy.mich]

27 August 2003 21:20


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




Hi Peter,

Thanks, I didn't know that eating fruit and veg together wasn't good.

That's a shame, because I've really enjoyed my mixed apple and carrot

juice at dinner time. I'll have to think of ways to split them up and

have been looking at some savoury juicing ideas for soups and sauces.

Thanks for your help. Love Shell.







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Shame on you Fred,


Try this for your enlightenment







fred lieberman [fred_lieberman]

30 August 2003 07:32


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




Hi Doreen,


I do not know who Dr. Shelton is. After reading the information on the

web page, he would be the last person I would recommend as an authority

on the subject of nutrition.












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Welcome to the world of Raw food. I am not too far

behind you, as I just started to experiment with raw

foods at the end of 2001, and in 2002 I went for 3

months totally raw. I lost a ton of weight, never

felt like I was starving, and had a ton of energy. I

could not stay commited to raw foods, because 1) I

didn't know enough about it to do it right, and I had

an unreasonable stressful job (10-12 hour days 6 days

per week). Last November I fell while rock climbing

and broke my leg in 4 places. I was laid up for 2

months. My bosses showed no compasion, and only

wanted to know when I would be back. When I did

return, I quickly realized that my job did not care at

all about me, just wanted me to do the work for them.

It took 4 months to be able to walk without crutches

or a cain, and during that time I got very out of

shape. I came to realize that I had been way too

focused on making lots of money, and not focused at

all on good health and happyness. I up a quit my job,

and have spent the past 5 months commited to health

and happiness.


The most important thing for me was to find Dr Norman

Walker's book " Vibrant Health " He was a pioner in the

field of raw foods. This lead me to David Wolf's

book " Sunfood Diet Sucess System " I have nbow read

both 3 times. I have also read many other books on

the subject, but these two are my favorite.


It took me a long time to learn all I needed to.

David Wolf's food triangle was key for me. I am very

active now, but ate way too much sweet fruit, and not

enough green leafy vegies. 2lbs per day as recomended

makes me feel great, but it is difficult to eat that

much, so I bought a Green Star juicer for greens. Now

I can consume a ton of green food each day. I also

have a L'equip juicer for fruit juice, which I drink

before I go for a long run or hike on the weekends.

It also took me a while to learn how important organic

food is. I found an outdoor market with tons of

organic food near by, and now eat only organic.


I read " Paitent Heal Thyself " by J.S. Rubin, which

made me realize how we have killed all our " good

bacteria " by taking anti-biotics, and drinking water

with clorine in it. I started taking " Primal Defense "

(jerms found in dirt) and I can not put into words how

much my energy level has gone up. I have not felt

this good for as long as I can remember. I lift

weights, run and do yoga, and It never tires me out,

like it used to when I ate cooked food. So now I

don't take any medicine (even got off of the anti

anxiety medication), drink tap water(only distilled

water), and take " Primal Defense " germs every day. I

am now looking forward to going on a month long Ejuve



About weight, I have gone from 212 to 193 in 5 weeks.

I should note, that I have gained a LOT of muscle

very quickly. I saw my mom recently who had not seen

me in a while, and she was shocked how slim and

musclar I lookes. I think I still have about 20lbs to

loose. One of the motivating things about the raw

diet, is that when I cheat (and I do). I gain a very

strange amount of weight. Some times as much as 7lbs,

even though I have only eaten 1lb of cooked food. it

will take me a week to lose that weight, after the

cooked meal. I keep trying to go longer, and it helps

to be motivated by the cooked food weight gain.


So, welcome to the world of raw food. Please buy some

books, and if you havent already, check out Shazzi's

web site, especially the before and after photos. Here

is the link, click on the names at the top of the left

hand side. http://www.shazzie.com/raw/transformation/


it is motivating to me to see how beautiful people

become eating raw food.


Have fun !



--- geritmc <geritmc wrote:

> Hi there,


> I am new to this group and also to eating raw. I

> was actually doing

> some research on why I always feel much more awake

> and on the ball

> when I eat fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch

> compared to the days

> when I eat bread & fastfood for breakfast and lunch.

> And boy, am I

> surprised to find out all the whys. I am actually

> shocked...me being

> so ignorant...gee!!


> I know that I won't even last a week going 100% raw.

> Therefore, I

> will go with tiny steps. I guess this will make the

> journey easier.

> I have started to take only raw fruits for breakfast

> and lunch. So

> far, I feel quite good actually. I still eat dinner

> with my hubby

> which made of vegetables, rice, chicken/fish and

> soup.


> But I do have a question, what about beverages /

> drinks? Is cordial

> OK? Or do we just have plain water?


> Secondly, I am also trying to shed some pounds as I

> am 16lbs

> overweight. From what I have read, eating raw will

> also help in

> loosing those unwanted pounds.


> I am glad that I have found this group as I am very

> new at this and

> what I really need is a group of friends who can

> guide me.


> Thank you for creating this group.


> Cheers,

> Geri











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So I goaded Fred. Amazing that Fred should never have heard of the great

Herbert Shelton

and attempt to denigrate the man. What a rub.


And you who try to shame me with passages out of a dictionary.


What a laugh!


Peter Gardiner




M [mavalkyrie]

31 August 2003 04:25


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




" Shame on you! " What is that? Who are you to say something like that

to someone just because they disagree with you. Like someone should

feel " shame " for saying what they think or believe.


1 a : a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt,

shortcoming, or impropriety b : the susceptibility to such emotion 2 : a

condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute : IGNOMINY 3 a :

something that brings censure or reproach; also : something to

be regretted : PITY <it's a shame you can't go> b : a cause of

feeling shame




rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Shame on you Fred,


> Try this for your enlightenment


> http://www.rawfood.com/shelton.html


> Peter







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Hi Geri,

I am new to the group too and just dipping my toe tentitively into raw

foods to see what happens. I can't immagine a life without potatoes or

bread or rice and stuff though, so don't think I could be totally raw, I

think I'd be hungry. I have an enormous appitite and need to lose quite a

lot of weight. I have been a vegan for ten years and got interested in raw

foods after I bought a juicer a couple of months ago and have had fruit and

veg juice for lunch every day since then. I already eat raw breakfast, as I

like to eat seeds, nuts and fruit, so really, it's just my main meal and

snacks. At tea time, I'm starving and so thought maybe I could try half the

meal raw and put it with some potatoes or something. So far it's been salad

every night, but I'm getting a bit fed up with the same old things in it, so

thought I'd try this list to see what other people eat. It all seems very

confusing and my attempts at sprouting have been only partially succesful.

Thanks for your informative post Rufus, it's encouraging to see someone so

enthusiastic. The links and book titles will be very useful. I'm a bit

worried that the raw food lifestyle might stretch my finances a bit, some

things and supliments look very expensive and I'm not sure I would want to

be taking all kinds of goofy looking stuff, but it will take a lot of


Cheers for now.

Love Shell.

In North Wales.

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Sorry my last response was dismissive of your obvious good intention.


The foundation for my remark was rooted in the area of food combining.

This is an area of such high complexity that the finest scientists of

digestion will be learning at high speed for many generations to come.

We are lucky that the enormous intellect of Dr. Herbert Shelton was

directed here. Even now, I cannot eat a melon without thinking of him.


Thus what is right today will evolve tomorrow. Food combining has such

scope for plurality of thought and opinion. Moreover, who should eat

what, with what, in a perfect world would probably produce no two plates

the same.


The joy of being in a forum is that we may learn from questions,

answers, debates and revision of opinion.


Your freedom to disagree with anything I say is absolute. I welcome the

challenge of opinion that is different from my own.


All joy









M [mavalkyrie]

31 August 2003 04:25


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




" Shame on you! " What is that? Who are you to say something like that

to someone just because they disagree with you. Like someone should

feel " shame " for saying what they think or believe.


1 a : a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt,

shortcoming, or impropriety b : the susceptibility to such emotion 2 : a

condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute : IGNOMINY 3 a :

something that brings censure or reproach; also : something to

be regretted : PITY <it's a shame you can't go> b : a cause of

feeling shame




rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Shame on you Fred,


> Try this for your enlightenment


> http://www.rawfood.com/shelton.html


> Peter







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Interesting post Rufus,


Where do I find your " Primal Defence " .


Where do I read up on the subject?







Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

23 August 2003 03:22


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New






Welcome to the world of Raw food. I am not too far

behind you, as I just started to experiment with raw

foods at the end of 2001, and in 2002 I went for 3

months totally raw. I lost a ton of weight, never

felt like I was starving, and had a ton of energy. I

could not stay commited to raw foods, because 1) I

didn't know enough about it to do it right, and I had

an unreasonable stressful job (10-12 hour days 6 days

per week). Last November I fell while rock climbing

and broke my leg in 4 places. I was laid up for 2

months. My bosses showed no compasion, and only

wanted to know when I would be back. When I did

return, I quickly realized that my job did not care at

all about me, just wanted me to do the work for them.

It took 4 months to be able to walk without crutches

or a cain, and during that time I got very out of

shape. I came to realize that I had been way too

focused on making lots of money, and not focused at

all on good health and happyness. I up a quit my job,

and have spent the past 5 months commited to health

and happiness.


The most important thing for me was to find Dr Norman

Walker's book " Vibrant Health " He was a pioner in the

field of raw foods. This lead me to David Wolf's

book " Sunfood Diet Sucess System " I have nbow read

both 3 times. I have also read many other books on

the subject, but these two are my favorite.


It took me a long time to learn all I needed to.

David Wolf's food triangle was key for me. I am very

active now, but ate way too much sweet fruit, and not

enough green leafy vegies. 2lbs per day as recomended

makes me feel great, but it is difficult to eat that

much, so I bought a Green Star juicer for greens. Now

I can consume a ton of green food each day. I also

have a L'equip juicer for fruit juice, which I drink

before I go for a long run or hike on the weekends.

It also took me a while to learn how important organic

food is. I found an outdoor market with tons of

organic food near by, and now eat only organic.


I read " Paitent Heal Thyself " by J.S. Rubin, which

made me realize how we have killed all our " good

bacteria " by taking anti-biotics, and drinking water

with clorine in it. I started taking " Primal Defense "

(jerms found in dirt) and I can not put into words how

much my energy level has gone up. I have not felt

this good for as long as I can remember. I lift

weights, run and do yoga, and It never tires me out,

like it used to when I ate cooked food. So now I

don't take any medicine (even got off of the anti

anxiety medication), drink tap water(only distilled

water), and take " Primal Defense " germs every day. I

am now looking forward to going on a month long Ejuve



About weight, I have gone from 212 to 193 in 5 weeks.

I should note, that I have gained a LOT of muscle

very quickly. I saw my mom recently who had not seen

me in a while, and she was shocked how slim and

musclar I lookes. I think I still have about 20lbs to

loose. One of the motivating things about the raw

diet, is that when I cheat (and I do). I gain a very

strange amount of weight. Some times as much as 7lbs,

even though I have only eaten 1lb of cooked food. it

will take me a week to lose that weight, after the

cooked meal. I keep trying to go longer, and it helps

to be motivated by the cooked food weight gain.


So, welcome to the world of raw food. Please buy some

books, and if you havent already, check out Shazzi's

web site, especially the before and after photos. Here

is the link, click on the names at the top of the left

hand side. http://www.shazzie.com/raw/transformation/


it is motivating to me to see how beautiful people

become eating raw food.


Have fun !



--- geritmc <geritmc wrote:

> Hi there,


> I am new to this group and also to eating raw. I

> was actually doing

> some research on why I always feel much more awake

> and on the ball

> when I eat fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch

> compared to the days

> when I eat bread & fastfood for breakfast and lunch.

> And boy, am I

> surprised to find out all the whys. I am actually

> shocked...me being

> so ignorant...gee!!


> I know that I won't even last a week going 100% raw. Therefore, I

> will go with tiny steps. I guess this will make the

> journey easier.

> I have started to take only raw fruits for breakfast

> and lunch. So

> far, I feel quite good actually. I still eat dinner

> with my hubby

> which made of vegetables, rice, chicken/fish and

> soup.


> But I do have a question, what about beverages /

> drinks? Is cordial

> OK? Or do we just have plain water?


> Secondly, I am also trying to shed some pounds as I

> am 16lbs

> overweight. From what I have read, eating raw will

> also help in

> loosing those unwanted pounds.


> I am glad that I have found this group as I am very

> new at this and

> what I really need is a group of friends who can

> guide me.


> Thank you for creating this group.


> Cheers,

> Geri















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Peter here is the link to his web site.




move your mouse over his photo to see the " after

photo " He wrote a book called " Patient heal thyself "

its very interesting. Because it plugs his products,

and becuase he had made so much money selling Primal

Defense, he gives his book away at health food stores.

If they have the product, they will have the book.

Ask for it, if nothing else, it's a great read. It

was a wake up call for me.


Note, his company sells a lot of produts, but 90% of

his revenues come from Primal Defense, which was his

first and flagship product.


I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. Also, If you

can't find the book, let me know and I'll mail it to

you. I can allways get another one at the health food

store down the road. Thats the good thing about

California, there are health food stores everywhere.









--- Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

> Interesting post Rufus,


> Where do I find your " Primal Defence " .


> Where do I read up on the subject?


> Peter





> Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

> 23 August 2003 03:22

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




> Geri,


> Welcome to the world of Raw food. I am not too far

> behind you, as I just started to experiment with raw

> foods at the end of 2001, and in 2002 I went for 3

> months totally raw. I lost a ton of weight, never

> felt like I was starving, and had a ton of energy.

> I

> could not stay commited to raw foods, because 1) I

> didn't know enough about it to do it right, and I

> had

> an unreasonable stressful job (10-12 hour days 6

> days

> per week). Last November I fell while rock climbing

> and broke my leg in 4 places. I was laid up for 2

> months. My bosses showed no compasion, and only

> wanted to know when I would be back. When I did

> return, I quickly realized that my job did not care

> at

> all about me, just wanted me to do the work for

> them.

> It took 4 months to be able to walk without

> crutches

> or a cain, and during that time I got very out of

> shape. I came to realize that I had been way too

> focused on making lots of money, and not focused at

> all on good health and happyness. I up a quit my

> job,

> and have spent the past 5 months commited to health

> and happiness.


> The most important thing for me was to find Dr

> Norman

> Walker's book " Vibrant Health " He was a pioner in

> the

> field of raw foods. This lead me to David Wolf's

> book " Sunfood Diet Sucess System " I have nbow read

> both 3 times. I have also read many other books on

> the subject, but these two are my favorite.


> It took me a long time to learn all I needed to.

> David Wolf's food triangle was key for me. I am

> very

> active now, but ate way too much sweet fruit, and

> not

> enough green leafy vegies. 2lbs per day as

> recomended

> makes me feel great, but it is difficult to eat that

> much, so I bought a Green Star juicer for greens.

> Now

> I can consume a ton of green food each day. I also

> have a L'equip juicer for fruit juice, which I drink

> before I go for a long run or hike on the weekends.


> It also took me a while to learn how important

> organic

> food is. I found an outdoor market with tons of

> organic food near by, and now eat only organic.


> I read " Paitent Heal Thyself " by J.S. Rubin, which

> made me realize how we have killed all our " good

> bacteria " by taking anti-biotics, and drinking water

> with clorine in it. I started taking " Primal

> Defense "

> (jerms found in dirt) and I can not put into words

> how

> much my energy level has gone up. I have not felt

> this good for as long as I can remember. I lift

> weights, run and do yoga, and It never tires me out,

> like it used to when I ate cooked food. So now I

> don't take any medicine (even got off of the anti

> anxiety medication), drink tap water(only distilled

> water), and take " Primal Defense " germs every day.

> I

> am now looking forward to going on a month long

> Ejuve

> cleanse.


> About weight, I have gone from 212 to 193 in 5

> weeks.

> I should note, that I have gained a LOT of muscle

> very quickly. I saw my mom recently who had not

> seen

> me in a while, and she was shocked how slim and

> musclar I lookes. I think I still have about 20lbs

> to

> loose. One of the motivating things about the raw

> diet, is that when I cheat (and I do). I gain a

> very

> strange amount of weight. Some times as much as

> 7lbs,

> even though I have only eaten 1lb of cooked food.

> it

> will take me a week to lose that weight, after the

> cooked meal. I keep trying to go longer, and it

> helps

> to be motivated by the cooked food weight gain.


> So, welcome to the world of raw food. Please buy

> some

> books, and if you havent already, check out Shazzi's

> web site, especially the before and after photos.

> Here

> is the link, click on the names at the top of the

> left

> hand side.

> http://www.shazzie.com/raw/transformation/


> it is motivating to me to see how beautiful people

> become eating raw food.


> Have fun !


> Rufus

> --- geritmc <geritmc wrote:

> > Hi there,

> >

> > I am new to this group and also to eating raw. I

> > was actually doing

> > some research on why I always feel much more awake

> > and on the ball

> > when I eat fresh fruits for breakfast and lunch

> > compared to the days

> > when I eat bread & fastfood for breakfast and

> lunch.

> > And boy, am I

> > surprised to find out all the whys. I am actually

> > shocked...me being

> > so ignorant...gee!!

> >

> > I know that I won't even last a week going 100%

> raw. Therefore, I

> > will go with tiny steps. I guess this will make

> the

> > journey easier.

> > I have started to take only raw fruits for

> breakfast

> > and lunch. So

> > far, I feel quite good actually. I still eat

> dinner

> > with my hubby

> > which made of vegetables, rice, chicken/fish and

> > soup.

> >

> > But I do have a question, what about beverages /

> > drinks? Is cordial

> > OK? Or do we just have plain water?

> >

> > Secondly, I am also trying to shed some pounds as

> I

> > am 16lbs

> > overweight. From what I have read, eating raw

> will

> > also help in

> > loosing those unwanted pounds.

> >

> > I am glad that I have found this group as I am

> very

> > new at this and

> > what I really need is a group of friends who can

> > guide me.

> >

> > Thank you for creating this group.

> >

> > Cheers,

> > Geri

> >

> >

> >

> >





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Most certainly you have not upset me. Academically, scientifically and

in dieting knowledge you are my superior.


I share your love of the truth although I perceive the truth as having a

shifting focus. Thus I pitch my efforts in varying directions to

explore and test my perceptions.


This makes truth even more important to me as I spend most of my life

pursuing it. Moreover it changes. And the truth often starts with the

right question. " What should I be eating? " is always a good question.

The answer and the truth vary in accordance with individual



On food combining, I confess I do the minimum of it. Recipes and

smoothies I consider as being appropriate for those who are either not

raw foodists or are in transition. However, I whip up mixtures in a

juicer for guests as a pastime. I even throw an apple into a vegetable

mixture to take the bitterness of a pure vegetables and make a

concoction more palatable. Purists would abhor my heresy and hypocrisy,

especially as I do no more than taste the concoctions I serve.


The upshot is that my guests enthuse about fruit and vegetables. Is that

breaking the rules is sometimes " right " ?


I look forward to reading more of your postings, Fred.







fred lieberman [fred_lieberman]

01 September 2003 14:02


RE: [Raw Food] Hi I am New





Hi Peter,


If I have upset you and others, that was not my intension. I was upset

with what I read and expressed my feelings.


I have done a lot of things in my life, which includes being a farmer,

special ed. teacher, even teaching Astronomy and Nutrition on a college

level. I am scientifically oriented. Part of my education includes a

BA in Chemistry and a MS in Biology. My MS major was Human Nutrition.

I was in private practice for a decade as a Clinical Nutritionist, but

never really practiced nutrition. My clients came in with complaints

that no one could solve, so I ended up being a diagnostician and solving

them. The most common causes of their complaints were reactions first

to chemicals then to foods. For about three years, I held workshops

training professionals (doctors, chiropractors, nurses, dentists,

nutritionists...) and non-professionals (mothers whose children were

labeled LD, ED, ADD...) how to identify and address these issues. I

have even seen the energy coming out of my hands accelerate the healing



What was the name of individual in Greek mythology who was in search for

the one person who did not lie or distort the truth? Am I correct to

assume that truth is important to you Peter? Truth is very important to

me. That is where I am at this point in my life. When I do not hear it

especially from so called experts, I get annoyed, even angry. I have

been lied to all my life and I cannot always step aside and say: " So

what. " Maybe as I feel better, the distortions of others will no longer

affect me.


I am not putting Shelton down for his contributions to health during the

time he made the contributions.


What upset me were the inaccuracies stated on the web page.


Distortion of the facts and perpetuation of myths upsets me. The three

best examples of this are fluoride, cholesterol, and vitamins.


Fluoride is a protoplasmic poison. It is as toxic as lead. Large

populations are being forced to consume this substance all their life.

The dangers far out way the so called minor benefits, which in reality,

do not exit. To me, this is absurd. The myth began in the late 1930's

by Gerald Cox, PhD, who worked for a branch of ALCOA. Fluoride is a

byproduct of aluminum production.


The cholesterol hypothesis can best be described as an experimentally

generated disease. Hence perpetuation of the myth. The lesions created

by the experiments do not represent the true pathology as it naturally

occurs in humans. I read the experiments from the medical journals. The

experiments are totally invalid. People are told to go on dangerous

diets, dangerous medication, even niacin (which by the way is not a

vitamin) to lower cholesterol levels.


Over the counter vitamins are not vitamins. They are not the co-enzymes

which bring life to the enzymes in our body. Biochemically speaking,

structurally speaking, they are not in the right form to be considered a

co-enzyme. In fact, B1 as we find it in enriched flour and many vitamin

pills (thiamine mononitrate) as well as thiamine HCl cannot be converted

to the co-enzyme by our body.


I too had my guru's. They have all fallen by the waste side. None exist

anymore. None of them chose to see the whole picture nor the individual

as an individual.


If my crime is not willing to accept untruths and distortion of the

truth, then I am guilty.


This is what I read on the website and this is what upset me.


The web site http://chetday.com/fcnecess.html


" ...it important that we exercise some care not to take into the stomach

at the same time foods requiring different and incompatible media...



" Different Foods Require Different Digestive Tasks

It is a fundamental fact in chemistry that alkalies and acids are

opposites; that they neutralize each other. It is a fact in physiology

that all starchy foods digest in an alkaline medium and the

starch-splitting enzyme of the mouth (ptyalin or salivary amylase) is

destroyed by acid, even a mild acid. Therefore, if acids are taken with

starches, starch digestion is suspended. If breads or cereals or

potatoes are eaten with berries or with citrus fruits, or with other

acid-bearing foods, the digestion of these starches is delayed.


The stomach is always acidic. If it is not acidic, you will get sick or

are sick. The stomach is not the place where starches are supposed to be

digested (hydrolyzed). The pancreatic juices do that in the small



The purpose of acid in your stomach is to destroy microorganism, begin

the digestion of protein, indirectly aid in B12 absorption (intrinsic

factor production), and extract the minerals from the foods we eat.

Protein signals the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid. Without the

acid, none of the above will happen.


With the above strategy, how did he expect to extract minerals from the

grains? Since all food contains microorganisms, how was he going to

prevent the wrong culture from getting started in the GI tract?


" Eating Protein and Starches Together Begets Indigestion

It is a fact of physiology that proteins require an acid medium for

their digestion in the stomach. When proteins are eaten, acid is

secreted to enable the enzyme, pepsin, to begin the work of protein

digestion. Now, it is not possible for two processes, that of starch

digestion requiring an alkaline medium for its digestion, and that of

protein digestion requiring an acid medium for its accomplishment, to

both go on in the same stomach at the same time, with any great

efficiency. The rising acidity of the stomach will neutralize the

saliva, destroy the salivary amylase, and bring starch digestion to a



That is exactly what is supposed to happen.


" If no protein is taken with the starch, no acid is poured into the

stomach and starch digestion proceeds on schedule.


In a health person, the stomach is always acidic. Otherwise, we run the

risk of an infection. The stomach is not the place where starch should

be digested. It occurs in the small intestine.


" A Fundamental Rule

The application of this fact of the physiology of digestion is plain:

Eat starch foods at separate meals from acid foods and foods requiring

acid in their digestion.


Perpetuating the myth



" Acid Indigestion Arises From Wrong Combinations


I do not get indigestion. That means this statement is not universally

true. I have gotten heartburn from cottonseed oil (pesticide residues)

found in certain foods. I avoid those foods.


In over a decade of seeing clients, I have never seen anyone with

heartburn nor indigestion ever have a problem with combinations. It was

always due to a chemical in a specific food they ate or a hiatal hernia.

Once the first was avoided and the second was corrected (without

surgery), the symptoms disappeared.



" Retarded digestion favors fermentation and putrefaction of the foods



Fermentation you want. That is how we obtain certain vitamins in our GI

tract. Microorganisms in our digestive tract exist in a symbiotic

relationship with us. We give them the environment and they support us.


Putrefaction or rotting of foods can only occur in the presence of the

wrong type of bacteria. (Check Louis Pasteur - 1822-1895)


Wrong Food Combining Responsible For Much Suffering


Not true. Weston Price (DDS) in the mid to late 20's proved it was

processed foods. By 1930, our soils were depleted of minerals (Check the

Empty Harvest by Anderson and Jensen). Pre-WWII, reactions to foods then

to chemicals were major causes of illness. (Check out The Pulse Test -

Arthur Coca, MD; and T. Randolph, MD, Father of Clinical Ecology).

After WWII, we began to inhale and ingest large amounts of pesticides,

fumigants, formaldehyde, plasticizers, hydrocarbons, chlorine, fluoride,

and other toxic chemicals. In our current time frame, the chemicals we

are exposed to are the major causes of our illness, not wrong food



My mentors taught me that each person is different. One life style does

not fit all condition and individuals. The person in front of me has all

the answers. That is the way I treated each client I saw. In the 13

years of seeing over 1000 clients and many who were not clients,

performing over 48,000 individualized tests, the one conclusion I can

state from experience is: the major cause of illness in our times is an

exposure to one or more chemicals which our body is rejecting. These

substances should not be there in first place.











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Thanks, Fred


Although I have a degree in management, I have never believed that

objective thought is superior to clean intuition rooted in the deepest

integrity. This explains why I have no time for those who tell me lies.

Their internal wiring is a mess and their opinions are distorted.


Listening to my own soul lead me to deduce that whatever I was doing had

ran my health to the ground or at least to arterio sclerosis. The world

has to be seriously adrift for so many millions to be suffering the same

plight. Intuition told be to be ruthless; just as the fates were with

me. Tobacco went first, then coffee. Then switch over to raw. Soon

after I chopped out red meat poultry and fish and later grain. Then

spices and mixing as far as possible. Meanwhile alcohol was on reduction

and has now finally gone. Now I combine food as little as possible

though I admit I eat a bowl of fruit for breakfast.


Health is better but I still have a way to go.


Lets blaze on







fred lieberman [fred_lieberman]

03 September 2003 01:19


RE: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




Hi Peter,


I hope this helps.


No one is better than anyone else. That is pure illusion.


Each one of us comes into this lifetime with all the information we will

ever need to know about this journey of ours. Accessing that

information is called intuition. When we reached first grade, our

teachers taught us not to use intuition anymore otherwise they will fail

us. We were forced to use intellect, reasoning, and ego. We lost our

natural state of knowing and freedom for illusion, deception, members of

a caste system, and prisoners to everyone who is frustrated with their

own lives.


I can not tell you what is right for you anymore than I can tell it for

anyone else. Intellectually, I do not know what is right for anyone.


Rose and I chose the organic raw diet for therapeutic reasons. We

reached a point where we were reacting to everything: foods, air in the

stores, cardboard, newspapers, even mail. The wheat grass juice made

the difference. Within 2 months we were free of reactions. Without

intuition, we would have ended up in the hospital misdiagnosed.


I am a Diagnostician and Healer. It has taken me years to accept my

identity. That is where my journey has taken me.


You are where you are and that is where your journey has taken you. You

may be weak in the academic area, but you are strong in experience.

That is your strength.


Do not be intimidated by names and credentials. Their talk is to cover

up their insecurities. Talk is cheap, experience is valuable. Be

careful you do not use someone else's theories or philosophies to

explain your experiences.


" Purists would abhor my heresy and hypocrisy,


Who says they are right. Happy people are never purists. Happy people

are free to enjoy life. Happy people never restrict their lives with

theoretical nonsense.










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Genesis expresses the notion with the tree of knowledge.


Bite that apple and out goes intuition to be replaced by human


or have I read something that was not intended.






Doreen Bell-Dotan [dordot2001]

03 September 2003 12:13


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New




rawfood , fred lieberman <fred_lieberman>


> Hi Peter,


> I hope this helps.


> When we reached first grade, our teachers taught us not to use

intuition anymore otherwise they will fail us. We were forced to use

intellect, reasoning, and ego. We lost our natural state of knowing

and freedom for illusion, deception, members of a caste system, and

prisoners to everyone who is frustrated with their own lives.



> Fred


Dear Fred:


I was just posting on this topic on another board. It sums up what I

think on the subject beautifully and succintly.


May I quote this elsewhere? Using your name? Anonymously?


I think it would help if it could be demonstrated that my positions

regarding this matter are those of others as well.










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Hi Peter,

Thanks, I didn't know that eating fruit and veg together wasn't good.

That's a shame, because I've really enjoyed my mixed apple and carrot juice

at dinner time. I'll have to think of ways to split them up and have been

looking at some savoury juicing ideas for soups and sauces.

Thanks for your help.

Love Shell.

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Hi Peter,


Flatulance is produced by microorganisms. As long as the wrong culture exists

in the GI tract, the potentional for gas production always exist.




Mixing fruit and vegetables at the same meal causes flatulence.










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--- B " H


Hi, Fred, and welcome.


You wrote: Flatulance is produced by microorganisms. As long as the

wrong culture exists in the GI tract, the potentional for gas

production always exist.

> >

> Mixing fruit and vegetables at the same meal causes flatulence.


I'm so glad you brought this up.


The following link leads to an article on the Principles of Proper

Food Combining by a giant of Natural Hygiene, Dr. Herbert Shelton.




The following link leads to a chart that shows proper food combining

very well. Just ignore the meat products listed. The site isn't pro-

meat eating, it merely shows how to eat meat so that it does a

minimum of damage to the body.









> >








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You echo my thoughts, Rufus.


It always amazes me that animals have far simpler diets than humans.

Somehow they survive without running after trace elements or new recipes

or veterinary surgeons. I find that the more I simplify my diet the

richer it becomes.


Was it Laurence Van der Post who said that to answer the big questions

in life you need to look at nature?





Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

05 September 2003 00:50


RE: [Raw Food] Hi I am New






Very well said !


I have been reading the recent threads, and although interesting, most

of it was far too philosophical for me. I like to keep things as simple

as possible; it always helps me understand what seem like complex



As far as our diet goes, I think it's a lot more

helpful to study mammal behavior, then to study



Mammals like us eat only RAW foods. They eat lots of

leafy greens, and seasonal fruit. The mono diet is

natural because plants tend not to grow in too close a proximity, and

are seasonal. I used to think that I had to eat kale, spinach, onions,

tomatoes, olives, avocados act, all in one sitting, in order to get all

my vitamins and minerals. In nature it would be more

common to find a huge patch of kale, eat it for a few

days and then walk on to find an avocado tree. We

would then binge on avocados. In a few weeks we

might find a citrus tree, and on and on.


If you look at food in this light, then food combining

is not an issue. I try to eat 4 mono meals per day.

Fruit, greens, fruit, greens. I mix fats with my

greens. I do not eat a lot of nuts, because they are

very difficult to eat in the wild. Eating a raw nut

is a lot of work. In the wild, we would not be able

to sit down and eat fistfuls of almonds. Although

mono meals don't seem very plush, they are. Imagine

having to eat only what nature provides. We would be

eating mono for days on end. We would also be subject

to fasting when a food source ran out, or the season

ended. Thus its clear that we are supposed to fast.


Folks have gotten far too philosophical to me. Of

course chemicals are bad. We should strive to ingest

no chemicals at all. And of course food combination

is important. But we don't need to make a huge deal

out of either. Being human is not easy. We are so

smart that we feel we need to make simple things very

complex. I would think that people on this mailing

list, are here because they want to learn how to eat

raw foods. It's not too difficult, unless we make it



For the new people, I recommend reading The Sun food

Diet Success System, and eating raw foods. Don't

expect to be 100% raw too quickly. Expect failure,

and then you will not be disappointed. Try going a

whole day RAW, and then 2, and then 3 and so on.

Before you know it, it will become so painful to eat

the SAD, and you feel so good eating RAW, that the

transition will become natural.


I have an interesting perspective, because I was an

alcoholic, who smoked and drank lots of coffee. I also

took a lot of prescription drugs. It has taken me an

awful long time to transition, and progress is

sometimes slow. Physically, I never imagined that I

could ever feel this good, and a lot of life long

problems have disappeared (Asthma, chronic fatigue,

depression and anxiety).


My experience has proved that green leafy veggies are

very important for me, and it was difficult for me to

eat enough. I was eating about 80% fruit (mostly

sweet fruits). I then bought a Green Star juicer for

greens (I already had a L'equip 221 for fruit). I

drank a liter of chard, kale, collards ect every day

for two days, and then the dam broke. I peed 15 times

in 12 hours. I had two nights of very violent dreams,

and then felt like I was on an other level. I lost 6

lbs in 2 days, and felt reborn. If you are eating a

lot of fruit, you might want to try it.


Best luck to everyone, I enjoy this mailing list.







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combining is not that important when juicing juice is already predigested. I

belive you are safe to continue juicing your apples with carrots


Andy & Shell <andy.mich wrote:Hi Peter,

Thanks, I didn't know that eating fruit and veg together wasn't good.

That's a shame, because I've really enjoyed my mixed apple and carrot juice

at dinner time. I'll have to think of ways to split them up and have been

looking at some savoury juicing ideas for soups and sauces.

Thanks for your help.

Love Shell.






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You can add celery to either and Tomatos also doubles as fruit or vegetable.

Parsley is OK with apple juice. But you're far better off sticking to the

fruit or vegetable and not juicing. Why give youir pancrease extra work and

set yourself up for insulin resistance by adding this fast acting fructose

to your system? Eat the fiber with it and slow down the sugar release.



" Andy & Shell " <andy.mich

<rawfood >

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:20 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New



> Hi Peter,

> Thanks, I didn't know that eating fruit and veg together wasn't good.

> That's a shame, because I've really enjoyed my mixed apple and carrot


> at dinner time. I'll have to think of ways to split them up and have been

> looking at some savoury juicing ideas for soups and sauces.

> Thanks for your help.

> Love Shell.

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Hi Doreen,


I do not know who Dr. Shelton is. After reading the information on the web

page, he would be the last person I would recommend as an authority on the

subject of nutrition.












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Thanks, I'll carry on with the carrot and apple. I'm afraid I'm not a

naturally healthy person and really would prefer to be eating heaps of

buttered toast and chips. I find I don't get the urge to eat fruit, but

every day, can't wait to have my juice. I'm sure it would be better to eat

the whole fruit with the fibre, but I tend not to bother eating it then. I

don't generally eat any other sweet things, so hope the juice won't matter

too much.

Love Shell.

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From my understanding it is the Apple and carrot that can only be

mixed with fruits and veggtables. That's why Carrot/apple is so

popular. If you read or look at any juice books recipes you will see

carrots and apple are the only combined with other fruits or veggie.

It's either all veggie or all fruit with the exception for carrots

and apple. Thank goodness cause I love that combo.







rawfood , Patty Foley <livingenergy2002>


> combining is not that important when juicing juice is already

predigested. I belive you are safe to continue juicing your apples

with carrots


> Andy & Shell <andy.mich@n...> wrote:Hi Peter,

> Thanks, I didn't know that eating fruit and veg together wasn't


> That's a shame, because I've really enjoyed my mixed apple and

carrot juice

> at dinner time. I'll have to think of ways to split them up and

have been

> looking at some savoury juicing ideas for soups and sauces.

> Thanks for your help.

> Love Shell.






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fred lieberman [fred_lieberman]

Saturday, August 30, 2003 1:32 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Hi I am New


Hi Doreen,


I do not know who Dr. Shelton is. After reading the information on the

web page, he would be the last person I would recommend as an authority

on the subject of nutrition.


I don't know what you read but Dr. Shelton is the modern day founder of

Natural Hygiene. He has written many books. Here is a link as to where

you can read some of his books online for free. I don't think I agree

with Shelton completely but he was extremely knowledgeable on nutrition.



You can also read the classic book Toxemia Explained by J.H. Tilden at

this link and many other great resources. Even Arnold Ehret's book,

" Rational Fasting. "


As for my signature file. You brought up something about it a week or so

ago. Cooked food is an addiction. People need to learn a variety of

strategies including motivational to help them succeed on a raw diet.

I've helped many people along these lines.


People have to overcome their fears. Learn how to deal with friends and

family. Learn how to make recipes at first so that they stay satisfied.

They have to learn what is the best way to eat for them and from where

they are coming from. How to get themselves initially motivated to go

100% because they are overcoming years of addiction and emotional

associations to cooked food.


There are a myriad of issues with this so-called instinctive and natural

way of eating. Except we humans have gone way beyond our instincts and

even wild animals can get addicted to cooked foods. Just look at the

bear problems in our national parks out west. They're breaking into

locked cars to get at what humans call food.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com <http://www.superbeing.com/> . Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> to

learn how to go 100% RAW.








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