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Hi Robyn,


First, don't use aspartame

(NutraSweet/Equal/Spoon) as it can precipitate

diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic

retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic

nerve and causes diabetics to go into

convulsions. It also interacts with insulin. H.

J. Roberts, M.D. who wrote the medical text,

Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, is a

diabetic specialist. www.sunsentpress.com


Also, don't use Splenda as its a chlorocarbon

poison liberating


http://www.wnho.net/splenda_chlorocarbon.htm It

is particularly dangerous for diabetics.


Just Like Sugar sold at Whole Foods you can use,

www.justlikesugarinc.com Stevia if its pure without additives can be used.


I wonder if you have been on aspartame since

joint pain and fibromyalgia are notorious with

aspartame use. Dr. Roberts calls fibromyalgia a

junk bucket diagnosis. With aspartame its

because its hardens the synovial fluids and the

toxic components. Aspartame does effect the skin

as well, especially urticaria or hives, and

rosacea. We have also gotten complaints of

psoriasis. If you have been on aspartame here is

Dr. Blaylock's detox

program: www.wnho.net/wtdaspartame called " What

To Do If You Have Used Aspartame " You wou7ld

want to stay away from processed foods,

especially when they say natural or artificial

flavors as that's where they hid the stuff. Also

MSG which has a synergistic and additive effect


aspartame. www.truthinlabeling.org

Incidentally, aspartame interacts with virtually

all drugs because of damage to the mitochondria.


All my best,


www.mpwhi.com, www.dorway.com and www.wnho.net

Aspartame Toxicity Center,

www.holisticmed.com/aspartame At 11:30 AM 7/15/2008, marygold28001 wrote:



>Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have

>many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect,

>ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of

>meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning

>our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be

>welcome. thanks



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You have too many problems to treat them all as separate issues. Your problem should evaluated by a nutritionist that knows how to analyze the Lab results you have already done.


There is no prescription pad solution to your health issues. If you have a problem finding a nutritionist (not a dietitian) in your area, perhaps I can help.--- On Tue, 7/15/08, marygold28001 <marygold28001 wrote:

marygold28001 <marygold28001 new to group Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 11:30 AM



hi,Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect, ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be welcome. thanks

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I had most of your problems--diabetic, fibro-,joint pain, high blood pressure, etc--and decided to take the worst problem first.


In my case it was the high blood pressure because I couldn't exercise and that was making the fibro and diabetic problems worse. The high blood pressure was so bad I couldn't move around without my head feeling like it was going to explode!


I changed my diet to the Fat Flush Plan and started adding in cayanne pepper, ginger, dry mustard, turmeric, flax seed oil, ground flax seeds, cranberry juice (that I made), cloves, cinnamon, and stevia (instead of sugar). I set a timer and every 15 minutes I got up and walked at least twice around the house. Once I started moving around more I was able to gradually start working on Tai Chi exercises and tried to go up and down the stairs at least four times a day.


I got rid of all fried foods, only use olive, flax, or coconut oil. I don't eat anything with gluten (I am gluten intolerant) and I limit dairy as I am lactose intolerant. I poach all my meats (turkey, fish, venison) and vegetables. I have learned to like red grapefruit. I eventually added in pomegranate juice. I drink about an ounce a day.


I lost some weight, my blood pressure went down, and my blood sugar came down a little. I added in exercising on an excercise bike. I actually got up to 20 min three times a day before my lower back went. DH designed a set of pedals for me that I can lay down on the bed and use. This works great for me. I would excersize about 50 minutes after eating which helped to keep my blood sugar down.


My blood sugar has come down. It is not completely normal but a fasting blood sugar of 100 is a lot better than 200 when I started.


The medications that the doctor had me on for the diabeties made my stomach hurt and I gained weight on it and it only brought my blood sugar down to 180. The high blood pressure meds made me sick and caused my legs to swell. So I stopped cold turkey which was probably not the best thing to do!


I have been working on this for the last three years. I keep tweeking my diet to improve it and I have found that I am generally healthier than I have been in a long time. I have my days that are bad but my recovery is faster.


I did find out that I can not eat the diet recommended by the local dieticians, diabetic books, or diabetic association. When I first started getting down to 150 I was having symptoms of low blood sugar. Now I can get down to 100 with no problem.


When I first started researching and planning this change in my life it was with the idea that I was making a permanent change. This was the way I was going to eat the rest of my life. I wanted to be healthier and it was the most important thing and the only way to achieve that was by what I was eating. Popping pills was not going to make me better. The doctors could not make me better. ONLY I COULD DO IT!


I will probably need surgery someday on my back but I have a better chance of rpost op ecovery with my blood sugar and blood pressure under control and with a lower weight than I would have had three years ago. I still have a ways to go but I believe the blood sugar will go even lower when I loose the rest of my excess weight and my body becomes more toned.


If you haven't already checked into it, check into a low glycemic index diet. It works great in conjunction with the Fat Flush Plan as you go unto the next step in the diet. I chose the Fat Flush Plan because it is a more balanced diet than many others. I don't stick to it completely as I need to adjust for my needs.


Once I was on the diet for my diabeties, I discovered that my body reacts differently without the pills. Supposedly your high point after eating is 2 hours but by using the low glycemic diet mine is 3 hours. I was eating a little something every 3 hours as suggested in diabetic books and it was at my high point which just made me worse. So I started eating every four to five hours and it worked out much better. The bottom line is know your own body and LISTEN TO IT!


For the fibro I found a jacuzzi at a yard sale for $100 and DH fixed it up for me and I do water exercises in it during the summer. I sleep on an air bed and DH who is disabled from fibro sleeps on a water bed. He needs the extra heat---the extra heat aggrevated my spinal OA. So again our bodies are different. Something that works for me may not work for you but you won't know unless you try different things.


When I am having a flair of fibro I ice my OA spots, put heat on the pain areas of the fibro and do stretching exercises and do whatever it takes to get a good nights sleep---even if it means pills for at least one night. Our body needs sleep in order to heal itself and repair all those torn muscle fibers. Without sleep the muscle fibers remain torn and new ones tear the next day which only makes us worse.







Tony De Angelis

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 2:10 PM

Re: new to group






You have too many problems to treat them all as separate issues. Your problem should evaluated by a nutritionist that knows how to analyze the Lab results you have already done.


There is no prescription pad solution to your health issues. If you have a problem finding a nutritionist (not a dietitian) in your area, perhaps I can help.--- On Tue, 7/15/08, marygold28001 <marygold28001 wrote:

marygold28001 <marygold28001 new to group Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 11:30 AM



hi,Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect, ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be welcome. thanks


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Robyn, I suggest that you find a Wellness Center that has a certified nutritionist, a registered nurse or nurse practitionist, certified massage therapists and a certified physical trainer. You can work with them to develop a healthier lifestyle incorporating what you eat, stress or pain relief and develop a fitness plan for you. Someone can give you drugs but you will not feel better until you incorporate healthy activities and nutrition. Certified massage therapists will help you to manage the pain of other issues and ease the stress or toll that "not feeling well" takes on you.Coach Lynn Tony De Angelis <tntstuart wrote: You have too many problems to treat them all as separate issues. Your problem should evaluated by a nutritionist that knows how to analyze the Lab results you have already done. There is no prescription pad solution to your health issues. If you have a problem finding a nutritionist (not a dietitian) in your area, perhaps I can help.--- On Tue, 7/15/08, marygold28001 <marygold28001 > wrote: marygold28001 <marygold28001 > new to group Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008,

11:30 AM hi,Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect, ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be welcome. thanks

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See Rife and Herbal info on www.curezone.com OrganicEssiac is a great herbal tea

for overall health!






Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have

many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect,

ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of

meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning

our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be

welcome. thanks

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Hi Robyn, Im Lela, I live in North Carolina, Just read your post and hopefuly I can help. There's a product called The Circulation Solution. and there are other products' just for diabetic conditions. if you go to, www.healthresources.com . I've used their (Oral Chelation) it's brought down my blood pressure 16 points still using it. Yesterday 07/16/08 I started the circulation solution and I saw & felt the difference since last night before going to bed. so let me tell you>> Their products really do work and they work fast & well. Thank you and be blessed Lelamarygold28001 <marygold28001 wrote: hi,Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect, ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would be welcome. thanks

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hi lela,where in n.c.o you live?

that is where i was b4 i came to arkansas to take care of my dad.

i lived in albemarle about an hr from charlotte. i will try that cream

you told me about . thanks

I , Lela Mckoy

<yochat316 wrote:


> Hi Robyn,

> Im Lela, I live in North Carolina, Just read your post and

hopefuly I can help.

> There's a product called The Circulation Solution. and there

are other products'

> just for diabetic conditions. if you go to,

www.healthresources.com .

> I've used their (Oral Chelation) it's brought down my blood

pressure 16 points still using it.

> Yesterday 07/16/08 I started the circulation solution and I saw

& felt the difference since

> last night before going to bed. so let me tell you>> Their

products really do work and

> they work fast & well.

> Thank you and be blessed

> Lela


> marygold28001 <marygold28001 wrote:

> hi,

> Im Robyn, and i live in NE arkansas, i am a diabetic and have

> many other problems (Psoriasis, joint pain, fybromialgia, ect,

> ect, ect. ..... have come to the conclusion that Dr. give allot of

> meds strong meds. that arent doing anything except poisning

> our bodies .so any advice on natural healing remedies would


> welcome. thanks


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  • 2 months later...

---hi vanessa i bet you will find my web site interesting




phill In , " Vanessa " <vanessa



> Hello everyone:


> I am new to this group. I have background and experience in many

> natural healing modalities, I would be happy to share when I feel I

> have something to contribute.


> I am very interested to learn more about light and color therapy. If

> anyone has suggestions for great resources in these areas, I would be

> most appreciative.


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Hi Vanessa,


I'm new to the group too!

My main interests are crystal healing, herbalism, kinesiology and iridology, but

I'm always open to learning new things about alternative therapies - anything

rather than rely on 'conventional' medicine!!






: vanessa: Wed,

8 Oct 2008 20:38:21 +0000 New to Group





Hello everyone:I am new to this group. I have background and experience in

manynatural healing modalities, I would be happy to share when I feel Ihave

something to contribute.I am very interested to learn more about light and color

therapy. Ifanyone has suggestions for great resources in these areas, I would

bemost appreciative.







Discover Bird's Eye View now with Multimap from Live Search




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  • 2 months later...

hi rose bright blessings!!


--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Lori VanScoter <lvanscoter wrote:



Lori VanScoter <lvanscoter



Rose, what area are you from, because I am also in rural upstate NY!






Rose Lieberman



Hello, All. My name is Rose, I'm 60, I live in rural upstate New York.


I want to know more about herbs and essential oils for various health and

spiritual purposes and this groups sounds like just the ticket!

















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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

There are two things that always worked for me:


1- Oregano Oil

2. Cook up some oatmeal, let is cool a bit and put your hand/foot in it.

(Old time ranchers did this over 100 years ago.)


Good luck!





In a message dated 4/18/2009 9:42:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, wilson_cindyj writes:





Hello, My name is Cindy. I've been following the group chats.. Does anyone have any information on nail fungus.. I have done the conventional med.. Would like to get rid of it for good..Please help....Thank U all...

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I've read that soaking your feet in vinegar for 30 minutes a day will do the trick. It can take a month or more. Once you see a fresh pink moon at the base of the nail you know it's growing out. Another way is to soak your feet in colloidal silver for the same amount of time.





cindy j wilson

oleander soup

Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:50 PM

new to group





Hello, My name is Cindy. I've been following the group chats.. Does anyone have any information on nail fungus.. I have done the conventional med.. Would like to get rid of it for good..Please help....Thank U all...

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Nysatin, Ciprofloxian, Ketoconazole, Flucoazole and Giso-Peg on a rotational basis worked for me and I am still on them because my blood still has not clared up. I have been doing C, grape seed extract cyenne,asparagus, and on and on for ten years with no releif. It tookover eight months before I saw any signs of change. Remember that MD's are not inclined to do this an untill I found a DO to work with I was getting no where. The DO tries his best but he is still a doctor and locked into the system and can only do so much without being attached by Big Pharm. Who track everything he does. I always increase the dosage by at least a third now and get better results. Also found a better paharmasist. None of this was easy especially with the whole family pushing radiation, surger and chemo. They have finally stopped doing that ------ sort of ---- or at fleast not to my face.


Email me any time.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sat, 4/18/09, cindy j wilson <wilson_cindyj wrote:

cindy j wilson wilson_cindyj







Hello, My name is Cindy. I've been following the group chats.. Does anyone have any information on nail fungus.. I have done the conventional med.. Would like to get rid of it for good..Please help....Thank U all...

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Vinegar didn't work for me and I tried it several time over the ten years I have had the problem.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sat, 4/18/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009, 9:23 PM






I've read that soaking your feet in vinegar for 30 minutes a day will do the trick. It can take a month or more. Once you see a fresh pink moon at the base of the nail you know it's growing out. Another way is to soak your feet in colloidal silver for the same amount of time.





cindy j wilson

oleander soup

Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:50 PM

new to group





Hello, My name is Cindy. I've been following the group chats.. Does anyone have any information on nail fungus.. I have done the conventional med.. Would like to get rid of it for good..Please help....Thank U all...

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Have you tried CS?





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:19 AM

Re: new to group







Vinegar didn't work for me and I tried it several time over the ten years I have had the problem.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sat, 4/18/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009, 9:23 PM






I've read that soaking your feet in vinegar for 30 minutes a day will do the trick. It can take a month or more. Once you see a fresh pink moon at the base of the nail you know it's growing out. Another way is to soak your feet in colloidal silver for the same amount of time.





cindy j wilson

oleander soup

Saturday, April 18, 2009 5:50 PM

new to group





Hello, My name is Cindy. I've been following the group chats.. Does anyone have any information on nail fungus.. I have done the conventional med.. Would like to get rid of it for good..Please help....Thank U all...

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Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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Do you soak you feet or take it internally?






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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How do you use the coconut oil? Internally, externally on the toe etc?




oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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On the toe Bob. Twice a day.





Bob Banever

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:54 PM

Re: new to group






How do you use the coconut oil? Internally, externally on the toe etc?




oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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I have done both in the past but only ingesting it now. You can ask all the questions you want but it will not change my mind. Silver doesn't work on everything or for every body.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 5:53 PM






Do you soak you feet or take it internally?






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.





























Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soupSunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM







Have you tried CS?






| Un









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I don't disagree. Silver might work better if DMSO were used in conjunction with it however.



Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 PM

Re: new to group







I have done both in the past but only ingesting it now. You can ask all the questions you want but it will not change my mind. Silver doesn't work on everything or for every body.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 5:53 PM






Do you soak you feet or take it internally?






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.





























Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soupSunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM







Have you tried CS?






| Un









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Thank you.






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:22 PM

Re: new to group


On the toe Bob. Twice a day.





Bob Banever

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:54 PM

Re: new to group






How do you use the coconut oil? Internally, externally on the toe etc?




oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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E nada....lol.





Bob Banever

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:24 PM

Re: new to group






Thank you.






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:22 PM

Re: new to group


On the toe Bob. Twice a day.





Bob Banever

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 3:54 PM

Re: new to group






How do you use the coconut oil? Internally, externally on the toe etc?




oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM






Have you tried CS?






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Bob help me with what makes you an expert in my cancer problem.


What malady do you have that lead you to this group.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever wrote:

Bob Banever <bbaneverRe: new to groupoleander soup Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:15 PM






I don't disagree. Silver might work better if DMSO were used in conjunction with it however.



Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 PM

Re: new to group







I have done both in the past but only ingesting it now. You can ask all the questions you want but it will not change my mind. Silver doesn't work on everything or for every body.






























Most health problems are related to fungus in our bodies and the chemically treated rotting garbage we are offered at the Super Markets. dukestone (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net> wrote:

Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soupSunday, April 19, 2009, 5:53 PM






Do you soak you feet or take it internally?






oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: new to group


Yes, I too have had a fungal issue for many years and CS hasn't helped me either. I think it might do well for more mild fungal issues perhaps.

One thing that has finally helped my nail toe fungus is coconut oil raw, organic virgin the good stuff. I tried, oregano, tulsi, hydrogen peroxide, garlic, apple cider vinegar, so many things having a hard time remembering.





Duke Stone

oleander soup

Sunday, April 19, 2009 9:01 AM

Re: new to group









Colodal Silver for at leat eight years.





























Bob Banever <bbanever (AT) earthlink (DOT) net>Re: new to groupoleander soupSunday, April 19, 2009, 10:12 AM














Have you tried CS?






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