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---hi ivy and welcome

someinfo for oyu to sare


From my research and inspiration I have led to a concept called

karma and this seems to be the only thing stopping us from

achieving , health wealth and happiness


Karma therapy

The orion project is for the Sharing of information . This

information some of which has actively been submerged by vested

interest parties more concerned with profit/power rather than your

health .

Following the principles outlined in the Orion project will lead

you to real wealth=health.

One of the most powerful allies to any person is to know about karma

therapy for if you understand this you can even


Avoid getting health wealth happiness problems


Or if you currently have problems in those areas


Give you the most effective tool, which I have come across to help

you alleviate them.


This is the tool


The value of giving

Putting something or some service into society is one of the most

transforming tools with which we all benefit . The value of it is

much higher than we can possibly know and it should be included as

part of everyone's health program. The giver may ask how will

helping others help my health and me! That is a very good question,

which is very worthy of a serious amount of thought. This touches on

the concept which is called karma .


For if one truly wants to live with the great allies of Health,

wealth, happiness, Love and all those effects which one values one

should really understand this concept. It is the only thing, which

explains the apparent randomness of the effects, which come upon



Effects are all aspects of health, Wealth, Richness, [note these

two are separate] Happiness etc.

What is karma? Put simply it is the law of cause and effect. Or put

as another way as you sow so shall you reap, or what goes around

comes around. What do we mean by sowing? Simply every action or deed

you do causes an effect and every thought causes an effect.


So if you have sown good deeds as in helping others, being of

service, giving love and Kindness for lengthy periods of time you

can expect to reap those seeds. Alternatively if we have sown other

deeds and thoughts of a hurtful nature we can expect problems of one

nature or another to beset us.


Edgar Cayce frequently mentioned in treating disease that we were

working against karma and frequently told people that they would get

well faster by helping others.


Ah you may say why is it that babies are sometimes born with so

many impediments; they have not sown wrongful acts.


Yes they have not in this lifetime but what about their previous

lives as in reincarnation. You may not wish to go into this subject

at this time but there are millions of references to it, some in the

bible and a lot of eastern religions, some people can actually

remember their past lives.


There is now even past life regression therapy used in hypnosis to

treat phobias, which are not connected with this lifetime.

What do you think these statements mean taken out of the bible

John5:5-14 When Jesus discovered a man who had been ill for thirty

eight years .


On curing him Jesus said to the man.'Behold you have become well; do

not sin anymore so that nothing worse may befall you'


This clearly indicates that by implication of his statement that

this mans troubles were caused by breaking the law of karma.


Matthew 9;2 And behold they were bringing to him a paralytic, lying

on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said to the paralytic " Take

courage, my son your sins are forgiven "


Mathew 12:36 And I say to you that every careless word that men

shall speak, they shall render account for it in the day of judgment

for by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall

be condemned.


Causes and effects met in the way of an eye for an eye - from Edgar

cayce research


People Suffering Asthma Pressed the life out of others


People Suffering Blindness Blinded

captives with red hot irons


People Suffering Paralysis Injured others so

they could barely walk


People Suffering Anaemia

Shed others blood


Racial bigot As a galley slave he was beaten to death by

a negro master


People Suffering Cancer Laughed at Christians being torn apart by

wild animals


People Suffering life as Paraplegic- As a Roman soldier – made light

of others suffering


People Suffering Poverty Abused others-Impoverished



Suffering Repeated disappointments Disappointed



A woman who was wary of men Deserted by husband in the crusades


People Suffering Claustrophobia

Buried alive


People Suffering Choking spasms strangled others to



People Suffering Mental illness Practised

Withcraft, Black magic



All illness suffered now is the result of sin sown earlier Edgar

cayce says ,this applies to wealth and happiness as well apparently


Now we can meet our karma in two ways the first as in an eye for an

eye, which means reaping in the exactly the same way as we have

done. This is outlined above from the Edgar cayce research

We see this method being enacted each day mostly on the news,as

calamity after calamity is portrayed to us .







it is very painful to see and to feel.


Or we can come under the law of grace where we can have the

opportunity to transmute our karma by the giving of service to


What that means is working for others -voluntary work etc -daily if



Apparently we can choose which way to meet what we have sown


You choose, I much prefer the latter being so much less painful on

my soul.


Much easier to work it off in the main but it can take a long time


now listen to this next concept really carefully

If we are unwell and by implication therefore suffering from past

seeds sown it follows therefore one of the fastest ways to get well

is to incorporate into your treatment plan service or giving to

somebody as often as you can .


Ask for opportunities to be of service .I have proved this concept

on a daily basis and feel that this concept is so important in all

types of healing and to achieve other effects like having

friends ,enriching experiences, money and other effect which we all



Just a few examples of how we can be of service –giving Sharing our

being, our wealth, sending our thoughts, giving to charity, sharing

a joke, uplifting someone, giving listening time, giving healing,

giving labour, giving love, giving entertainment, giving food,

giving information and a million more ways.


Edgar cayce gave many thousands of examples of karma at work ,he

even told one person who asked to be healed that to cure him of this

thing would be to no avail as another would surely come .


As you can see from this statement the man has got to work it

off ,this apply to us all and its not just health either that this

applies to .Virtually every effect you can name .


All is seen ,all is heard, all is felt.


The wise among you will take the attitude of discovering the areas

of service you have to make amends on before effects of ill health

reach you whether it be cancer, Parkinson's blindness or what have



So I strongly advise that you engage in some kind of voluntary work

and I believe that virtually everyone should be engaged in some kind

of healing practice for others preferably on a daily basis.


how to discover this?


Well I suggest you pray to be shown or ask the universe to reveal

it to you.

reveal the areas which are most suited to service


Just going along in your life and living for self and not bothering

until problems come can be very painful.


It is almost like asking for trouble to come ,


the fact that we are down here on planet earth is admitting we have

karma to work off.


For there is no need to come here at all if we are karma free and

have learned all our lessons it would appear .


The spirit of service must enter every nerve, cell, tissue and bone

of your body.


Further information on other therapies and other ailments will be

found at my web site. Go to




In , " Maria Ivy " <ivy wrote:


> Hi everyone I am new to group. I am a Reiki Master/Practitioner

and I

> have always been interested in alternative healing. Hope to learn


> lot here. Blessings.

> Ivy.


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, " Maria Ivy " <ivy wrote:


> Hi everyone I am new to group. I am a Reiki Master/Practitioner and


> have always been interested in alternative healing. Hope to learn a

> lot here. Blessings.

> Ivy.

> I have sleep disk illness last 10 year please give me reiki for

better my life permenently

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At 02:40 AM 11/17/2006, you wrote:

> I would like some help/advice. As I said, I work for lawyers and it

> > tends to get extremely stressful and I like to use the oils for

> > grounding and keeping me energized when I have to work 10-12 hour

> > days. Although most people on my floor like the oils, some people

> > have complained and I'm trying to find a discrete way of being able

> > to use them without having to run to the bathroom/outside for a quick

> > fix.


aromatherapy jewelry... a cork stoppered amphora that you can sniff while





Over 10 years online supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare Professionals

Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Accessories, Hard to find Books and Videos


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thx Marge,


and just to let you know, I just got the Gabriel Mojay book I ordered

(per your recommendations in the past) and it looks great - exactly

what I was looking for.


Mary Ann



, Marge Clark <marge wrote:


> At 02:40 AM 11/17/2006, you wrote:

> > I would like some help/advice. As I said, I work for lawyers and


> > > tends to get extremely stressful and I like to use the oils for

> > > grounding and keeping me energized when I have to work 10-12


> > > days. Although most people on my floor like the oils, some


> > > have complained and I'm trying to find a discrete way of being


> > > to use them without having to run to the bathroom/outside for a


> > > fix.


> aromatherapy jewelry... a cork stoppered amphora that you can

sniff while

> wearing...




> Over 10 years online supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare


> Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Accessories, Hard to find Books and


> <http://www.naturesgift.com>


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At 08:28 PM 11/21/2006, you wrote:

>and just to let you know, I just got the Gabriel Mojay book I ordered

>(per your recommendations in the past) and it looks great - exactly

>what I was looking for.


odd, I don't remember seeing your order come thru... maybe a different

email addy?




Over 10 years online supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare Professionals

Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Accessories, Hard to find Books and Videos


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Hi Marge,


I actually didn't order it from you (didn't know that I could - I got

it on Amazon). I've been reading through the old messages on this and

the ATFE group (I actually finished reading all the messages on ATFE

and am slowly working my way through on this one - what can I say, I

don't want to miss any of the great information out there). I bought

the book after seeing your comments/recommendations in the old posts on



I'm still trying to familiarize myself with all the new information out

there (including everyone's websites and what they have to offer) when

I get a free moment but unfortunately those are few and far between

right now so I tend to go back to what I know. But I'm sure that I'll

be visiting you, Chris, others, very very soon!!!!!


Mary Ann



, Marge Clark <marge wrote:


> At 08:28 PM 11/21/2006, you wrote:

> >and just to let you know, I just got the Gabriel Mojay book I ordered

> >(per your recommendations in the past) and it looks great - exactly

> >what I was looking for.


> odd, I don't remember seeing your order come thru... maybe a


> email addy?




> Over 10 years online supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare


> Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Accessories, Hard to find Books and


> <http://www.naturesgift.com>


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hello iam new also my name is wayne nice to meet you.


On 31 Mar 2007 17:11:29 -0700, celesstn <bicyclesophie wrote:


> Hello all,


> I'm Celeste and I'm new here. Nice to meet all of you.







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Welcome Wayne and Celeste......and all newcomers!

Cathleen Springer

Certified Homeopath/

Homeopathy Teleseminar Training





, " wayne wilson " <wwilso23 wrote:


> Hello iam new also my name is wayne nice to meet you.


> On 31 Mar 2007 17:11:29 -0700, celesstn <bicyclesophie wrote:

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I'm Celeste and I'm new here. Nice to meet all of you.

> >

> >

> >




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---hi and welcome and look forward to sharing

phil In , " celesstn "

<bicyclesophie wrote:


> Hello all,


> I'm Celeste and I'm new here. Nice to meet all of you.


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Merry Meet! I joined the group today.



)O( Amy )O(

America has problems. The problem isn't America.

The Earth Does Not Belong To Us, We Belong To The Earth -Chief Seattle








04/03/07 18:16:36


Re: New To Group


---hi and welcome and look forward to sharing

phil In , " celesstn "

<bicyclesophie wrote:


> Hello all,


> I'm Celeste and I'm new here. Nice to meet all of you.








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Okay, this is overwhelming...where does one start when diagnosed with Crohns Disease? Thanks>>


There are other which specifically discuss that. I would just guess that diet is first, possibly eliminating wheat?

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Melissa, If you can, try and find an alternative physician to help you diagnose and treat this.There can be a number of causes for intestinal inflamation. Do you know for sure that you have Crohn's? It is hard to actually diagnose. As my doc says to me, become your own best advocate and take charge of your health by learning all you can. Read, search the web, ask around on lists like this will help. Try the oxyplus list. Get a good probiotic in the meantime. Good luck. KeithMelissa <mmillhollin wrote: Okay, this is overwhelming...where does one start when diagnosed with Crohns Disease? Thanks


Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast with the Search weather shortcut.

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The group with the most complete bowel health information and the

highest success rate is the candidiasis .



Members are low-carbing and using undenatured whey, selenium, and

inulin, a specific prebiotic. Colitis, Crohn's disease, IBS and

candidiasis all have in common an unfavourable bowel ecology that is

improved with the prebiotic inulin and the bowel lining can be

protected from irritation by the glutathione increase from the whey

and selenium.


Also, Gooogle " inulin references " for the scientific lowdown on

prebiotics; Gooogle Crohns glutathione for the role played by the

depletion of the master antioxidant thus body's resistance to damage,

in bowel lining irritation. Glutathione can be completely depleted at

the injured sites, resulting in unquenched, so continual, bowel

lining damage 24/7 that is compounded by bad bowel ecology, called

dysbiosis also 24/7. The undenatured whey and selenium address the

free radical damage, toxin load, immune system strength and

modulation, and ATP energy production in the cells in addition to

being the main cellular protector.




, " Melissa "

<mmillhollin wrote:


> Okay, this is overwhelming...where does one start when diagnosed


> Crohns Disease? Thanks


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Crohn's, diverticulitis, and Irritable Bowel syndrome, all have groups of same symptoms.

One herb that works very effectively is to drink tea made with cat's claw. Google cat's claw and you will find all sorts of research on its particular effects on your digestive tract and immune system as well.

This herb used with particular diet, can be very helpful. A lot of symptoms common to all three conditions can also be caused by gluten and an allergy to it. So have that checked out. I have a neighbor who would seem to have a genetically determined reaction to gluten. She has had diagnoses of all the above at various times. And two of her daughters have the same. The cat's claw can help to heal, but if a particular food you are eating is causing it, then the cat's claw will not have any particular effect.

One of the effects of cat's claw is to increase the regeneration rate of the lining of the intestines. That is important if you are food allergy problems, or other dietary problems, that perforate that lining causing proteins to escape to the blood stream, to have further allergy effects, as well as other things.






Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:45 AM

New to group



Okay, this is overwhelming...where does one start when diagnosed with Crohns Disease? Thanks

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Crohn's, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome, candidiasis,

and ulcerative colitis all respond to correcting bowel ecology. My

site on inulin, found by googling " inulin references " contains

references that state bowel dysbiosis is probably a prerequisite for

Crohn's, and that dysbiosis certainly aggravates and perpetuates

bowel disorders. This is why the use of high-inulin foods and inulin

powder, plus selenium and undenatured whey, is so elegant; all it

does is support natural biology.


This indicates Crohn's has a dietary cause and a dietary cure. The

most successful with bowel issues are those who practice low-carbing

during their cure.




, " Ed Siceloff "

<siceloff wrote:


> Crohn's, diverticulitis, and Irritable Bowel syndrome, all have

groups of same symptoms.

> One herb that works very effectively is to drink tea made with

cat's claw. Google cat's claw and you will find all sorts of

research on its particular effects on your digestive tract and immune

system as well.

> This herb used with particular diet, can be very helpful. A lot

of symptoms common to all three conditions can also be caused by

gluten and an allergy to it. So have that checked out. I have a

neighbor who would seem to have a genetically determined reaction to

gluten. She has had diagnoses of all the above at various times.

And two of her daughters have the same. The cat's claw can help to

heal, but if a particular food you are eating is causing it, then the

cat's claw will not have any particular effect.

> One of the effects of cat's claw is to increase the regeneration

rate of the lining of the intestines. That is important if you are

food allergy problems, or other dietary problems, that perforate that

lining causing proteins to escape to the blood stream, to have

further allergy effects, as well as other things.


> Ed

> -

> Melissa


> Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:45 AM

> New to group



> Okay, this is overwhelming...where does one start when diagnosed


> Crohns Disease? Thanks


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

welcome to both of you



Allison <starchow2000 wrote:

Hi everyone. My name is Allison and I am new to the group. My hubby is

a LVN. We both believe in Alternative medicine. I practice karate, and

am strating some yoga on my own. My hubby practices medatation and is

an energy healer. We both have access to psychic energy.








Sick sense of humor? Visit TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on,




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Welcome Floyd.....I'm not down your way (I'm here in Sonoma County), but I

wanted to say

welcome aboard! You are a welcome addition.

Catheen Springer

Certified Homeopath & Principal Instructor







, " Floyd " <floyd_rowe wrote:


> Hello i am a recent graduate of the National Holistic Institute in San

> Jose, CA. I am looking for office space in Montain View. Can anyone

> give me thier best advice on starting their own business?


> Please and Thanks,


> Floyd Rowe.

> www.floydrowe.com


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, " Floyd " <floyd_rowe



> Hello i am a recent graduate of the National Holistic Institute in


> Jose, CA. I am looking for office space in Montain View. Can anyone

> give me thier best advice on starting their own business?


> Please and Thanks,


> Floyd Rowe.

> www.floydrowe.com


Hi Floyd and welcome,

1. Don't advertise beyond letting the local paper know you are open,

it is a waste of money.

2. Locate local groups and take a couch and give a talk and

demonstration.Health groups, W.I., Business groups etc.Make yourself

known and word of mouth will do the rest.

3. When you discharge a patient, arrange regular check-ups, 3, 6,or

12,months, and keep a timetable on them so that if they miss by two

weeks you send them a polite reminder. You'll get a 40% return and be

doing them a favor.

4. Learn to spell; i before e except after c, is not


Have a successful Holistic career. Kind regards, Don Moody. nasalbone.

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write a small article on a common health issue and present it to the local

paper, noting in it that you are a local practicioner just opening in the area

and it will bring a bit of attention your way- even approach the local radio

station to do a PREPARED health talk-make sure the name of the practice is

something easy for people to remember--put out flyers in the local

supermarket and letter drops. offer to do a lecture at the local

schools---kids wil l remember you and tell their parents. make sure your cards

stand out a bit as it will stick in the minds of some people-magnetic cards for

clients are good-don't spend too much to start with -work your way up---good



nasalb0ne <donmoody wrote: --- In

, " Floyd " <floyd_rowe



> Hello i am a recent graduate of the National Holistic Institute in


> Jose, CA. I am looking for office space in Montain View. Can anyone

> give me thier best advice on starting their own business?


> Please and Thanks,


> Floyd Rowe.

> www.floydrowe.com


Hi Floyd and welcome,

1. Don't advertise beyond letting the local paper know you are open,

it is a waste of money.

2. Locate local groups and take a couch and give a talk and

demonstration.Health groups, W.I., Business groups etc.Make yourself

known and word of mouth will do the rest.

3. When you discharge a patient, arrange regular check-ups, 3, 6,or

12,months, and keep a timetable on them so that if they miss by two

weeks you send them a polite reminder. You'll get a 40% return and be

doing them a favor.

4. Learn to spell; i before e except after c, is not


Have a successful Holistic career. Kind regards, Don Moody. nasalbone.








The fish are biting.

Get more visitors on your site using Search Marketing.



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I also do health fairs with mini sessions. People have

to sign up to get a mini session. Offer a free session

in a drawing to get leads.Then I can contact them for

a follow-up session.


I also offer clients a 2 for deal...they bring me 2

new paying clients and I give them a complimentary 1

hour session.


I use catchy business cards, small flyers, and post

cards. I have never done any mailings with my business

as it is expensive and most people really hate all the

extra junk mail they receive. Chances are they won't

even read it if it comes in the mail.


Leave your business cards everywhere. On the table

with your tips at restaurants etc.


Hold and openhouse, invite those people you would like

to have as clients. When you do tell me quickly and

clearly what it is you are going to be doing and what

you expect or would like them to do for you. Tell them

to bring 2 friends with them to the open house.

Register your business with the local chamber of

commerce also. Simple refreshments such as cookie and

punch or juice works great.



Good Luck

Jenny Kernan

Quantum Biofeedback Therapist


--- cheryl bullock <cooee.shari wrote:



> write a small article on a common health issue and

> present it to the local paper, noting in it that you

> are a local practicioner just opening in the area

> and it will bring a bit of attention your way- even

> approach the local radio station to do a PREPARED

> health talk-make sure the name of the practice is

> something easy for people to remember--put out

> flyers in the local supermarket and letter drops.

> offer to do a lecture at the local schools---kids

> wil l remember you and tell their parents. make sure

> your cards stand out a bit as it will stick in the

> minds of some people-magnetic cards for clients are

> good-don't spend too much to start with -work your

> way up---good luck


> nasalb0ne <donmoody wrote:

> , " Floyd "

> <floyd_rowe

> wrote:

> >

> > Hello i am a recent graduate of the National

> Holistic Institute in

> San

> > Jose, CA. I am looking for office space in Montain

> View. Can anyone

> > give me thier best advice on starting their own

> business?

> >

> > Please and Thanks,

> >

> > Floyd Rowe.

> > www.floydrowe.com

> >

> Hi Floyd and welcome,

> 1. Don't advertise beyond letting the local paper

> know you are open,

> it is a waste of money.

> 2. Locate local groups and take a couch and give a

> talk and

> demonstration.Health groups, W.I., Business groups

> etc.Make yourself

> known and word of mouth will do the rest.

> 3. When you discharge a patient, arrange regular

> check-ups, 3, 6,or

> 12,months, and keep a timetable on them so that if

> they miss by two

> weeks you send them a polite reminder. You'll get a

> 40% return and be

> doing them a favor.

> 4. Learn to spell; i before e except after c, is not


> sacrosanct.'their'

> Have a successful Holistic career. Kind regards, Don

> Moody. nasalbone.


> The fish are biting.

> Get more visitors on your site using Search

> Marketing.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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  • 3 months later...

Patrick, what it sounds like to me, is that you had an exposure to

an antibiotic in the F.Q.(Fluoroquinolone) class...e.g.- Cipro,

Levaquin, Avelox, floxcin, ect. The list of F.Q.'s is extensive and

most all Dr.s will tell you that they are perfectly safe....just

like statins are. Most Dr.s are completely unaware of the delayed

and very harmful effects these anti's have. The F.Q.'s were intended

to only be used when all the other anti's had no effect on that

particular bacterium. About 10 yrs. ago, Dr.s started handing out

the F.Q.'s like candy because 1, they work very well (super potent)

and 2, they are very expensive. They have a delayed adverse reaction

though that can be weeks to months, which makes Dr.s think there is

no connection to the health problem and the FQ. Many people have

been crippled or killed by these drugs. There is a forum on

with 1800 members that have been injured. The FDA does nothing about

it because Big Pharma has paid them off. These drugs make billions

each yr. for B.P. It's a sad situation. The side effects range from

insomnia and anxiety to tendon and muscle tears. High heart rates

are another. The list is very extensive. Go to askapatient.com and

you will see what I'm talking about. Peripheral Neuropathy is

another big one. Lots of nerve damage. The delayed reation is what

makes it so hard to connect the side effects with the drug. tby







In , " Patrick Hickey "

<phickey wrote:


> Hello,

> My name is Patrick Hickey and I live in Sedona, Arizona.

> I finally turned 65 on May 21. Since I was in my mid-

twenties, I've had gradually increasing reactions to increasing

numbers of chemicals. In 1999 I was diagnosed with MCS, though I

had diagnosed myself years before that.

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  • 5 months later...
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Which ailements? I will send you e-books on healing.

-------------- Original message ----------------------

" eanderson1956 " <eanderson1956

> Hello everyone, I am new to the group. Looking for alternative methods

> to control/cure a variety of ailments. Hope I found the right

> site/Group?

> Elizabeth







Hello everyone, I am new to the group. Looking for alternative methods

to control/cure a variety of ailments. Hope I found the right



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>Hello everyone, I am new to the group. Looking for alternative methods

>to control/cure a variety of ailments. Hope I found the right




Welcome Elizabeth.... ask away, we might be able to help you with

relevant info.



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  • 2 months later...
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, " wildaboutplants "

<chris200803 wrote:


> Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Chris,

i'm Oh, I'd really like to

> have one to calm my son down at night and get him to go to sleep,

> without it being an overwhelming smell.




Not an essential oil, but have you tried a mild catnip tea? It has the

opposite effects in humans than it has in cats, and it's safe. I used

it when my own daughter was teething and it soothed her to sleep

through the worst of it.


kat newkirk

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