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Bob Dorris wrote:

> Hello,


> My name is Bob and I am joining the herb group. I practice TCM in the

> Tampa Florida area and have been licensed since 1993. I am looking

> forward to hearing others ideas and suggestions on all areas of Chinese

> herbal medicine.


> Bob Dorris

DR bob doris,

you will hear a lot from us

Nhung Ta :)


> rdorris <rdorris


> Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed

> healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate

> academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of

> professional services, including board approved online continuing education.





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  • 8 months later...
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First thought that comes to my mind is to ask Doc for his free tape,, while waiting for the tape check out the total cleanses in the files under Dr.Ian Shillington... You need a total body cleanse for beginners.

How is your diet... what do you eat, drink etc...

Once you get your tape... I would suggest a call to Doc to see where you should go affter your cleanse/

SuziJeff <nov25 wrote:


Hello to all. I am new to the group. I am a 32 y.o. married male in northern Vermont.I am not sure about finding some remedies, but I will list my current complaints and the things I am being medicated for. My goal is to stop all the toxic medicationa I am taking, and treat thes problems in a healthy way.If anyone can suggest any homeopathic remedies for the following, I will be greatly appreciative.I suffer from -Ankylosing Spondylitis (a type of rhumatoid arthritis)GoutAcid Reflux DiseaseHigh Blood PressureExcessive PerspirationDepression/Anger Controll problemsThanks in advanceJeff

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My list of negative health is RA, Acid reflux, peripheral neurotomy

and fibromyalgia which i think is probably just the RA. right now i

am tackling the acid reflux and having very good responses by getting

my meals a bit healthier and taking DGL licorice, acidophilus, and

enzymes. By taking these i no longer take the purple pills or anything

else for the stomach problem. i take the DGL about 20 minutes before

the meal, and if i have red meat or any fatty stuff the enzyme after

the meal and the acidophilus in between meals. please do a

or google search on each of these items and you will learn more about

them and why they are so important.


Also i have stopped eating red meat, eat no fats, no refined

granulated sugar, and since i am lactate intolerant, no milk nor

anything with milk in it unless i take a lactaid or similar pill. no

ice cream, and cheese only as a treat. I Sleep with a lot of pillows

to keep the esophagus higher than the stomach so the acid won't flow

into it. I do not eat anything at least two hours before bedtime other

than a cracker or something to get my bedtime NSAID down. I am still

taking that for the RA, but hope to get off of that as am going to go

over to MSM as my brother and a half dozen of my friends swear by it.

Plan on getting off the prednizone when the MSM gets settled. I can't

seem to loose weight while taking the pred.


i know some chains of thought is no grains, but i will worry about

that later when my stomach has been leveled out. I eat breakfast only

after a long walk or work in the garden for at least an hour,sometimes

two or three..four or five... then a serving of bran flakes with a bit

of wheat germ, oat bran, ground flax, a bit of diabeticsweet or stevia

instead of sugar, a bit of pure vanilla then a milk substitute. have

been using Kosher soy milk, but DOC tells me soy is all contaminated

with GE (genetically engineered plants) so yesterday made some almond

milk as per directions of the good folks on this group, and it is

delicious. for between meal boosters an apple, banana or grapes or

i'll juice a few carrots with cabbage, celery, apples, jalapeno, and

maybe some bib lettuce. lunch is nearly raw mixed vegetables with

maybe a bit of chicken beast, a bit of eye bright sprinkled on, a bit

of ground flax seed, minced and sauted clove of garlic, a goodly

sprinkle of paprika, and if i eat it cold, a bit of ranch dressing low



I take another afternoon betweener of either the fruit or the juice

and since my breakfast meal is so very late i seldom eat a whole meal

in the PM, but in the blender make a smoothie (taking a lactaid type

pill with first swallow) 1/3 of a can of frozen slimfast a bit of soy

milk (will be using almond milk) , a bit of ground flax seed, stevia

sweetner, and maybe part of a banana, several icecubes . Since i

seldom go to bed before midnight, i take this about 8 or 9 PM.


also take multivitamins, vit E and make sure all other foods i take

have some food value. Also for leg cramps i take one 5 gr quinine

capsul once a month.


Perhaps you could get started to clearing up the acid reflex while you

are checking with Doc and his tapes and information. This can be just

a starter. I am sure he will have more and better info for the other

problems. I take the equivilant of his cleans #1 daily and it has

helped me a lot.

good luck, let us know how you are coming along.




herbal remedies , " Jeff " <nov25@a...> wrote:

> Hello to all. I am new to the group. I am a 32 y.o. married male in

> northern Vermont.


> I am not sure about finding some remedies, but I will list my


> complaints and the things I am being medicated for. My goal is to

> stop all the toxic medicationa I am taking, and treat thes problems

> in a healthy way.


> If anyone can suggest any homeopathic remedies for the following, I

> will be greatly appreciative.


> I suffer from -


> Ankylosing Spondylitis (a type of rhumatoid arthritis)

> Gout

> Acid Reflux Disease

> High Blood Pressure

> Excessive Perspiration

> Depression/Anger Controll problems



> Thanks in advance

> Jeff

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  • 3 months later...

on 11/1/03 3:20 PM, m p at zaynetp wrote:




I am a pre-acupuncture student planning to enroll this January in a school for acupuncture. I am in Queens. There are quite a bit of schools in this area, and I have been doing research on Tri-State, Swedish Institute, Pacific, and a couple more schools. I would love someone's input from people who have attended or are attending any of these schools. I would like to attend a more traditional based school. I also belong to the other acupuncture .


I also had a question that I know is often asked. Income is not really an issue, because I actually want to learn TCM out of pure interest and desire to learn it, but I would also like to know what would be considered an " average " income for an established acupuncturist? Oh yeah, I had one more question--- since TCM is pretty much a science all to itself, is there anyone on this forum who also practices homeopathy along with it? There are some people who believe that they are able to be used in conjunction with eachother and other people believe that they should not be practiced together. I am just interested in hearing people's opinions on this matter. Sorry for the long email... Glad to join this group :)


Liz in Queens



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>>>>when I went to the doctor<<<<


That was your first mistake (haha, just kidding, well, not

really), and hopefully your last as evidenced from your

subscribing to this list. Anyhow, welcome to the group.

This is such old news as to the drug cartel trying to take

over EVERYTHING. Lots of info on the net about what's going

on in the political arena. Just remember to shut your mouth

that will be hanging open as you read and take some deep

breaths and then get involved, if that's something you care

to do.



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Hi Liz,

I don't know anything about the schools in New York other than Jeffrey

Yuen teaches at Swedish Institute.

Several of us here in Chicago traveled to Boston for the AOBTA's

conference last Labor Day under the recommendation that we take his



Several of us are now saving our pennies to travel down to Austin

Texas when he presents an AOBTA workshop in June.


Run a couple " google " s on Jeffrey Yuen.


Beyond who teaches at what school, I suggest you chat with current and

former students.

Visit the student clinics at each school a couple times for therapy.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Nicole,


Is this anything like Down's Syndrome, which is also known as Trisomy 21? Sounds like similar symptoms.


My son has DS, and we have him on a multi vitamin (make sure the vitamins/minerals are in proportion to each other in these), extra vitamin C (which helps to reduce the free radicals this condition produces), and DMSO.


Doc recommended Total Nutrition instead of the multi vitamin which is indeed MUCH better (just no comparison really), but Jamie won't take it.


Also his diet had to be adjusted to all organic, and ensuring "live" foods (refer to the sprouting data in the files) - which we do not always succeed in as he loves pasta so much LOL.


Anyhow, I would indeed give Doc a call as he's bound to know (a LOT) more.







herbal remedies

Sunday, December 14, 2003 11:56 PM

[herbal remedies] New to group

I thought I would take minute and introduce myself. My main reason for being here is my daugter Sierra. She will be 3 in February and was recently diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder called partial trisomy 18q. Along with this diagnosis comes alot of issues including constipation, low muscle tone, developmental delay, etc. She is required to be on alot of medications, an issue that neither my husband or I are very comfortable with. I would like to find natural remedies to help her, reducing the need for medication. I would be interested in hearing any advice from all of you. Thank you,Nicole

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Trisomy 18 is also known as Edwards syndrome. It is a duplication of the 18th chromosome. Sierra is a partial, only part of her q arm has been duplicated. The symptoms of the syndrome are different from that of DS. Sierra is nonverbal, is unable to sit or crawl or walk, and has respiratory issues.


What is DMSO?


Did you design Jamie's herbal schedule on your own or did the doctor help you? What is the difference between Total Nutrition and the multi vitamin?


Do you know a good place I could go to find out what the RDA is for vitamins, etc. for a child? Sierra is almost 3 but only weighs 23 pounds (another issue from the chromosome abnormality) so I am afraid of giving her to much.


Thank you


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Could you give me the doc's e-mail address or is it on the web site? I am not very experienced with groups.


Sierra has to have 3 cans of Pediasure a day (doctor ordered) and then she will eat regular table food with us. I usually try to have a bread, vegetable, fruit, and meat at every meal. I know this is one area that I could change, she will eat just about anything (except sweets) but I need some direction.


I had another recommendation for both DMSO and Total Nutrition. I don't know what they are. Excuse my ignorance...very new at this. One issue as far as the vitamins is that Sierra is unable to swallow a pill. I know that some pills change their properties when they are broken up.


We had her on Co Q 10 for a short period. Does anyone have experience with this? Outside of decreasing the length of her naps, I couldn't really tell if it made any difference. Since she is nonverbal, she isn't able to tell us if something is making her feel better or worse.


I think I will try to give the doc a call when things slow down a little. Is there a time that is best?


Thank you,





herbal remedies

Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:03 PM

Re: [herbal remedies] New to group


Welcome Nicole! You've come to the right place... First, email Doc with your address and get his free tape...

I am not familiar with this disease, but my first thoughts go to what is her diet consist of?

Next, I am thinking total nutrition would be good. and probably DMSO (pharmacutical grade), and third, a phone call to Doc... the first call is free and his number is in the files, and I'm pretty sure he has knowledge of this ailment and ways to either cure it or improve it .... Do give him a call on this... you will not regret it









Senior Moderator



New Photos - easier uploading and sharing Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Hi Nicole,

thanks for explaining :-)


I arranged the vitamins by myself, based on USA research done regarding DS, and a lot of successes they'd achieved.


Multi vitamins store bought are not the raw natural product; Total Nutrition is (and is also 100% organic)!


I really would suggest you call Doc about this one. I don't know anything about your daughter's condition and so cannot help you with that. I'm sure that Doc will know exactly what to do :-)






Nicole Jones

herbal remedies

Monday, December 15, 2003 4:35 PM

[herbal remedies] RE: New to group




Trisomy 18 is also known as Edwards syndrome. It is a duplication of the 18th chromosome. Sierra is a partial, only part of her q arm has been duplicated. The symptoms of the syndrome are different from that of DS. Sierra is nonverbal, is unable to sit or crawl or walk, and has respiratory issues.


What is DMSO?


Did you design Jamie's herbal schedule on your own or did the doctor help you? What is the difference between Total Nutrition and the multi vitamin?


Do you know a good place I could go to find out what the RDA is for vitamins, etc. for a child? Sierra is almost 3 but only weighs 23 pounds (another issue from the chromosome abnormality) so I am afraid of giving her to much.


Thank you

NicoleFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 3 weeks later...


Browse thru the files and you'll get a better idea.hyperdrive20032000 <hyperdrive20032000 wrote:

hi group neew here please send me some info on what the group is about i'm interested in new ideas.Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any

liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Everyone...


My name is Carrie... I was just diagnosed with the Epstein Barr

Virus and am looking for ways to change my entire lifestyle!! I am

hoping to find new methods of healthy eating, herbs and other

treatments that can help me get some energy level back!! I also need

to lose about 40-50 lbs. and have a 2 1/2 year old to take care of -

so I really need to get fit and take better care of myself!! I am so

happy to find this group!! I used to always eat healthy and exercise

and felt wonderful, but after getting married, having a child and

moving away from my family, things got so difficult to keep up, but

now I am realizing that I have to get back to that way of life, for

me and my family!!






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  • 4 months later...







Eibhlin wrote:




> Hi everyone, glad to have found this group.. I'v just started using

> herbal remedies over the last several months and have got really good

> results. I've been making myself a Herbal medicine chest, Tincturing

> herbs. I really enjoy using natural v/s man made. I've been reading

> over lots of the posts and love learning how to use herbs for helping

> Our bodies to heal up.. Thanks for having this group..

> ~Eibhlin~



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Hi Deana,

Thanks for the Welcome..



herbal remedies , Deana <squeekyme@c...> wrote:


> Welcome



> Hugs

> Deana


> Eibhlin wrote:


> >

> >

> > Hi everyone, glad to have found this group.. I'v just started


> > herbal remedies over the last several months and have got really


> > results. I've been making myself a Herbal medicine chest,


> > herbs. I really enjoy using natural v/s man made. I've been


> > over lots of the posts and love learning how to use herbs for


> > Our bodies to heal up.. Thanks for having this group..

> > ~Eibhlin~

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Christia,




In regards to your question, after many years of searching for the same

answer, I have come to the conclusion that a healthy body is what is

needed. I used to focus on my clothing size or weight and didn't look

too much at how I felt and how healthy I was. I now believe that if I

clean up my body, not only will I feel better and stay healthier, I will

be the proper weight. In just over a year of cleansing I have found this

to be true.


I would highly recommend the Total Body Cleanse (info in the files of

this group) to you. If you don't have the time, money or inclination to

do a body cleanse, then I recommend you look at your diet and exercise

and make changes there. Do it over time so that it becomes a new



As far as herbs goes, astragalus is known for balancing the metabolism.

I take mine in my Total Nutrition drink. The recipe for this is in the



Hope this helps! Happy New Year!






| Christia [ckr_art]

| Saturday, January 01, 2005 5:40 PM

| herbal remedies

| Herbal Remedies - New to group



| Hi,just joined the group,interested in learning more about

| herbs.Need some help on weight loss herbs with out anything that

| will cause a fast pulse.Or raise my BP. Thanks,Happy New Year.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Karen!

I am not new here, but I tend to be very quiet ;-)

Glad to meet you


lila moonshadow


)O("The More We Try To Understand Ourselves, The More We Understand ThatWe Dont" -RGCIt is not our abilities that show who we truly are,it is our choices-Dumbledore - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


visit me on keen-www.keen.com/lila+moonshadow



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Christina,


Nice to meet a fellow B.C.er.

I am in the Kootenays, near Nakusp to be

exact. Where on the island are you?

My son was actually born in Duncan.

We lived there for a few years.


I don't make smellies, there are plenty

of people around here to buy from, but

I do love messing about with herbs.

I make my own tinctures and am constantly

expanding the collection.


Anyway, there is a ton of knowledgeable

folk here, enjoy yourself!


Ien in the Kootenays


The problem is not that our aim

is too high and we miss it

But that is is too low and we reach it.


meet my high-aiming face:






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Hello Ien


I'm in Campbell River right now, I grew up in Saskatchewan though. My folks

moved from the Island to the prairies when work was really scarce out here then

moved back a few years ago. I was in college so I waited till I was done and

then said " see ya " to the brutally cold winters! =0) I'm so happy I'm back in

BC. I don't regret it one bit! Looking forward to getting my bath and body

products on the go. It's all very exciting! Take care!




Ieneke van Houten

Sunday, March 06, 2005 4:46 PM

Re: new to group




Hi Christina,


Nice to meet a fellow B.C.er.

I am in the Kootenays, near Nakusp to be

exact. Where on the island are you?

My son was actually born in Duncan.

We lived there for a few years.


I don't make smellies, there are plenty

of people around here to buy from, but

I do love messing about with herbs.

I make my own tinctures and am constantly

expanding the collection.


Anyway, there is a ton of knowledgeable

folk here, enjoy yourself!


Ien in the Kootenays


The problem is not that our aim

is too high and we miss it

But that is is too low and we reach it.


meet my high-aiming face:





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Lots of acidophilus will get rid of the yeast infection! Also, on the onset of

the flu, if you begin taking acidophilus, it will curb the symptoms

dramatically! I know, from personal experience, this works in both cases.


morgansrgr8 <morgansrgr8 wrote:


Hi all, I have been lurking here for a week or so and just love all

the information this group has. The jokes have been good too. LOL I

am just recovering from that nasty flu and ended up on antibiotics. I

tried everything I could think of but it got into my lungs and that was

it. So now needless to say I have the worst yeast infection I have

every had. I did a search and the information given on the subject has

my head reeling. So much good information I'm not sure which one to

try first. I suppose the easiest one and the one at hand is the one to

go with first. Garlic. I love that stuff.


Looking forward to alot more reading here.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> Hi there! Just thought I would take a minute to introduce myself. My


> name is Angie and I'm here to learn more about herbs as I have

> decided to grow my own herbs to use in my herbal soaps.




Hi Angie,


Welcome aboard :)


> I make soaps as a hobby but have recently decided to try to venture

out a bit

> into some local shops. I handmill by the way. I started that way as

> I was hesitent to deal with the lye but continued on as I really

> like the look of the soap when it has been milled.



Great! We have another soaper in our midst (there are quite a few of us

saponification addicted types here ;)


> Right now I am trying to locate some research I can use in

> developing a " catalog " of sorts for my products. Why you should use

> natural products, what are the benefits of specific herbs, etc...

> I did check out the monographs mentioned in an earlier e-mail but

> those are a bit out of my price range :) maybe something I can check

> out at the library or a good internet resource? I do have one good

> book but I like several sources.


http://www.makeyourowncosmetics.com/ is a good place to get recipe ideas

and some info about what ingredients are used for what.


If you're looking for info on Essential Oil Safety, check out Martin

Watt's page



The monographs doesn't sound like the publication(s) you need to invest

in first. I'd recommend (to ANYONE who puts EO's into anything that'll

go onto the skin) Plant Aromatics. It is a very important reference book

to have IMHO - and its not bank breaking either <grinz>. Heck I bought

the old edition many years ago, when it was almost twice the price and

thought it was well worth it :)




> Anyway, glad to be here and looking forward to learning more!

> Angie :)


Glad to have you as one of the newest members of our merrily eclectic

corner of the web.


> also, trying to dry some basil and cinnamon basil and it's not going


> so well. I have them on a screen and it seems to be taking a loooong


> time. It has actually only been a week but everything else I brought


> in that day is dry. Seems like they are going to get moldy before

> they dry. any advice?


Hmmm, basil shouldn't take that long to try dry. Are you in a very humid

climate? Maybe try to put it in the oven with the light bulb on.


> thanks!



Chris (list mom)







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Thanks for the reply and the information. Will check it out tonight.


I'm in Mississippi but the humidity now is NOTHING like it will be in July :)

So, don't turn the oven on, just the light? Will this affect color much? I've

also read about using the microwave - has anyone tried this?


thanks again!








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I use a dehydrator. Anyone have opinions on that method?










I'm in Mississippi but the humidity now is NOTHING like it will be in July :)

So, don't turn the oven on, just the light? Will this affect color much? I've

also read about using the microwave - has anyone tried this?


thanks again!




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Salt curing works very very well on basil--preserves the oils and the

color while pulling the water out. I've kept it up to a year this way,

with wonderful home-grown basil to show for it.


Simply get a big flat container, alternate layers of salt and basil

(salt at the bottom), cover and let it sit.






On 5/10/05, bartclan <bartclan wrote:

> I use a dehydrator. Anyone have opinions on that method?


> Juliet


> Chris,



> I'm in Mississippi but the humidity now is NOTHING like it will be in July

:) So, don't turn the oven on, just the light? Will this affect color much? I've

also read about using the microwave - has anyone tried this?


> thanks again!






For your daily dose of cranky Serra


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Zonella. I also make soaps but am new a newbie soapmaker. I joined

this group because I was interested in using herbs in skin care products and

know nothing about herbs.lol

Jo Ann Nourse


Zonella Gould <zonella wrote:

Hi, My name is Zonella Gould, (Zo) I live on Lake Whitney in central

Texas. I love making soap, lotions and creams and love to incorporate

essential oils in my lotions and creams.


Cindy of Pittstown Soapworks said this group was THE one to join.


Looking forward to learning as much as I can.








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Guest guest

Thank you, Jo Ann, I've been soaping for 3 years and still learning.


Welcome Zonella. I also make soaps but am new a newbie soapmaker. I joined

this group because I was interested in using herbs in skin care products and

know nothing about herbs.lol

Jo Ann Nourse





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