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Thanks for the info. Taking long soaking baths drive me a little crazy as I don't have the patience for that. Yes, it gets pretty expensive too.





Mike Golden

oleander soup

Thursday, July 09, 2009 1:04 AM

Re: Magnesium





What you are describing is useful, but not "efficient". Done this way most of the magnesium chloride will be wasted, most of it never coming in contact with the body. To make it efficient, as well as useful, make a saturated solution from of the magnesium chloride and put it in a spray bottle. Spray as much surface of the body as possible. Let it stay on the skin for 20 minutes or so, then take your relaxing warm bath.






Darlene Kurz <darrae.com>oleander soup Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 8:46:51 AM Magnesium



I have just learned that Magnesium Chloride Flakes used in a tub of water for soaking in, is a very efficient way in getting it in your body.. I am told to draw hot water, add the flakes, then when the water is just warm, start soaking and soak for 20 minutes. If you soak in very warm water, the body will not absorb the product as efficiantly. Major problems may require soaking for 20 minutes and then wait 30 minutes and do it again for a total of 3 times. I ordered my product from a catalog and should be getting it this week.( I was surprised to learn that the company just charges $4.99 per total order of anything. A real savings since this produce must weigh quite a bit.) I have lymphoma in the skin, so along with all the other protocols I am doing, we will see if it will make a difference, especially since I have a history of leg cramps at night.






oleander soup

Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:21 AM

Re: A must read for everyone








Hi Mike. I don't know about clearing out hospitals, but magnesium deficiency is a real problem today. Almost everyone is mag deficient. But it is easily corrected by taking either an oral magnesium (not the store tablet type ones as they don't deliver much) or through external applications of mag "oil". Both methods are relatively cheap to make yourself.





-- --


This article discusses the connection between Calcium and cell mitochondria destruction. As we all know, cancer cells stop respiration and start generating energy through without use of Oxygen. Please read. I like to hear your opinions. Incidentally, I had Calcium kidney stones, Salivary gland stones for at least 10 - 15 years before I was diagnosed with cancer. I wonder if it has to do with Calcification.


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  • 4 months later...

The Essential Nutrient Magnesium - Key to Mitochondrial ATP Production and

Much More

_http://www.prohealth.com/ME-CFS/library/showArticle.cfm?libid=14606 & B1=EM06


(http://www.prohealth.com/ME-CFS/library/showArticle.cfm?libid=14606 & B1=EM061009C)

by Andrea Rosanoff, PhD* June 8, 2009



**While it was estimated in 1968 that magnesium was a required cofactor

for over 300 enzyme systems, that number is now more reliably estimated at

700 to 800.**



Magnesium is an essential nutrient for all living things.



• In plants it holds the central position in the all-important chlorophyll

molecule which transforms sunlight’s energy into life’s form of

chemical-energy, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).



• Along with calcium and phosphorus, magnesium (Mg) is considered a major

element in human nutrition, as opposed to the trace elements such as iron

(Fe), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), selenium (Se), etc., and is one of the four

electrolytes along with calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), and potassium (K).

[Electrolytes are minerals in body fluids that carry an electrical charge and

conduct electrical impulses in the body. A balance is essential to control the

amount of water in the body, blood acidity, muscle action, and more.]



Biochemically, a large part of magnesium’s essentiality comes from its

combination with ATP - life’s high energy chemical battery.



This Mg-ATP complex is required for the cells’ energy-producing structures

(mitochondria) to produce ATP; the breakdown of food energy (glucose and

fat) into water, carbon dioxide and energy as ATP.



When glucose and/or fatty acids are metabolized, the end products are ATP,

water, and carbon dioxide. We breathe out the carbon dioxide. The water

goes into our system, as we are 90+% water.



The metabolism requires oxygen, which we breathe in; protein synthesis for

growth and enzyme production; DNA replication, and RNA synthesis. While it

was estimated in 1968 that magnesium was a required cofactor for over 300

enzyme systems, that number is now more reliably estimated at 700 to 800.



At the cellular level, magnesium joins with the other electrolyte ions in

a cell-controlling dance.



These ions are carefully and meticulously separated in living cells:


• Calcium and sodium ions, for the most part, are kept outside cells,


• While magnesium and potassium ions are kept mainly inside cells.



Energy in the form of the Mg-ATP complex is necessary to maintain this

ionic “packaging†as well as to alter it in a regulated way when warranted.

Magnesium has been called “nature’s physiological calcium channel blocker.â€

[blocking calcium from getting inside cells.]



When this “blocker†function is breached or when magnesium becomes

depleted within the cell from its normal level, calcium rises inside the cell.

This altered state results in a change in the intracellular Mg:Ca ratio,

which appears to have an impact on cell function.



For example, a lower-than-normal Mg:Ca ratio:


• In blood vessel smooth muscle cells - causes vasoconstriction, arterial

stiffness, and/or hypertension;


• In heart cells - causes enlargement (hypertrophy);


• In blood platelet cells - causes increased aggregation, stickiness and



• Makes fat and skeletal muscle cells less able to respond to insulin

(insulin resistance);


• Causes pancreatic beta cells to produce more insulin, causing

hyperinsulinemia [which may lead to hypoglycemia and sodium retention/hypertension];


• Increases nerve cell activity as well as the response of endocrine




In a life-threatening crisis, such reactions are warranted, necessary, and

can be life-saving as they allow an animal to perform with unusual

strength and speed. Indeed, all these cellular responses to a low Mg:Ca cellular

ratio can be aspects of the stress response or “fight-or-flight†reaction.



In healthy individuals, when the stress or crisis is over, magnesium

increases inside cells to its normal level, its calcium blocker function is

restored, calcium moves back outside cells, reestablishing normal electrolyte “

packaging,†and the stress response subsides.



However, when these responses to a lower-than-normal Mg:Ca ratio are a

result of a magnesium nutritional deficiency state, some predictable disease

states can occur.


These include:



1. Cardiovascular Diseases. All the usual markers (or risk factors) for

heart disease such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high total

cholesterol, low HDL (‘good’) cholesterol, high LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol, high

homocysteine, and high C-reactive protein, can be the result of low magnesium



Recent studies show that high anxiety and depression (symptoms of human

magnesium deficiency) can predict heart disease even more than the

traditional risk factors.



2. Hypertension. Chronic high blood pressure (essential hypertension) can

be caused both directly and indirectly by a magnesium deficiency.


• Low magnesium:high calcium in blood vessel muscle cells cause them to

contract, which results in a hypertensive state.


• In addition, a low cellular magnesium impedes a healthy sodium to

potassium ratio, which is necessary for normal blood pressure.



3. Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is seen as part of a syndrome,

Syndrome X or metabolic syndrome, which includes hypertension, obesity, unhealthy

blood cholesterol levels, and high blood sugar coupled with cells’

inability to properly respond to insulin (insulin resistance).


These, with the exception of obesity, have been linked to low Mg:Ca

cellular ratio, and the type of obesity most predictive of this syndrome,

abdominal obesity, has been shown to be assuaged with a long term diet containing

high magnesium foods and a regime of regular exercise.



4. Osteoporosis. Many people take calcium supplements to prevent depletion

of minerals from bone that can lead to osteoporosis. To properly use this

extra calcium, a body needs to have a healthy magnesium status.



If magnesium is low, extra calcium can increase the severity of the

magnesium deficiency, which causes improper calcium metabolism as one of its

symptoms. One of the first signs of a magnesium deficit can be low blood




Other disease states that may be associated with a magnesium deficiency



• Asthma,


• PMS,


• Pregnancy induced hypertension,


• Migraine headache due to constriction of blood vessels in the head,


• Depression,


• High anxiety.



Some of the initial problems seen in people who have or are developing

magnesium deficiency are neuromuscular.


These are presumably due to the abnormal muscular contraction-nerve firing

states brought on by a low Mg:Ca cellular ratio, which can be a result of:


• Chronic low magnesium intake,


• Very high calcium intake,


• Or a combination of the two.



Quantifying human magnesium status and the degree of magnesium deficiency

in populations of the industrialized world is difficult given the current

lack of a widespread biomarker. Commonly available tests of serum and red

blood cell magnesium have not reliably been associated with overall

nutritional magnesium status. [As Dr. Paul Cheney has suggested, _blood tests don't

tell the whole Mg story, because they are not sensitive to intra-cellular

magnesium_ (http://www.prohealth.com/library/showArticle.cfm?libid=12084) .]



Most health professionals are taught and many believe that magnesium

deficiency is rare, occurring mainly in alcoholism or with general malnutrition,

and that most diets give a person enough magnesium given that magnesium is

widespread in foods.


The research does not support this widespread view.



Diets of the industrialized world can be quite low in magnesium. [The

large majority of Americans (65%) get much less magnesium than is required for

health, according to _a national USDA survey_

(http://www.centerformaged.org/index.php?page=Balancing+Supplements) .]



Refined grains and refined sugar are among the lowest foods in Mg content,

so when these are high in the diet, Mg intake can be quite low. (See

_chart indicating the magnesium content of common foods_

(http://www.centerformaged.org/index.php?page=Magnesium+Density+in+Foods) – from cocoa, highest,

to white flour products & sugar, lowest.)



Given the wide use of refined sugar and flour in processed foods, the

widespread use of calcium supplements, and the increased practice of fortifying

foods with calcium, daily magnesium supplements can be protective.

Magnesium supplements can be found in various forms such as inorganic MgO and

MgCl2, in tablets and capsules and in a better-absorbed organic form such as

water soluble Magnesium Citrate.



Note: Individuals with kidney disease (renal failure) must not take any

magnesium supplements.




* This article is reproduced with kind permission from _Peter Gillham’s

Natural Vitality website_ (http://www.petergillham.com/news_index.php) . Peter

Gillham is a clinical nutritionist, chemist, and pioneer in magnesium

research. Dr. Andrea Rosanoff is directing scholar for the Hawaii-based _Center

for Magnesium Education & Research_

(http://www.centerformaged.org/index.php?page=About) , and coauthor of the book titled _The Magnesium Factor_

(http://www.amazon.com/Magnesium-Factor-Mildred-Seelig/dp/1583331565) .



The Magnesium Miracle


unnews08 & utm_medium=email_

(http://www.jigsawhealth.com/products/magnesium-miracle.html?utm_source=jh-junnews08 & utm_medium=email)



More than seventy-five years ago, medical scientists declared magnesium to

be an essential nutrient, indispensable to life. When this mineral is part

of your diet, you are guarding against and helping to alleviate health

threats such as heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression,

arthritis, and asthma. But while research continues to reaffirm magnesium's

irreplaceable contribution to good health, many Americans remain dangerously

deficient. In The Magnesium Miracle, _Dr. Carolyn Dean_

(http://www.jigsawhealth.com/carolyn-dean.aspx) , an authority on this mineral who has used it

with dramatic success in her own practice, explains the vital role that

magnesium plays in the control of many serious ailments from painful muscle

spasms and bladder problems to traumatic brain injury and complications of

pregnancy and childbirth.


Whether you need help with a serious health problem or merely want to

protect the good health you already enjoy, The Miracle of Magnesium will answer

all your questions. It may even save your life.


Magnesium (Mg) deficiency triggers or causes the following conditions and

taking magnesium can either eliminate or help eliminate these conditions:

1. Anxiety and Panic attacks - Mg normally keeps adrenal stress

hormones under control.

2. Asthma - Both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase

with Mg deficiency.

3. Blood clots - Mg has an important role to play in preventing blood

clots and keeping the blood thin - much like aspirin but without the side


4. Bowel Disease - Mg deficiency slows down the bowel causing

constipation, which could lead to toxicity and malabsorption of nutrients, as well

as colitis.

5. Cystitis - Bladder spasms are worsened by Mg deficiency.

6. Depression - Serotonin, which elevates moods, is dependent on Mg.

A Mg-deficient brain is also more susceptible to allergens, foreign

substances that can cause symptoms similar to mental illness.

7. Detoxification - Mg is crucial for the removal of toxic substances

and heavy metals such as aluminum and lead.

8. Diabetes - Mg enhances insulin secretion, facilitating sugar

metabolism. Without Mg insulin is not able to transfer glucose into cells.

Glucose and insulin build up in the blood causing various types of tissue


9. Fatigue - Mg-deficient patients commonly experience fatigue

because dozens of enzyme systems are under-functioning. An early symptom of Mg

deficiency is frequently fatigue.

10. Heart disease - Mg deficiency is common in people with heart

disease. Mg is administered in hospitals for acute myocardial infarction and

cardiac arrhythmia. Like any other muscle, the heart muscle requires Mg. Mg is

also used to treat angina, or chest pain.

11. Hypertension - With insufficient Mg, spasm of blood vessels and

high cholesterol occur, both of which lead to blood pressure problems.

12. Hypoglycemia - Mg keeps insulin under control; without Mg episodes

of low blood sugar can result.

13. Insomnia - Sleep-regulating melatonin production is disturbed

without sufficient Mg.

14. Kidney Disease - Mg deficiency contributes to atherosclerotic

kidney failure. Mg deficiency creates abnormal lipid levels and worsening blood

sugar control in kidney transplant patients.

15. Liver Disease leading to liver failure - Mg deficiency commonly

occurs during liver transplantation.

16. Migraine - Serotonin balance is Mg-dependent. Deficiency of

serotonin can result in migraine headaches and depression.

17. Musculoskeletal conditions- Fibrositis, fibromyalgia, muscle

spasms, eye twitches, cramps and chronic neck and back pain may be caused by Mg

deficiency and can be relieved with Mg supplements.

18. Nerve problems - Mg alleviates peripheral nerve disturbances

throughout the whole body, such as migraines, muscle contractions,

gastrointestinal spasms, and calf, foot and toe cramps. It is also used in treating

central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion.

19. Obstetrics and Gynecology - Mg prevents Premenstrual Syndrome;

prevents dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses); is important in the

treatment of infertility; and alleviates premature contractions, preeclampsia,

and eclampsia in pregnancy. Intravenous Mg is given in obstetrical wards for

pregnancy-induced hypertension and to lessen the risk of cerebral palsy

and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Mg should be a required supplement

for pregnant mothers.

20. Osteoporosis - Use of calcium with Vitamin D to enhance calcium

absorption without a balancing amount of Mg causes further Mg deficiency,

which triggers a cascade of events leading to bone loss.

21. Raynaud’s Syndrome - Mg helps relax the spastic blood vessels that

cause pain and numbness of the fingers.

22. Tooth decay - Mg deficiency causes an unhealthy balance of

phosphorus and calcium in saliva, which damages teeth.


The Magnesium Miracle Reviews

“Every doctor and patient should read this comprehensive book on the many

roles of magnesium. . . . I loved this book. Clearly written and packed

with information, it offers a compendium on natural medicine and is an

invaluable resource for both practitioner and public alike. It is the most

comprehensive and well referenced guide to the myriad benefits of magnesium

published to date.â€

–Dr. Carolyn DeMarco

Author of Take Charge of Your Body: Women’s Health Advisor


“Throughout this volume and with utmost clarity, Carolyn Dean presents

invaluable recommendations–based on the latest magnesium research. Virtually

every American can benefit.â€

–Paul Pitchford

Author of _Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

(3rd Edition)_

(http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1556434308?ie=UTF8 & tag=jigsawhealth-20 & linkCode=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=1556434308)


“Physicians and therapists have paid scant attention to this very

important element, which is also involved in maintaining our good health. The

massive evidence is here in this important book on magnesium. I am pleased to

have been taking magnesium for so many years.â€

–Abram Hoffer, M.D.

Author of _Putting It All Together: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition_

(http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0879836334?ie=UTF8 & tag=jigsawhealth-20 & linkCode

=as2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=0879836334)


Material excerpted from Dean, Carolyn. The Magnesium Miracle (Ballantine

Books: NY, NY. 2007.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you tried transdermal magnesium?  Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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so is magnesium good for sleep, if taken as an over the counter vitamin or what, 'cause I have a problem with sleeping that I have to use a sleep aid.Marklostrin <lostrinoleander soup Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 3:51:12 PMRe: magnesium



Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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I bought Essence of Life magnesium gel and magnesium oil at the health food store.  I'm in English Canada - I was unable to find it in Quebec in the summer - you would have laughed at me trying to explain in French that I wanted magnesium that you rub on your skin!  I went to 3 or 4 different places - no one had heard of it.  It's a bit hard to find but you can google that brand.  Doesn't Dr Lanphier sell it on her site?

Janet2009/12/17 barbara elenniss <bntelenniss







Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.  Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:

lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesium

oleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium?  Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.








-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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I am in Germany, but I can purchase easily from the states or germany,I do not know Dr. Lanphier's site.That is funny, sorta like me trying to communicate with Germans when I don't speak the language. LOLBarbara N Germany--- On Thu, 12/17/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 11:50 AM


I bought Essence of Life magnesium gel and magnesium oil at the health food store. I'm in English Canada - I was unable to find it in Quebec in the summer - you would have laughed at me trying to explain in French that I wanted magnesium that you rub on your skin! I went to 3 or 4 different places - no one had heard of it. It's a bit hard to find but you can google that brand. Doesn't Dr Lanphier sell it on her site?

Janet2009/12/17 barbara elenniss <bntelenniss







Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:

lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesium

oleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.








-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Thanks, I'll look for it.Marcus De Vasier <marcusdevasieroleander soup Sent: Thu, December 17, 2009 8:36:09 AMRe: magnesium



so is magnesium good for sleep, if taken as an over the counter vitamin or what, 'cause I have a problem with sleeping that I have to use a sleep aid.Marklostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com>oleander soupWed, December 16, 2009 3:51:12 PMRe: magnesium



Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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try oasisadvancedwellness.comor google essence of life magnesium2009/12/17 barbara elenniss <bntelenniss








I am in Germany, but I can purchase easily from the states or germany,I do not know Dr. Lanphier's site.That is funny, sorta like me trying to communicate with Germans when I don't speak the language. LOL

Barbara N Germany--- On Thu, 12/17/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:

lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesiumoleander soup

Thursday, December 17, 2009, 11:50 AM


I bought Essence of Life magnesium gel and magnesium oil at the health food store.  I'm in English Canada - I was unable to find it in Quebec in the summer - you would have laughed at me trying to explain in French that I wanted magnesium that you rub on your skin!  I went to 3 or 4 different places - no one had heard of it.  It's a bit hard to find but you can google that brand.  Doesn't Dr Lanphier sell it on her site?

Janet2009/12/17 barbara elenniss <bntelenniss







Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.  Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:

lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesium

oleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium?  Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.







-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.








-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.








-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.

Hugs Mary
















barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM

Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin > wrote:

lostrin <lostrin >Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet

2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >




You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol





oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM

Re: magnesium


Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.

Hugs Mary
















barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM

Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin > wrote:

lostrin <lostrin >Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet

2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >




You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the

chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will

supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate

or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce

intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s

skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.


Bob R




oleander soup

oleander soup On Behalf Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium









Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!!









Original Message -----






oleander soup




Friday, December 18,

2009 8:01 AM











Hi Barbara.






Here is an

article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own,

trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil

because itT slippery on the skin.






Hope this

help you.



Hugs Mary












































Original Message -----



barbara elenniss



oleander soup




Friday, December 18,

2009 2:59 AM













Janet and Judy,

thanks for the info.


Where does one get transderman magnesium?

Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.



Barbara N Germany


--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin



lostrin <lostrin

Re: magnesium

oleander soup

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM




Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before

your nighttime shower.




2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg





You wrote--I have been

reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of

it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it.

Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be

wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and

gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the



While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually

known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of

people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually)

form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.











Live on earth as if you want to stay.








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Share on other sites

Well Bob.


We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally.

Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.


Thanks for the info though.

Hugs Mary






Bobby E Rehberg

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM

RE: magnesium



Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.


Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium






Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol









oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM


Re: magnesium





Hi Barbara.




Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.




Hope this help you.


Hugs Mary































barbara elenniss


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM


Re: magnesium








Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin > wrote:

lostrin <lostrin >Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet


2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >





You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Thank you Mary and to everyone else who contributed info on Magnesium.Barbara N Germany--- On Thu, 12/17/09, Maria <mary1kon wrote:Maria <mary1konRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 4:01 PM


Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.

Hugs Mary
















barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM

Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: magnesiumoleander soupWednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet

2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >




You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of

chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell

something---P. T. Barnum was right.


Bob R





oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium








Well Bob.






We will never

get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say

aplly trandermally.



Who knows

who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and

the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.






Thanks for

the info though.



Hugs Mary














Original Message -----



Bobby E Rehberg



oleander soup




Friday, December 18,

2009 10:44 AM











Magnesium is good stuff. It is in

the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating

green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then

use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow

absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a

divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much

better to take internally.

Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium










Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!!











oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM















is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own,

trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil

because itT slippery on the skin.




this help you.














barbara elenniss



oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM













and Judy,

thanks for the info.


Where does one get transderman magnesium?

Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.



Barbara N Germany


--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin



lostrin <lostrin

Re: magnesium

oleander soup

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM




Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before

your nighttime shower.





judithmarg <judithmarg





You wrote--I have been reading a book about

Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never

taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the

reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but

can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic

ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually

known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of

people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually)

form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.











Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Share on other sites

Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a

float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very

deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of

MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate.






oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of Bobby E Rehberg

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PM

oleander soup

RE: magnesium








Nothing to wonder about in this case.

The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is

trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right.


Bob R





oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium


















will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other

sources say aplly trandermally.




knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right,

and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.







for the info though.




















Bobby E Rehberg



oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM













Magnesium is good stuff. It is in

the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating

green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then

use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow

absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a

divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better

to take internally.

Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium










Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!!











oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM















is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal

oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery

on the skin.




this help you.














barbara elenniss



oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM













and Judy,

thanks for the info.


Where does one get transderman magnesium?

Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.



Barbara N Germany


--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin



lostrin <lostrin

Re: magnesium

oleander soup

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM




Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before

your nighttime shower.





judithmarg <judithmarg





You wrote--I have been reading a book about

Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never

taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason

I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one

get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would

that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?


While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually

known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of

people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually)

form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.


Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.











Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it.


Barbara N. Germany--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim wrote:

Galim <galimRE: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM




Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate.





oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Bobby E RehbergFriday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: magnesium





Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right.


Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium





Well Bob.




We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally.


Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.




Thanks for the info though.


Hugs Mary











Bobby E Rehberg


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM


RE: magnesium




Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.

Bob R



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium




Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol







oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM


Re: magnesium


Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.


Hugs Mary







barbara elenniss


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM


Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:

lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet


2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg





You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Hi Bob,

Magnesium ions may be absorbed through the skin, though it is hard to

understand how exactly. In 2006 Rosemary Waring, a British biochemist at

the University of Birmingham, did an experiment with Epsom salts. She

measured magnesium and sulfate in the blood and urine both before and

after people bathed in Epsom salts and found increased blood levels

(about 10% on average, though I'm not sure what " ppm/ml " means) and

increased urine excretion of both magnesium and sulfate.



In vitro studies have conformed this:

" In vitro, we found human skin to be permeable to magnesium and calcium

ions... "



I'm not sure if magnesium chloride is absorbed through the skin in any

significant quantities, when you think of bathing in magnesium sulfate

as opposed to spraying a little magnesium chloride on the skin. A

saturated solution of magnesium chloride contains about 2.7 grams

(anhydrous) per teaspoon, which amounts to about 0.7 grams (700 mg) of

magnesium, so if it was all absorbed it would be a significant dose (RDA

is 300 mg). I have used it as an underarm deodorant, which seems to

work, and as a mouthwash which seems to improve dental health. I also

take about a teaspoonful of nigari dissolved in water a day, which

doesn't cause diarrhea (so some is presumably absorbed) and it

definitely makes me feel calmer and sleep better, as compared with when

I don't take it.


Paul H



Bobby E Rehberg wrote:



> Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll

> molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will

> supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium

> citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption

> and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent

> cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better

> to take internally.


> Bob R



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I have no doubt that if you immerse yourself in a magnesium solution, that

some Mg will be absorbed, but if you look at the data, there was a lot of

variability; some took in a lot and others not so much. They should have

calibrated to total skin surface area, which was not done.

If you take Mg by mouth then you understand the dose and can replicate it in

the future rather than guessing about the whole thing. Mg citrate is one of

the best and not expensive. Magnesium oxide is not very available and

magnesium hydroxide is milk of magnesia and you know what that can do! Much

of Mg comes from sea water and this is a commercial source. There is a

large plant on the Gulf of Mexico at St. Joe, Florida. There are extensive

natural deposits in Nevada of brucite as well as in China---these are the

remnants of ancient sea deposits.

I did not study biochemistry in England, but did at the University of

Florida---and yeah we do more than play football!!

Bob R



oleander soup oleander soup On

Behalf Of Paul

Friday, December 18, 2009 11:40 AM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium


Hi Bob,

Magnesium ions may be absorbed through the skin, though it is hard to

understand how exactly. In 2006 Rosemary Waring, a British biochemist at

the University of Birmingham, did an experiment with Epsom salts. She

measured magnesium and sulfate in the blood and urine both before and

after people bathed in Epsom salts and found increased blood levels

(about 10% on average, though I'm not sure what " ppm/ml " means) and

increased urine excretion of both magnesium and sulfate.



In vitro studies have conformed this:

" In vitro, we found human skin to be permeable to magnesium and calcium

ions... "



I'm not sure if magnesium chloride is absorbed through the skin in any

significant quantities, when you think of bathing in magnesium sulfate

as opposed to spraying a little magnesium chloride on the skin. A

saturated solution of magnesium chloride contains about 2.7 grams

(anhydrous) per teaspoon, which amounts to about 0.7 grams (700 mg) of

magnesium, so if it was all absorbed it would be a significant dose (RDA

is 300 mg). I have used it as an underarm deodorant, which seems to

work, and as a mouthwash which seems to improve dental health. I also

take about a teaspoonful of nigari dissolved in water a day, which

doesn't cause diarrhea (so some is presumably absorbed) and it

definitely makes me feel calmer and sleep better, as compared with when

I don't take it.


Paul H



Bobby E Rehberg wrote:



> Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll

> molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will

> supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium

> citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption

> and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent

> cation on one's skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better

> to take internally.


> Bob R








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From what I have read the accepted wisdom is that

magnesium salts absorb well through the skin. Magnesium chloride is considered

most absorbed, but it is expensive. We bought 20 Kg (about 50 lb for the

imperialists) of Magnesium Sulphate because it is cheap, and put it in the bath

with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Then we wash, or soak or whatever.

The vinegar is an acidulant, and also, we find, helps with ‘feminine


If you test it I understand that the chlorine put in

water also absorbs well through the skin. Make of that what you will.

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You are welcome Barbara.


And now after reading all about Magnesium, you are an export just like us Lol.


Hugs Mary



barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 6:03 PM

Re: magnesium





Thank you Mary and to everyone else who contributed info on Magnesium.Barbara N Germany--- On Thu, 12/17/09, Maria <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) comau> wrote:

Maria <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) com.au>Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 4:01 PM


Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.

Hugs Mary
















barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM

Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: magnesiumoleander soupWednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet

2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >




You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Now, Now Bob.

Come on, we are not all exports in chemistry and science.


Take care.

Hugs Mary





Bobby E Rehberg

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009 11:21 PM

RE: magnesium



Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right.


Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium






Well Bob.




We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally.


Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.




Thanks for the info though.


Hugs Mary











Bobby E Rehberg


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM


RE: magnesium





Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.

Bob R



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium





Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol







oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM


Re: magnesium



Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.


Hugs Mary







barbara elenniss


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM


Re: magnesium






Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin > wrote:

lostrin <lostrin >Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM


Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet


2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >





You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Hi Barbara.


Go to this side and read all the articles on Magnesium , they are on the right side of the page, and maybe you will find all about floatting in Magnesium.


Happy reading .

Hugs Mary .













barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Saturday, December 19, 2009 2:39 AM

RE: magnesium






OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it.


Barbara N. Germany--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT) net.il> wrote:

Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT) net.il>RE: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM



Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate.




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Bobby E RehbergFriday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: magnesium




Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P T. Barnum was right.


Bob R




oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium




Well Bob.




We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally.


Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.




Thanks for the info though.


Hugs Mary











Bobby E Rehberg


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM


RE: magnesium





Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.

Bob R



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium





Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol







oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM


Re: magnesium



Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.


Hugs Mary







barbara elenniss


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM


Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin > wrote:


lostrin <lostrin >Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet


2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >






You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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at first I thought it said drunk tank and since I've never been in one of them/...LOL Just kidding!Seriously I have NEVER even heard of a float tank, but i like the sound of it and I definitely will reall ALL the articles:-)Thanks Mary, you're a gem.barbara N Germany...where it is COLD and SNOWING--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Maria <mary1kon wrote:Maria <mary1konRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 5:24 PM


Hi Barbara.


Go to this side and read all the articles on Magnesium , they are on the right side of the page, and maybe you will find all about floatting in Magnesium.


Happy reading .

Hugs Mary .













barbara elenniss

oleander soup

Saturday, December 19, 2009 2:39 AM

RE: magnesium






OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it.


Barbara N. Germany--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT) net.il> wrote:

Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT) net.il>RE: magnesiumoleander soupFriday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM



Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate.




oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of Bobby E RehbergFriday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PMoleander soupRE: magnesium




Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something--- P T. Barnum was right.


Bob R




oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soupRe: magnesium




Well Bob.




We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally.


Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.




Thanks for the info though.


Hugs Mary











Bobby E Rehberg


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM


RE: magnesium





Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally.

Bob R



oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soupRe: magnesium





Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol







oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM


Re: magnesium



Hi Barbara.


Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin.


Hope this help you.


Hugs Mary


http://www.health- science-spirit. com/magnesiumchl oride.html





barbara elenniss


oleander soup


Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM


Re: magnesium





Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:


lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: magnesiumoleander soupWednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM

Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet


2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg >






You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy

-- Live on earth as if you want to stay.

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Try this link as a beginning. Or Google " float tank " .

Beyond the aspect of Magnesium absorbtion floating is a most

powerful almost instantaneous method of deep relaxation. That in itself will have

many benefits in healing.






oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf

Of barbara elenniss

Friday, December 18, 2009 5:40 PM

oleander soup

RE: magnesium











OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and

then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard

of it.






Barbara N. Germany


--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim wrote:




Galim <galim

RE: magnesium

oleander soup

Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM




Another excellent way of getting

Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly

efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary

benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate.







oleander soup oleander soup On

Behalf Of Bobby E Rehberg

Friday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PM

oleander soup

RE: magnesium











Nothing to wonder about in this case. The

laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying

to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right.




Bob R







oleander soup oleander soup On

Behalf Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium





















will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other

sources say aplly trandermally.





knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is

right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering.







for the info though.




















Bobby E Rehberg



oleander soup





December 18, 2009 10:44 AM




RE: magnesium









Magnesium is good stuff. It is

in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating

green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement

then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow

absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a

divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much

better to take internally.


Bob R





oleander soup oleander soup On

Behalf Of Maria

Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM

oleander soup

Re: magnesium










Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy

!!!! Lol














oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM




Re: magnesium












is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own,

trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil

because itT slippery on the skin.




this help you.














barbara elenniss



oleander soup





Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM




Re: magnesium







Janet and Judy,

thanks for the info.


Where does one get transderman magnesium?

Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts.



Barbara N Germany


--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote:


lostrin <lostrin

Re: magnesium

oleander soup

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM




Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes

before your nighttime shower.





2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg







You wrote--I have been reading a book about

Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never

taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the

reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but

can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets

organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the



While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually

known for is selenium.

Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of

people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest,

usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel



Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.









Live on earth as if you want to stay.














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