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Thank you so much De Ann



In a message dated 11/9/05 1:39:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, dsicard1 writes:




Thank You for the welcome. There is a wonderful web site that can explain everything so much better than I ever could. WWW.pbcers.org


What I can tell you is that PBCer's don't look sick. If not for the Dr. doing routine blood work a few years ago I would not have known. Two major symptoms for PBC are unexplainable itching and fatigue. I thank God everyday that I don't have the itching. As for fatigue I think mine is due to the fact that I don't sleep well.

De Ann



~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Create the inner world you want to live in, and your outer world will mirror it"

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Thank You for the welcome. There is a wonderful web site that can explain everything so much better than I ever could. WWW.pbcers.org


What I can tell you is that PBCer's don't look sick. If not for the Dr. doing routine blood work a few years ago I would not have known. Two major symptoms for PBC are unexplainable itching and fatigue. I thank God everyday that I don't have the itching. As for fatigue I think mine is due to the fact that I don't sleep well.

De Ann

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Thank for the welcome. I will go to the site. I have already signed up for the lecture.


De Ann



Lisa de Haas

herbal remedies

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:47 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - intro


Hello De Ann,


You really should do the Incurables Program; quite a steep gradient for a Newbie, but it will help you deal with the liver problems. Have a look in the files on our group's site for details.







herbal remedies

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 3:25 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - intro


Hello everyone;


My name is De Ann (49) and I am new to the group as well as to taking controll of my health.


Right now my 2 doctors have me on so many pills(a lot to me at least 12 pills) I have to seperate them into 5 different doses.


I was have PBC (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis). This is a rare, chronic liver diseas that stricks mostly women between the ages of 30-60. The only cure is a liver tranplant, which averages out to happen around 10 years after dx.


I don't sleep well at all. Maybe a couple of hours a night, unless I take a sleeping pill.


My liver specialist --says lose weight, then priscribes medication that has a major side effect of wieght gain. My primary doctor but me on blood pressure medication as well.


Personally I want to get off as many off these pills as possible. And I want to do this as safly as possible. That is why I join this group and after reading your post in the last few days I think I came to the right place.


Thanks for listening <g> to me. I hope to get to know you all better.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dani,


Welcome to this great group!

It is nice to see people doing Doula work.

My 3 siblings were all born at home, and I remember the

specially trained nurse who came to the house for the

first two weeks to help look after Mom,

newborns, and household.


They just didn't call them Doula's.

They were called kraamverzorgsters, :).


Ien in the Kootenays*************************"Never mind what the book says.God gave you a brain."~A.T. Still, founder of OsteopathyWho is this Kootenay person anyway?http://greatestnetworker.com/ien**************************

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Debbie,


Welcome to the group, I am in Central Florida as well, Deltona.



Blessings to You and Yours,






Debbie Van Neste

04/06/06 19:08:40


[CrystalHW] intro


Greetings -


My name is Debbie and I am from Orlando, I am a buddhist that practices

divination and likes to work with herbs and crystals - I used to be entirely

into high magic but I felt buddhism was my path. I do believe that magic

works and I will on occasion still study some aspects of the occult

especially chaos theory, but I try to deal with aspects of my life on a more

holistic level. I was a pretty wild magician in my younger days...but that's

another story.


Honored to be a part of this wonderful group - thanks for having me










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Thanks for the welcome, any suggestions to get good crystals in Orlando? You can

email me off list anytime -







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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Since you are a lactation consultant, I thought you might be interested to know

that clary

sage is good for bringing in milk production and fennel is good for increasing





, " Kathleen Fallon Pasakarnis "

<NurturingFamily wrote:


> Greetings! As a new member of the list, I'd like to introduce myself.

> My name is Kathy Pasakarnis and I am a board-certified lactation

> consultant (IBCLC) in private practice. I am interested in the use of

> herbs and essential oils for both my clients and for my family.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome Leslie!


-Raine, another unschooling mom


Leslie Montemayor wrote:



Just wanted to send in a short intro. My name is Leslie currently

living in Florida. We are an unschooling family with only two

children left to unschool, LOL. I have 5 children, but only three

still at home. My husband and I have been married for 27 years. I am

VERY interested in everything natural, organic etc. When we move

back to Georgia I am planning on starting a CSA farm growing

vegetables, herbs, and fruits organically. That is my dream.






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I too am new to the group and unschool my younger 2 children. I have one in her 3rd year of college for bio-chemistry. I have many ailments and after 11 years of doctors telling me its all in my head, have finally given up on modern medicine. I have a great nuero who listens to me and is trying to get to the root of all my problems. The newest is my heart is enlarging. I have severe sinus tach, mitral valve & tricuspid valve prolapse, I had cervical discectomy fusion to the 2 lower cervical discs, fibromyalgia??, and now just found out that my collar bone is embedded in my upper t-spine. I have constant dizziness and severe pain literally from head to toe. So in saying all of this, if anyone knows of anything I can do for the dizziness, heart ailments, etc... I would appreciate it. I am a newbie in the herbal field and really dont know anything at all.


Thanks & best wishes,


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome.Be blessed by the Divine.



kiran <lovelight1of22 wrote:

Good Morning fellow lightworkers :)


Not sure if I ever sent an intro. I recently joined the group. But

have been busy w/the move, and getting settled. So haven't had much

online time. We recently moved to Mount Ida, Ar. from Gulf Breeze, Fl.

Was led to move here through my crystal dreams. I hope to find more

online time soon, so I can become involved w/the group! Am looking

forward to meeting everyone. peace all :)








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  • 2 months later...

You're most welcome Heather.

Glad to have you aboard.

In Health, Freedom, and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Heather Sutton


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:06 PM

Herbal Remedies - Intro



Oh hello! a new friend suggested this list on another list I bleong to and I am already just in HEAVEN!My name is Heather. I live in Wyoming with my husband, 6 children and several farm animals. We deal on a daily basis with celiac disease, seasonal allergies, and some other mild but irritating issues in the chidren.Our 8 year old was diagnosed at 6 months with eocinophilic gastroeneritis, which we've now discovered was the CD. She was diagnosed at the age of 12 months with asthma-which resolved itself after we took her off gluten and singular! We have removed all chemically treated fods, sodas, kool aid, jellos........anything with preservatives. We've moved to the country and now have our own organic foods(getting there-we've got organic free range chickens and eggs, organic goat's milk and farm raised rabbits for the meat, the garden fizzled when they turned on the irrigation ditch-contaminated anyway with all those lovely chemicals from the run off- we'll try again next year in a different spot and with our well water, NOT the irrigation we are entitled to)I am really loving the organic and herbal life. My family is in SUCH better health than they were before. It's taken about 3 years but we now see very few illnesses, and the seasonal allergies are much better dealt with by embracing the herbal aspect of life. And I love that my children are learning to live this life. They now can tell me that they need a specific tea( they are GREAT at asking for catnip tea when they feel a fever coming on and my 8 year old will ask to give it to her 18 month old brother, telling me that he's teeting). My family used to think I was nuts-but they now call me when they get ill! I just love it.I am so glad I was directed to you. I have tons of questions to ask as I get more time!Thanks for being here to educate!Heather blessed to be Gregg's helpmeet since 3/97 blessed Mom to our quiver: Jeannette(12), Maureen(8), HannahClaire(5), Trystan(4), Liam(2), Ethan(1), 14 in heaven and stepmom to April(21)www.bentarrows.com Personal blog: www.xanga.com/mommybug Homeschooling blog: www.xanga.com/ahomeschooledfamily



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Hi - I'm new here. Was part of another aromatherapy group a long long

time ago but have forgotten much of what I learned.

Currently facing severe clinical depression. Any suggestions using E.Os?




----- End Original Message-----


Welcome aboard JC,


We're glad to have you here.


Sorry to hear you're going through a rough time with depression. As you

are I'm sure well aware, Aromatherapy is certainly not a substitute for

proper care of depression, but it can be a wonderful " complimentary

treatment " .


I know that when I went through post partum hormonal issues, which

included times of depression, and I needed uplifting scents I always

tended to reach for Bergamot. I also like to drink early Grey Tea, which

is flavored with Bergamot oil.


Citrus oils do make a lot of people feel " good " and " uplifted " in

general, but it seems everyone has their favorite, so sniff several and

go with whatever yours is, even if that is a blend of them all! :)


I also find that " euphoric " floral oils such as Rose Otto, Neroli &

Ylang Ylang (in VERY low dilutions in a blend) can also be uplifting to

the heart and mind.


I hope fragrant sunny days lay ahead for you!




Chris (list mom)


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Chris is right. The citrus ones are like brighteners, (they cut through the

crud and are like a burst of sunshine on a dreary day)




Hey, I know it's not easy going through depression, One thing that I find

that helps me tremendously is taking my favorite of scents (find one you

really really like alot) and bathe in it. (put a couple of drops in a hot

bath) and I treat myself to a long soak. (I've actually spent hour upon

hour in the bath like this, and imagine all the negative stuff seeping out

of me and into the water and down the drain where it goes to the treatment

plant to be cleansed... Then I'll take one of my favorite scents (

peppermint for the bath and vanilla and amber for the oil afterwards.) and

I put about 2-3 drops of each in a bottle (4-8 oz.) of lotion or oil (I use

a bit of olive, a teeny bit of castor, some sweet almond, and a teeny bit of

liquid shea) and spread it over the dry parts... knees elbows shoulders

heels and the like... Ones that lift my spirits are ones that I have a fond

memory of (I dream in color, and smellovision too.) I'm more of a smell

person than I could have imagined, and remember that you are important and

that even though you may not feel that great right now you can see yourself

being that way. If you can imagine it... You have the ability to achieve

it... {Not to sound too pollyanna} I'm not saying that just visualizing

being happy is gonna do it, but if you can visualize it you are one step

closer to achieving it...Then I go and take some B vitamins, Cause sometimes

that helps depression symptoms (I've dealt with depression for many many

moons in one way or another) Then I go sit down and watch a comedy and laugh

(cause laughter is free, and it's one of the best medicines around.)


And remember you are worth it!






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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Susanne,


Glad to have you here. Sounds like you'll fit right into the mix! Make

yourself at home :)


Thanks for recommending us Anya!



Chris (list mom)







A quick hello to everyone. Anya mentioned this group in " Natural

Perfumery " and I just had to check it out.


I'm herbalist, natural perfumes are a personal passion, homeschool my

two DS 10 and 3. We do produce farming, but some parts of the fields

are designated for my herbs.

I design and make a lot of our own products for health and beauty.

This Spring we decided to go on the web -this part still needs a lot

of work.


I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, some I already know. Thanks

Anya for mentioning this group



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Melanie:


Welcome to the group, sounds like you have a real

challenge with white flour.


A good starting place is to consider your need for

sugar and why you might have these cravings.


Kind regards, Jack


--- Melanie <jermelkramer wrote:


> Hi everyone. I am new here. I have been interested

> in alternative

> medicine for quite a while. I was even considering a

> career in the

> field, but thought it would be best to wait until my

> kids are a little

> bigger and less dependent on me so I can give my

> learning more

> attention. I have done alot of reading on different

> topics of natural

> healing and TCM seems to combine everything

> together. One of the

> things that bums me out is that I have not been able

> to find anyone

> local to go to as a practitioner. Everything is

> mainstream around here:(


> Now for my major problem right now... I have been

> trying to get the

> family switched over from a very SAD to a more whole

> foods diet. It

> has been a struggle, but I have been making

> progress. (still always on

> the lookout for some healthy recipes ;)) We are all

> still hooked on

> sugar, white flour etc. I have tried different

> substitutes but none

> seem to compare. They always know. I'm the worst

> with the sugar

> though, I wake up usually 2-3 times a night and I

> want some sugar. I

> have noticed that when I ate dandelion leaves in the

> spring, I

> actually slept through the night. So I'm am thinking

> that would help,

> but what to do when they are not in season. I am

> really bad at

> remembering to take supplements too. I have a whole

> cupboard full of

> them. I know I must be deficient in something that

> is giving me these

> cravings. I suppose I rambled on enough. I'm sure I

> will learn alot

> here. Thanks for having me.


> Melanie












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Chinese Traditional Medicine ,

Jack Sweeney <mojavecowboy wrote:


> Hi, Melanie:


> Welcome to the group, sounds like you have a real

> challenge with white flour.


> A good starting place is to consider your need for

> sugar and why you might have these cravings.


> Kind regards, Jack


Hi Jack,


Thanks for the welcome. That is what I was hoping to find out about

here. Why do I have these cravings? I must be deficient in something

or something is out of balance.



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Hi, and welcome to the group =). I usually give two links for people

looking for a practitioner in their area.




This link is the NCCAOM's official site (NCCAOM is equivalent to the Bar

for lawyers)







This one is one that someone gave to me:







These should help you find someone, if you can't get them to work

I'd be glad to help, just reply and send your zip code and how far

you are willing to travel (or for privacy you could e-mail it to me also

mrasmm <mrasmm ).




I'm fairly new to TCM as well and I am still learning, so I'll

tell you what I know, and if I'm off on something feel free to

correct me. Here's a link for dandelion


<http://www.sacredlotus.com/herbs/herb.cfm/hid/249> . Generally I

think it is used to release heat and has an affinity for the liver

channel, it can also be used for problems with the Stomach. The other

thing I wonder about; you said that you have a craving for sweets. The

Spleen (the yin partner of the yang Stomach) is most adversely affected

by sweets (or in other words Dampness). Often times if there is a Damp

Spleen problem, there will also be a problem with weight, which goes

along with the western community saying if you eat too many sweets

you'll gain weight. You might want to check the possibility of the

Liver overacting on the Stomach and rule it in or out. You also mention

that you have a hard time remembering, this can have something to do

with the Spleen or the Heart channels and Dampness or Mucous. Also if

you'll notice that the letters of the organs are capitalized, this

means that it refers to the organ function rather than the anatomical

organ as Victoria Dragon mentions. Also check out some of Victoria

Dragons postings, she takes time to explain how things work with Chinese

Medicine, and explains them so that it's easy to understand, she is

also the board moderator and owner. If you would like to know more

about the nature of dampness or how it can affect the state of wellbeing

try reading " The Web That Has No Weaver " , by Ted Kaptchuck

starting at the bottom of page 147 in the second edition (put out in

2000, where the first edition was put out in about 1983). If you

don't have a copy of this book, it would be well worth the money,

it's under 20 bucks




Z114946> from half.com or from Amazon here:


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r=8-1/qid=1161041764/ref=sr_1_1/102-3815694-9566564?ie=UTF8 & s=books>




One thing that came to me while I was reading your response about your

condition and you switching over to a whole foods diet is the concern

about raw or whole food diets. Right now in the US there are a lot of

people saying how raw foods are good for you because they have enzymes

in them and cooking destroys them, which is true, but that is only one

part of the picture. For an ideal healthy person generally more raw

food is perfectly healthy, but most people are not at this stage. Let

me give an example. You probably wouldn't feed a baby whole food,

just for the simple fact that it is too hard for the baby to digest it,

and it would cause some major problems. Same is true of elderly people;

they need food broken down more because they can no longer chew it.

More food for thought is that the human body cannot break down or digest

cellulose (plant cell wall), it either has to be broken down by chewing,

or cooking. So the way to look at it is this, say you don't cook

your food because you don't want to kill the enzymes and the like,

so you just eat the fresh veggies. Because the cell wall only gets

broken down by chewing, you might only get 20% of the total food value

of the vegetable. On the other hand say you do a light steam, and you

kill 20% of the enzymes, and between steaming and chewing you break open

50% of the cell structure, you'd overall get 40% of the value of the

food, which is hypothetically double that of eating it raw (I don't

know what the actual numbers are, but this might be something close).




Basically it sounds like to me you are on the right track, and you have

good determination. What I would say the best advice would be, is to

just slowly but surely change your diet over. This means that your diet

change is here to stay, and doesn't turn into a fad, or become

overwhelming. This can be hard to do sometimes especially if you are

somewhat of a perfectionist. Just basically keep in mind what you eat,

and start to make a few more healthy choices at a time that you can most

likely keep up in the long run. If you want any advice on what is

healthy from the view of TCM this would be a great place to ask it.

The biggest challenge is to keep perspective on things, if your diet is

better than it was 3 months ago, this is a success, regardless if your

diet overall is still unhealthy, and is best when viewed this way.




If dandelion really helps you, I know there are several people on this

board that sell herbs, and you could buy it from them (Bob Linde is one

I know off of the top of my head http://www.acuherbals.com

<http://www.acuherbals.com/> ), or you could always try your local

health food store where this is one of the more common herbs. Also if

your overall condition is heat (which it sounds that way, but only a

practitioner can make this call), you might try peppermint tea (you can

buy this at any grocery store). This would be best used as a way to

just get you by until you can find a practitioner.




It looks like you are on your way! Good luck, and let me know if I can

help out any more.







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Hi Melanie,


A lot of persons who crave sugar have an overgrowth of candida yeast in

their bodies. I had to go on a special low low sugar diet and take

herbal medicines for three months to ride my body of candida. Once I

did that, I was able to lose weight, had more energy, and lost the sugar

craving. There are even studies being done that might show that

alcoholics suffer from candida overgrowth.


Karen in San Diego


Melanie wrote:



> Chinese Traditional Medicine

> <Chinese Traditional Medicine%40>,

> Jack Sweeney <mojavecowboy wrote:

> >

> > Hi, Melanie:

> >

> > Welcome to the group, sounds like you have a real

> > challenge with white flour.

> >

> > A good starting place is to consider your need for

> > sugar and why you might have these cravings.

> >

> > Kind regards, Jack


> Hi Jack,


> Thanks for the welcome. That is what I was hoping to find out about

> here. Why do I have these cravings? I must be deficient in something

> or something is out of balance.


> Melanie







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Thanks for the links and encouragement Rex. There is a practitioner in

Harrisburg, which is about 30 miles for me. The distance is not so

bad, but I get nervous in an unfamiliar area. I will check into that



Karen, Thanks for that suggestion. I also considered that; I have alot

of the symptoms. I did the saliva self test and it was negative. I

have never had problems with yeast infection, but that is about the

only symptom I don't have. So maybe that needs looked into further as



I did get to read some of the early achives last night. I was looking

for some of the book recommendations at the library today. Didn't find

any on the list, but I got Radiant Health The Ancient Wisdom of the

Chinese Tonic Herbs by Ron Teeguarden. I'll be diving into that one

tonight :) I did pretty good eating today. I didn't get many cravings

either. I was too busy to think about it I guess.



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  • 5 weeks later...


Does it have to be E.O.s?

Ien in the Kootenays


" No illness which can be treated with diet

should be treated with any other means. "

~Moses Maimonides, 12 century




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  • 1 month later...

Hi Julie, SOOOOO glad you decided to join us. :-)I commend you on your pursuit of natural hormones! It's something I've been interested in for a long time too. Were your 3 greyhounds rescues? When I lived in Houston, there was a huge rescue project-I always wished I had the room to adopt some. Unfortunately, greyhound racing is big in Houston, thus the need for rescue groups. :-(


Best of luck with the Womens Health Seminars. Please feel free to share any info you wish with us, we'll be happy to share your journey. :-)Cyndi


In a message dated 12/28/2006 9:39:55 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, sunlady120 writes:





Hi all -I'm from the Signing Agent group...Julie in KansasCity. 50 years young, always have lived a simplelife, although I don't raise my own veggies, I'm alimited consumer and get by on what I can. I reuse & recycle as much as I can. I've lived all over theU.S., love to travel, love to camp, try not to spoilmy 3 greyhounds but so far, am unsuccessful; love toquilt, read & write. I'm self-employed and love beingat home. I just signed up last week to be adistributor of Neways products, which are toxin-freeproducts. I primarily am interested in theirnatural-progesterone cream but will probably use moreof their products as I am able to convert over. Iplan to give seminars on women's health issues and thebenefits of natural progesterone.Thanks for inviting me, Cyndi, and good luck with thechemo!Julie in Kansas CityTired of spam? Mail has the best spam



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Welcome, John! Glad to have another Notary bud here. I hope business is treating you well down there. :-)I'll tell you a TRUE STORY about artificial sweeteners. Again it involves my mother, who was both Queen of Diet Soda, and Queen of Denial, bless her heart. My mother was a diet soda drinker from the first day they rolled off the assembly line. It was all she drank. No milk, no water, no coffee, etc. Several years ago, she developed a baseball sized tumor inside her chest. It was attached to her heart and her lungs. They operated, and successfully removed it all. Upon doing a biopsy of the tumor, they had never seen anything like it in a human. The closest thing they had seen to it was tumors in rats WHO HAD BEEN FED LARGE AMOUNTS OF SACCHARIN. They asked my mother if she drank large amounts of diet soda, and she said NO, thus making her the Queen of Denial.......the doctors even wrote it up in medical journals.


So, my mistrust of artificial sweeteners began long ago. The FDA approved Aspartame for the market without doing any long term studies on the long term effects of using it. It wasn't long before the bad news started coming to light about aspartame, yet it is still out in the open market, simply because there is nothing to replace it. The FDA fasttracked Aspartame because they were under pressure to do so.


AS for MSG, it's long been known to contribute to Migraines, which I used to suffer from, so I've avoided that too.


John, have you checked for a local food co-op? I posted a link the other day for the Weston A. Price Foundation (just google it.) If you look on the left hand side of the webpage, you'll see a link for Local Chapters. They are the best place to find organic produce, meat and milk.


Good luck in your search for organic foods, and please let us know what we can do to help. Do you know about Organic Pastures too? They do deliver, but I think a minimum order is $100.00, eeek, but maybe you can split the order amongst a couple other people near you who have an interest in raw milk, raw butter, etc. I think they even sell a bottled kefir.


I felt so sorry for that spinach company. What a blow for the organic produce industry!


Peace and health.






In a message dated 12/29/2006 10:23:13 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, john writes:






Hi Cyndi and Everyone,


I joined from the Notary group, but my s/o Kristen and I have been living in the country in central California for 9 years now. We rent an old schoolhouse which goes back (at least) to the 1920's, the place has it's charm, but it has many drawbacks as well, the worst being that it's not really insulated and the winter nghts here can drop below 20.


We're on well water, but the water doesn't taste very good so we buy bottled. The water around here has a very high mineral content, and when the well is low it can look permanently hazy.


We live in San Benito county, which is a farming/ranching county, but ironically enough there are almost no farmer's markets to buy food from. There is only one vegetable stand and a weekly farmer's market and both of them actually charge more than the Supermarket does for produce, and the supermarket actually has more organic available. There is no Whole Foods or Trader Joes here, the nearest being in San Jose over two hours away, so we're limited on what we can buy and what we can actually afford.


I've also tried to have a garden, but once the dry season hits, the local wildlife will do anything to get at the veggies. The ground squirrels are especially adept at squeezing through weak spots in the chicken wire. After several years I gave up and now our turtles live in the garden area.


Despite the lack of availability, I do find a noticeable difference in the quality of organic produce and grass fed/no antibiotics beef and buy it when I can. I haven't decided on cloned beef yet, if it were raised without adding artificial hormones or antibiotics, I don't think I'd have a problem with it.


Two thngs I've learned to avoid like the plague in prepared foods are artificial sweetners and MSG. There are a number of European studies linking Aspertame to Alzheimers, and I've always gotten an instant headache from artificial sweeteners. I can remember a friend of mine saying "you get used to it" many years ago, No Thanks! :)


As for MSG, we became aware of how much of an effect that was having on us after eating some seasoned fries in a diner one time. MSG fools the brain into making you crave the food more as you eat it, giving you a sort of ravenous effect. Afterwards, we both got major headaches and felt dehydrated.


So now we check snacks and prepared foods for all the hidden names for MSG (natural flavorings, autolyzed yeast extract, etc...) and skip anything that has it. That's about 80% of the food in most supermarkets!


I should also note that San Benito County was ground zero for the big Ecoli/Spinach outbreak a few months ago. One possible reason is that the county sewage plant overflowed several years ago sending millions of gallons of contaminated water into the waterways. This was the result of rapid expansion without reinforcing the infrastructure to support the thousands of new homes that were built in under a decade.


Well, that's enough of a ramble for now. :)

John M




John McNally

Notary Public and Certified Loan Signing Agent





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Oh, I believe it, Cyndi. While I can't say that I never use artificial sweeteners, I at least keep it to a bare minimum, and like Ellen, I am trying to go totally stevia!


Thanks for sharing your mom's story. It's important for folks to know this kind of stuff...












Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:58 AM

Re: [RealSimple] Intro





Welcome, John! Glad to have another Notary bud here. I hope business is treating you well down there. :-)I'll tell you a TRUE STORY about artificial sweeteners. Again it involves my mother, who was both Queen of Diet Soda, and Queen of Denial, bless her heart. My mother was a diet soda drinker from the first day they rolled off the assembly line. It was all she drank. No milk, no water, no coffee, etc. Several years ago, she developed a baseball sized tumor inside her chest. It was attached to her heart and her lungs. They operated, and successfully removed it all. Upon doing a biopsy of the tumor, they had never seen anything like it in a human. The closest thing they had seen to it was tumors in rats WHO HAD BEEN FED LARGE AMOUNTS OF SACCHARIN. They asked my mother if she drank large amounts of diet soda, and she said NO, thus making her the Queen of Denial.......the doctors even wrote it up in medical journals.


So, my mistrust of artificial sweeteners began long ago. The FDA approved Aspartame for the market without doing any long term studies on the long term effects of using it. It wasn't long before the bad news started coming to light about aspartame, yet it is still out in the open market, simply because there is nothing to replace it. The FDA fasttracked Aspartame because they were under pressure to do so.


AS for MSG, it's long been known to contribute to Migraines, which I used to suffer from, so I've avoided that too.


John, have you checked for a local food co-op? I posted a link the other day for the Weston A. Price Foundation (just google it.) If you look on the left hand side of the webpage, you'll see a link for Local Chapters. They are the best place to find organic produce, meat and milk.


Good luck in your search for organic foods, and please let us know what we can do to help. Do you know about Organic Pastures too? They do deliver, but I think a minimum order is $100.00, eeek, but maybe you can split the order amongst a couple other people near you who have an interest in raw milk, raw butter, etc. I think they even sell a bottled kefir.


I felt so sorry for that spinach company. What a blow for the organic produce industry!


Peace and health.







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  • 8 months later...

Welcome Julie,

Reiki with crystals healing is a wonderful blend of treatment...though both

completely stand on their own merits, they are perfect together. Good luck and

welcome to the group.

Blessings and be loved,

Dawn Silver

Jewels of the Lotus Tibetan Gemstone Oracle


starcatmagic <starcatmagic wrote:

Hi All,

My name is Julie, and I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher in Usui/Teate and

others. I've just started exploring crystals for use in reiki, and came

across this remarkable group.

I've just obtained some Herkimers for use in a reiki grid. I've been

reiki-ing them, the energy is phenominal. I'm a little wary, tho, my BF

seemed to have a bit of an ab-reaction after touching them. I believe

they are quite freshly mined crystals and can be quite 'raw'?

Looking forward to learning from you all,

Much Love









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Hello to all-


Seems like quite a few of us are " finding " this group at a similar

time. I have been drawn to crystals for just over a year, and I am

learning from them and about them all the time. I am also studying

Reiki, and have received the second-level attunement.


I was delighted to learn the characteristics of rose quartz, which is

a native stone to my area in Wisconsin. I had put this beautiful

loving material all around the perimeter of my house, without knowing

about its calm, healing nature--I just liked the way it looked as

ground cover.


I have a few rock " buddies " which are quartz crystal from Arkansas,

and I seem to find more crystals for my collection all the time.


I am looking forward to sharing this interest with others in this group.


Love and Light,



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