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Dear Kathy,


I like others may be a little overwhelmed at your families level of

illness and how to answer is very difficult.


I did make one post on Cystic Fibrosis, though.


May I suggest in the kindest possible terms to get help fast, by

educationing yourself about all possible areas of vitamins, amino

acids, minerals, etc. Also on the effects of pharmacuetical drugs vs.

nutrients. And seek professional help for the little boy.


We have a large links section as well as files. Please read, read and

read some more.


From what you say in your message, I think that you are probably very

familiar with modern tradional allopathic medicine, so you may be

shocked or disbelieving when you read some of these people (links)

who write some things that might sound contradicary to what most

everyone (doctors, nurses, television, schools, etc) in our society

is saying.


We are not here to " convert " you, as you have to decide what is best

for you and your family.


A lot of our links are done by reputable people and not by wild eyed

crazies. Some are very well known in there own fields, A lot are

doctors or people with advance degrees and most are coming from a non

commercial slant, to keep any commercial bias down. It is not

necessary to have degrees in order to have truth or knowledge about a

subject (in fact it can be a hindrence sometimes), but because there

is so much misinformation available and the field can be confusing

and we do tend to trust " experts " , especially, like some of these

people, when they are opposing the financial current to bring us

their version of truth.


There are many sites by doctors in our links list, I suggest that you

read a lot of them even though the area they are listed in might not

seem to be specifically for your interests. I say this because I

think it important that we realize that there are a few doctors

trying to bring real natural healing to people and not just treat the

symptoms with drugs. If these doctors are willing to go against what

most of their collegues and medical politics say, then natural

healing must have some very powerfull arguments. It can help with the

education process about nutrition.


I do believe that most illness is because of a deficiency of some

type whereby the bodies system is faulty from a lack, or the body is

suffering from toxic substances whether from the enviournment,

medicine, foods, or biological invaders, etc. In each person's

individual requirments they are unique. They may need much more of a

nutrient than someone else or they become ill. Or sometimes we can

use herbs to help the body fight invaders, help heal, or help

reregulate our system in some way.


As you read, you will discover that the same nutrients are beneficial

for many disease states. It is more of an education process than a

one drug for one illness type approach.


This is not to say that a person couldn't be deficienct in one or a

few nutrient, and it could be solved by taking the one or few

defecient nutrients. That could be the case, but normally if the

person shows defeciency in one they will usually have faulty

nutrition or high requirements in other areas also.


I hope the little boy finds his way to health, please read as much as

possible and please post more about his condition as it sounds very,

very serious. Hopefully you can find some help here, finding those

solutions. I do suggest that you try and get help from a good

orthomolecular doctor (M.D.) who may try some natural substances too.


Good luck to all and hang in there,





Gettingwell , " Serenity DesertRain

<spiritualosophy@n...> " <spiritualosophy@n...> wrote:

> Hi everyone, thought I'd make my initial " hello " ... I thought this

> list would be of great interest to me and my loved ones, as my

> family is certainly " blessed " with ails and illnesses! ;-)


> Let's see... For starters, I have Bipolar Disorder, and am working

> on getting off of " conventional treatment " and onto as much of

> natural treatment as possible. I've been under treatment for 12+

> years now, and in remission for the majority of the time for


> 6-7 years, now. (YAY!) It's still a battle, the emotional roller

> coaster from hell, many of us Beepers like to say, but I fight it,

> and as hard as it is, I still feel that it makes me a stronger

> person in the long run. I have my hard times; moments, days,


> sometimes months... but although it's a lifelong war, I DO win


> battle! My younger son (12 yrs., my older is 15) also has Bipolar,

> as well as my fiance... it's an interesting household indeed, LOL!

> Funny thing is, our family fights less than most so-called

> functional families do -- personally, I think that it's because we

> all have to deal with the BP, and we " get " each other.


> Anyway, I also have a family history FULL of cancer; especially

> ovarian and breast. My grandmother died of ovarian, my aunt (mom's

> younger sister) died of breast cancer 10 years ago as of this March

> 1, and my mom had ovarian cancer 25 yrs. ago and breast cancer 22

> yrs. ago (happy to say, she's still cancer-free!)... there's a lot

> of other cancer in my family too; " female organ " cancer as well as

> other kinds. I, myself, had a hysterectomy when I was 24 (I'll be

> 32 in two months), the whole sha-bang, ovaries and all, so I don't

> have to worry about that; only the breast cancer, which I carefully

> check for regularily. Needless to say, I try to keep up with

> what's " up " in the area of cancer.


> I also have what the doc's " label " as Chronic Fatigue, as of course

> they can't figure out what's wrong and so they therefore give it a

> name... I don't care what they call it, it just sucks. But, I deal

> with it, what else can I do? I have chronic migraines, a horrible

> back (mostly caused by scoliosis) which goes out on me with no

> notice to the point of nearly no mobility, so I have a hard time

> even doing real housework beyond dishes, etc.; vaccumming is OUT!

> Furthermore, bone pain in my legs since I was a child; the doc's

> called it " growing pains " but I stopped growing when I was 12, and

> the pain is worse than ever... it's not arthritis, it's not

> diagnosible -- my mom has it, my uncle, my cousins, my 15 yr. old.

> And it is degenerating... my mom, who is now only 50, has it in her

> entire body now, and sometimes it leaves her practically invalid,

> and what scares me is that it doesn't just hit my legs now: it

> spread to my arms about four years ago; I'm terrified that I'm


> to end up like my mom. Not a " self-fulfilling prophecy " thing,


> you... it's just that I have all the symptoms that she does. She

> also has Krohn's disease, and I have all the symptoms that she had

> only 4-5 years ago.


> BUT!!! What's concerning me the most right now is my fiance's


> He's four years old, he'll be five in January. He has Cystic

> Fybrosis. And, he's in the final stage, already. Most CF kids


> to be in their teens; some even are (rarely) lucky to reach 30 or

> so... but Tayler is dying NOW. The bottom half of his lungs are

> obsolete, as the docs say; they don't function anymore, the disease

> has eaten them up. His heart is scarred from too much work;

> therefore, his oxygen saturation is only at 75%, and normal is


> 99%; and this is with aggressive breathing treatment and an oxygen

> tank, etc. He's on the list for a heart/lung transplant, but that

> will do nothing but buy a little time... the CF will only destroy

> the new heart and lungs -- and that's IF he lives long enough to


> the transplant -- see, the waiting list right now is about 1-2

> years, and his current approx. prognosis is 1-2 years. Just about

> three months ago, he was a rambunctios kid, full of life and


> you'd never think he was sick, only asthmatic sometimes. Now, he's

> tired all the time (largely due to lack of oxygen saturation in his

> brain, organs, etc.). He wakes up numerous times a night, coughing

> horribly, clutching at his chest and screaming in pain. He's

> suffering, and it's so painful to watch. See, CF is a very evil

> disease. It doesn't just kill you... No, it takes you very slowly,

> and painfully, and makes you suffer horrendously for a very long

> time (usually a couple of years) before it finally takes you. I've

> watched family/friends die of cancer, and go through all the

> horrific treatment and " wasting away " etc., and still I've never

> seen such suffering. He's just a little boy!


> Then, there's Adrinn, my fiance, Tayler's father. Oh, how many

> times I've held him as he's cried despairingly... and how many more

> times I will. And of course I do, too. I couldn't love that boy

> any more than if I'd given birth to him, myself; he's just as much


> son to me as my own two teenage boys are.


> Anyway, enough of that... didn't mean to introduce myself with a

> bunch of sobs. Basically, what I'm saying is... there are several

> reasons that joining this email list could (hopefully) help me. I

> do all I can to learn about Bipolar Disorder, and Cystic Fybrosis,

> as they are the two priorities on my list. But there are always

> resources that are out that can be missed, that others here may

> find. And who knows? I've studied a lot about Bipolar throughout

> the years... if there's anyone here with Bipolar or anything

> similar, I just may be able to be of help, myself! ;-)


> And I see that this is a very large list! Hope I can keep up with

> you all! So, here's to GETTING WELL!!!


> ~~ Kathy ~~

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" califpacific <califpacific " <califpacific wrote:



>I like others may be a little overwhelmed at your families level of

>illness and how to answer is very difficult.


>I did make one post on Cystic Fibrosis, though.


Dear Frank,


Yes, thank you for the prompt post... I read it immediately, and also my fiance

did, and it made a lot of sense to us! We're hoping that his ex-wife will

consider it, as she has the physical custody of Tayler... but she's pretty good

about natural therapy, too, so it's a possibility.


BIGGEST prob w/Tayler, as with ALL CF kids, is that they don't eat!!! He lives

mostly on PediaSure, and plain yogurt, and Cheetos... CF kids simply have no

appetites/desires for food, so we need to find vitamins, aminos, herbs, etc.,

for him, as food just doesn't cut it for CF kids; we try and try to get him to

eat, but he refuses. Again, normal for CF kids. Very difficult.



>And seek professional help for the little boy.


He's constantly getting care, at Loma Linda Children's Hospital. We are simply

seeking more natural methods to supplement what he's currently getting, trying

to help as much as possible. Every internet search I do for CF, I find

conventional treatment... I cannot find alternative/natural treatments/studies

for CF, and I've tried for the two years that I've been involved with my fiance!



>We have a large links section as well as files. Please read, read and

>read some more.


I've been reading like crazy... great links, BTW!



>From what you say in your message, I think that you are probably very

>familiar with modern tradional allopathic medicine, so you may be

>shocked or disbelieving when you read some of these people (links)

>who write some things that might sound contradicary to what most

>everyone (doctors, nurses, television, schools, etc) in our society

>is saying.


>We are not here to " convert " you, as you have to decide what is best

>for you and your family.


I know that no none is trying to " convert " me. ;-) I joined this list BECAUSE

of its approach to natural alternatives. I've been under treatment for Bipolar

for 12+ years, and although there's been improvement enough for remission most

often the last few years, the side effects of the med's are rotten, and I'm

fully aware of permanent damage caused by conventional psych med's. And as for

Tayler and the CF, again, my hope is to find resources for as much time,

healing, and relief as possible.


And I'm not shocked by what I've been reading, either. Both by personal

experience (my own and that of family and friends with Bipolar, i.e.), as well

as simple common sense, there are no surprises at all as I read about the

SSRI's, as well as other info about psychiatry... I've felt this way for a long

time, as a matter of fact, and it feels good to see that there are professionals

out there that confirm my long-time suspiscions!



>This is not to say that a person couldn't be deficienct in one or a

>few nutrient, and it could be solved by taking the one or few

>defecient nutrients. That could be the case, but normally if the

>person shows defeciency in one they will usually have faulty

>nutrition or high requirements in other areas also.


As for Tayler, I'm sure that if we could get some real nutrition into his body,

he'd be at least healthier and have a better prognosis, even if the CF couldn't

be stopped. Again, it'd have to be supplements though, we can't get him to eat!

That post you made about CF and vitamin E made a LOT of sense; if you or anyone

else comes across ANYTHING pertaining to CF and nutritional supplements, I'd

appreciate it... as I simply cannot find this kind of information, I've tried

and tried. I don't know where to search; I search for CF, and even use keywords

such as alternative and/or natural therapy, etc., and all I ever find is

conventional therapy. It's SO frustrating!


>I hope the little boy finds his way to health, please read as much as

>possible and please post more about his condition as it sounds very,

>very serious. Hopefully you can find some help here, finding those

>solutions. I do suggest that you try and get help from a good

>orthomolecular doctor (M.D.) who may try some natural substances too.


OK, I've learned a lot about the medical field, but know nothing about

orthomolecular doctors... furthermore, Tayler is on SSI (as CF costs a few

thousand dollars a MONTH to treat, and he needs the Medi-Cal for this), and I

don't know just what Medi-Cal will cover; you **KNOW** how the gov't is about

not wanting to pay for natural treatments!!!



Anyway, thank you for all the advice. So far, I've posted all I know about

Tayler's condition, as (unfortunately) his mother's way of " dealing " with it is

not to talk about it, and she only fills us in with minute details. And, she's

always the one to take him to the doctor/hospital; doesn't let Adrinn parttake

in that. Adrinn's planning on going to the hospital to discuss exactly what's

going on with the doc's, but it will be several weeks before we CAN do this, as

we are moving, just beginning to pack, etc., next week, and you KNOW how that

is! But I will post everything pertinent ASAP, as I know that specific info is

the only way to find resources.


Meanwhile, I usually am quite good at doing research, myself... please, if you

have any suggestions as to HOW to go about researching CF and coming up with

natural alternative therapies, as opposed to only finding the conventional stuff

(which we've been quite educated in already), let me know, and I will do some

researching on my own as well... as I'm not here to just sit around and wait for

other people to do the work FOR me! ;-)


Thanks a million for your concern,

~~ Kathy ~~



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Dear Kathy,


A orthomolecular M.D. is a regular allopathic doctor who has

undertaken the principals of orthomolecular medicine.



This name was coined by Linus Pauling to describe treatment with the

natural occuring substance needed within the body.


So, most of what they use is vitamins, aminos, etc, although they

understand conventional medicine as they have graduated from

comventional medical schools.


There is a well known one not close to you but a little to the north

possibly. Even though he may be out of your immediate area, you might

call or visit his office to ask him about CF, or to ask if he would

reccomend another in your area or maybe drive up ther for treatment.


Here is his website.

Dr. Cathcart M.D.

Good site by Dr. Cathcart, a long time outspoken advocate of

nutritional medicine.



Since these doctors are M.D.s in the full sense of the word, there

should be no problem in insurance coverage. And vitamins are not

expensive relative to usual medical costs or when you consider the

value of life.


Do not be put off by this doctors website. He is not a website

person, so it reflects his displeasure with conventional treatment

more than his web skills. If I were looking for a doctor, his

attitude to conventional treatment is much more important to me

personally, and his is loud and clear.


Even though the article I posted covers vitamin E, i believe that

most orthomolecular doctors and most naturopaths would say that any

sick person would need a complete vitamin intake in the threaputic

ranges of all of the essential nutients.


The article mentioned using 100 mg. of Vit. E in the study but most

of what I have read, the more severe the condition the more is really



The Shute brothers are Doctors who used Vitamin E up to 3000mg a day

for heart disease. I am not saying you ahould use 3000mg. I am just

saying that the failure of vitamins is that most people don't use

enough. 100mg sounds very low for even a daily dose for a healthy

individual according to what I read.


Most people and doctors have been conditioned by drug company PR to

scare people away from vitamins. Almost evry one of the scare stories

about vitamins, aminos herbs etc. are just that scare stories to

discourage use. Although this practice is not illegal, in my opinion

it should be considered criminal.


Do you know how many people were hurt or killed by vitamins in the

USA last year? None.... Drugs,with people hurt, probably in the

millions, they admit to deaths of 250,000 ( in reality it would be

much, much higher), but as contributing factors ? probably in a great

majority of deaths in industrialized countries.


If the truth were known, no one would need scare stories to keep

people away from most modern medicines. With them it is a business,

so if it causes damage, that just means more medicine and more profit.


Vitamin E is cheap (only use natural ones) and can be mixed with

almost any foods. There are powdered multivitamin mixes that can be

added to anay drink. One good one is " ALLONE " powder and is sold in

almost all health food stores in Calif and is available all across

the USA.


No one vitamin tablet, pill, shake, bar or whatever on the market is

going to be complete. If it were it would have to be the size of a

softball baseball. Some supplements are very good and most people

should take them, but they require additional things to be added to

meet requirements limited by law in supplements and the persons

individual requirements.


Ther are huge differences in all multivitamins and even most

individual vitamins, they are all not alike. In fact almost all are

different from each other, so really learning about

vitamins/nutrients is very important. Most on the market are

practically worthless due to such small amounts, type/form as to

quality and ability to absorb etc. The uninformed take a few that

they bought in the supermarket/drug store and conclude that " I took

vitamins and I didn't feel any difference " or " They didn't work for

me " , etc. Nutrients work but the person needs to know which ones are

good and how much and what forms are easily absorbable, and what must

this vitamin be combined with what to make it absorbed and be

effective etc. Most people don't have a clue to what vitamins are

what or how they work even though they may have been taking them for



As for the diet, pediasure is made from food parts like most refined

food in our society, the yogurt available in the supermarket is not

real yougart in most cases either. Cheetos are just packaged plastic



Good nutition is not difficult, it can be a tasty drink with aminos

powders, multivitamins,etc. mixed up in fruit juice or milk, etc. It

can taste like a milk shake.


If fresh fruits are not available, frozen whole fruits are avalable

in most supermarkets.Get a bunch of different ones. Put them in a

large plastic food container and store in freezer. as the person gets

hungry, take out a handfull and serve as snacks during the day.

After awhile thee person will usually no longer want the artificial

tasting refined snacks.


A blender or cheap juicer is a great way to make drinks from

vegetables or fruits. With a little experimentation and some recipes,

most can be made to taste great.... And no you cannot buy canned

frozen, bottled, pastuerized real juices, those have been killed. You

need real foods, fresh to make juice with.


There are a ton of more, simple things that one can do.


good luck,





Gettingwell , spiritualosophy@n... wrote:

> " califpacific <califpacific> " <califpacific> wrote:



> >I like others may be a little overwhelmed at your families level


> >illness and how to answer is very difficult.

> >

> >I did make one post on Cystic Fibrosis, though.


> Dear Frank,


> Yes, thank you for the prompt post... I read it immediately, and

also my fiance did, and it made a lot of sense to us! We're hoping

that his ex-wife will consider it, as she has the physical custody of

Tayler... but she's pretty good about natural therapy, too, so it's a



> BIGGEST prob w/Tayler, as with ALL CF kids, is that they don't

eat!!! He lives mostly on PediaSure, and plain yogurt, and

Cheetos... CF kids simply have no appetites/desires for food, so we

need to find vitamins, aminos, herbs, etc., for him, as food just

doesn't cut it for CF kids; we try and try to get him to eat, but he

refuses. Again, normal for CF kids. Very difficult.



> >And seek professional help for the little boy.


> He's constantly getting care, at Loma Linda Children's Hospital.

We are simply seeking more natural methods to supplement what he's

currently getting, trying to help as much as possible. Every

internet search I do for CF, I find conventional treatment... I

cannot find alternative/natural treatments/studies for CF, and I've

tried for the two years that I've been involved with my fiance!



> >We have a large links section as well as files. Please read, read


> >read some more.


> I've been reading like crazy... great links, BTW!



> >From what you say in your message, I think that you are probably


> >familiar with modern tradional allopathic medicine, so you may be

> >shocked or disbelieving when you read some of these people (links)

> >who write some things that might sound contradicary to what most

> >everyone (doctors, nurses, television, schools, etc) in our


> >is saying.

> >

> >We are not here to " convert " you, as you have to decide what is


> >for you and your family.


> I know that no none is trying to " convert " me. ;-) I joined this

list BECAUSE of its approach to natural alternatives. I've been

under treatment for Bipolar for 12+ years, and although there's been

improvement enough for remission most often the last few years, the

side effects of the med's are rotten, and I'm fully aware of

permanent damage caused by conventional psych med's. And as for

Tayler and the CF, again, my hope is to find resources for as much

time, healing, and relief as possible.


> And I'm not shocked by what I've been reading, either. Both by

personal experience (my own and that of family and friends with

Bipolar, i.e.), as well as simple common sense, there are no

surprises at all as I read about the SSRI's, as well as other info

about psychiatry... I've felt this way for a long time, as a matter

of fact, and it feels good to see that there are professionals out

there that confirm my long-time suspiscions!



> >This is not to say that a person couldn't be deficienct in one or


> >few nutrient, and it could be solved by taking the one or few

> >defecient nutrients. That could be the case, but normally if the

> >person shows defeciency in one they will usually have faulty

> >nutrition or high requirements in other areas also.


> As for Tayler, I'm sure that if we could get some real nutrition

into his body, he'd be at least healthier and have a better

prognosis, even if the CF couldn't be stopped. Again, it'd have to

be supplements though, we can't get him to eat! That post you made

about CF and vitamin E made a LOT of sense; if you or anyone else

comes across ANYTHING pertaining to CF and nutritional supplements,

I'd appreciate it... as I simply cannot find this kind of

information, I've tried and tried. I don't know where to search; I

search for CF, and even use keywords such as alternative and/or

natural therapy, etc., and all I ever find is conventional therapy.

It's SO frustrating!


> >I hope the little boy finds his way to health, please read as much


> >possible and please post more about his condition as it sounds


> >very serious. Hopefully you can find some help here, finding those

> >solutions. I do suggest that you try and get help from a good

> >orthomolecular doctor (M.D.) who may try some natural substances



> OK, I've learned a lot about the medical field, but know nothing

about orthomolecular doctors... furthermore, Tayler is on SSI (as CF

costs a few thousand dollars a MONTH to treat, and he needs the Medi-

Cal for this), and I don't know just what Medi-Cal will cover; you

**KNOW** how the gov't is about not wanting to pay for natural




> Anyway, thank you for all the advice. So far, I've posted all I

know about Tayler's condition, as (unfortunately) his mother's way

of " dealing " with it is not to talk about it, and she only fills us

in with minute details. And, she's always the one to take him to the

doctor/hospital; doesn't let Adrinn parttake in that. Adrinn's

planning on going to the hospital to discuss exactly what's going on

with the doc's, but it will be several weeks before we CAN do this,

as we are moving, just beginning to pack, etc., next week, and you

KNOW how that is! But I will post everything pertinent ASAP, as I

know that specific info is the only way to find resources.


> Meanwhile, I usually am quite good at doing research, myself...

please, if you have any suggestions as to HOW to go about researching

CF and coming up with natural alternative therapies, as opposed to

only finding the conventional stuff (which we've been quite educated

in already), let me know, and I will do some researching on my own as

well... as I'm not here to just sit around and wait for other people

to do the work FOR me! ;-)


> Thanks a million for your concern,

> ~~ Kathy ~~


> ________________

> The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now!



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  • 3 weeks later...


I know what you mean...I feel the same way about how bad civilization can be for us...and how hard it is to counter-act all the negatives around us. I'm sure William can get well anywhere though!! It might just be easier in a more healthy, isolated environment..which is why I decided to move my practice to the mountains. We are going to start off with just a summer camp and then expand from there. It is very much in the beginning stages though.


8 years ago I got sick with the exact same types of problems that most autistic people have. In fact, I had a lot of autistic symptoms. The main difference is my illness started after I had already learned to talk, was educated and neurologically developed. There were times I was convinced I would not get well unless I went to a non-toxic, calm, nurturing environment away from society. It certainly would have been better/easier/faster. But I'm almost fully recovered and in the last phases of my treatment.

Now I just want to make it better/easier/faster for families and children. There are too many interesting things to do in life to have a body that is holding you back!


Barbara Carr, OTR/LbdcarrNatural health for children who have been labeled with autism, learning disabilities and ADD


This is great. I often have days when I think the only way William(he's autistic) is going to get 100% well is to go live in a cave or on an island away from civilization.Ann

would love to share ideas with anyone interested in this area! My goal is to one day open a health retreat in the mountains where kids can get 100% well. Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Barb,


No article is toooooooooo long for this list ;o) LOL, so post away.


I'd like to comment on your recommendation of the hearing aids. Remember that this approach should be temporary as it is a "bandaid" approach and will not correct the condition. It is a great temporary solution, but should be implemented with a program of natural healing that will finally and terminatedly handle the condition.






Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington



Barb Carr

herbal remedies

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 12:18 AM

Re: [herbal remedies] Intro



Thanks for the welcome. If he has poor hearing, definately the hearing aids will help! A lot of people with autism have significant cranial problems from birth. This can contribute to the overall ill-health that is underlying the autism as well as cause hearing problems or deafness. If you are interested, I have an article I have written on how cranial problems affect child development and health. It is too long to post to the list (I think), but I could email it off the list if you would like.


Barbara Carr, OTR/L

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Glad to hear no articles are too long! I did post the article last week since others had said they didn't care how long it was.


Just to clarify, I don't make recommendations for specific interventions for children who are not my clients. I did recommend reading the article on cranial sacral treatment as this is something that could help the deafness of the child Marti had said was getting hearing aids. I've seen a lot of cases of autism and deafness where cranial sacral therapy helped or completely restored hearing. Of course, you have to look at the whole picture when it comes to autism or any other illness. But, correcting deafness early on in any child is very important for language development. If language doesn't develop fairly early on, it is much more difficult to get it going later in life (particularly with autistic kids).


Barbara Carr, OTR/LbdcarrNatural health for children who have been labeled with autism, learning disabilities and ADD





Dear Barb,


No article is toooooooooo long for this list ;o) LOL, so post away.


I'd like to comment on your recommendation of the hearing aids. Remember that this approach should be temporary as it is a "bandaid" approach and will not correct the condition. It is a great temporary solution, but should be implemented with a program of natural healing that will finally and terminatedly handle the condition.






Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington



Barb Carr

herbal remedies

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 12:18 AM

Re: [herbal remedies] Intro



Thanks for the welcome. If he has poor hearing, definately the hearing aids will help! A lot of people with autism have significant cranial problems from birth. This can contribute to the overall ill-health that is underlying the autism as well as cause hearing problems or deafness. If you are interested, I have an article I have written on how cranial problems affect child development and health. It is too long to post to the list (I think), but I could email it off the list if you would like.


Barbara Carr, OTR/LFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Dear Barb,


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.




PS. The "Natural health for children who have been labeled with autism, learning disabilities and ADD" at the end of your sig line has got to go. It comes across as too much like advertising. May I suggest you use your email address and "lengthen out" the OTR/L to explain what that is. I know this is being somewhat nit-picky, but your line as it is, crosses over the advertising policy line so to speak.





herbal remedies

Thursday, January 23, 2003 5:56 PM

Re: [herbal remedies] Intro



Glad to hear no articles are too long! I did post the article last week since others had said they didn't care how long it was.


Just to clarify, I don't make recommendations for specific interventions for children who are not my clients. I did recommend reading the article on cranial sacral treatment as this is something that could help the deafness of the child Marti had said was getting hearing aids. I've seen a lot of cases of autism and deafness where cranial sacral therapy helped or completely restored hearing. Of course, you have to look at the whole picture when it comes to autism or any other illness. But, correcting deafness early on in any child is very important for language development. If language doesn't develop fairly early on, it is much more difficult to get it going later in life (particularly with autistic kids).


Barbara Carr,

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hello Sandra,

This could be scabies as you both have it and it

itches worst at night , but being a skin problem it

could be anything. If it is scabies it is a

microscopic mite which burrows into the skin lays 3

eggs and the next day those three make 3 more burrows

lay 3 eggs and so forth infinitum. It will not go away

on its own and if you go to the G.P. he will give you

some nice toxic insecticide to spread all over you.

THere is something that works better and is so less

toxic and that is neat ti-tree esential oil but you

have to put it on every burrow or where you itch and

as you get new ones you have to keep applying it.It is

also necessarry to wash all clothes and bed clothes on

hot and iron them to kill the mites that hide in them.

It will take a while to get rid of them completly but

once the main infestation clears as one pops up you

can zap it with the TI Tree. Of course it may be

something different but Ti-tree should not do any


I hope this helps I have had scabies and I know it is

the most miserable non life threatening condition I


Best wishes





For a better Internet experience


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi I`m new also my name is Sandra and I live in the hills of Tn and am very

excited to have found this list y`all sound like a world of knowledge. I have a

question how do I make comfrey oil I have tons of comfrey right now and would

like to do something with it besides dry it.







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At 01:37 AM 5/5/03 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi I`m new also my name is Sandra and I live in the hills of Tn and am

>very excited to have found this list y`all sound like a world of

>knowledge. I have a question how do I make comfrey oil I have tons of

>comfrey right now and would like to do something with it besides dry it.


Where in TN, Sandra? (We're in Madison, actually a part of Nashville.)




Your source for superb Essential Oils, Aromatherapy

Accessories, Information, Books and more!

Visit us at: <http://www.naturesgift.com>

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I`m in a little town called Eidson it is in between Kingsport and knoxville way

out in the boonies{:>





Where in TN, Sandra? (We're in Madison, actually a part of Nashville.)







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In October, my husband and I took a week vacation (our first ever

without children in 6 years) and went to TN. It's so beautiful there! I

fell in love with the whole state completely. When our kids are older

we're going to move to TN. :-)


Wayne and Sandra Riner wrote:


> I`m in a little town called Eidson it is in between Kingsport and

> knoxville way out in the boonies{:>



<>< Erin

Now a mama to 4!!



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I agree I love Tn and think it is beautiful here and I live in the mountains and

it is extra beautiful, actually it is a wonder place to raise a family. Where do

you live now?




In October, my husband and I took a week vacation (our first ever

without children in 6 years) and went to TN. It's so beautiful there! I

fell in love with the whole state completely. When our kids are older

we're going to move to TN. :-)





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At 11:16 PM 5/6/03 +0000, you wrote:

>I`m in a little town called Eidson it is in between Kingsport and

>knoxville way out in the boonies{:>



and that 'in between' covers a lot of territory. My kids used to play in a

soccer tournament in Kingsport every fourth of july...that was a LONG drive!





Your source for superb Essential Oils, Aromatherapy

Accessories, Information, Books and more!

Visit us at: <http://www.naturesgift.com>

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  • 8 months later...

Hello All-

Nice to be a part of this group. I am a Dr. of TCM in Vancouver Bc Canada and

also a L. AC in the states. I have a private practice in Vancouver and am

currently in the process of relocating to Oregon.

Laura McGraw, Dr. TCM

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Dear CK, student of TCM,


I think your caveat is tremendous.

It's always good to know that I

may just be on the cusp of doing

something that is unlawful.




Chinese Medicine , CK <gsl_ra>


> hi there from ck, student of tcm.



> This email [...] may be unlawful.


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G'Day, matey!!!!!!(or, lassie!!)

John G.

--- Nicole Wallis <nicole_wallis wrote:

> Hi all,

> My name's nicole, and it seems that i've overlooked

> introducing myself when

> i first joined this group. i practice chinese

> medicine, mostly acupuncture

> and herbal in a beautiful rural coastal south

> australian town. there is no

> one for at least a few hundred kilometers who uses

> chinese medicine so i

> join this group looking for professional rappor and

> friendship.


> cheers,

> nicole.




> ninemsn Premium transforms your e-mail with colours,

> photos and animated

> text. Click here

> http://ninemsn.com.au/premium/landing.asp



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herbal remedies , " Sylvia " <h10feet>


> Have you requested Doc's tape yet? Sounds like you have most of


> diet under control, but there is alot of cool stuff on his tape.


> can also call Doc for a free consult after getting the tape


I have listened to the tape and read many of his articles. Very



> Even though i thought i had a fairly decent diet before i left


> i knew there was a ton of room for improvement. One of the things

> that has made a huge differnce for me is sprouted grains, seeds


> beans. I was Insulin resistant and borderline Type II along with


> thyroid and a slew of other stuff. I find that i can not only

> tolerate spirulina, kelp and algae supplements, my body looks


> to them each morning.


Did you have a problem with them before? The greens you mention

above aren't bad for type II as they aren't loaded with carbs. I

think for me it's more of a reaction with my central nervous system,

and the insulin resistance is another issue.


> What are your sources for Spirulina (organic?) Also, are you


> Organic fruits and veggies? When you eat them, what type? (I

found i

> could not tolerate bananas before, but OK now) What other

> supplements are you taking if any?


I can't say the source for spirulina because I only tried it a few

times years ago. Stopped because of the reaction. It could

definitely be that I had an inferior quality brand with a bunch of

additives, but considering I can't take even small amounts of

organic white or green tea, I have a feeling it would be the same



I eat both organic and not organic. Depends on what's available and

the cost. My vegies are all the non-starchy ones. Lots of leafy

greens, broccoli, asparagus, onions, garlic, herbs...basically all

your salad ingredients. Getting in lots of vegies is never a

problem. I severly limit my fruit intake though because of my

reaction to it. I do have about a cup of certified organic cranberry

juice a day, that's just cran. concentrate and water. I eat

pineapple at night, for those enzymes, and have an apple and orange

maybe once or twice a week. Every so often I'll eat other fruit, but

it's not regular.


My supplements are what I really need to work on. I get all my

supplements from Trader Joe's. Not sure if you know of it, but they

have a good reputation for quality food and vitamins. I want to

start replacing store bought supplements with many of the natural

ones in the files, and will as soon as money allows. For now, I'm

broke, and my mom buys our supplements. I take C, CoQ10, EFA,

potassium, St. John's Wart, folic acid, calcium/magnesium/zinc,

chondroitin/glucosamine, msm. I use the papaya seeds and pineapple

for natural supplement, as well as powdered kelp for B vitamins. I

will switch to lemon egg for calcium as I have what I need for that.

I think it's Panther Piss, with the molasses, that I wanted to

switch to as well for iron, but with so much sugar from the molasses

I'm sure I'll have a problem. It's these types of things that get in

the way. Sugary substitutes, or power foods such as algae(which I

really want for the protein)I'm having trouble substituting because

of my reaction.


> Where are the wild caught fish coming from? Ocean or stream and


> these from Calif???


My favorite is salmon, and I believe it's either Atlantic or

Chilean. As long as it's not farmed, is there a health difference in

fresh water or sea fish? I eat halibut, tuna, and some others as

well, but stay away from all shell fish because of the destructive

methods used to capture them. I would actually like to stop eating

fish altogether, even though I love it, but it's been a vital source

of protein that doesn't cause adverse side effects for me like so

many other foods do. I need to find a good alternative before giving

it up. Which is why I posted :)


Thanks so much for your reply. I haven't called Doc yet because

while some of the issues I'm having aren't very common, they're not

too rare either. I thought some of the people here could help

without my going straight to him first. If not, I will surely give

him a call. BTW, I hope you and your home weren't hurt in the fires.

San Diego was the worst hit. Good that you sound good now:)



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Ilana,


Glad Neysa sent you on over to us! Welcome aboard, get comfy, make

yourself right at home :)


Sounds like you've gotten yourself some pretty addicting hobbies there

;) - and don't worry about the little mistakes, its the only way to

learn really. Maybe with the wintergreen - put it up on a few lists for

swap - even though I don't use it, I bet somebody out there would like

it for some reason, and then you can then get something you need in

exchange, just an idea.



Chris (list mom)







redflyght [ushabti1]



Oops. I guess I should have introduced myself: My name is Ilana and

I'm from a small town in West Virginia. I got into making soap last

year in February after my mother gave me a kit for Christmas; I

later expanded to making lip balm, bath bombs and body butter. I've

met lots of nice people over the last year; the other soapers have

been wonderfully supportive and helpful. I'm still making little

mistakes -- like getting wintergreen EO and being unable to do

anything with it. I was fortunate enough to have been invited to

join this particular forum by a good buddy who's also a member --

Neysa, THANK YOU! Happy Easter and such, folks. :)








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  • 4 weeks later...
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HI ,

I am Iwan Santosa M.D also already enjoy read most cases in this mailgroup.

But I want to know if anyone from Indonesia also already join this group,

please intro yourself.


Best Regards,

Iwan Santosa

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Please dilate on the Japanese style?

I use Matsumoto and the Blind Acupuncturists protocol.


Dr. Holmes Keikobad


www.acu-free.com - 15 CEUS by video.

NCCAOM reviewed. Approved in CA & most states.

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Which blind acupuncturists did you study with?




Chinese Medicine , " Dr. Holmes Keikobad "

<acuheal@e...> wrote:

> Please dilate on the Japanese style?

> I use Matsumoto and the Blind Acupuncturists protocol.


> Dr. Holmes Keikobad


> www.acu-free.com - 15 CEUS by video.

> NCCAOM reviewed. Approved in CA & most states.

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!Bienvenidos!!! Soy acupuncturista en Nueva Jersey,

E.U. Siempre busco gente que hablar con! Juan G.

--- Mark Milotay <mark wrote:

> Im a spanish acupuncture vet and I would to increase

> my knowledge about

> the Traditional Acupuncture Medicine.


> - Benevete










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  • 2 weeks later...
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Where in Wastern Washington are you? I'm near Tri-Cities?




Kimberly Smith [k_frog100]

Saturday, June 05, 2004 9:32 PM

herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies - Intro



Hi! My name is Kim, and I am a newbie to the list. I have always

been facinated by the medicinal and culinary uses of herbs, but

mostly the former. I am excited to find this list!

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Welcome Kim! Sounds like you have a lot going on!! :)


We have had many threads even recently about using herbs for our animals.


Hope you have fun here! :)





Kimberly Smith [k_frog100] Saturday, June 05, 2004 10:32 PMherbal remedies Subject: Herbal Remedies - IntroHi! My name is Kim, and I am a newbie to the list.

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