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  • 6 months later...

---looking forward to sharing with you


for now

Massage, learning to rub people the right way

One of the first things we will look at and give the merits for is

massage, known and applied for thousands of years .In todays society

at least in the UK touch is almost alien through whatever reason be

it Victorian or upbringing .Yet touch can convey so much and the UK

in general has to learn this very important role. For in my

experience touch can be life changing ,yet I still meet nurses who

have never had a massage in their life. Clearly there is much to

change for these people are supposed to be at the very front to

treating the ill but as the previous chapter has explained modern

conventional treatment has almost obliterated one of the prime tools

for healing. Massage should be done to babies, children and adults

and much soothing would take place were this in place without need

for drugs, sedatives alcohol or other stimulants. if only this would

go into every would be mums repertoire of dealing with their

children. The results I am sure would be impressive.


Various combinations of oils for massage can be used however I have

only experience with using the oils of peanut /olive and almond and

I am sure there are many others which are of real benefit too. Also

very good results have been obtained using tincture of myrrh.


Research in massage therapy has been ongoing for more than 120


Here are some reported benefits of massage:


Preliminary results suggested cancer patients had less pain and

anxiety after receiving therapeutic massage at the James Cancer

Hospital and Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio.


Women who had experienced the recent death of a child were less

depressed after receiving therapeutic massage, according to

preliminary results of a study at the University of South Carolina.

Medical school students at the University of Medicine and Dentistry

of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School who were massaged before an

exam showed a significant decrease in anxiety and respiratory rates

as well as a significant increase in white blood cells and natural

killer cell activity, suggesting a benefit to the immune system



Studies funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have found

massage beneficial in improving weight gain in HIV-exposed infants

and facilitating recovery in patients who underwent abdominal

surgery. At the University of Miami School of Medicine's Touch

Research Institute, researchers have found that massage is helpful

in decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension,

alleviating pain in migraine sufferers and improving alertness and

performance in office workers.


An increasing number of research studies show massage reduces heart

rate, lowers blood pressure, increases blood circulation and lymph

flow, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases

endorphins (enhancing medical treatment). Although therapeutic

massage does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak,

inactive muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of

exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also

can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or



Research has verified that:

Office workers massaged regularly were more alert, performed better

and were less stressed than those who weren't massaged.

Massage therapy decreased the effects of anxiety, tension,

depression, pain, and itching in burn patients.

Abdominal surgery patients recovered more quickly after massage.

Premature infants who were massaged gained more weight and fared

better than those who weren't.

Autistic children showed less erratic behaviour after massage



According AMTA, massage helps both physically and mentally.


" Often times people are stressed in our culture. Stress-related

disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that

bring people to family-practice physicians. What they require is

someone to listen, someone to touch them, someone to care. That does

not exist in modern medicine.

One of the complaints heard frequently is that physicians don't

touch their patients any more. Touch just isn't there. Years ago

massage was a big part of nursing. There was so much care, so much

touch, so much goodness conveyed through massage. Now nurses for the

most part are as busy as physicians. They're writing charts, dealing

with insurance notes, they're doing procedures and often there is no

room for massage any more.

I believe massage therapy is absolutely key in the healing process

not only in the hospital environment but because it relieves stress,

it is obviously foundational in the healing process any time and

anywhere. "


Joan Borysenko - Massage Journal Interview, Fall 1999

Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Massage also provides another therapeutic component largely absent

in today's world: tactile stimulation, or, more simply, touch. In

1986, the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami

published groundbreaking research on the effects of massage on

premature babies. The preterm babies who received massage therapy

showed 47% greater weight gain and six-day shorter hospital stays

than the infants who were not receiving massage. But is this study

evidence of what loving touch can do spiritually, or rather what

massage can do on a physiological level? Regardless, babies are not

the only benefactors


Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation

Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness. Alleviates discomfort

during pregnancy


Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments;

reduces pain and swelling; reduces formation of excessive scar tissue

Reduces muscle spasms. Provides greater joint flexibility and range

of motion


Enhances athletic performance; Treats injuries caused during sport

or work


Promotes deeper and easier breathing Improves circulation of blood

and movement of lymph fluids


Reduces blood pressure Helps relieve tension-related headaches and

effects of eye-strain


Enhances the health and nourishment of skin Improves posture


Strengthens the immune system Treats musculoskeletal problems


Rehabilitation post operative Rehabilitation after injury

(Source: AMTA


Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy

Fosters peace of mind Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness

Helps relieve mental stress. Improves ability to monitor stress

signals and respond appropriately.

Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity.


Emotional Benefits.

Satisfies needs for caring nurturing touch Fosters a feeling of well-



Reduces levels of anxiety. Creates body awareness. Increases

awareness of mind-body connection


Here is a nice story


Hi all, I just wanted to share something with you that some of the

students in

my therapeutic massage class are working on this semester.


Part of our curriculum is clinical hands on hours. Most of us are


an on-campus massage clinic. We have 2 small groups of students who

are working

off-campus at the hospital (chair massages on nurses and hospital

staff only),

and at the adjacent cancer treatment center (hand and foot massages

on patients,

and chair massages for care givers and center staff).


As a part of the quantitative study of how well the massage work is


they are tracking the patient vital signs both before and after each


The results are absolutely amazing so far! They worked with 11

patients this

week, and EVERYONE experienced positive results. From all the stress

of the

treatments blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration levels are

elevated in

cancer patients. After the massages most of the patients had

returned to almost

normal ranges.


My fellow students got a chance to witness first hand exactly how

powerful our

gift of touch is, and how much of a difference such a simple gesture

can make in

someone's life - not just by making them aware that someone cares

for them, but

also by improving their health. With this data to track, it also

gives us a

small step toward making the profession of therapeutic massage that


legitimate. You wouldn't believe how much more receptive of all of

us students

the staff at both the hospital and the cancer center are. Makes me

kind of

proud to be a part of it all.


Do copy this and share it










In , " seowebdesign "

<seowebdesign wrote:


> Hello all!


> My name is Martin and I just got here.

> Well, I´d like to thank you for having me in your group!


> I´m always trying to keep in touch with new people to share

> information and tips.


> Thanks again.


> Maritn

> Alternative Medicine Info

> <http://www.qualitysites.org/articles/alternative/site-map.php>




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Hi Jenny and all members of the group.

I am also new.

I work with my health problems with alternative therapies and I have a great

homeopathic doctor who is also a MD.

I have a question about Quantum Touch.

Recently I had two friends who are studying this work run energy on me. It


My question is: I would like to contact their teacher in my area to work on me.

I have a long standing problem with a twist in my spine and I bend to the left

making my structure off and causing me many problems and pain. For several years

I took Pilates and had a type of release massage and I was getting

better.......... I plan to start that again.

Then, last December, my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor of the lining

of the brain. We were thrown in the regular medical allopathic medicine

community for the first time in almost 20 years. The tumor was very large and

giving him seizures. We didn't have time to search out natural meds especially

in the area we live. We went to Portland, Oregon for surgery. It was a very

difficult time. The tumor was removed( non malignant), he recovered well. He

did have a seizure in September after working with varnish. He used to work

with it with no problems. His body seems to have changed. There could be some

scar tissue? The medical doctors have their theories.

He had to go back on a seizure meds( all of them bad and all of them causing him

problems.) I read about a clinic in Santa Rosa, California using biofeedback

and other natural therapies to stop seizures and they have had great success

with little regular medical allopathic recognition.

We found a neurologist who will at least work with us and she lowered the med to

below the lowest recommended dose. He could not drive again without being on

some med. He hasn't had another seizure.

We went to my homeopathic doctor and she is treating him with a remedy ( me

also) and feels he can control the onset of the seizures. I do this with him and

he can't be around any chemicals at all. He feels when a seizure might come. I

have him do deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Our homeopathic doctor

feels he made not need any meds in the future.

But, this brings me back to MY question. Can a new student of Quantum Touch be

as effective as a long time healer? I need the best of help for my constant

pain and structure problems as I seem to be the one holding everyone else in the

family together. Or, should I stick with the new people.

I don't want to hurt any feelings. I would like to have my husband learn how to

run energy on me also.

Thank you, Donna


Jenny Kernan<jkernan


< >

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 8:55 AM






I'm new to this group and have spent the last couple weeks reading posts. I

joined because of a couple reasons. I'm a healer always have been. Also I'm a

Biofeedback Therapist and Quantum Touch Pracitioner and I am always looking at

how to improve my practice.


As a BF Therapist I am teaching clients about their health and well being.

Since I work with herbals and homeopathics, I want to be able to share more of

those with my clients.


As a participant of this group, I want to let people out there know that many

of the discussions on this list are things I have worked with or can work with

doing Biofeedback therapies. Such as: smoking cessation, stress reduction,

weight reduction, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, Austism,parasites, fungus', even stroke



I welcome questions about what I do and will try to answer to the best of my

abilities. I work closely with other Alternative Medicine practitioners and

together we are working for and creating wonderfully healing environments.


Jenny K

Biofeedback Therapist


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Welcome Chris! You definately have your hands full. Sounds like there may be

enough people in your house that some of them could give you a break... when

faced with an overload of responsibility such as this, you will need to " make

the time for yourself " .. in other words, put your foot down and take some time

for you. How long before your sister and her family are into a home of their own

again? Hopefully they will be with you only temporarily, not to be offensive to

them, but how long can you keep this up? It's about " gentle " boundaries...some

things you have no control over, so all you can do is govern your reaction to

it; but those situations that can be improved, there's a worthy place to put

some energy.


Remember, your family will be happy when you are happy and relaxed.


Best wishes,

Suzi of NM


" Chris A. Scott " <snakes_charmers102r wrote:

Hello how are you? My name is chris.I am a mother and step mother of

9 and have 6 grand children.I am only 40 years old to boot! I am here

because i have alot of stress in my life and i need to get in control..

I lost my job do to personal injury two years ago but will soon be

going back..Even though some of our children are living on their own

with their families....My sister,her hubby and their two moved in with

us(lost their home).So now i have a family of twelve living with us..


Basically too much stress ,,i have way to much responsibility, no time

to my self. I am here to make friends ,,take all advice and helpful

hints...and learn to get in control of my life and my family...


Thank you



p.s. By the Way nice to meet everyone lmao







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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Prashant,

What is it that you want? You live in Rajasthan - India - the

motherland of all healing. There are healers all around you if you

want to help yourself. Are you Hindu? Do you have a particular diety

that you can call on?

Tea and tobacco are addictions. You have the power to overcome

them. When you say that, " I'hv very very weak will power and i

cannot do what i decide or i always do what is harmful to my health "

you are giving power to the weakness.

Turn this around. Take charge with a possitive affirmation.

Look in the mirror and say, " I can do this. "

Call on others for help. Sai Baba is good. As Satya Sai or Shirdi

Sai. And get some vibuthi at any Sai center.

Think about purification such as fasting and a pilgrimage to Mt.

Abu or Mt. Politana in Gujurat. Or to Sai Baba's.

Or, call on Babaji.

Or find a healer who can help you in Rajasthan

or anywhere in India.

If you really want to change, you do whatever it takes.

You have to decide how important this is to you.

I say, Go For It!!! NOW!!!








In , " Prashantr "

<prashant_atlantice wrote:


> I sincerely greet everbody of this group and m happy to join this

> common cause group. I hails from Rajasthan of India and suffering

> from a heitus hernia which can be cured easily but for the last four

> years i'm not anle to stop tea and tobacco chewing which is the main

> cause of this disease. Reason, I'hv very very weak will power and i

> cannot do what i decide or i always do what is harmful to my health.

> Can anybody suggest any medicine which can made up my will power.


> with warm regards

> prashant


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i'm sure the people here will give you better advice than i can, but

one thing i do know is that if you convince yourself you have no will

power, than you will have no will power.

i firmly believe that no matter how much advice the kind people here

give you, it will not work unless you believe you can beat your



good luck, and think positive thoughts. :).


, " Prashantr "

<prashant_atlantice wrote:


> I sincerely greet everbody of this group and m happy to join this

> common cause group. I hails from Rajasthan of India and suffering

> from a heitus hernia which can be cured easily but for the last four

> years i'm not anle to stop tea and tobacco chewing which is the main

> cause of this disease. Reason, I'hv very very weak will power and i

> cannot do what i decide or i always do what is harmful to my health.

> Can anybody suggest any medicine which can made up my will power.


> with warm regards

> prashant


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the group. Lavender is my favourite flower too and I like knitting./Autumn My blog: http://uk.360./lady_autumnowl----- Original Message ----Nancy Morris <nmorris Sent: Tuesday, 19 December, 2006 1:23:11 AM introduction



Name: Nancy M


The all-new Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from your Internet provider.

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, " swargrajkumari "

<swargrajkumari wrote:


> hello to everyone. just joined the group. have great belief in

> alternative medicines. look forward to great interaction within the




Welcome to the group.


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I still am not getting all my messages. I thought it was just AOL, as usual, but it looks like it's both AOL and . Is your server working any better for you, or do you still get your messages hours late?Cyndi


In a message dated 1/2/2007 5:09:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, barbara3 writes:

Thank you Cyndi, I'm happy to be here :) You know, everything isscrewed up at . Your message is at the home page but to thisminute not in my mailbox which means that it must be my server that isholding messages back, I think. But I don't really know. Anyway, glad that I looked it up on the home page.Barbara



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My brother always complains about Road Runner too...




In a message dated 1/2/2007 8:13:07 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, barbara3 writes:


Not any better at all. Just today, I had to await 6 hours for one on my messages to come and several others good 3 hours. I'm really sick of it :(








I still am not getting all my messages. I thought it was just AOL, as usual, but it looks like it's both AOL and . Is your server working any better for you, or do you still get your messages hours late?Cyndi



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Welcome, Barbara! I'm so happy you are here. :-)


My messages from all my groups have been bouncing for some reason,

but I think I'm back on track now. :-)




RealSimple , " Barbara " <barbara3 wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I'm a newbie here, invited by Cyndi whom I know from our plant

groups. I'm in Florida, moved here four years ago. I was always

interested in healthy living, d to " Prevention " and " Organic

Gardening " magazines since 1970s. I quit smoking under their

influence...they scared the daylights out of me. Of course I'm

grateful I did...


> When I lived in Illinois I used to have a vegetable garden until

the earwigs moved in from the south and ate anything green. We

always cooked from scratch, never used any processed foods. My

mother was cooking and I was baking.


> Nowadays, I do lots of reading on the internet and continue my

education on healthy living. That's about it in a nutshell.

> Glad to be here and looking forward to meet you all :)


> Barbara


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RealSimple , " cyndik2 " <cyndikrall wrote:


> Welcome, Barbara! I'm so happy you are here. :-)


> My messages from all my groups have been bouncing for some reason,

> but I think I'm back on track now. :-)


> Cyndi




Thank you Cyndi, I'm happy to be here :) You know, everything is

screwed up at . Your message is at the home page but to this

minute not in my mailbox which means that it must be my server that is

holding messages back, I think. But I don't really know.

Anyway, glad that I looked it up on the home page.



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Not any better at all. Just today, I had to await 6 hours for one on my messages to come and several others good 3 hours. I'm really sick of it :(








I still am not getting all my messages. I thought it was just AOL, as usual, but it looks like it's both AOL and . Is your server working any better for you, or do you still get your messages hours late?Cyndi


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Welcome Sluggy :)






Ok, here's my missive.

My name is Denise but pretty near eeeeverybody online calls me sluggy or slugmama. Some day I'll explain where THAT came from!lol


Ok....I'll shut up now. Oh, I also tend to use .......s way too much.

Thanks for having me.




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I'm so happy to have you here, Sluggy. :-)


Sluggy ALWAYS has the best stories, lol. And is one of the funniest people I know. I first got online in 1997, which means I've known Sluggy for almost TEN YEARS! Wow! How time flies!




In a message dated 1/5/2007 12:20:35 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, arcure writes:






Ok, here's my missive.

My name is Denise but pretty near eeeeverybody online calls me sluggy or slugmama. Some day I'll explain where THAT came from!lol

I'm a WAHM/SAHM currently residing in the Armpit of the Universe, PA. I grew up in southeastern VA and will always consider myself a Southerner. I have merely been "vistin' " these yankees up north for......23 years and counting. I married a yankee too.......from New Jersey of all places!lolol Been married to the same man for 24+ yrs. now, which makes me a kind of dinosaur in modern america.

My husband's family is an endless source of stories. I've discovered over the last 20 some yrs., that hubby is the most normal person from his family. I am known to go off on their weirdness with some frequency.....just ask Cyndi.


I've got 3 kids-2 teenagers(boy 15.5 and girl 14) and an almost 11 yr.old......therefore my sanity most days, IS in question. My daughter is 'gifted'.....which means she is responsible for most of the grey hairs in my head.


We've also got 4 dogs-all of them recycled older pets from animal shelters. Before you think I am some kind of extreme animal lover, let me say that 3 of them were NOT my idea! My 'baby' is a 7lb. 15 yr. old, toothless, hard of hearing and almost blind chihuahua mix. The other beasts are a set of beagles and an untrainable nasty chihuahua that never shuts up.

I'm about ready to go get a 'real' job, just for the peace and quiet. '-)


I sell on eBay in my spare time.....that just grew out of the beanie habit thing(buy beanies/attics....sell beanies/attics to support my own habit). It grew into a parttime job selling collectibles and toys......been doing that for way too many years now. It's allowed me to stay home for my kids when they were younger yet bring some income into our family.

eBay selling has been a blessing AND a curse for my genetic hoarding tendencies. My hobbies are making grand plans for fixing up our home and decluttering.

I/We believe in living within your means(see no credit card debt, etc.)which also makes us highly weird in our current society.


I met Cyndi through an online group, during her/our Beanie/Attic bears days in the last century.....the last century.....how weird does that sound?!lol

Even though, outside of vegetable gardening, I am not a plant person, Cyndi has graced me with her friendship.

I highly value a sense of humour(how else can you survive this life?), and tend to have a wide sarcastic streak.

So let me apologize now for anything I may say in the future that unintentionally offends anyone. 8-))


Ok....I'll shut up now. Oh, I also tend to use .......s way too much.

Thanks for having me.





Messages in this topic (7) Reply (via web post) | Start



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Hope she will share some of her stories with us :)

Will you Sluggy? We will be good....







I'm so happy to have you here, Sluggy. :-)


Sluggy ALWAYS has the best stories, lol. And is one of the funniest people I know. I first got online in 1997, which means I've known Sluggy for almost TEN YEARS! Wow! How time flies!




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I'm so happy to have you here, Sluggy. :-)


Sluggy ALWAYS has the best stories, lol. And is one of the funniest people I

know. I first got online in 1997, which means I've known Sluggy for almost

TEN YEARS! Wow! How time flies!




10 years??!! Yikes.....now I feel old.


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Oh don't worry about that....pretty soon you'll be begging me to STOP




Hope she will share some of her stories with us :)

Will you Sluggy? We will be good....



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Melonie! Thanks so much for introducing yourself. Is Cape Coral in Florida? It sounds like a Florida name, lol. I live near Sacramento, CA. I hope you enjoy the group. <smile>Cyndi


In a message dated 4/29/2007 2:48:51 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, capealbatross writes:

Hello everyone! My name is Melonie. I live in Cape Coral. I am trying hard to make major changes in our household towards a more eco-friendly atmosphere. I have been homeschooling our two kids form the last 9 years. Since I am relatively new to the whole "pro-eco" stuff, I decided to join some homesteading groups through until I get the hang of things. I'm hoping to come across some new ideas to incorporate into my household. I would also be willing to share what I have learned so far.Thank you.Melonie


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  • 6 months later...

Welcome, einiyahb.


Your work sounds interesting. I've played around with toning for 20+

years, but it wasn't until I visited Egypt in 2006 that I really got

in touch with the power of this modality.


Our group did a lot of toning at the temples we visited. And, we had

the amazing opportunity to spend over 2 hours inside the King's

Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Each of us took turns laying inside the

sarcofocus while the others toned around it. OMG! I've never seen

more brilliant colors (in total darkness) or felt more alive.


After 15 days, I left Egypt feeling certain that the ancients used

sound to move those massive rocks to create their temples and



The voice is a profoundly powerful healing tool. I'm looking forward

to what you share with us!





For the last 2 yrs, i am personally experimenting with and

researching sound healing techniques - music, chants, mantras, tuning

forks - and now i am working with amazing success (so far) a group

using sound/frequencies. i will write more about this next week in a

post dedicated to the topic.

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  • 1 month later...

---welcome and we are all still learning you bet


now have alook into acid and alkali balence --seeems to be a bit


phill In , " jlsalal "

<janiebwilson wrote:


> I have been lurking for months. I have learned so much about

> alternative medicine by reading the list.

> Janie


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Alison, and welcome! Thank you so much for the introduction. Wow, cancer at age 18, that is terrible! I have NT also, and agree that it is a very healthy diet.


When people ask where to start, I usually point them to westonaprice.org and look for a local chapter. People in your local chapter will usually be able to tell you if there is a local food co-op in your area.


Also, you can go to localharvest.org to find Community Supported Agriculture in your area. These are local farms that grow fruits and vegetables, and raw dairy. You can go to realmilk.com for more info on raw milk.


Try to find local farmers markets and accustom yourself to buying local produce in season. It may seem like a lot of trouble and expense at first, but it is good for your health, and really forces you to find creative ways to use your produce so nothing goes to waste.


Throw out all of your cleaning chemicals, and instead, use baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and washing soda. We've been chatting about different cleaning recipes these past couple days, so you might want to check the archives for more information. A good basic cleaning recipe is one part plain white vinegar to three parts water. I put this into a spray bottle and use it as a general cleaner. I wash my floors with a vinegar/water combo too. I'm compiling info for a cleaning file, HOW TO CLEAN EVERYTHING, which I hope to get done in the next week. This will save you a lot of money too. You don't need to buy those expensive toxic cleaners.


Well, this will give you some things to think about. I'm sure others will chime in with more advice. :-)Cyndi


In a message dated 4/24/2008 11:15:10 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, allisonhavemann writes:





Hi everyone! My name is Allison and I am new to the group. I am 27 years old and recently moved into my first place, a townhouse, with my fiance, Brian - well kinda, he's still living at home until we get married and Im setting up house :). Anyway, I had cancer when I was 18 - thyroid cancer - and only recently was I told that the only way to get thyroid cacner was overexposure to radiation which comes from our livestyles, processed foods, etc. I then read Nourishing Traditions and the Makers Diet and have become convicted that this is the way to live. My question is this - where to start! Im so used to a consumer based lifestyle that I dont know where to start. Im all about (and always have been) about living simply, but it seems like there is so much information out there that its overwhelming - it also seems EXPENSIVE to live simply! I am grateful now though that I have all used things in my house given to us by family members - we spent just under $100 to get new things in our house - the rest were gifts which were used and are working just fine :). I want to eat whole/organic foods, cook naturally and live green, but it all seems so costly - at least where I live it is - near Philly.Any advice?Thanks!Allisonsimplechristianliving.blogspot.com


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