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oil pulling

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Could be the oil, but I'm not sure. I do know that the color changes between


and Sesame oil...so I'd hazard a guess, it's the oil.


But it's nothing to get too concerned about. My pulls are different almost

every day, and

usually are diet related. I do know that when I eat any dairy or animal

protein, I have a

different experience in the morning than when I just eat veggies the day before.


dairy definitely changes it drastically, and it gets very very thick really

quickly, and never

thins out.


You are being very aggressive with this, and for the conditions you are dealing

with, I

think that's a great thing. You simply cannot not overdo this, but you should

do it at least

once per day. I've heard some amazing things about skin conditions. It all

makes such

sense. Skin conditions can be caused by either a congested liver or blood.

Pulling cleans

out the blood and causes the liver to produce bile. It's so simple, its almost



I'm so happy to hear about your increased benefits. That is music to my ears.


Please continue to post so that we can see how you are doing!!


Peace, Annie




, Victoria Satta <victoria2dc



> At 06:37 AM 8/18/06, you wrote:

> >I prefer expeller pressed sunflower, but you can use any oil

> >really. Dr. Karach mentions

> >refined sunflower or sesame to get the best results.

> >

> >If you want expeller pressed sunflower you'll need to visit a health

> >food store.

> >

> >Swish on....you'll see better and better results with your teeth as

> >time goes on.



> LOL Ann! Swish on... is a good motto for this OIL group! I started

> last Sunday and also started a candida diet at the same

> time. WOW... I have seen amazing results so far. I'm wondering

> about this though: I'm Swishing 3 times a day with cold pressed,

> high quality sunflower oil from France.


> For the last 3 days I've tested the oil by spitting it out on the

> cotton ball to check the color. After 20 minutes (I've been very

> careful to make sure it's 20) the cotton ball this a.m. is still

> yellow. Either I need different oil or I am super-toxic. The later

> is likely. That's why I'm doing this so seriously.


> The first thing I noticed on the 2nd/3rd day is that the skin itching

> has subsided. I have had a gross skin problem with this sores

> popping up all over my body. One doctor said, " It's candida. " He

> gave me pills that didn't work. The next doctor gave me antibiotics,

> which I didn't want to take, but did. Went away for a few months

> (6-8) and then came back recently. This time it was worse and I had

> a vaginal discharge and itching (which I didn't have before)... now

> the itching is real bad when it didn't exist before the

> antibiotics. So I knew not to take them, but I had to make it stop

> because sometimes I could hardly wear clothes.


> So the first thing I noticed is that the itching stopped almost 100%

> most of the time. Today it seems to be gone. That is amazing. I'm

> did veggies ONLY for 3 days. I added wild salmon on the 4th day...

> and chicken on the 5th. I am also doing biogenics, and one of my

> homeopathic treatments is for skin, but I was taking that for about

> 15 days and still had the itching. The itching was critical to

> resolve because when I scratched it then a sore would come.


> My teeth have changed color - about 2 shades whiter in 6

> days! Bye-bye dentists. We don't need you anymore when our teeth

> are swished daily!


> I know it the skin thing came from the oil pulling.


> So do it guys. I'd appreciate any feedback on my question!


> Love and health to all!


> Vicki


> America's in crisis. Help take back our country. Register to vote

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also have been doing the oil pulling- I try to do it everyday- I really

haven't noticed anything- I am going to make a more coconscious effort this






Friday, September 01, 2006 2:20 PM

oil pulling



Well, I've been trying the oil pulling every morning for 20 minutes for the

past week. Nothing much is really wrong with me, so no big news to report.

But I was wondering if anyone else has seen their urine lighten in color?

That's about the only thing I have really noticed. After the third day of

pulling, I started to notice that my morning urine, especially, was much

lighter in color. Sometimes when I'm busy I don't go to the bathroom much

so when I do the urine is very yellow from being held so long, but now even

that is pretty light colored.


My teeth have not changed color, but they do look shinier, which could be

mistaken for lighter color. They tend to feel smooth all day long, even

after I eat. I find that I might be hungry for breakfast before I do the

pulling, but once the pulling is done I'm not very hungry at all! No weight

loss but the hunger goes away. I'm using expeller pressed sunflower oil,

and it comes out looking like milk when I spit, so it must be doing

something! lol











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I have been doing it also. I am using sesame seed oil. I have noticed that

my teeth look and feel much cleaner.










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On Behalf Of Renee

Friday, September 01, 2006 2:21 PM


oil pulling




Well, I've been trying the oil pulling every morning for 20 minutes for the

past week. Nothing much is really wrong with me, so no big news to report.

But I was wondering if anyone else has seen their urine lighten in color?

That's about the only thing I have really noticed. After the third day of

pulling, I started to notice that my morning urine, especially, was much

lighter in color. Sometimes when I'm busy I don't go to the bathroom much

so when I do the urine is very yellow from being held so long, but now even

that is pretty light colored.


My teeth have not changed color, but they do look shinier, which could be

mistaken for lighter color. They tend to feel smooth all day long, even

after I eat. I find that I might be hungry for breakfast before I do the

pulling, but once the pulling is done I'm not very hungry at all! No weight

loss but the hunger goes away. I'm using expeller pressed sunflower oil,

and it comes out looking like milk when I spit, so it must be doing

something! lol










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At 12:20 PM 9/1/06, you wrote:

>Well, I've been trying the oil pulling every morning for 20 minutes for the

>past week. Nothing much is really wrong with me, so no big news to report.


I have had remarkable results, and have lost a LOT of weight (inches

- at least 4) and my clothes are getting baggy. I'm swishing 3 times

a day because I have a very bad case of candida. Ugh... that is not

going away overnight... of course.


Teeth have brightened at least 3 shades. Energy is HIGH... and I am

power walking and when I started I was out of breath walking like a

turtle. I have a lot of weight to lose but I'm going to do it. My

moods have stabilized and I have NO MORE carb cravings.


>But I was wondering if anyone else has seen their urine lighten in color?


My urine is always clear because I drink a lot of spring water.


>That's about the only thing I have really noticed. After the third day of

>pulling, I started to notice that my morning urine, especially, was much

>lighter in color. Sometimes when I'm busy I don't go to the bathroom much

>so when I do the urine is very yellow from being held so long, but now even

>that is pretty light colored.


Yes... I think as you detox your body that many subtle changes will

take place. In my situation, I had terrible headaches for about 3

days when I first started. That is the first sign of change. So

what I say to people who are oil pulling - keep doing it. It is

powerful stuff. It has to the thing (plus weight loss) that has

impacted my serious weight loss.



>My teeth have not changed color, but they do look shinier, which could be

>mistaken for lighter color. They tend to feel smooth all day long, even

>after I eat. I find that I might be hungry for breakfast before I do the

>pulling, but once the pulling is done I'm not very hungry at all! No weight

>loss but the hunger goes away. I'm using expeller pressed sunflower oil,

>and it comes out looking like milk when I spit, so it must be doing

>something! lol


Samala... I'm using cold pressed sunflower oil. Even with doing it 3

times a day, it's not white when I spit it out. I was concerned that

maybe I was doing something wrong but then I know my body is in

crisis with the candida... so I'm just continuing. Yep... the teeth

are great with oil pulling... I use an electric toothbrush and notice

that my teeth are actually several shades lighter. When I saw some

friends last week, they said, " Oh, your teeth. You've been to the

dentist! " I told them, " Nope, just swishing with sunflower

oil. " They thought I was crazy but noticed the teeth and my weight loss.


Take care,


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Oh, one other thing I have found ever since the first day. The oil feels

MUCH more oily on the left side of my mouth!! The right side feels more like

a thinner liquid, almost like water in my mouth. but the left side, inner

cheek and tongue, all feel slick and oily whereas the right inner cheek and

side of tongue does not. I only do it once a day in the morning, not the 3

times a day as some people do. But then, as I said, I don't have any health








I also have been doing the oil pulling- I try to do it everyday- I really

haven't noticed anything- I am going to make a more coconscious effort this


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Hi Vicki. Maybe I should up my swishing to two times a day, morning and

night. Like I said I don't have anything really wrong with me, but I could

loose a few pounds! lol I actually think it's kind of amazing that it takes

the hunger away, even though I'm not swallowing anything to fill up the

stomach. So that has to be some sort of trigger in the body that the oil is

switching off. Even if I drink lots of water the urine is darker than this,

unless I'm really drinking lots and peeing right as soon as I feel like I

have to go. When I'm drinking a lot, that's every 30 minutes or so! So

normally I do try to hold it for a couple hours at least, as I've read that

by holding back when the slight urge is there actually strengthens the

muscles. I don't have any bladder problem, but my Mom did and I don't want

to wind up running to the bathroom every hour or so like she use to have to

do. So I want to keep those muscles strong.


I haven't noticed any energy increase yet either. Perhaps doing it twice a

day would help, or maybe I just don't have a lot to detox. I find that hard

to believe though, because I've loved junk food since I was in my 20's. But

who knows? I've always been healthy. But I do find this whole oil thing

pretty fascinating. Thanks for your info.







Teeth have brightened at least 3 shades. Energy is HIGH... and I am

power walking and when I started I was out of breath walking like a

turtle. I have a lot of weight to lose but I'm going to do it. My

moods have stabilized and I have NO MORE carb cravings.

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I have been reading about oil pulling on the group.

Can anyone help me understand what is this oil pulling all about n how do you

do it.





karen moulton <needlefelter2 wrote:

Ok my boyfriend and I are trying this. I can't stomach 20 mins yet,

but he's doing fine. I love hearing all the good things comeing from it. He

suffers from depression maybe it will help! We are on day 3 and it was a little

easier for me to put the oil in, although I don't measure it, I just pour some

in. My question is the sunflower oil I got has safflower oil in it too. Where is

a good place to buy oils? I did notice after the second day the plack build up

on my teeth came off real easily when I flossed.



In love, light, and laughter,









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Believe it or not, there is an url www.oilpulling.com Check it out.



deepti chugh

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 6:52 AM

Re: Re: Oil Pulling





I have been reading about oil pulling on the group.

Can anyone help me understand what is this oil pulling all about n how do you

do it.






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I also have been experimenting with oil pulling for about a week or so

and thought I'd chime in with my observations:


I've noticed three things,


1) A metallic taste in my mouth while pulling


2) Acne developing on my chest (I'm 45 years old and I haven't had

anything like this since adolescence)


3) I seem to be passing a lot of gallstones. In fact, I really have no

appetite or room for much food anymore, yet I'm passing stones like crazy.



Thank you for posting info about this technique. It seems I had some

latent issues that are now coming to a head and may be resolved before

they erupt acutely some day.



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  • 4 weeks later...

At 11:30 AM 10/8/06, you wrote:

>I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can someone

>please remind me of which oil to use? was it sunflower or safflower....?





Sunflower oil Monique!

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hi everyone I 'm trying the oil pulling . i did try the seasme oil YUCK

i'll just cook with it from now on. I did try the detox bath that was nice [

yes i'm a guy and i love to take baths too] i will keep u posted on the oil

pulling its my 3rd day doing it and my mouth feels so much cleaner. so far so

good. thanks Paulie






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Please give some details of detox bath.






DANIELLE <cherrybkrgrl wrote:

hey everyone..i just wanted you to know that i recently started oil

pulling 2 days ago and am happy with the results already..i have

friends doing it as well and i will also keep you posted on our

results..My friend also did a detox bath and he loved it! I love this

sight so much and i want everyone to know that I cured my bronchitis

through alternative health and positive thinking. All my friends used

antibiotics and are now more curious about alternative health because

of my results. I will keep in touch.








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I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can someone

please remind me of which oil to use? was it sunflower or safflower....?



On Behalf Of paul sferrazza

Friday, October 06, 2006 10:04 AM

Re: oil pulling



hi everyone I 'm trying the oil pulling . i did try the seasme oil YUCK

i'll just cook with it from now on. I did try the detox bath that was nice

[ yes i'm a guy and i love to take baths too] i will keep u posted on the

oil pulling its my 3rd day doing it and my mouth feels so much cleaner. so

far so good. thanks Paulie


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Sunflower is the most tasteless. I'm pretty sensitive to " gagginess " with

oil in my mouth, and the sunflower oil is tasteless, so doesn't cause any

gag reflex in me.







I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can someone

Please remind me of which oil to use? Was it sunflower or safflower....?

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Believe it's sunflower or sesame. Just got some sesame, thought I'd

try this too! Just have to figure out how to get an extra 15-20

minutes each a.m.!


Chris in NC


, " hrd2hldrls "

<hrd2hldrls wrote:


> I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can


> please remind me of which oil to use? was it sunflower or



> Monique

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i used organic sunflower oil. made by Spectrum.




, " hrd2hldrls "

<hrd2hldrls wrote:


> I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can


> please remind me of which oil to use? was it sunflower or



> Monique



> On Behalf Of paul


> Friday, October 06, 2006 10:04 AM


> Re: oil pulling



> hi everyone I 'm trying the oil pulling . i did try the seasme

oil YUCK

> i'll just cook with it from now on. I did try the detox bath that

was nice

> [ yes i'm a guy and i love to take baths too] i will keep u posted

on the

> oil pulling its my 3rd day doing it and my mouth feels so much

cleaner. so

> far so good. thanks Paulie







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I wonder if the results depends on whether you use refined or unrefined oil.

I have hear that it needs to be unrefined organic. I haven't bought any yet

because I haven't found unrefined.....but I have a few more stores to check.



On Behalf Of Ann Ford

Monday, October 09, 2006 7:18 AM

oil pulling



Hi everyone:

i used the sunflower oil (organic made by Spectrum). i tried it for

about 2 weeks and did not see any improvements, so i discontinued it.

maybe i should of hung in there for another couple of weeks, but i

became discouraged.... " (

the sunflower oil is really mild, so i'd recommend that oil.


for those who need a website to learn more about this:









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Flora, Inc. has unrefined sunflower oil. Good company, good product.


On Oct 10, 2006, at 7:40 PM, hrd2hldrls wrote:


> I wonder if the results depends on whether you use refined or

> unrefined oil.

> I have hear that it needs to be unrefined organic. I haven't bought

> any yet

> because I haven't found unrefined.....but I have a few more stores to

> check.





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The difference & details on Sunflower Oil & Safflower Oil can be viewed

in the URL above.



Ann Ford wrote:

> i used organic sunflower oil. made by Spectrum.


> ann


> , " hrd2hldrls "

> <hrd2hldrls wrote:


>> I know this has been an ongoing discussion on our list, but can


> someone


>> please remind me of which oil to use? was it sunflower or


> safflower....?


>> Monique





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  • 4 weeks later...

there is a lot of info in the archives--go to the group page and do a


oilpulling.com and curezone have a lot of info. As always, lots of

opinions so you need to read yourself.


fwiw, I use sesame oil first thing in the morning--swish in mouth for

5-20 minutes and then rinse with salt/baking soda solution. I am sure it

has helped my sinuses but that could be from the salt gargling/rinse--lol





annie wrote:

> Hi - i have been reading about the oil pulling and am needing

> clarification. what is the best oil to use, time of day, and the exact

> ritual performed to yield the best results. also, what types of

> toxins/ailments does it help?


> thank you and happy thoughts of love, peace and light!


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> HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many

ailments at:


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  • 3 months later...

I am new to oil pulling... I got some sunflower oil and started sucking it

and swishing in my mouth..but after after a minutes rather than getting a

thinner oil I get foam.

any recommedations?



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You are supposed to get foam, if you don't you haven't swished long

enough. 20 minutes should do it. Daphne












, " medusa569 "

<medusa569 wrote:



> I am new to oil pulling... I got some sunflower oil and started

sucking it

> and swishing in my mouth..but after after a minutes rather than

getting a

> thinner oil I get foam.

> any recommedations?


> medusa


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It took me awhile to try oil pulling; somehow I had got the notion

that it was just for things like gum disease. duh!


Started this about a week ago, and I think I've had two " healing

crises " already. Maybe it was bad olive oil I ate a tablespoon or two

of (apparently my liver is not in the best condition), but the first

or second night, I woke up soooo liver-sick (as I think of it). Weird

rolling rushes, nausea, thought I was going to pass out, just felt

AWFUL. Waited a day and pulled the oil again. Couple nights later, got

a loose cough (lungs haven't been in the best shape for several years,

too). Next two nights, I actually had a fever along with that cough. I

just never get germ-sick; only get sick from eating too much of the

wrong foods. Now I'm no longer sick, but still have lots of phlegm

coming up -- helped along by inhaling garlic-and-thyme steam, I think.


Wish I would've done this years ago. Even though I'm still coughing,

seems like it's a good cough. My lungs feel *clear* and open. Oh --

and I haven't done the oil-pulling since the day after the first

cough. I'm a chicken, don't want to push the healing crises too fast.

Probably start doing it again tomorrow, see what comes up next...




, " Diana Moore "

<thebowentechnique wrote:


> I just had a look a the Oil Pulling website that dev recommended.


> It looks fantastic...I will be giving this a try for sure.


> Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


> Has anyone else tried it? I would love to hear your results.


> All the best

> Diana Moore

> http://www.bowentherapy.homestead.com

> http://www.cafepress.com/omsymbol


> , " Dev " <devsaroop@>

> wrote:

> >

> > You may want to give " Oil Pulling " a try.. www.oilpulling.com

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And something else about the oil pulling. Read the rest of this post AFTER

you eat. lol


As I am pulling, I have flem from my sinuses draining down - down into my

throat and down- I guess into my stomach. I can taste it, and feel it.


This would be a good thing I assume.


I have had stuffy sinuses for a long time.



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Thats a good idea. Because the taste seems so bad to me, I have had a hard time

keeping it in my mouth the full fifteen minutes. I've been able to go for

longer and longer each time, but maybe I'll try that next time.


slivermoon22 wrote:

K- I have tried the Oil pulling. I have done it four times. I am using


Sunflower Oil, which isn't oo bad. But, it's not big fun. LOL


I am led to spit out the first mouthful after about 5 minutes, and refill

for the remaining 15 minutes.

Something about the initial toxins that get rinsed first- then need to be

spit up instead of swishing it for another 15 min. So- that is what I'm doing.


I know it needs more time. I am in it for the long haul.



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