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Cold Sores

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Hi all.


I am sorry if we have already been down this road...I have a little girl with

what appears to have a cold sore on her lip..what oils do you use to get rid

of it asap? she is 6 years old....


thanks for the info



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Dear Vicky,


Never apologize. There are constantly new folks joining in who didn't get in on

the last conversation.


How about this: in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil 10 drops of lavender and one

drop peppermint. It will burn just a bit if the sore is open. If she can't

stand it then dilute more and then apply three times daily. Also, something I

just came across is how Stevia (the natural sweetener) can also help healing

without scarring. Give her doses of Vitamin C and make sure her bowels are

working. Often, with this and colds, the bowels get congested. Lots of water



Wishing you well in all ways,





Tuesday, December 07, 1999 3:54 PM

Re: [AX] cold sores

Hi all.


I am sorry if we have already been down this road...I have a little girl with

what appears to have a cold sore on her lip..what oils do you use to get rid

of it asap? she is 6 years old....


thanks for the info



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Hi Lynn....


Thank you for your post....I cant really tell if its a cold sore or really

chapped cracked lips..but I;m not taking any chances just in case! But I will

let you know how it works...just so happens that I have those oils too.


Thanks again



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  • 1 year later...

the million dollar question!


i get these frequently. i'm told lysine helps. there is some prescription

stuff that helps speed them along. honestly though, they just run their

course. tea tree won't hurt, lavender too. maybe infused comfrey?


if you find that magic bullet, let me know!! mine hurt like h*ll~




" Rashunda " <rashunda




> Hi all,


> I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips.

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At 03:22 PM 09/25/01, Rashunda wrote:


>I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips. Can

>anyone recommend something to help? I'm thinking along the lines of

>tea tree oil but I don't know an exact blend.


Here's something I found for cold sores in " Aromatherapy for Common

Ailments " . I haven't tried it yet, so I can't say how well it works.


4 drops lemon

4 drops eucalyptus

4 drops geranium

1/2 oz lotion or calendula carrier oil


-- Sandy

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At 07:22 PM 9/25/01 +0000, Rashunda wrote:

>Hi all,


>I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips. Can

>anyone recommend something to help? I'm thinking along the lines of

>tea tree oil but I don't know an exact blend.


I use a tincture of nat mur directly on the spot where I feel the sore

coming and take a dose or two of the remedy itself at the same time. I

also take lysine daily with my other herbs & vit supplements. The lysine

has helped dramatically, and the nat mur - wow! Sometimes I just don't get

a cold sore at all, other times it's barely there, but no full-blown ones

since I started this.



Bright blessings,

Cindy in WV

~ Use your dark wisdom, your insight eye, and

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That strangles or impedes your becoming.

Stare to death anything that needs to die. Let it go! ~

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I'm know nothing about cold sores but have a lot of experience in

acne. This is going to sound weird, but toothpaste is great for

drying up acne (over night success most of the time). I just put a

dab on the spot and leave it alone, then Voila!!! I usually put it on

before bedtime or when no one is around to see. Maybe it will work

on cold sores.




, " Rashunda " <rashunda@r...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips.


> anyone recommend something to help? I'm thinking along the lines


> tea tree oil but I don't know an exact blend.


> Thanks in advance,

> Rashunda

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We use one drop (neat) of lemon essential oil - put on a cotton swab and

right on the sore... give it a day or so and they're gone. Works the same in

they're the kind of sore (canker...I think) that's inside your mouth - and

you're right - they hurt like h*ll!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lemon oil we put on UP TO

3x a day, but still one drop at a time. Works for us... and really doesn't

hurt like you'd think to put it on...........Good luck!




Rashunda wrote:


> Hi all,


> I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips. Can

> anyone recommend something to help? I'm thinking along the lines of

> tea tree oil but I don't know an exact blend.


> Thanks in advance,

> Rashunda



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What works best for me is to clean the sore with Witch Hazel. Let air

dry. Then dap on tea tree oil. This seems to cut the length of the

sore from 3 weeks to just a few days.


Troi Dragonrose





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when there is more than one color.

It's over when the fat lady sings, what happens when the skinny lady sings?


May Love light your life, and may your life love the Light.

Troi DragonRose





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fresh lemon balm infused into olive oil along with Lysine! Works for me....

Patti in PA.



Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:22 PM

cold sores



Hi all,


I'm experiencing my first ever bout with cold sores on my lips. Can

anyone recommend something to help? I'm thinking along the lines of

tea tree oil but I don't know an exact blend.


Thanks in advance,




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, Troi DragonRose <TroiRose> wrote:

> What works best for me is to clean the sore with Witch Hazel. Let


> dry. Then dap on tea tree oil. This seems to cut the length of the

> sore from 3 weeks to just a few days.


> Troi Dragonrose







Thanks! I checked out your webpage. Cool!:-)



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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I am confused.

If cold sores appear on the lip, are canker sores what happens in the mouth?

Occasionally, I get sores in my mouth. I always called them canker sores.

I used to put oil of camphor on them and it 'dried' (for lack of a better word)

them up.


They are generally painful.


So which remedy is it that I should do for them?


TIA for any info...






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<< If cold sores appear on the lip, are canker sores what happens in the





<<So which remedy is it that I should do for them?>>


The source of canker sores is usually an acid condition in the body caused

by food or chemical allergies. Holistic dentists have also implicated

sodium lauryl sulfate, an ingredient of most toothpastes, as another cause.


Some people are more prone to cankers, especially if they have a history of

heavy antibiotic drug use or follow diets very high in sugar and white

flour. Poor dental hygiene, stress, and diseases such as Crohn's disease

may also lead to chronic canker sores.


Natural treatments for canker sores are usually quite effective. First,

eliminate high acidity foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, coffee, tea,

alcohol, chocolate, red meats and fried and processed foods. It's best to

avoid all fruits with the possible exception of bananas. Highly allergenic

foods such as wheat, rye, nuts, milk and dairy products should also be

eliminated on a 3-month trial basis.


Ensure that vitamin C supplements are buffered with calcium (like in calcium

ascorbate). Lactobacillus acidophilus not only helps to normalize the

bacterial flora but also make the body more alkaline.


Sodium bicarbonate powder mixed with water is a very effective first aid

remedy. This can be used as a mouth rinse as well as swallowed to help make

the body more alkaline.


A variety of commercial toothpastes containing sodium bicarbonate instead of

standard toothpastes high in fluoride and other chemicals. Avoid any

toothpastes containing sodium lauryl sulfate.


Another very effective emergency remedy for canker sores is

deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) lozenges, which can be dissolved slowly in

the mouth several times daily for both pain relief and speeding the healing



Many people have reported excellent relief with tea tree oil mouth rinses

mild silver protein. Others claim that topically applied colostrum or

oregano oil is highly effective. These all have anti-microbial effects and

boost immunity. Clove oil applied topically can reduce the severe pain of

canker sores.


Other nutrient supplements that are helpful are beta-carotene, vitamin B12,

folic acid, iron, zinc, evening primrose oil, L-lysine, and vitamin E. Zinc

is therapeutic for ulcers anywhere on the body.



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Herpes Simplex is VERY hard to get rid of as it lives in the nerve ganglia.

It comes out into the bloodstream, which is where the Colloidal silver gets

it. CS does not reach into the nerve ganglia, so it cannot " cure " it, as

far as I am aware.


My son has had them since he was 2. He was on a organic diet, only had abx

once at 7 months, and didn't have a stressful life, unlike is Mum and Dad

<grin>.....strong willed child and all that..... I don't know where he got

them from. I suspect herpes can be transmitted from mother to child in

utero...in that I mean perhaps you can be predisposed from birth. I don't

know. No-one ever kissed him with a cold sore.


You are right in saying that foods trigger them - acids in his case, and

probably other things as well. I would like to keep them under control by

not having to give him CS every day, but nothing else works.


If you have any more ideas - please, I would be open to trying other things.




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In a message dated 01/26/11 8:36:50 PM, ruthf


HI Donna, It's the other Donna. Smile. My mom had repeated cold sores and

her chiro told her it was because she was low in calcium. She supplemented

with calcium and now she doesn't get those. Calcium regulates the bodies ph

and when you are too acid you get " cold " sores. She also took mag and

minerals, not just calcium alone, which is not recommended.


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  • 2 months later...



Lemon eo, one drop on a cotton swab, twice a day - takes about two days :)





shlyshrly wrote:


> For those of you who use Lemon or Tea Tree eo... how often and how

> much do you need to use to get great results? And how long does it

> take to go away with these oils?


> Thanks in advance for your help,


> Michelle Shirley

> Buckeye Cove Soap Co.



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  • 2 months later...
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I don't know if this will work for you, my dad does it though. He puts

Alum--the kind you find in the spice cabinet and make pickles with --on his

cold sores and it really does help make it go away faster. Patty

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Lysine works for some people sometimes. Cold sores are one of the most

unresponsive problems all around. Depending on the location, you could try

rubbing Golden Seal into it -- but that would obviously only work for one

that's fully external.


In general, anything that strengthens your immune system will speed up the



At 08:21 PM 4/15/02 -0000, you wrote:

>does anybody out there have an inkling as to how i might be able to

>encourage a cold sore to go away faster than my body would seem to

>like to handle it? it just started on friday...but took until today

>to seem to get in to full bloom. so...this being the first one that

>i've had in my memory...i'm looking for a few ideas on ways to get it

>to bugger off.



>thanks for lending an ear (or pair of eyes)


>jenny g.


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If you go commercial try herbicillian (sp).... vitamins - use lysine. depending where it is try comfrey or tea tree... I don't know about aloe, but i would think that might be a try.... anybody got any experience with aloe on this?


glitterbunny <jag260 wrote: does anybody out there have an inkling as to how i might be able to encourage a cold sore to go away faster than my body would seem to like to handle it? it just started on friday...but took until today to seem to get in to full bloom. so...this being the first one that i've had in my memory...i'm looking for a few ideas on ways to get it to bugger off.thanks for lending an ear (or pair of eyes)jenny g.

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My daughter uses Swedish Bitters. She dabs it on and

takes a table spoon in a half glass of water. I myself

use raw honey it seams to kill and heal you just have

to keep from licking your lip. I also read if you

drink 2 cups of black tea a day it will keep them

away. I am trying it and I think it works because as

long as I drink it I don't get one but every time I

quit drinking it I get one. So You Try It then we can






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this may sound gross but it works for me; put wax from your ear on it whenever it starts to itch; it will stop them from coming out and it will also make them go away quicker

glitterbunny <jag260herbal remedies <herbal remedies >Monday, April 15, 2002 2:33 PM[herbal remedies] cold soresdoes anybody out there have an inkling as to how i might be able to encourage a cold sore to go away faster than my body would seem to like to handle it? it just started on friday...but took until today to seem to get in to full bloom. so...this being the first one that i've had in my memory...i'm looking for a few ideas on ways to get it to bugger off.thanks for lending an ear (or pair of eyes)jenny g.Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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A great big thank you to everybody who's given suggestions so far...now

i just need to try and figure out what to try first!


thanks again!


jenny g.

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I had a really bad one a few months ago, and I tried this idea from a

book: Decoct slippery elm powder in water until you get...goo. There's

no other way to say it: It's goo. Smear the goo on the cold-sore (it

doesn't taste like anything, which is nice) a couple times a day. Mine

was gone in a day and a half. Be warned: The goo will go bad in a week;

but you shouldn't need it that long. Hope this helps,





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For fever blisters (are they the same virus as cold

sores?), you can take Lysine. There is also a " chap stick "

that has Lysine in it. It's expensive, ~$6 a tube, but

worth it.


If you are susceptible to them, you can add Lysine to your

daily vitamin/minteral/herb regimen and prevent them.






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Dear Jen,


A couple of dropperfuls of high quality Echinacea taken internally, and a drop or two of Total Tonic put right on to the cold sore should make it disappear very quickly. Increasing your garlic intake would help to facilitate this.






Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington




herbal remedies

Monday, April 15, 2002 2:21 PM

[herbal remedies] cold sores

does anybody out there have an inkling as to how i might be able to encourage a cold sore to go away faster than my body would seem to like to handle it? it just started on friday...but took until today to seem to get in to full bloom. so...this being the first one that i've had in my memory...i'm looking for a few ideas on ways to get it to bugger off.thanks for lending an ear (or pair of eyes)jenny

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