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help for a very stiff neck

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My mom suffer's from a chronic stiff neck,she even has a hard time

driving because she can't turn her head properly,also,her shoulder's

are alway's tense,even when she's lying in bed she say's she can feel

them going up,does anyone have any suggestions for excercises she could

do,I've gotten her to do basic neck roll's in the morning but it's not


thanks' for any help.


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I had chronic neck problems for years and years. There is not one

particular exercise that helped me. It was a combination of conscious

breath allowing me to begin to access what was stuck in that area or

chakra. Rolling the shoulders helps me more than neck rolls. Chanting

is a great benefit. Any kriya using the arms in a swinging or

rotating movement, proper posture, a good chiropractor (network

chiropractic is truly great) or massage therapist might work wonders.

There is one kriya I love to release the neck and upper shoulders.

The hands are in lion paw mudra, tensed, the arms begin outstretched

from the sided of the body, parallel to the floor, the palms in mudra

are facing upward. Begin by raising the arms in a swinging motion

upward and them back down to parallel to the floor. The breath is in

synch with the arm movement, powerfully through the mouth. The arms

alternate the front and back position as the forearms cross over the

head. This can be done for nine minutes with tongue extended out for

the last minute. Your mother might want to start with less than nine

minutes. It is challenging but really breaks what needs to be broken.

If you need clarification on the kriya, please let me know. In the

main time, always, remember the breath.


Sat Nam,


Guru Gopal

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Try a set with shoulder shrugs.




Kundalini-Yoga , " marika csotar "

<mcsotar1104 wrote:


> My mom suffer's from a chronic stiff neck,she even has a hard time

> driving because she can't turn her head properly,also,her


> are alway's tense,even when she's lying in bed she say's she can


> them going up,does anyone have any suggestions for excercises she


> do,I've gotten her to do basic neck roll's in the morning but it's


> enough,

> thanks' for any help.

> marika


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shes suffering from previous life trauma where a large object fell on her head. Tilting her head to the right

This permeated into all her bodies more so into the physical body.

If she is able to she may consider after doing her prayers asks and give forgiveness to & from the object & where it came from and also then give and ask for forgiveness from the 5 elements of creation on behalf of all involved in this incident

When anyone is hurt ( even animals ) this creates an imbalance in all the elements. This trauma is felt by every atom of creation and is recorded in the etheric library.

She can ask for this trauma to be softened and with Gods grace to be erased.

She then should not give too much energy to what happened, why it happened

This is not important

What is important is ,

that the Trauma release has been offered by God and it will be so.

She could then consider this following mantra





Ram is the seed sound for the manipura/solar plexus chakra.

\Tremendous healing energy lies dormant in this chakra.

Chanting this will release this Dormant energy to handle the Kundalini energy and power this chakra.

Ra is associated with the solar current that runs down the RH side of our bodies

Ma is associated with the Lunar current that runs down the left of of our bodies

Chanting this mantra balances the currents and starts the energy flowing powerfully withinj our bodies




Guru K <greatyoga


Sun, 31 Aug 2008 5:59

Re: help for a very stiff neck






Try a set with shoulder shrugs.




Kundalini-Yoga , "marika csotar"

<mcsotar1104 wrote:


> My mom suffer's from a chronic stiff neck,she even has a hard time

> driving because she can't turn her head properly,also,her


> are alway's tense,even when she's lying in bed she say's she can


> them going up,does anyone have any suggestions for excercises she


> do,I've gotten her to do basic neck roll's in the morning but it's


> enough,

> thanks' for any help.

> marika








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Does not look like many people are helping you


Start with 400MG of magnesium citrate per day, if get diarrhea then lower, or raise till find right level


Triphala 2X day 1teaspoon mixed in 1/2 tsp ghee, dash water


ginger tea fresh - sip during day 3-6 months


no sugar, alcohol, easy on carbs, eat carbs with beans, meat with vegetables only


omega 3 - flax or hemp oil

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