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Kala Sarpa in real force

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Dear friends,


To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how

come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa

in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.


I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer

since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.


I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,

and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but

otherwise a very brainy child.


I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical

problems of their children.


This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.





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What I learned is that Kalasarpa effects are more in sarpa/naga/kumara kshetras (for instance south, esp Tamil land) and less in other places. I have not verified this statistically but only saying what I heard from learned men. Bhaskar <bhaskar_jyotish Sent: Saturday, January 17,

2009 10:13:34 AM Kala Sarpa in real force



Dear friends,


To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how

come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa

in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.


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Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,


With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on the astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as

being discussed in the other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with

the R/K and kaal sarp as being discussed in this thread. Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has

a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we

observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different

manifestations at all levels of a being – physical, mental and

spiritual. What is the astrological significance of three mula

points of transmutation and the 'one actual mula' in any chart? Are

they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at

these points? If so, why and when?How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the

significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak

really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to

higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and

mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary

point?All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different aspects of the personality. For certain

significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for

some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings. e.g a native

having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer

injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also

another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes

him on the spiritual levels.I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:Muladhar

is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their

evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is

where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of

evolution? Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala,

vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala

and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence

point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna

chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body,

patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total

darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely

dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher

divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and

the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and

the life within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?Kundalini

is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes

through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species

with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow

the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From

muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara

onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic.

Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don't think

and have no power of realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?Once

kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no

longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he

gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards

his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in

muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to

be pushed. Within their range of chakras, all individuals within

the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to

their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g

someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension

should start from there. But we can't remember our previous lives, so

we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the chart?People

born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior

people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of

achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research

scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with

higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up.

However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as

abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and

psychological scrutiny and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?The

ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the chakras

and to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these

changes significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the

mental level, it will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and

hatred, our relationships with people, they are the consequences of the

quality of our present mind. Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations

are not so much due to the circumstances of life, but more to the

responses of our mind. The higher qualities of a man, such as love,

compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are the expressions of a mind which is

influenced by awakened conciousness. Is Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?In essence, the

concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the

transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all its

objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they

return after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula

prakriti. Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for

everything that manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything should be visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.RegardsNeelam

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||Jai Ramakrishna||

Dear Shree Bhaskarji,

Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of family???As

many of us know that destiny is always inter-related.Few predictions

about me & my brother quite match...like death of parents etc.

Anyways, I personally its futile to discuss such yogas. What is truth

to one, may not be truth to others.Only THE ULTIMATE TRUTH knows what

is the truth. There was & will always be people opposing many

theories, be it religious practises opposed by communists or as Newton

said " Each action has an equal & opposite reaction " ...isn't it???? :)

Thank you,






, " Bhaskar "

<bhaskar_jyotish wrote:



> Dear friends,


> To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how

> come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa

> in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.


> I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer

> since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.


> I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,

> and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

> along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but

> otherwise a very brainy child.


> I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical

> problems of their children.


> This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.


> regards,


> Bhaskar.


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Dear Neelamji,

Thanks for the good start. For the uninitiated please post ( others are also requested ) a chart of the chakras from an authority , as lots of conflicting charts are there on the net.

Let the physical symptoms be confirmed by the different members and some one who is involved in Yoga, a Yogi ( or get one to eneter discussion ).

This will not only help understand & unravel the different aspects, it may well be a scientific

way of looking at it. Or else it will become Mumbo/Jumbo for those do not even know the chakras.

Please give a proper heading to this topic and then add the stages subsequently. We may well have an interesting study that will help unravel many physical, medical & spiritual problems of the aam aadmi ( common man ).

Actually this is a request/question to the seniors in the group. This will include the talents of Sreenadji, Chandrahariji , Vinayji, Chandrahariji, Sreeram Srinivasji, Souvikji, SGuptaji , Kusrijaji, Bhagvatiji and all others that I have missed out due to lack of space.

Bhaskarji will be more than happy, as this will not be just an esoteric theorey !

Let there be theories put forward & corrections only - no endless arguments.Mr Sunil Nairji can decide if things go too far & pull us back on track.

BTW : where is the Moola Nakshatra exactly, in the begining of Dhanu/End Vrischik ?

Thanks & Regards


Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Sat, 17/1/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Kala Sarpa in real force Date: Saturday, 17 January, 2009, 12:48 PM



Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on the astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed in the other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp as being discussed in this thread. Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a being – physical, mental and spiritual. What is the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and the 'one actual mula' in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different aspects of the personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings. e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of evolution? Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness.

Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don't think and have no power of realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?Once kundalini or

primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed. Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start from there. But we can't remember our previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the chart?People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior people in different aspects of life, depending

upon the level of achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the chakras and to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these changes significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental level, it will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our relationships with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our present mind. Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much

due to the circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The higher qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc.. are the expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened conciousness. Is Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all its objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they return after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula prakriti. Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for everything that manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything should be visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.RegardsNeelam


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Dear Chiranjivi,

Chakras in charts ? What are we talking about ? I have missed lot of astrology due to spending 28 years of my Life serving my family business. Please explain what is this ? I have no least inkling about same.



, chiranjiv mehta <vchiranjiv wrote:>> Dear Neelamji,> Thanks for the good start. For the uninitiated please post ( others are also requested ) a chart of the chakras from an authority , as lots of conflicting charts are there on the net.> Let the physical symptoms be confirmed by the different members and some one who is involved in Yoga, a Yogi ( or get one to eneter discussion ).> This will not only help understand & unravel the different aspects, it may well be a scientific> way of looking at it. Or else it will become Mumbo/Jumbo for those do not even know the chakras.> Please give a proper heading to this topic and then add the stages subsequently. We may well have an interesting study that will help unravel many physical, medical & spiritual problems of the aam aadmi ( common man ).> Actually this is a request/question to the seniors in the group. This will include the talents of Sreenadji, Chandrahariji , Vinayji, Chandrahariji, Sreeram Srinivasji, Souvikji, SGuptaji , Kusrijaji, Bhagvatiji and all others that I have missed out due to lack of space.> Bhaskarji will be more than happy, as this will not be just an esoteric theorey !> Let there be theories put forward & corrections only - no endless arguments..> Mr Sunil Nairji can decide if things go too far & pull us back on track.> BTW : where is the Moola Nakshatra exactly, in the begining of Dhanu/End Vrischik ?> Thanks & Regards>  > Chiranjiv Mehta> --- On Sat, 17/1/09, neelam gupta neelamgupta07 wrote:> > neelam gupta neelamgupta07 Re: Kala Sarpa in real force> > Saturday, 17 January, 2009, 12:48 PM> > > > > > > Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point > > Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,> > With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on the astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed in the other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp as being discussed in this thread. > > Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a being â€" physical, mental and spiritual. What is the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and the 'one actual mula' in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?> > How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?> > All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different aspects of the personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings. e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.> > I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:> > Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of evolution? > > Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?> > Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don't think and have no power of realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?> > Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed. Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start from there. But we can't remember our previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the chart?> > People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of achievement.. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?> > The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the chakras and to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these changes significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental level, it will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our relationships with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our present mind. Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much due to the circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The higher qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are the expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened conciousness. Is Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?> > In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all its objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they return after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula prakriti. Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for everything that manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything should be visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.> > Regards> Neelam> >  > >  > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger./invite/>

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Dear Chiranjiv ji,I was not talking about locating the real/bodily chakras in the chart. I was just trying to take you through the journey of Ketu and the nodes through the zodiac to identify the stage of evolution and connect it with expression of body and mind and spirit.

Hope I am clear. Please do not mix up. I know people have given even the degrees of chakras to be seen the zodiac of a chart. But let us not confuse ourselves with bogus matter. Mula is at the end of scorpio and begins at 240 degrees.


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Dear .

// Few predictions> about me & my brother quite match...like death of parents etc //

But you will have different wives and probable seperate occupations. Not likely to have same number of children and same genders of children. You will have different tastes while your brother may have different. Except for parents , no.of brothers and sisters, what else can we logically think would match in 2 briothers charts ? We cannot equate common parents with Kala sarpa Yoga, if you are hinting at that .

// Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of family? //

You are a non-believer of kala sarpa, and call those who believe in this as quacks. So I will be just subjecting this family members charts to ridicule and nothing else if I give you the details. And they are my own nephew and niece. You will have to escuse me over here.

best wishes,




, "" <gaurav.ghosh wrote:>> ||Jai Ramakrishna||> Dear Shree Bhaskarji,> Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of family???As> many of us know that destiny is always inter-related.Few predictions> about me & my brother quite match...like death of parents etc.> Anyways, I personally its futile to discuss such yogas. What is truth> to one, may not be truth to others.Only THE ULTIMATE TRUTH knows what> is the truth. There was & will always be people opposing many> theories, be it religious practises opposed by communists or as Newton> said "Each action has an equal & opposite reaction"...isn't it???? :)> Thank you,> .> > > > > , "Bhaskar"> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:> >> > > > Dear friends,> > > > To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how> > come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa> > in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.> > > > I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer> > since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.> > > > I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,> > and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements> > along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but> > otherwise a very brainy child.> > > > I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical> > problems of their children.> > > > This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.> > > > regards,> > > > Bhaskar.> >>

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Dear Neelamji & Bhaskaji,

What I meant to say was actualy already written by you as pasted below :

Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a being â€" physical, mental and spiritual


You also said that you are atempting to take us thru the journey of Ketu and the nodes thru the zodiac and connect it with the stages of evolution and connect it with the expression of body mind and spirit.


As you and others chart the progress of Ketu & the nodes.......the theories can be verified on the physical & other levels that this forums members have undergone thru in the different stages/planet transitions. That will help in making this study more verifiable, more.... scientific ( for want of a better word ).


The moola nakshatra and its significance in the kalapurusha body is very important.

Physically it means the exit point to most ordinary humans bodies. But in the spiritual world it is the point which is "opened" with the help of Rahu to imbibe the person with knowledge.

@ a different plane, if the conditions to activate your energy in the Mool chakra happen due to favourable time/planets, it WILL bring some changes in the body. This can be confirmed by a knowledgable person or Yogi . Your observation can thus be confirmed by other forum members and explained in its physical form/effects by the Yogi.


That is what I was trying to say.


Thanks & Regards


Chiranjiv Mehta--- On Sat, 17/1/09, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:

neelam gupta <neelamgupta07Re: Kala Sarpa in real force Date: Saturday, 17 January, 2009, 2:25 PM



Dear Chiranjiv ji,I was not talking about locating the real/bodily chakras in the chart. I was just trying to take you through the journey of Ketu and the nodes through the zodiac to identify the stage of evolution and connect it with expression of body and mind and spirit.Hope I am clear. Please do not mix up. I know people have given even the degrees of chakras to be seen the zodiac of a chart. But let us not confuse ourselves with bogus matter. Mula is at the end of scorpio and begins at 240 degrees. RegardsNeelam

Unlimited freedom, unlimited storage. Get it now

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Dear chiranjiv ji,I was responding to your statement,//For the uninitiated please post ( others are

also requested ) a chart of the chakras from an authority, as lots of

conflicting charts are there on the net.//What do you mean by chart? Is it an illustration of placement of chakras in the body? And if you mean that, the general indications given for this are the same.


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Dear Neelamji, Chiranjiviji and the others.

As usual I could only expect a beautiful post from you, which I feel incompetent enough to supplement another, with the same fineese which you possess. You are extremely true to the word of what has been written.


Rahu and Ketu about which the Indians well know, since they are little children,actually form the whole circuit of activities in this Life which we would be strung with, and Rahu Ketu ingrain the triggers of what has to be in a persons Life,through the various sufferings, elations and experiences an individual would go through all his Life. I could write hundreds of pages on Rahu and Ketu, but as Chiranjiviji

said and believes that Bhaskar does not like Esoteric, I will get to the point of what I feel must be mentioned at the cost of repetition of common knowledge but yet uncommon to many seekers.


The Pointers in a Chart for the Chakras -


Mooladhara chakra

Location - In base of spine between anus and genitials.

The Ruling planet is Mars. ( Without aggression of Mars one cannot

procreate. Remember Mangal dosha in marriage ? )


Swadhisthan chakra

Location - Hypo gastric plexus :genitials.

The Ruling planet is Mercury


Manipura Chakra

Location - in spinal column exactly at the level of the navel.

The Ruling planet is the Sun.


Anahata Chakra

Location - In vertebral column behind the base of the heart.

The Ruling planet is Venus.


Vishuddhi Chakra

Location - Throat pit.

The Ruling planet is Jupiter.


Agya/Ajna Chakra

Location - Medulla plexus, point between eyebrows.

The Ruling planet is Saturn.


Sahasra Chakra

Location - At top of the cranium,cerebal plexus.

The Ruling Planet is Ketu.( You know now why Ketu is called

Mokshakaraka ?)


We can further expand on the above in areas of descriptions of each chakra, their functions in the body,beej mantras for each, place, petals, Varna, Cosmic ray, Lok, Words for petals, Namtatva, tatva beej, Beejvahan, Guna, dev, Dev shakti, Yantra, Gyanendriya, karmendriya, Dhyanphala, English name etc etc.


But where is the planet Rahu in the above ? We shall answer that later.


In the meanwhile one may check his planets in his chart and find out which are weak and debilitated and check the corresponding areas in his body represented by the Chakra of the particular planet .this will give you an idea of which Chakras need cleansing in your body.


You may also confirm by checking the planets in your chart ( if you know what they represent ). For instance the Sun is having Cosmic rays of red colour in the VIBGYOR. its element or panchamahabhoot is Fire . It causes Tridosha of pitta. its temperetaure is hot,Life giving. its quality is rajasic and force is energetic. Then again it rules the Solar or Abdomonal plexus ( Manipur Chakra) in the body. It is the significator of Saman vayu in the body. Its saptadhatu is Bone. The plane of disease caused due to the Red Cosmic colour would be spiritual ( Not easy to treat). The sensitive organ ruled would be the eyes. The subject of the sensitive organ would be Form. The taste would be pungent. In case of disease due to this chakra being afflicted the coulour of cosmic rays to be given to the patient would be of Orange or Green Cosmic rays. The wave length would be 800-650 (Milli microns). it rules the Pranamaya Kosha.


There are hundreds of such matters above, to determine, check and either eradicate or enforce, otherwise no meaning in searching for the Chakras in the chart, which is why I am never interested in writing such matters which take up lots of time, and nobody can make worthwhile use of the same unless he is really interested in going deep.


Now our unasnwered question - Where is Rahu among the Chakras ?


Rahu is actually the cause of us being here. Which is why I always check the House and sign where Rahu appears in a chart. There would the rinabadhanas of that native lie, to be fulfilled in this janma. The Lord of the Raashi where Rahu appears signifies cerytain people with whom your rinabandhanas have to be completed with. The activities in which the house in the chart which is represneted by Rahu, will be those activities where your loyalties must be true , in this janma , to clear the deficit. For instance Rahu in Leo. The Lord of this sign is The Sun. The Sun represents father and father figures in the family. Your duties and loyalties lie in this janma towards them, and it would be no easy ropewalk to meet these, coz these same people with whom you are expected to fulfill your duties would create trouble to you and not allow you to settle the past karmas. Rahu suppose in 7th house, then a persons loyalties this janmalies with his wife. he has to make her happy at any cost even if it means being having to be bludgeoned daily by the lady. Rahu isi the cause of creation for us. Ketu is the target to achieve and get out Rahu is the gateway to this earth ( The serpents Mouth ) and till we remain on Earth, ie.within the serpent, its Maya all around, and once having gone through the tail which is ketu, you can enter the Satyam Loka of the Sahasra Chakra when all the 1000 Petals of the Lotus would be opened and you would be one with the Whole. This you will not find written in any book for its my own realisation and there are many such secrets of astrology which are yet to be told, and will not be learnt through any software but only through self experience.


Check out Your Rahus - Where are they in the chart. Which people they represent. Which houses they appear. Which activities they represent in your Life. You will be shockedat what you find. the truth.


Forget looking for Chakra sin the charts. we are not that adept. look out for Rahu. pacify it. Till you are not able to pacify you will remain in the serpents body ( maya ). Once you do it, Then seek for Ketu.









, neelam gupta <neelamgupta07 wrote:>> *Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point *> > Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,> > With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on the> astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed in the> other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp as being> discussed in this thread.> > Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a chart> may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from this> angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all levels of a> being – physical, mental and spiritual. What is the astrological> significance of three mula points of transmutation and the 'one actual mula'> in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak when> posited at these points? If so, why and when?> > How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the> significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak> really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to> higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and mental> worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?> > All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in> tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different aspects of> the personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate with> the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric meanings.> e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer> injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also another> impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on the> spiritual levels.> > I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where we> stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:> > Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings commence> their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara is> where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage of> evolution?> > Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala, talatala,> rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in their> legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as the> nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest> chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom and it> represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter is> completely dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent the higher> divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and the> first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the life> within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the behavioural> pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?> > Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it passes> through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole species with> avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the> tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara onward> we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter the> sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them> completely and benevolently, as they don't think and have no power of> realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a native?> > Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is no> longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he gets an> ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his evolution.> That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra and> for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed. Within their> range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different levels> on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or the> sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at birth,> and its ascension should start from there. But we can't remember our> previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our> kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the chart?> > People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are superior> people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of> achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists, research> scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with higher> shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our> materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and those> who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological scrutiny> and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to> this development?> > The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the chakras and> to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these changes> significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental level, it> will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our relationships> with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our present mind.> Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much due to the> circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The higher> qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are the> expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened conciousness. Is> Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?> > In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the> transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all its> objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they return> after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula prakriti.> Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for everything that> manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything should be> visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.> > Regards> Neelam>

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We were talking about Mula. Its nothing but the root , from where you come. The ground from where the potato comes,

from where the Mula ( White vegetable) comes .

The origin - Mula nakshatra ruled by Ketu.


But first we shall talk of the Muladhar chakra

in very short. This chakra represents the Bhu-Loka or

the physical plane. It is symbolised by 4 petals

known as Vang,Shang,kshang, and Sang.

for our sake kshang signifies the orhgans of generation

and sex desire. Sang represents reproducrtion.

the ruling planet as I said in my earlier mail, is Mars here.

Which is why I said that without a averagely good Mars one

cannot have a child or even proper sex. The vayu for

this chakra is apan vayu, the air that expels the semen from

the male organ, and also which pushes the child from the

womb during birth. Mooladhar is the seat of the Kundalini



From whence you came, thence you will go finally.

We are the ansha of parmatma, and known as atma .

Unless we raise ourselves to the level of opening the

1000 petals in the Sahasra Chakra we can never reach

the Satyam Loka or Tejas Loka represented by Ketu.


Connection of the Kundalini with Sahasra Chakra.


When the Kundalini is raised upto the Sahasra Chakra, the illusion of

"individual" self is dissolved. The Yogi becomes realized. He encounters Kamadhenu the wish fulfilling cow within himself ( There is also a point in the Horoscope chart known as Kamadhenu point, but cannot talk about it presently ).


The Mooladhara thus has the power to raise one to the mokshkaraka Ketu if one is able to raise the Energy of Mars and channelise it to this level.


The Mula nakshatra represented by Mula is nothing but the significations of Ketu in this combination of Stars, which are our roots from where we came, and where we will go, back to Godhead, someday or the other, some janma or the other.





, "Bhaskar" <bhaskar_jyotish wrote:>> > Dear Neelamji, Chiranjiviji and the others.> As usual I could only expect a beautiful post from you, which I feel> incompetent enough to supplement another, with the same fineese which> you possess. You are extremely true to the word of what has been> written. Rahu and Ketu about which the Indians well know, since they> are little children,actually form the whole circuit of activities in> this Life which we would be strung with, and Rahu Ketu ingrain the> triggers of what has to be in a persons Life,through the various> sufferings, elations and experiences an individual would go through all> his Life. I could write hundreds of pages on Rahu and Ketu, but as> Chiranjiviji said and believes that Bhaskar does not like Esoteric, I> will get to the point of what I feel must be mentioned at the cost of> repetition of common knowledge but yet uncommon to many seekers. The> Pointers in a Chart for the Chakras - Mooladhara chakra Location - In> base of spine between anus and genitials. The Ruling planet is Mars. (> Without aggression of Mars one cannot procreate. Remember Mangal dosha> in marriage ? ) Swadhisthan chakra Location - Hypo gastric plexus> :genitials. The Ruling planet is Mercury Manipura Chakra Location -> in spinal column exactly at the level of the navel. The Ruling planet is> the Sun. Anahata Chakra Location - In vertebral column behind the> base of the heart. The Ruling planet is Venus. Vishuddhi Chakra> Location - Throat pit. The Ruling planet is Jupiter. Agya/Ajna Chakra> Location - Medulla plexus, point between eyebrows. The Ruling planet is> Saturn. Sahasra Chakra Location - At top of the cranium,cerebal> plexus. The Ruling Planet is Ketu.( You know now why Ketu is called> Mokshakaraka ?) We can further expand on the above in areas of> descriptions of each chakra, their functions in the body,beej mantras> for each, place, petals, Varna, Cosmic ray, Lok, Words for petals,> Namtatva, tatva beej, Beejvahan, Guna, dev, Dev shakti, Yantra,> Gyanendriya, karmendriya, Dhyanphala, English name etc etc. But where> is the planet Rahu in the above ? We shall answer that later. In the> meanwhile one may check his planets in his chart and find out which are> weak and debilitated and check the corresponding areas in his body> represented by the Chakra of the particular planet .this will give you> an idea of which Chakras need cleansing in your body. You may also> confirm by checking the planets in your chart ( if you know what they> represent ). For instance the Sun is having Cosmic rays of red colour in> the VIBGYOR. its element or panchamahabhoot is Fire . It causes Tridosha> of pitta. its temperetaure is hot,Life giving. its quality is rajasic> and force is energetic. Then again it rules the Solar or Abdomonal> plexus ( Manipur Chakra) in the body. It is the significator of Saman> vayu in the body. Its saptadhatu is Bone. The plane of disease caused> due to the Red Cosmic colour would be spiritual ( Not easy to treat).> The sensitive organ ruled would be the eyes. The subject of the> sensitive organ would be Form. The taste would be pungent. In case of> disease due to this chakra being afflicted the coulour of cosmic rays to> be given to the patient would be of Orange or Green Cosmic rays. The> wave length would be 800-650 (Milli microns). it rules the Pranamaya> Kosha. There are hundreds of such matters above, to determine, check> and either eradicate or enforce, otherwise no meaning in searching for> the Chakras in the chart, which is why I am never interested in writing> such matters which take up lots of time, and nobody can make worthwhile> use of the same unless he is really interested in going deep. Now our> unasnwered question - Where is Rahu among the Chakras ? Rahu is> actually the cause of us being here. Which is why I always check the> House and sign where Rahu appears in a chart. There would the> rinabadhanas of that native lie, to be fulfilled in this janma. The Lord> of the Raashi where Rahu appears signifies cerytain people with whom> your rinabandhanas have to be completed with. The activities in which> the house in the chart which is represneted by Rahu, will be those> activities where your loyalties must be true , in this janma , to clear> the deficit. For instance Rahu in Leo. The Lord of this sign is The Sun.> The Sun represents father and father figures in the family. Your duties> and loyalties lie in this janma towards them, and it would be no easy> ropewalk to meet these, coz these same people with whom you are expected> to fulfill your duties would create trouble to you and not allow you to> settle the past karmas. Rahu suppose in 7th house, then a persons> loyalties this janmalies with his wife. he has to make her happy at any> cost even if it means being having to be bludgeoned daily by the lady.> Rahu isi the cause of creation for us. Ketu is the target to achieve> and get out Rahu is the gateway to this earth ( The serpents Mouth )> and till we remain on Earth, ie.within the serpent, its Maya all around,> and once having gone through the tail which is ketu, you can enter the> Satyam Loka of the Sahasra Chakra when all the 1000 Petals of the Lotus> would be opened and you would be one with the Whole. This you will not> find written in any book for its my own realisation and there are many> such secrets of astrology which are yet to be told, and will not be> learnt through any software but only through self experience. Check> out Your Rahus - Where are they in the chart. Which people they> represent. Which houses they appear. Which activities they represent in> your Life. You will be shockedat what you find. the truth. Forget> looking for Chakra sin the charts. we are not that adept. look out for> Rahu. pacify it. Till you are not able to pacify you will remain in the> serpents body ( maya ). Once you do it, Then seek for Ketu. regards,> Bhaskar.> > > > > > > > > > > > , neelam gupta> neelamgupta07@ wrote:> >> > *Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point *> >> > Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,> >> > With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on> the> > astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed in> the> > other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp as> being> > discussed in this thread.> >> > Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a> chart> > may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it from> this> > angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all> levels of a> > being – physical, mental and spiritual. What is the astrological> > significance of three mula points of transmutation and the 'one actual> mula'> > in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really weak> when> > posited at these points? If so, why and when?> >> > How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the> > significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak> > really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to> > higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and> mental> > worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary point?> >> > All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in> > tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different> aspects of> > the personality. For certain significations, we can directly co-relate> with> > the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric> meanings.> > e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might> suffer> > injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is also> another> > impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him on> the> > spiritual levels.> >> > I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where> we> > stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:> >> > Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings> commence> > their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and sahasrara> is> > where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this stage> of> > evolution?> >> > Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala,> talatala,> > rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated in> their> > legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just as> the> > nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the lowest> > chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal kingdom> and it> > represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and matter> is> > completely dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent the> higher> > divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution and> the> > first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and the> life> > within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the> behavioural> > pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?> >> > Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it> passes> > through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole> species with> > avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow the> > tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From muladhara> onward> > we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we enter> the> > sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls them> > completely and benevolently, as they don't think and have no power of> > realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a> native?> >> > Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is> no> > longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he> gets an> > ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his> evolution.> > That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara chakra> and> > for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed. Within> their> > range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at different> levels> > on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives, or> the> > sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata at> birth,> > and its ascension should start from there. But we can't remember our> > previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the our> > kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the> chart?> >> > People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are> superior> > people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of> > achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists,> research> > scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with> higher> > shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However, our> > materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal and> those> > who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological> scrutiny> > and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a> pointer to> > this development?> >> > The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the> chakras and> > to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these> changes> > significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental> level, it> > will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our> relationships> > with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our present> mind.> > Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much due to the> > circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The> higher> > qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are> the> > expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened conciousness. Is> > Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?> >> > In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti,> the> > transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all> its> > objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they> return> > after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula> prakriti.> > Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for> everything that> > manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything should be> > visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.> >> > Regards> > Neelam> >>

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Dear Kursijaji,


Thank You.


Half of my day was spent in reading and understanding the mail by

Neelamji which was a real classy one as one can expect from this

knowledgable member, and the other half was spent in replying the same.











, " S.C. Kursija "

<sckursija wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar,

> very nice mail.

> Thanks.


> --- On Sat, 1/17/09, Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish wrote:


> Bhaskar bhaskar_jyotish

> Re: Kala Sarpa in real force


> Saturday, January 17, 2009, 4:44 PM



> We were talking about Mula. Its nothing but the root , from where you

come. The ground from where the potato comes,

> from where the Mula ( White vegetable) comes .

> The origin - Mula nakshatra ruled by Ketu.


> But first we shall talk of the Muladhar chakra

> in very short. This chakra represents the Bhu-Loka or

> the physical plane. It is symbolised by 4 petals

> known as Vang,Shang,kshang, and Sang.

> for our sake kshang signifies the orhgans of generation

> and sex desire. Sang represents reproducrtion.

> the ruling planet as I said in my earlier mail, is Mars here.

> Which is why I said that without a averagely good Mars one

> cannot have a child or even proper sex. The vayu for

> this chakra is apan vayu, the air that expels the semen from

> the male organ, and also which pushes the child from the

> womb during birth. Mooladhar is the seat of the Kundalini

> Shakti.


> From whence you came, thence you will go finally.

> We are the ansha of parmatma, and known as atma .

> Unless we raise ourselves to the level of opening the

> 1000 petals in the Sahasra Chakra we can never reach

> the Satyam Loka or Tejas Loka represented by Ketu.


> Connection of the Kundalini with Sahasra Chakra.


> When the Kundalini is raised upto the Sahasra Chakra, the illusion of

> " individual " self is dissolved. The Yogi becomes realized. He

encounters Kamadhenu the wish fulfilling cow within himself ( There is

also a point in the Horoscope chart known as Kamadhenu point, but cannot

talk about it presently ).


> The Mooladhara thus has the power to raise one to the mokshkaraka Ketu

if one is able to raise the Energy of Mars and channelise it to this



> The Mula nakshatra represented by Mula is nothing but the

significations of Ketu in this combination of Stars, which are our roots

from where we came, and where we will go, back to Godhead, someday or

the other, some janma or the other.


> regards/bhaskar




> , " Bhaskar "

bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Neelamji, Chiranjiviji and the others.

> > As usual I could only expect a beautiful post from you, which I feel

> > incompetent enough to supplement another, with the same fineese


> > you possess. You are extremely true to the word of what has been

> > written. Rahu and Ketu about which the Indians well know, since they

> > are little children,actually form the whole circuit of activities in

> > this Life which we would be strung with, and Rahu Ketu ingrain the

> > triggers of what has to be in a persons Life,through the various

> > sufferings, elations and experiences an individual would go through


> > his Life. I could write hundreds of pages on Rahu and Ketu, but as

> > Chiranjiviji said and believes that Bhaskar does not like Esoteric,


> > will get to the point of what I feel must be mentioned at the cost


> > repetition of common knowledge but yet uncommon to many seekers. The

> > Pointers in a Chart for the Chakras - Mooladhara chakra Location -


> > base of spine between anus and genitials. The Ruling planet is Mars.


> > Without aggression of Mars one cannot procreate. Remember Mangal


> > in marriage ? ) Swadhisthan chakra Location - Hypo gastric plexus

> > :genitials. The Ruling planet is Mercury Manipura Chakra Location -

> > in spinal column exactly at the level of the navel. The Ruling

planet is

> > the Sun. Anahata Chakra Location - In vertebral column behind the

> > base of the heart. The Ruling planet is Venus. Vishuddhi Chakra

> > Location - Throat pit. The Ruling planet is Jupiter. Agya/Ajna


> > Location - Medulla plexus, point between eyebrows. The Ruling planet


> > Saturn. Sahasra Chakra Location - At top of the cranium,cerebal

> > plexus. The Ruling Planet is Ketu.( You know now why Ketu is called

> > Mokshakaraka ?) We can further expand on the above in areas of

> > descriptions of each chakra, their functions in the body,beej


> > for each, place, petals, Varna, Cosmic ray, Lok, Words for petals,

> > Namtatva, tatva beej, Beejvahan, Guna, dev, Dev shakti, Yantra,

> > Gyanendriya, karmendriya, Dhyanphala, English name etc etc. But


> > is the planet Rahu in the above ? We shall answer that later. In the

> > meanwhile one may check his planets in his chart and find out which


> > weak and debilitated and check the corresponding areas in his body

> > represented by the Chakra of the particular planet .this will give


> > an idea of which Chakras need cleansing in your body. You may also

> > confirm by checking the planets in your chart ( if you know what


> > represent ). For instance the Sun is having Cosmic rays of red

colour in

> > the VIBGYOR. its element or panchamahabhoot is Fire . It causes


> > of pitta. its temperetaure is hot,Life giving. its quality is


> > and force is energetic. Then again it rules the Solar or Abdomonal

> > plexus ( Manipur Chakra) in the body. It is the significator of


> > vayu in the body. Its saptadhatu is Bone. The plane of disease


> > due to the Red Cosmic colour would be spiritual ( Not easy to


> > The sensitive organ ruled would be the eyes. The subject of the

> > sensitive organ would be Form. The taste would be pungent. In case


> > disease due to this chakra being afflicted the coulour of cosmic

rays to

> > be given to the patient would be of Orange or Green Cosmic rays. The

> > wave length would be 800-650 (Milli microns). it rules the Pranamaya

> > Kosha. There are hundreds of such matters above, to determine, check

> > and either eradicate or enforce, otherwise no meaning in searching


> > the Chakras in the chart, which is why I am never interested in


> > such matters which take up lots of time, and nobody can make


> > use of the same unless he is really interested in going deep. Now


> > unasnwered question - Where is Rahu among the Chakras ? Rahu is

> > actually the cause of us being here. Which is why I always check the

> > House and sign where Rahu appears in a chart. There would the

> > rinabadhanas of that native lie, to be fulfilled in this janma. The


> > of the Raashi where Rahu appears signifies cerytain people with whom

> > your rinabandhanas have to be completed with. The activities in


> > the house in the chart which is represneted by Rahu, will be those

> > activities where your loyalties must be true , in this janma , to


> > the deficit. For instance Rahu in Leo. The Lord of this sign is The


> > The Sun represents father and father figures in the family. Your


> > and loyalties lie in this janma towards them, and it would be no


> > ropewalk to meet these, coz these same people with whom you are


> > to fulfill your duties would create trouble to you and not allow you


> > settle the past karmas. Rahu suppose in 7th house, then a persons

> > loyalties this janmalies with his wife. he has to make her happy at


> > cost even if it means being having to be bludgeoned daily by the


> > Rahu isi the cause of creation for us. Ketu is the target to achieve

> > and get out Rahu is the gateway to this earth ( The serpents Mouth )

> > and till we remain on Earth, ie.within the serpent, its Maya all


> > and once having gone through the tail which is ketu, you can enter


> > Satyam Loka of the Sahasra Chakra when all the 1000 Petals of the


> > would be opened and you would be one with the Whole. This you will


> > find written in any book for its my own realisation and there are


> > such secrets of astrology which are yet to be told, and will not be

> > learnt through any software but only through self experience. Check

> > out Your Rahus - Where are they in the chart. Which people they

> > represent. Which houses they appear. Which activities they represent


> > your Life. You will be shockedat what you find. the truth. Forget

> > looking for Chakra sin the charts. we are not that adept. look out


> > Rahu. pacify it. Till you are not able to pacify you will remain in


> > serpents body ( maya ). Once you do it, Then seek for Ketu. regards,

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , neelam gupta

> > neelamgupta07@ wrote:

> > >

> > > *Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point *

> > >

> > > Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,

> > >

> > > With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my

views on

> > the

> > > astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed


> > the

> > > other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp


> > being

> > > discussed in this thread.

> > >

> > > Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import

and a

> > chart

> > > may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it


> > this

> > > angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at all

> > levels of a

> > > being – physical, mental and spiritual. What is the


> > > significance of three mula points of transmutation and the 'one


> > mula'

> > > in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are planets really


> > when

> > > posited at these points? If so, why and when?

> > >

> > > How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the

> > > significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh


> > > really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to

evolve to

> > > higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships


> > mental

> > > worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary


> > >

> > > All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as


> > > tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different

> > aspects of

> > > the personality. For certain significations, we can directly


> > with

> > > the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper esoteric

> > meanings.

> > > e.g a native having serious affliction to jyeshtha/mula sandhi,


> > suffer

> > > injuries/diseases in the area represented by this, but there is


> > another

> > > impact which is at psychic level and another one which pushes him


> > the

> > > spiritual levels.

> > >

> > > I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see


> > we

> > > stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:

> > >

> > > Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings

> > commence

> > > their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and


> > is

> > > where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at this


> > of

> > > evolution?

> > >

> > > Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala,

> > talatala,

> > > rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are situated


> > their

> > > legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar chakra just


> > the

> > > nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as muladhara is the


> > > chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest in the animal


> > and it

> > > represents total darkness, where nature is not functioning and


> > is

> > > completely dormant and static. Chakras above sahasrara represent


> > higher

> > > divine conciousness. Sahasrara is the highest in human evolution


> > the

> > > first step in the highest divine evolution. How are the Lokas and


> > life

> > > within these lokas described in the shastras. Don't we see the

> > behavioural

> > > pattern and psychology of a person unfolding here?

> > >

> > > Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When


> > passes

> > > through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole

> > species with

> > > avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to follow


> > > tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From


> > onward

> > > we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara onward we


> > the

> > > sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic. Prakriti controls


> > > completely and benevolently, as they don't think and have no power


> > > realisation. Can we relate these with actual manifestations in a

> > native?

> > >

> > > Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution


> > no

> > > longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and


> > gets an

> > > ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards his

> > evolution.

> > > That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in muladhara


> > and

> > > for further progress beyond this point it has to be pushed. Within

> > their

> > > range of chakras, all individuals within the species are at


> > levels

> > > on the scale of evolution due to their progress in previous lives,


> > the

> > > sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone might have kundalini in anahata


> > birth,

> > > and its ascension should start from there. But we can't remember


> > > previous lives, so we also forget about the state and level of the


> > > kundalini. Can't we try and locate this point of evolution in the

> > chart?

> > >

> > > People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are

> > superior

> > > people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level of

> > > achievement. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists,

> > research

> > > scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born with

> > higher

> > > shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up. However,


> > > materialistic societies consider these manifestations as abnormal


> > those

> > > who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and psychological

> > scrutiny

> > > and treatment. How do we see this in the horoscope? Is R/K axis a

> > pointer to

> > > this development?

> > >

> > > The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the

> > chakras and

> > > to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't these

> > changes

> > > significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the mental

> > level, it

> > > will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and hatred, our

> > relationships

> > > with people, they are the consequences of the quality of our


> > mind.

> > > Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations are not so much due to


> > > circumstances of life, but more to the responses of our mind. The

> > higher

> > > qualities of a man, such as love, compassion, charity, mercy, etc.


> > the

> > > expressions of a mind which is influenced by awakened

conciousness. Is

> > > Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these developments in a soul?

> > >

> > > In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola


> > the

> > > transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and


> > its

> > > objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which


> > return

> > > after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is mula

> > prakriti.

> > > Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible for

> > everything that

> > > manifests in the world of name and form. And that everything

should be

> > > visible in the horoscope if observed from this 'root' angle.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Neelam

> > >

> >


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Dear Bhaskar ji,Thank you for the wonderful, info-packed mails -- a treat for us. Those who are interested can now take it forward and grill you for further learning.RegardsNeelam

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Dear Chiranjivi,


// Bhaskarji will be more than happy, as this will not be just an

esoteric theorey ! //


You care for my wishes. Thanks . But I love esoteric too.


Who does not like to sit in the evening near the seaside with a lovely

companion and see the world go by ? Who does not like to take the

morning walk and inhale the fresh smell of grass amnd green trees around

? Who does not like to spend one day full lying on the bed sipping tea

and reading his favourite books ? Who does not like watching his

favourite Movies in the CD Player ? But all this is esoteric for us

normal folks with other duties and unattended and unending targets

remaining unfulfilled. First pet pooja ke liye nirvah karna jaroori hai

( Working for acquiring means of subsistence ), then one can indulge in

this esoteric stuff.


Same way in astrology one can spend Life times in enjoying the esoteric

meanings of all planets, constellations, their devatas, etc.etc. and the

stories related with same alongwith their symbols, character and

attributes. Theres no end to it, and gives much more enjoyment than the

5 minutes sensual one, as this is everlasting enjoyment. But I prefer

first to solve the riddles laid down before me, in form of quizzes given

to me by natives in search for advise and help who have been suffering

in their lives. I need to keep on shaping and sharpening my tolls of

predictions otherwise this esoteric indulgement will lead me nowhere. So

I keep rayio of 90% learning predictive part, and 10% indulgement in

esoteric. Not that I dont enjoy this.


Just like Satsanga , Aastha , Jagran channels are good to watch whole

day sitting or lying on bed. But one needs to sit down at a point of

time on the asana, and meditate or else at least open a small pooja book

and do some worship of God.


best wishes,









, chiranjiv mehta

<vchiranjiv wrote:


> Dear Neelamji,

> Thanks for the good start. For the uninitiated please post ( others

are also requested ) a chart of the chakras from an authority , as lots

of conflicting charts are there on the net.

> Let the physical symptoms be confirmed by the different members and

some one who is involved in Yoga, a Yogi ( or get one to eneter

discussion ).

> This will not only help understand & unravel the different aspects, it

may well be a scientific

> way of looking at it. Or else it will become Mumbo/Jumbo for those do

not even know the chakras.

> Please give a proper heading to this topic and then add the stages

subsequently. We may well have an interesting study that will help

unravel many physical, medical & spiritual problems of the aam aadmi (

common man ).

> Actually this is a request/question to the seniors in the group. This

will include the talents of Sreenadji, Chandrahariji , Vinayji,

Chandrahariji, Sreeram Srinivasji, Souvikji, SGuptaji , Kusrijaji,

Bhagvatiji and all others that I have missed out due to lack of


> Bhaskarji will be more than happy, as this will not be just an

esoteric theorey !

> Let there be theories put forward & corrections only - no endless


> Mr Sunil Nairji can decide if things go too far & pull us back on


> BTW : where is the Moola Nakshatra exactly, in the begining of

Dhanu/End Vrischik ?

> Thanks & Regards

> Â

> Chiranjiv Mehta

> --- On Sat, 17/1/09, neelam gupta neelamgupta07 wrote:


> neelam gupta neelamgupta07

> Re: Kala Sarpa in real force


> Saturday, 17 January, 2009, 12:48 PM

Astrological Exploration of the Mula (ROOT) Point


> Dear Bhaskar ji, Bohra ji, Pradeep ji and group,


> With the two ongoing discussions, I am encouraged to share my views on

the astrological connection of Mula and Muladhar (as being discussed in

the other thread by Bohraji and Pradeep ji) with the R/K and kaal sarp

as being discussed in this thread.


> Astrologically, this subject of 'mula' or root has a deep import and a

chart may unfold some significant details when we observe or read it

from this angle. It can throw light on the different manifestations at

all levels of a being †" physical, mental and spiritual. What is

the astrological significance of three mula points of transmutation and

the 'one actual mula' in any chart? Are they really to be dreaded? Are

planets really weak when posited at these points? If so, why and when?


> How can we read kaal-sarp in the 'root' (mula) light. What is the

significance of ketu's position in a chart. What does this moksh karak

really do? Does it really give moksh or shows us the path to evolve to

higher state of being? Why does ketu inflict physical hardships and

mental worries? How other planets align themselves with this primary



> All these answers come from understanding the principle of Mula as in

tantra. Once understood, the horoscope will reveal many different

aspects of the personality. For certain significations, we can directly

co-relate with the yogic body, but for some we have to look for deeper

esoteric meanings. e.g a native having serious affliction to

jyeshtha/mula sandhi, might suffer injuries/diseases in the area

represented by this, but there is also another impact which is at

psychic level and another one which pushes him on the spiritual levels.


> I think if we catch the Muladhar point in the chart we may see where

we stand in PMS plane. Some pointers can be:


> Muladhar is the basic, fundamental chakra from where human beings

commence their evolution which passes through the 7 main chakras and

sahasrara is where our evolution is completed. Why man sits upright at

this stage of evolution?


> Animals have seven inferior chakras called atala, vitala, sutala,

talatala, rasatala, mahatala and the lowest is patala and nadis are

situated in their legs which flow to their confluence point at muladhar

chakra just as the nadis in our body flow to ajna chakra. Just as

muladhara is the lowest chakra in the human body, patala is the lowest

in the animal kingdom and it represents total darkness, where nature is

not functioning and matter is completely dormant and static. Chakras

above sahasrara represent the higher divine conciousness. Sahasrara is

the highest in human evolution and the first step in the highest divine

evolution. How are the Lokas and the life within these lokas described

in the shastras. Don't we see the behavioural pattern and psychology of

a person unfolding here?


> Kundalini is the shakti said to control every affair of life. When it

passes through the animal stages of evolution, it influences the whole

species with avidya or ignorance and the animal kingdom is compelled to

follow the tamasic phase of eating, sleeping, fearing and mating. From

muladhara onward we pass through the rajasic phase and from sahasrara

onward we enter the sattvic. Upto muladhar, evolution is automatic.

Prakriti controls them completely and benevolently, as they don't think

and have no power of realisation. Can we relate these with actual

manifestations in a native?


> Once kundalini or primordial shakti, reaches muladhara, evolution is

no longer spontaneous as man finds awareness of time and space, and he

gets an ego. He has a higher consciousness and he has to work towards

his evolution. That is why it is said that kundalini is sleeping in

muladhara chakra and for further progress beyond this point it has to be

pushed. Within their range of chakras, all individuals within the

species are at different levels on the scale of evolution due to their

progress in previous lives, or the sadhana and sanskars. e.g someone

might have kundalini in anahata at birth, and its ascension should start

from there. But we can't remember our previous lives, so we also forget

about the state and level of the our kundalini. Can't we try and locate

this point of evolution in the chart?


> People born with awakened chakras and kundalini appear to be are

superior people in different aspects of life, depending upon the level

of achievement.. They may be great musicians, artists, scientists,

research scholars, inventors, prophets, statesmen, etc. Children born

with higher shakti may show different manifestations as they grow up.

However, our materialistic societies consider these manifestations as

abnormal and those who display them are subjected to psychoanalysis and

psychological scrutiny and treatment. How do we see this in the

horoscope? Is R/K axis a pointer to this development?


> The ultimate purpose of this shakti is to ascend through all the

chakras and to awaken them and their related parts of the brain. Aren't

these changes significantly relevant to with our day to day life. At the

mental level, it will relate to our emotional make up. Our love and

hatred, our relationships with people, they are the consequences of the

quality of our present mind. Our sufferings, agonies and frustrations

are not so much due to the circumstances of life, but more to the

responses of our mind. The higher qualities of a man, such as love,

compassion, charity, mercy, etc. are the expressions of a mind which is

influenced by awakened conciousness. Is Kaal-sarp yog pointing to these

developments in a soul?


> In essence, the concept of muladhara is understood as moola prakriti,

the transcendental basis of physical nature. The whole universe and all

its objects must have some basis from which they evolve and to which

they return after dissolution. The original source of all evolution is

mula prakriti. Muladhara, as the basis of mula prakriti, is responsible

for everything that manifests in the world of name and form. And that

everything should be visible in the horoscope if observed from this

'root' angle.


> Regards

> Neelam


> Â


> Â









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Dear Gauravji,


Everyone has his own set of definitions and experiences which are close

to his heart.


For instance young guys of 20-25 years reading 1-2 astrology books for

6 months and declaring themselves as astrologers and writing thesis on

Varga Charts and uploading them, I call them quacks. Without any

academic learning in astrology,


without few years experience they adorn self made seats of astrologers

and charge hefty sums from unsuspecting clients as fees, I call them



Now my definitions of quacks if meet approval from the majority of the

members of any group, then it is called the correct definition.


Jup Sadesathi does not exists. But if you mean sadesathi of saturn then

it certainly affects many persons careers. It all depends on individual

charts. For some it may spoil their career and for them take their

career to great heights.


About Kuja dosha, Kuja dosha does exists, and one cannot deny it. But

the definition of Kuja dosha is not understood by many, and many dont

bother to read about the Bhangas of the same, and without any study,

pass judgements on Kuja dosha and sadesathi, which is not acceptable to

me. So I keep away from such rigid mind-sets and do not allow them to

come near me, for they waste their own times and others too.


The world is big. people aremany. Astrologer community is big. good and

bad astrologers both abound these. About TV astrologers, they do not

warrant any comments.


What are we ? What am I / That is to be understood. Am I a good

astrologer ? That is to be understood ? Am I moving forward or keeping a

flexible or rigid approach, is to be understood. rest all is waste of

precious Human time.


best wishes,









, " "

<gaurav.ghosh wrote:


> ||Jai Ramakrishna||

> Dear Bhaskarji,

> Its simply your prerogative.Regarding my & brother's charts, the

> analogy that I brought in between to give an example of " detiny being

> interlinked & inter-related " & I am sure that you being in astrology

> for so many years in astrology, than me, you must be knowing it better

> than me.Any ways, I will not go into much controversy as more talks &

> disputes lead to nothing, as Katha Upanishads " Naisha tarkena

> matiraapineyaa " ...

> However, I have started doing independent research on KSY & if God

> wants, hope to complete in 2 months. Unfortunately, I had a rich

> database of more than 500 charts, with their life events(i hope at

> least 10% would have had KSY), but all lost due to a system crash. Now

> may be I have 1 or 2 charts, which is equal to zero.

> Yes, I call them quacks who believe & advocate KSY.However, it isn't

> applicable for all. I have seen astrologers in bengal(specially who

> come in TV), when finds a problem in a person's career/marital/problem

> in not getting any issues etc, the so-called " astrologers " are ready

> to find KSY be it Full or Partial, & the saga continues. Even I was

> surprised to hear Jup's Sade Sati & Kuja Dosha affecting career, when

> the person is single yet!!!I call these people quacks, who are just

> waiting to find KSY in a chart. Even if they dont have, astrologers

> also claim & once it happened that a person had no KSY,while

> astrologer claimed he has KSY!!!

> Thank you,

> .



> , " Bhaskar "

> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear .

> >

> > // Few predictions> about me & my brother quite match...like death


> > parents etc //

> >

> > But you will have different wives and probable seperate occupations.

> > Not likely to have same number of children and same genders of


> > You will have different tastes while your brother may have


> > Except for parents , no.of brothers and sisters, what else can we

> > logically think would match in 2 briothers charts ? We cannot equate

> > common parents with Kala sarpa Yoga, if you are hinting at that .

> >

> > // Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of family?


> >

> > You are a non-believer of kala sarpa, and call those who believe in

> > this as quacks. So I will be just subjecting this family members


> > to ridicule and nothing else if I give you the details. And they are


> > own nephew and niece. You will have to escuse me over here.

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " "

> > <gaurav.ghosh@> wrote:

> > >

> > > ||Jai Ramakrishna||

> > > Dear Shree Bhaskarji,

> > > Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of


> > > many of us know that destiny is always inter-related.Few


> > > about me & my brother quite match...like death of parents etc.

> > > Anyways, I personally its futile to discuss such yogas. What is


> > > to one, may not be truth to others.Only THE ULTIMATE TRUTH knows


> > > is the truth. There was & will always be people opposing many

> > > theories, be it religious practises opposed by communists or as


> > > said " Each action has an equal & opposite reaction " ...isn't it????


> > > Thank you,

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Bhaskar "

> > > bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > >

> > > > To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask


> > how

> > > > come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have


> > Sarpa

> > > > in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their

> > childhood.

> > > >

> > > > I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood

> > cancer

> > > > since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.

> > > >

> > > > I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this


> > ,

> > > > and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body


> > > > along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a


> > but

> > > > otherwise a very brainy child.

> > > >

> > > > I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the

> > physical

> > > > problems of their children.

> > > >

> > > > This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Gauravji,


// " detiny being interlinked & inter-related //


Every astrologer worth his salt knows this. there needs no mention about

this. But you are using this statement to substantiate your pointing

out that KalaSarpa Yoga in both brother and sister is most ordinary. In

fact this is what I am trying to bring home, that the destiny here is so

forcefully interlinked, that even if a new entrant in astrology looks

upon this Yoga in such cases, he will have that much intelligence to

accept it, and not deny it.











, " "

<gaurav.ghosh wrote:


> ||Jai Ramakrishna||

> Dear Bhaskarji,

> Its simply your prerogative.Regarding my & brother's charts, the

> analogy that I brought in between to give an example of " detiny being

> interlinked & inter-related " & I am sure that you being in astrology

> for so many years in astrology, than me, you must be knowing it better

> than me.Any ways, I will not go into much controversy as more talks &

> disputes lead to nothing, as Katha Upanishads " Naisha tarkena

> matiraapineyaa " ...

> However, I have started doing independent research on KSY & if God

> wants, hope to complete in 2 months. Unfortunately, I had a rich

> database of more than 500 charts, with their life events(i hope at

> least 10% would have had KSY), but all lost due to a system crash. Now

> may be I have 1 or 2 charts, which is equal to zero.

> Yes, I call them quacks who believe & advocate KSY.However, it isn't

> applicable for all. I have seen astrologers in bengal(specially who

> come in TV), when finds a problem in a person's career/marital/problem

> in not getting any issues etc, the so-called " astrologers " are ready

> to find KSY be it Full or Partial, & the saga continues. Even I was

> surprised to hear Jup's Sade Sati & Kuja Dosha affecting career, when

> the person is single yet!!!I call these people quacks, who are just

> waiting to find KSY in a chart. Even if they dont have, astrologers

> also claim & once it happened that a person had no KSY,while

> astrologer claimed he has KSY!!!

> Thank you,

> .



> , " Bhaskar "

> bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear .

> >

> > // Few predictions> about me & my brother quite match...like death


> > parents etc //

> >

> > But you will have different wives and probable seperate occupations.

> > Not likely to have same number of children and same genders of


> > You will have different tastes while your brother may have


> > Except for parents , no.of brothers and sisters, what else can we

> > logically think would match in 2 briothers charts ? We cannot equate

> > common parents with Kala sarpa Yoga, if you are hinting at that .

> >

> > // Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of family?


> >

> > You are a non-believer of kala sarpa, and call those who believe in

> > this as quacks. So I will be just subjecting this family members


> > to ridicule and nothing else if I give you the details. And they are


> > own nephew and niece. You will have to escuse me over here.

> >

> > best wishes,

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " "

> > <gaurav.ghosh@> wrote:

> > >

> > > ||Jai Ramakrishna||

> > > Dear Shree Bhaskarji,

> > > Can you please provide the birth details of 4 members of


> > > many of us know that destiny is always inter-related.Few


> > > about me & my brother quite match...like death of parents etc.

> > > Anyways, I personally its futile to discuss such yogas. What is


> > > to one, may not be truth to others.Only THE ULTIMATE TRUTH knows


> > > is the truth. There was & will always be people opposing many

> > > theories, be it religious practises opposed by communists or as


> > > said " Each action has an equal & opposite reaction " ...isn't it????


> > > Thank you,

> > > .

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Bhaskar "

> > > bhaskar_jyotish@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear friends,

> > > >

> > > > To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask


> > how

> > > > come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have


> > Sarpa

> > > > in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their

> > childhood.

> > > >

> > > > I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood

> > cancer

> > > > since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.

> > > >

> > > > I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this


> > ,

> > > > and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body


> > > > along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a


> > but

> > > > otherwise a very brainy child.

> > > >

> > > > I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the

> > physical

> > > > problems of their children.

> > > >

> > > > This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.

> > > >

> > > > regards,

> > > >

> > > > Bhaskar.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Namaste Bhaskarji


Are you suggesting it is only due to Kala

Sarpa Dosha that Both are suffering? Can you share

their Birth info?


Thanks and regards ….


Jai Sita Ram








On Behalf Of Bhaskar

17 January 2009 04:44



Kala Sarpa in real force







Dear friends,


To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how

come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa

in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.


I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer

since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.


I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,

and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but

otherwise a very brainy child.


I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical

problems of their children.


This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.









Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release 1/16/2009 3:09 PM

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Dear Ram Jaiswalji,


I am not suggesting that "it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are > suffering? '. No not at all.

This is just one link in the chain, but an important one.

Thanks and regards,






, "Ram Jaswal" <rkjaswal wrote:>> Namaste Bhaskarji> > Are you suggesting it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are> suffering? Can you share their Birth info?> > Thanks and regards ..> > Jai Sita Ram> > Ram> > _____ > > > On Behalf Of Bhaskar> 17 January 2009 04:44> > Kala Sarpa in real force> > > Dear friends,> > To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how> come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa> in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their childhood.> > I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer> since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.> > I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,> and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements> along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but> otherwise a very brainy child.> > I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical> problems of their children.> > This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.> > regards,> > Bhaskar.> > > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release 1/16/2009> 3:09 PM>

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Namaste Bhaskarji


Can you share their Birth info?


Thanks and regards ….


Jai Sita Ram








On Behalf Of Bhaskar

17 January 2009 17:42



Re: Kala Sarpa in real force






Dear Ram



I am not

suggesting that " it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are >

suffering? '. No not at all.

This is

just one link in the chain, but an important one.


and regards,








" Ram Jaswal " <rkjaswal wrote:


> Namaste Bhaskarji


> Are you suggesting it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are

> suffering? Can you share their Birth info?


> Thanks and regards ..


> Jai Sita Ram


> Ram


> _____




On Behalf Of Bhaskar

> 17 January 2009 04:44


> Kala Sarpa in real force



> Dear friends,


> To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them how

> come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala Sarpa

> in their Horoscope and both suffer ing physically since their childhood.


> I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer

> since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.


> I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,

> and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

> along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic but

> otherwise a very brainy child.


> I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the physical

> problems of their children.


> This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.


> regards,


> Bhaskar.



> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release 1/16/2009

> 3:09 PM






Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release 1/16/2009 3:09 PM

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Drear Jaiswal ji,


Boy - 24th Sept 82 BT 15.45 Eluru 16.45 81.09


Girl -10th November 86 Eluru. BT 01.23 .00















, " Ram Jaswal "

<rkjaswal wrote:


> Namaste Bhaskarji


> Can you share their Birth info?


> Thanks and regards ..


> Jai Sita Ram


> Ram


> _____



> On Behalf Of Bhaskar

> 17 January 2009 17:42


> Re: Kala Sarpa in real force


> Dear Ram Jaiswalji,

> Namaste,

> I am not suggesting that " it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both

are >

> suffering? '. No not at all.

> This is just one link in the chain, but an important one.

> Thanks and regards,

> Bhaskar.






> , " Ram Jaswal "


> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Bhaskarji

> >

> > Are you suggesting it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are

> > suffering? Can you share their Birth info?

> >

> > Thanks and regards ..

> >

> > Jai Sita Ram

> >

> > Ram

> >

> > _____

> >

> >

> > On Behalf Of


> > 17 January 2009 04:44

> >

> > Kala Sarpa in real force

> >

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them


> > come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala


> > in their Horoscope and both suffer ing physically since their


> >

> > I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood


> > since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.

> >

> > I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy


> > and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

> > along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic


> > otherwise a very brainy child.

> >

> > I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the


> > problems of their children.

> >

> > This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > Bhaskar.

> >

> >

> > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release Date:


> > 3:09 PM

> >



> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release Date:


> 3:09 PM


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Dear Bhaskar ji,

I must complement you on your beautiful mail. This is just the sort

of thing that attracted me to astrology in the first place and I am

a beginner. I will be obliged if you keep me informed of these ideas

as and when they appear in your mind. I am sure a lot of people will

be interested and will be learning from your DEEP and fresh insight

into these esoteric things.



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Dear Sunil Sharmaji,


Of course not.


Depends on the fall of the axis and other pointers.









, Sunil Sharma

<sunilsharma21 wrote:


> Dear Bhaskar ji,

> Are you implying all people who have KSY in their horoscope suffer

physically? I do not

> Regards

> Sunil


> --- On Sat, 1/17/09, Ram Jaswal rkjaswal wrote:


> Ram Jaswal rkjaswal

> RE: Kala Sarpa in real force


> Saturday, January 17, 2009, 6:21 PM



Namaste Bhaskarji


> Are you suggesting it is only due to Kala Sarpa Dosha that Both are

suffering? Can you share their Birth info?


> Thanks and regards ….


> Jai Sita Ram


> Ram






> ancient_indian_ astrology [

ancient_indian_ astrology ] On Behalf Of Bhaskar

> 17 January 2009 04:44

> ancient_indian_ astrology

> [ancient_indian_ astrology] Kala Sarpa in real force






> Dear friends,


> To those who do not believe in Kala Sarpa, I would like to ask them


> come it is a co-incidence that both real brother sister have Kala


> in their Horoscope and both suffering physically since their



> I know a young boy of around 22-24 who has suffered from blood cancer

> since his early childhood and suffered greatly for 10 years.


> I know his sister who is near about 2-3 years younger than this boy ,

> and she was born premature and cannot synchronise her body movements

> along with her thoughts, cannot speak properly, looks like a spastic


> otherwise a very brainy child.


> I have seen their parents suffering their whole life due to the


> problems of their children.


> This is the power of KalaSarpa in its deadly form.


> regards,


> Bhaskar.



> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.8/1898 - Release Date:

1/16/2009 3:09 PM


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Respected Bhaskerji,


You have given the brilliant explanation over Kundalini chakras.

My thinking has some different views as per the relationship you have

discribed beautifully on jyotisa and chakras. I agree on most of the points.


Mars could be one of the reason for child birth but not the major one as

you have associated with mula chakra. Weak or afflicted mars could be

one of the problems of child birth but not necessary.


I think all the planets are responsible for childbirth. Two luminaries

sun and moon is the giver of soul and mind, next five planets (except

rahu and ketu) gives five basic elements to form a body. so in kundalini

chakra scheme these seven planets with bodies will represent seven chakras.


Rahu and ketu are karmic planets and the cause of rebirth. They

represent the boundaries of the Bhulok (earth or ascendent) or any other

lokas. It may represent the entry gate and exit gate for an ascendent as

ascendent could be present in any loka.


So as per rahu and ketu position we can ascertain our reasons for

re-birth and moksha from these birth totally or from this loka to another.


If i am wrong just forgive me like a younger immature brother in

astrology :) .


Thanking you,

Your's sincerely,

Vijay Goel


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