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Dear Zavisa,

Can you e-mail a recent photograph of your to Sri Dina-Nath so that it

can be added to our site. Do visit our site and tell us about the

changes/additions needed or any shortcomings. Web:


Hare Krishna

Sanjay Rath


Zavisa Nikac <zavisa_nikac

<varahamihira >

Thursday, September 30, 1999 5:41 PM




> om gurave namah

> om sri ganeshaya namah

> hare rama krishna


> Sanjay accepted me as sisya this week so I am now on

> the list and would like to introduce myself.


> I am 23 years old student of economy that is involved

> in spirituality through books I was able to read as my

> aunt was practising yoga under Maheshwarananda since

> my childhood and I had all hosts of different books on

> my disposal every time I would visit my grandparents.

> Consequently I was vegetarian since childhood. Got

> interrested in jyotish in 1995 and have somewhat

> studied it since then. Do not do it, just study as I

> do not have much time due to my economy studies.

> However I hope from next year I will have more time on

> my disposal for this. Am currently reading the works

> of Jagad Guru Siddhasvarupananda who inspires me in

> spiritual life, used to be connected to Iskcon, and

> local Gaudiya Math people. In fact we are waiting for

> Swami Tripurari to come here during October. Have

> friends that are into Zen, Iskcon, Aikido, Rebirthing,

> Gaudiya Matha etc, all my age of course. They are

> mainly former Iskcon people.


> If you want to see my " very great " (I am joking) chart

> here it is:

> Zavisa Nikac

> 8th June 1976

> 21:34 CET NoDST

> Zagreb, Croatia(16E00, 45N38)


> So be it,


> that's me







> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.


> ------


> Jaya Jagannatha Mahaprabhu



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--- Gauranga Das <gauranga wrote:




> Dear Zavisa,


> Namaskar.


> I'm happy to meet you on the list.


> > interrested in jyotish in 1995 and have somewhat

> > studied it since then. Do not do it, just study as

> I

> > do not have much time due to my economy studies.

> > However I hope from next year I will have more

> time on

> > my disposal for this. Am currently reading the

> works


> If you accept a piece of advice from me then I

> suggest you to practice as much as possible. If you

> relly want to learn Jyotisha, you should devote much

> time to both studying the texts and practicing the

> chart reading. I have met many people with

> superficial interest in Jyotisha and they have

> turned away from it very soon when they realized the

> hard work in front of them. The western mind is not

> really used to this kind of Tapasya. I'm sure that

> Sanjay Prabhu Gurudeva will make you a first class

> Jyotish if you are willing to work hard.


> Your brother,


> Gauranga das




Jay Radhe!


Yes, you are right. However, if I want to finish my

studies(and I know that I don't want to, rather I have

to). (moon is in 11nt thnat rules desires yet its in

3rd form AL, however its with Rahu, so acctualy rahu

is pushing for it) then I should concentrate on them

as it has to be finished in less then a year. And am

somewhat below the level in exams as am always

concentrating on other things. Like for example I

ruined my mathematics studies due to being in temple

all the time. During chandra kendradi dasa of Cancer.

So I set to please my mother by finishing this

Advanced Bussiness School. Moon aspects 5th house that

has got the Jup lord of 4th, 4th is unoccupied and

unaspected by Rashi nor graha aspects. Ketu is with

jup. I first chose maths(now jyotish is instead of

that), mother acctually got me into economy(moon in

swati and the graha aspect) and I promised her I will

finish it. So I still think that I will have to wait

till next year, and in the meantime simply follow

these groups. Actually next year is 2ndary year of

Jupiter that somewhat breaks KSY Yoga and I am

entering the 3rd house Narayana dasa that gives

results of the 9th house with Jup in Pisces in D-60

and last for 10 years, so I hope to devote myself more

to astrology during that time. Till then probably

economy will bother me more , and believe me with

debilitated saturn over the place of learning(5th

house) and lagna lord jupiter in it, it realy demands

hard endevour and I cannot overstretch myself on 5

sides, and there is a tendency to reject the studies

while sat is in direct motion debilitated there, but I

hope I won't do it. It would be a great mistake. Yet

its extremely good advice and thank you for that.











> Jaya Jagannatha Mahaprabhu












Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.

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  • 4 months later...
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In a message dated 00-06-09 04:28:43 EDT, Ayn77 writes:


>My name is Ayn. I am married and have two boys (12 & 7). Its really

>important to me to teach them the truth. I have so much to learn. Its

>very hard at times to sort out the real facts. I am looking forward to

>growing with this group and hope someday to contribute. But right now I

>will have to be in the background.


Thank you for your post, Ayn. Enjoy your lurking until you're ready to post





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Hello Kathryn,

I calculated your planets

Asc 1°59 Aries

Sun 18°54 Capr.

Moon 16°12 Gemini

Mars 0°14 Capr.

Mercury 24°12 Sag.

Jupiter 28°07 Aries

Venus 5°40 Pisces

Saturn 19°58 Cancer

Nord node 4°07 Libra

Uranus 18°09 Libra

Neptune 22°03 Scorpio

Pluto 20°34 Virgo

MC 16° Sag

Good luck and best regards



black sphinx <blacksphinx


Monday, June 12, 2000 10:24 PM




> Hello, I'm Kathryn, I have a good working knowledge of Tropical Astrology,

> and a basic grasp of horary. I don't know anything about Sidereal


> but would love to find out more. Could someone find out where my planets

> end up for me?

> I was born at 10:02 am on the first of February 1977, in


> staffordshire,England.

> I'm looking forward to hearing from you all,

> Love

> Blacksphinx

> *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

> evil is good for you!*



> ------

> eGroups members: $60 in FREE calls! Join beMANY!

> And pay less each month for long distance.

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> ------


> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

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In a message dated 6/14/00 5:30:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

blacksphinx writes:


> *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

> evil is good for you!*


Does anyone here besides me get the Sounds True catalog?


They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white light

wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness, too.


Welcome to our list, Kathryn!




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*the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

evil is good for you!*


cn049411 <dmlettens

14 June 2000 06:46

Re: Introduction



>Hello Kathryn,

>I calculated your planets

>Asc 1°59 Aries

>Sun 18°54 Capr.

>Moon 16°12 Gemini

>Mars 0°14 Capr.

>Mercury 24°12 Sag.

>Jupiter 28°07 Aries

>Venus 5°40 Pisces

>Saturn 19°58 Cancer

>Nord node 4°07 Libra

>Uranus 18°09 Libra

>Neptune 22°03 Scorpio

>Pluto 20°34 Virgo

>MC 16° Sag

>Good luck and best regards



>black sphinx <blacksphinx


>Monday, June 12, 2000 10:24 PM

> Introduction



>> Hello, I'm Kathryn, I have a good working knowledge of Tropical


>> and a basic grasp of horary. I don't know anything about Sidereal


>> but would love to find out more. Could someone find out where my planets

>> end up for me?

>> I was born at 10:02 am on the first of February 1977, in


>> staffordshire,England.

>> I'm looking forward to hearing from you all,

>> Love

>> Blacksphinx

>> *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

>> evil is good for you!*



>> ------

>> eGroups members: $60 in FREE calls! Join beMANY!

>> And pay less each month for long distance.

>> http://click./1/4122/5/_/655209/_/960841071/

>> ------


>> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

>> Post message:

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>> /community/






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> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

> Post message:

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> They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white


> wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness,



What are you talking about??



" The child must know that he is a miracle; that since the beginning of the

world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be,

another child like him. "


Pablo Casals




Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:49 PM

Re: Introduction



> In a message dated 6/14/00 5:30:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> blacksphinx writes:


> > *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

> > evil is good for you!*


> Does anyone here besides me get the Sounds True catalog?


> They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white


> wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness,



> Welcome to our list, Kathryn!


> Later,

> Kevin/Baraka.


> ------

> Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.

> http://click./1/4633/5/_/655209/_/961019380/

> ------


> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

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> List owner: -owner


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Guest guest

As a person who has had quite a bit of exposure to the " dark side " without


it out - it's in our charts, I believe. My dob is 04-30-44 - 11:00 a.m.

Colchester England. Pluto & N.Node conj in 1st H - sq Sun - Raised in an

extremely vicious religions cult - born w/a noticeable birth defect (finally

somewhat corrected w/surgery at 25); then married the Devil incarnate - in


for the last 6 yrs - Dissociative Identity Disorder/Bi-Polar/Post Traumatic


Disorder et al - w/a Mother who said " I wish I never had you " - The Dark Side


come to me. But the Light of Good is More Powerful. My deceased boyfriend -

accidental death - 25 yrs ago has come to me twice - once in my home standing in

front of me just as a " live " person would. Now I relish studying the Good, Bad

and the Different thru Astrology, Tarot & My Palmistry. Any other people w/same

aspects/experiences out there? Please do tell . . . . .


aumgn93 wrote:


> In a message dated 6/14/00 5:30:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> blacksphinx writes:


> > *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

> > evil is good for you!*


> Does anyone here besides me get the Sounds True catalog?


> They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white light

> wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness, too.


> Welcome to our list, Kathryn!


> Later,

> Kevin/Baraka.


> ------

> Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.

> http://click./1/4633/5/_/655209/_/961019380/

> ------


> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

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Thank you, I'm glad you took my signature in the spirit in which it is meant

and understood it (I have a natal Sun trine Pluto)

I briefly joined a Reiki list and they were not receptive to this statement

at all- kept going on about Reiki " should " be about light and love (ie

repressing/projecting any dark side of the personality.

Call me destructively Uranian if you like but I always resent any

implication of what I " should " have as my personality! But then I'm just

starting on my own pet crusade again!!



*the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

evil is good for you!*


aumgn93 <aumgn93

14 June 2000 22:49

Re: Introduction



>In a message dated 6/14/00 5:30:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>blacksphinx writes:


>> *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

>> evil is good for you!*


>Does anyone here besides me get the Sounds True catalog?


>They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white


>wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness,



>Welcome to our list, Kathryn!






>Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.




> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

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> List owner: -owner


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I have a natal sun exactly opp saturn, square Uranus.

I think oppositions are quite hard to handle- I find it very hard not to be

paranoid and see other people as a nasty " them " who are all out to opress

and criticise me. I think if people don't accept " evil " in themselves, they

will run up against it all the more in other people/their everyday


I find pluto healing as I have it in the 6th house.

But it's all a question of what belief systems work for each individual

person and their journey to healing/happiness isn't it? For myself I think

it's too simplistic to demonise other people- there are lessons to learn

from everyone, if you can see behind the way the message is conveyed to what

the universe is using them to tell you personally.


Sorry I'm blathering on again! I must stop now!



*the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

evil is good for you!*


Sandy Bateman <essexgirl

15 June 2000 01:59

Re: Introduction



>As a person who has had quite a bit of exposure to the " dark side " without


>it out - it's in our charts, I believe. My dob is 04-30-44 - 11:00 a.m.

>Colchester England. Pluto & N.Node conj in 1st H - sq Sun - Raised in an

>extremely vicious religions cult - born w/a noticeable birth defect


>somewhat corrected w/surgery at 25); then married the Devil incarnate - in


>for the last 6 yrs - Dissociative Identity Disorder/Bi-Polar/Post Traumatic


>Disorder et al - w/a Mother who said " I wish I never had you " - The Dark

Side has

>come to me. But the Light of Good is More Powerful. My deceased

boyfriend -

>accidental death - 25 yrs ago has come to me twice - once in my home

standing in

>front of me just as a " live " person would. Now I relish studying the Good,


>and the Different thru Astrology, Tarot & My Palmistry. Any other people


>aspects/experiences out there? Please do tell . . . . .


>aumgn93 wrote:


>> In a message dated 6/14/00 5:30:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>> blacksphinx writes:


>> > *the pleasure of the dark knowledge-

>> > evil is good for you!*


>> Does anyone here besides me get the Sounds True catalog?


>> They had a quote from C.G. Jung, saying that imagining figures of white


>> wasn't enough; one must also bring one's dark aspects into consciousness,



>> Welcome to our list, Kathryn!


>> Later,

>> Kevin/Baraka.


>> ------

>> Was the salesman clueless? Productopia has the answers.

>> http://click./1/4633/5/_/655209/_/961019380/

>> ------


>> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

>> Post message:

>> Subscribe: -

>> Un: -

>> List owner: -owner


>> Shortcut URL to this page:

>> /community/





> " How can Pluto be in Sagittarius when it's so close to Antares? " -----

> Post message:

> Subscribe: -

> Un: -

> List owner: -owner


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> /community/



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

At 01:49 AM 8/1/00 +0300, Risto Vartiainen wrote:

>Anyway, calculating and interpreting high Northern latitude charts

>has given me plenty of motivation to compare different house systems

>in practice. Different house systems give widely different house sizes

>up here, so doing comparisons should be a whole lot easier, one might

>think....The only thing I could do, a long time ago already,

>was to discard all quadrant systems of house division


Isn't the Internet wonderful?! We can communicate with astrologers in the

far north (Finland), and learn how astrology works for them.


I've tried different house systems over more than 30 years, and have had to

discard ALL quadrant systems also. I use the " sign as house " chart for some

purposes, but for planets actually IN HOUSES, I've found that the Indian

equal house system seems to be the most accurate. That system places the

Ascendant degree at the center of each house, so each house extends 15

degrees on either side of that cuspal degree in each sign. If a chart has 10

Taurus rising, for example, then 10 degrees would be the cusp of each house,

and each house radiates out on both sides from that degree. (The technical

meaning of CUSP is " peaking point, " not " beginning. " ) Try it. You might be

surprised at how well that house system works. I use the MC degree, but not

to mark the 10th house.


The Indian Equal House system is similar in concept to the foreground/

middleground/background used in sidereal solar and lunar return charts. The

difference is that all the houses are based on the ascendant degree rather

than trisected from the midheaven degree.


Best wishes,


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  • 3 months later...



In a message dated 11/29/2000 5:54:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Feyline writes:


> My name is Feyline, and I am very interested in astrology.


Welcome aboard!


> One of the things I'm presently learning right now is delineating charts,

> and I think that this list will help me to understand why some of the

> delineations I've been doing are not as indicative as I'd like.


One reason for this, in my opinion, would be Western astrology's (over?)

emphasis on signs and houses as opposed to aspects, angles, and midpoints.


> I am a Cancerian in the Tropical Zodiac, and I'm looking forward to


> a lot here.


Feel free to check the archives & links, then.


Until next time,


The List Owner

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 6/11/02 3:44:53 AM Central Daylight Time,

solunars writes:



> A great internet reference is " Sidereal Home

> Page " or use 'Google' search engine for 'Sidereal

> Astrology " I use the Fagan-Allen western sidereal. I

> do not use the Vedic or eastern sidereal approach.




Thank you for the input, Mike - I've bookmarked that page (and several

others). Plan to Amazon shop soon, too! I also downloaded Astrolog

freeware, so I guess I'm on my way.... a little....lol.







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Hi, Yes, in terms of the 'fixed-star-zodiac' your

Sun's constellation is about 7 deg. Cancer. However in

the ancient past one was often referred to in terms of

their Moon's constellation and not their Sun sign. The

Sidereal approach to interpretation is substancially

different than the Tropical approach. It's not enough

to use the Sidereal Zodiac while keeping Tropical

interpretation techniques...thereby cancelling each

other out. If you choose to study (Western)Sidereal

Astrology then you will get a lot more from it if you

also apply Sidereal interpretation technique when

reading charts...mixing the two zodiacs together is

like mixing oil with water...they don't mix, they only

confuse. A great internet reference is " Sidereal Home

Page " or use 'Google' search engine for 'Sidereal

Astrology " I use the Fagan-Allen western sidereal. I

do not use the Vedic or eastern sidereal approach.


Good Luck in your research, Mike Viele


recommended books, " Primer of Sidereal Astrology " by

Cyril Fagan also go to

--- julyhummingbird wrote:

> Hello, I know very little about Sidereal Astrology,

> but I'm fascinated and

> eager to find out more.


> Could someone refer me to more information? Books?

> Web?


> I was born July 22, 1961 at 6:35 am in Killeen

> Texas. Am I indeed a Cancer?

> Any input would be appreciated.


> Thanks,

> July







- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


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  • 6 months later...

In a message dated 12/30/2002 11:17:06 PM Central Standard Time,

perfectcipher writes:


> I am a Capricorn (I think) born 1/1/74 (11:45PM Santo Domingo, Dominican

> Republic) and although my birthday's usually my favorite day of the whole

> year, I am sooooooooooooo depressed about turning 29


1/4 is sidereal Sagittarius. Always make your birthday the most important

holiday of the year! Even I do that (and I hate holidays) . . . and I'm not

dreading turning 59 this coming saturday. /// chriswing in austin tx /// ps

// I hope someone has time to run your charts.




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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Debra, Your form of meditation for your self-realization interests me since I am using the cube of space/tree of life as a tool for the past few weeks and am finding this is greatly assisting with my intensive psychotherapy group right now too. Also I am trying to open my mind to sidereal astrology/jyotish and what a challenge for me after studying western for over 30 years. Doesn't help that I am so busy with other stuff too so it is more like a dabadoodle here and there at the moment. It sounds like you are well into it backwards or not with your study of sanskrit too. Nice to meet you here at this site, cheers, Morgana




Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:52 PM


Hi Everyone,My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months. I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have been self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two and two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit interpetation in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both systems and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and interpetation. So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for self realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness through the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign position of Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole and individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I have done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating! Debra7/28/1951Chicago, IL9:14am (standard time)Lahiri 3* Virgo

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Hello Debra,


So nice of you to send this introduction. A big welcome to you!


Kind regards,




Hi Everyone,My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months. I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have been self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two and two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit interpetation in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both systems and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and interpetation. So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for self realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness through the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign position of Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole and individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I have done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating! Debra7/28/1951Chicago, IL9:14am (standard time)Lahiri 3* Virgo

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Hi Morgana


Wow, your work and such - how interesting! Thanks for the greetings

and encouragement. I will look forward to all your posts. Your

questions on Vedic too will help me apply what I know and learn

further in areas where I am weak.

30 yrs. of Western! The psychology of it all! I bet you could

teach me I thing or two. What made you want to learn Vedic? The

oneness of self realization through a higher conscious? The

stillness? Or more?


I Love music too. I find the precise mathematical rhythm played out

on an instrument to be the ultimate expression of awe...


An Aria beautifully a tuned in voice - like an angel from heaven


MUSIC - Soul level beautiful - Inspiring - lifting and at peace -

All's well with me and the world!






, " morgana "

<morganaspirit@t...> wrote:

> Hi Debra, Your form of meditation for your self-realization

interests me since I am using the cube of space/tree of life as a

tool for the past few weeks and am finding this is greatly assisting

with my intensive psychotherapy group right now too. Also I am

trying to open my mind to sidereal astrology/jyotish and what a

challenge for me after studying western for over 30 years. Doesn't

help that I am so busy with other stuff too so it is more like a

dabadoodle here and there at the moment. It sounds like you are

well into it backwards or not with your study of sanskrit too.

Nice to meet you here at this site, cheers, Morgana

> -

> dqm51


> Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:52 PM

> Introduction



> Hi Everyone,


> My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.


> I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have

> been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months.


> I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have


> self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must

> admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the

> last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two


> two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the

> Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better

> understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit


> in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has

> worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both


> and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and

> interpetation.


> So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!


> I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for


> realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness


> the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign

position of

> Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole


> individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I


> done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating!


> Debra

> 7/28/1951

> Chicago, IL

> 9:14am (standard time)

> Lahiri 3* Virgo




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Patrice, Thanks so much for your warm greeting. I have a sister who

is named Patrice. mmm...beautiful and unique!





, " Patrice Curry "

<patricecurry@c...> wrote:

> Hello Debra,


> So nice of you to send this introduction. A big welcome to you!


> Kind regards,

> Patrice


> ________

> Hi Everyone,


> My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.


> I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have

> been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months.


> I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have been

> self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must

> admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the

> last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two


> two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the

> Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better

> understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit interpetation

> in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has

> worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both


> and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and

> interpetation.


> So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!


> I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for self

> realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness


> the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign position


> Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole


> individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I


> done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating!


> Debra

> 7/28/1951

> Chicago, IL

> 9:14am (standard time)

> Lahiri 3* Virgo

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Hi Debra, Enthusiasm must be your 'middle' name, lol. I am still kind of in a stunned but happy state after connecting with a gifted and spiritual Jyotish astrologer over a question I asked him, on another forum, so yes, my interest in Vedic has intensified. I feel like he touched my soul and so I will not be writing much. I have to go and meditate to appreciate the energy. Whew! Not often such a thing happens to me! But I will add that during all of my years of study in Western Astro, the prediction accuracy was not there and that is where my true interest lies. I love tuning into the energy of the chart and 'seeing' what comes next, although I do like to look at the chart and see the beginning of it all. It is exhilerating to see the story; to see the choices and the path taken in that choice. So Vedic/Jyotish is amazing that way! The work we do is so important though...the self-realization when finally things start to click. Glad to meet you Debra, cheers, Morgana




Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:24 PM

Re: Introduction

Hi MorganaWow, your work and such - how interesting! Thanks for the greetings and encouragement. I will look forward to all your posts. Your questions on Vedic too will help me apply what I know and learn further in areas where I am weak.30 yrs. of Western! The psychology of it all! I bet you could teach me I thing or two. What made you want to learn Vedic? The oneness of self realization through a higher conscious? The stillness? Or more?I Love music too. I find the precise mathematical rhythm played out on an instrument to be the ultimate expression of awe...An Aria beautifully a tuned in voice - like an angel from heaven MUSIC - Soul level beautiful - Inspiring - lifting and at peace - All's well with me and the world! Debra , "morgana" <morganaspirit@t...> wrote:> Hi Debra, Your form of meditation for your self-realization interests me since I am using the cube of space/tree of life as a tool for the past few weeks and am finding this is greatly assisting with my intensive psychotherapy group right now too. Also I am trying to open my mind to sidereal astrology/jyotish and what a challenge for me after studying western for over 30 years. Doesn't help that I am so busy with other stuff too so it is more like a dabadoodle here and there at the moment. It sounds like you are well into it backwards or not with your study of sanskrit too. Nice to meet you here at this site, cheers, Morgana> - > dqm51 > > Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:52 PM> Introduction> > > Hi Everyone,> > My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.> > I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have > been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months. > > I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have been > self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must > admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the > last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two and > two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the > Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better > understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit interpetation > in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has > worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both systems > and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and > interpetation. > > So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!> > I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for self > realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness through > the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign position of > Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole and > individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I have > done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating! > > Debra> 7/28/1951> Chicago, IL> 9:14am (standard time)> Lahiri 3* Virgo> > >

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Hi Dear Debra,


A sister named Patrice! I've been enyoying your great enthusiasm and posts ;-)


Just looked up your birth chart on PL and also on Goravani Jyotish and each program gives you a 1 hour DST. Is this incorrect? You wrote below (standard time) so I'm assuming you know this DST to be off. Yikes, I trust these programs and wouldn't have ever thought to change this for you.






Patrice, Thanks so much for your warm greeting. I have a sister who is named Patrice. mmm...beautiful and unique!Debra


> Debra> 7/28/1951> Chicago, IL> 9:14am (standard time)> Lahiri 3* Virgo

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I found your post interesting and wanted to share.


I too was quite moved five years ago when I ws accidentally

introduced to a vedic astrologer. She gave me a one hour reading

(me not knowing anything and skeptical of astrologers as a whole) My

soul was touched too at a level I can not explain. I was in awe and

numb for quite a few days. Then I wanted to know HOW she did

that. It was her sage advice over the next few months and the book

she gave me about Vedic astrology that has led me on this course of

knowledge and application. She died shortly after. But, her

kindness, her patience and her belief in me. Her guidance. All she

did was give me a book and let me take off and sail my own ship.

Amazing. I wish she were alive today so that I could continue to

communicate with her. But, I felt at the time she was like an angel

who came to visit and show me the way. Our charts really have it

all there within us. Don't they?! Now, to spread the word and have

people realize and accept that it's (Astrology) a tool of getting in

touch with self and purpose instead of looking for all the answers

outside of ourselves. I aggree, Western Astrology for the

psychology and personality as a whole for characterization. Vedic,

for events, use of energy, spiritualty and a higher level of

oneness. For me Transformation, for others, I hope to help.


I love your name. Is it a mythological Goddess name?








, " morgana "

<morganaspirit@t...> wrote:

> Hi Debra, Enthusiasm must be your 'middle' name, lol. I am

still kind of in a stunned but happy state after connecting with a

gifted and spiritual Jyotish astrologer over a question I asked him,

on another forum, so yes, my interest in Vedic has intensified. I

feel like he touched my soul and so I will not be writing much. I

have to go and meditate to appreciate the energy. Whew! Not often

such a thing happens to me! But I will add that during all of my

years of study in Western Astro, the prediction accuracy was not

there and that is where my true interest lies. I love tuning into

the energy of the chart and 'seeing' what comes next, although I do

like to look at the chart and see the beginning of it all. It is

exhilerating to see the story; to see the choices and the path taken

in that choice. So Vedic/Jyotish is amazing that way! The work

we do is so important though...the self-realization when finally

things start to click. Glad to meet you Debra, cheers, Morgana

> -

> dqm51


> Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:24 PM

> Re: Introduction



> Hi Morgana


> Wow, your work and such - how interesting! Thanks for the


> and encouragement. I will look forward to all your posts. Your

> questions on Vedic too will help me apply what I know and learn

> further in areas where I am weak.

> 30 yrs. of Western! The psychology of it all! I bet you could

> teach me I thing or two. What made you want to learn Vedic?


> oneness of self realization through a higher conscious? The

> stillness? Or more?


> I Love music too. I find the precise mathematical rhythm played


> on an instrument to be the ultimate expression of awe...


> An Aria beautifully a tuned in voice - like an angel from heaven


> MUSIC - Soul level beautiful - Inspiring - lifting and at peace -


> All's well with me and the world!



> Debra



> , " morgana "

> <morganaspirit@t...> wrote:

> > Hi Debra, Your form of meditation for your self-realization

> interests me since I am using the cube of space/tree of life as


> tool for the past few weeks and am finding this is greatly


> with my intensive psychotherapy group right now too. Also I am

> trying to open my mind to sidereal astrology/jyotish and what a

> challenge for me after studying western for over 30 years.


> help that I am so busy with other stuff too so it is more like a

> dabadoodle here and there at the moment. It sounds like you


> well into it backwards or not with your study of sanskrit


> Nice to meet you here at this site, cheers, Morgana

> > -

> > dqm51

> >

> > Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:52 PM

> > Introduction

> >

> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.

> >

> > I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and


> > been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of


> >

> > I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have

> been

> > self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I


> > admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say


> > last year I have had the time to read more and start to put


> and

> > two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying


> > Western psychology and delineation in English so as to


> > understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit

> interpetation

> > in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it


> > worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both

> systems

> > and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and

> > interpetation.

> >

> > So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!

> >

> > I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for

> self

> > realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness

> through

> > the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign

> position of

> > Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a


> and

> > individually. And Therese, your blending the signs

meanings. I

> have

> > done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating!

> >

> > Debra

> > 7/28/1951

> > Chicago, IL

> > 9:14am (standard time)

> > Lahiri 3* Virgo

> >

> >

> >

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Debra, do you mind if I ask what the name of the book was?



.... Bettina





dqm51 [dqm51]Wednesday, May 12, 2004 10:21 AM Subject: Re: IntroductionMorgana,I found your post interesting and wanted to share.I too was quite moved five years ago when I ws accidentally introduced to a vedic astrologer. She gave me a one hour reading (me not knowing anything and skeptical of astrologers as a whole) My soul was touched too at a level I can not explain. I was in awe and numb for quite a few days. Then I wanted to know HOW she did that. It was her sage advice over the next few months and the book she gave me about Vedic astrology that has led me on this course of knowledge and application. She died shortly after. But, her kindness, her patience and her belief in me. Her guidance. All she did was give me a book and let me take off and sail my own ship. Amazing. I wish she were alive today so that I could continue to communicate with her. But, I felt at the time she was like an angel who came to visit and show me the way. Our charts really have it all there within us. Don't they?! Now, to spread the word and have people realize and accept that it's (Astrology) a tool of getting in touch with self and purpose instead of looking for all the answers outside of ourselves. I aggree, Western Astrology for the psychology and personality as a whole for characterization. Vedic, for events, use of energy, spiritualty and a higher level of oneness. For me Transformation, for others, I hope to help.I love your name. Is it a mythological Goddess name?Debra , "morgana" <morganaspirit@t...> wrote:> Hi Debra, Enthusiasm must be your 'middle' name, lol. I am still kind of in a stunned but happy state after connecting with a gifted and spiritual Jyotish astrologer over a question I asked him, on another forum, so yes, my interest in Vedic has intensified. I feel like he touched my soul and so I will not be writing much. I have to go and meditate to appreciate the energy. Whew! Not often such a thing happens to me! But I will add that during all of my years of study in Western Astro, the prediction accuracy was not there and that is where my true interest lies. I love tuning into the energy of the chart and 'seeing' what comes next, although I do like to look at the chart and see the beginning of it all. It is exhilerating to see the story; to see the choices and the path taken in that choice. So Vedic/Jyotish is amazing that way! The work we do is so important though...the self-realization when finally things start to click. Glad to meet you Debra, cheers, Morgana> - > dqm51 > > Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:24 PM> Re: Introduction> > > Hi Morgana> > Wow, your work and such - how interesting! Thanks for the greetings > and encouragement. I will look forward to all your posts. Your > questions on Vedic too will help me apply what I know and learn > further in areas where I am weak.> 30 yrs. of Western! The psychology of it all! I bet you could > teach me I thing or two. What made you want to learn Vedic? The > oneness of self realization through a higher conscious? The > stillness? Or more?> > I Love music too. I find the precise mathematical rhythm played out > on an instrument to be the ultimate expression of awe...> > An Aria beautifully a tuned in voice - like an angel from heaven > > MUSIC - Soul level beautiful - Inspiring - lifting and at peace - > All's well with me and the world! > > > Debra > > > , "morgana" > <morganaspirit@t...> wrote:> > Hi Debra, Your form of meditation for your self-realization > interests me since I am using the cube of space/tree of life as a > tool for the past few weeks and am finding this is greatly assisting > with my intensive psychotherapy group right now too. Also I am > trying to open my mind to sidereal astrology/jyotish and what a > challenge for me after studying western for over 30 years. Doesn't > help that I am so busy with other stuff too so it is more like a > dabadoodle here and there at the moment. It sounds like you are > well into it backwards or not with your study of sanskrit too. > Nice to meet you here at this site, cheers, Morgana> > - > > dqm51 > > > > Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:52 PM> > Introduction> > > > > > Hi Everyone,> > > > My posts have preceded my introduction to all of you.> > > > I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now and have > > been on Mark's daily transits newsletter for a couple of months. > > > > I find it all so fascinating and informative. I myself have > been > > self- studying astrology for the past 5 years. Although, I must > > admit I have not been consistent in my aproach. I would say the > > last year I have had the time to read more and start to put two > and > > two together. Prior to that I was concentrating on studying the > > Western psychology and delineation in English so as to better > > understand the sidereal calculation and its sanskrit > interpetation > > in Vedic. I know it is a backwards approach but so far it has > > worked for me. Also, I feel there is some relevance in both > systems > > and that has really intrigued me with chart breakdown and > > interpetation. > > > > So, I am here to learn and share and converse with others!> > > > I am particularly interested in the topics of meditation for > self > > realization and for a higher level of consciouse and oneness > through > > the planets and its movements. Also, the house and sign > position of > > Moon in Taurus - its impact and relevance in a chart as a whole > and > > individually. And Therese, your blending the signs meanings. I > have > > done a lot of mythological sign reading. Fascinating! > > > > Debra> > 7/28/1951> > Chicago, IL> > 9:14am (standard time)> > Lahiri 3* Virgo> > > > > >

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Hello Dear Debra and Bettina,


I was just looking in the archives to see if I could locate your birth info Bettina, and instead came across your original birth data given Debra. My apologies for any confusion. I see you gave 10:14 in your original post on this.


I didn't find yours Bettina, was looking to follow along on your posts referring to it.


Best wishes,






Hi Dear Debra,


A sister named Patrice! I've been enyoying your great enthusiasm and posts ;-)


Just looked up your birth chart on PL and also on Goravani Jyotish and each program gives you a 1 hour DST. Is this incorrect? You wrote below (standard time) so I'm assuming you know this DST to be off. Yikes, I trust these programs and wouldn't have ever thought to change this for you.





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