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Please help in sinus and constipation problem

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Hi all,

I am dheeraj from bangalore.

I have been suffering from sinus problem for years. I also suffer from constipation. I have tried lot of medications but no help. Please suggest me effective remedy for these problems.


I am practicing jal neti and pranayama for a month now. I feel slight improvement in sinus but no improvement in constipation.




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Hi dheeraj, blessings. What are you eating in your diet right now? Are you eating refined foods, or junk foods? A diet that is raw will help with this. Mostly fruits and vegetables, stay away from breads, dairy, and sugar for now. You can start to introduce lassi with ginger and cardamom into your diet later. Do three days on raw fruits and vegetables, then introduce the lassi, and slowly introduce natural cooked foods.


There is also a medicine for plugged sinus. It is the oil of mustard, vacha, pippali, vidanga, ginger, black pepper... Put in three drops in each nostril. This is for (Puti Nasya), and is very effective.


For the constipation, take a teaspoon of triphala mixed with 4Xs the amount warm water first thing in the morning, and right before bed. Relieving the constipation will relieve the sinus congestions...


Also are you doing Ujjayi pranayama? I find this one is very effective for clearing the sinuses.

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Thanks for the reply.

I mostly avoid outside food. I am taking high intake of vegetables and fruits. I eat breads and junk foods very occasionally.


As for the dairy products, should I stop everything including ghee, milk, tea etc. ??


I was not doing ujjayi pranayama, I'll start that too. Also I find it very difficult to do anulom vilom pranayama as my nose are chocked most of the times.


You have suggested some oils for sinus. Are they available in market or we need to prepare at home ??



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Hi there, the milk should be removed. The Ghee, and tea will be ok. The oil will have to be made. Simmer on the lowest heat about a tablespoon of each herb in about 1/2 cup of mustard oil covered with a lid for just over an hour. Let it cool then strain the mixture with coffee filters until it is pure and there is no grit. If the oil is very potent it may be mixed with more mustard oil later, and depending upon your constitution you may mix with coconut or sesame oil, as long as it is mostly mustard oil. This works very well.

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