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USA to Build Nuclear Plants in India

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Notice how this will lead India more and more into the same financial fiasco like all western States are hooked up.




Krishna Consciousness & Ecological Awareness : Hillary Clinton: US to Build Nuclear Plants in India




By Dean Nelson, The Telegraph/UK





The agreement was announced after Mrs Clinton, the US secretary of state, met the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, in the Indian capital.

S.M. Krishna, India’s external affairs minister, said India had agreed to buy US defence equipment under an arrangement which will allow Washington to monitor its “end-use” to prevent weapons technology being sold on to rogue regimes.

The agreement puts the United States ahead of its rivals as India prepares to spend billions on modernising its armed forces, including the purchase of 126 fighter aircraft.

Lockheed Martin and Boeing are expected to benefit from the defence deal while General Electric and Westinghouse are expected to win substantial contracts to build reactors for two new nuclear power plants.

India is desperate to increase its power generating capacity to fuel its growing economy.

Its growing strategic partnership with the United States is a legacy of the former US president George W. Bush, and has been strengthened under President Obama.

It reflects Washington’s need for a democratic partner in Asia to support its counter-terrorism efforts and as a check on China’s expanding influence in the region.

As a mark of India’s growing status in Washington, Mr Singh is due to pay a state visit to Washington.

Mrs Clinton was warmly received in New Delhi after she began her trip with a stay at Mumbai’s Taj Palace Hotel, the scene of last November’s terrorist attack. She has also won Indian hearts by pointedly not visiting its neighbouring rival, Pakistan.

She pledged to work with the Indian government to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions – Indian emissions are predicted to rise by 50 per cent by 2030 – and to modernise its agriculture.

But the deal focuses on defence and civil nuclear energy agreements which could be worth more than $40 billion to American companies.

© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009



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by environmentkrishna at July 30, 2009 01:08 AM

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  • 11 months later...

My personal viewpoint is that the affairs of the World are planned way in advance by a network of fraternal orders with a specific endgame in mind. Modern humans were genetically engineered by the Nephilium when the Nephilium were expelled from the heavenly planets because they didn't obey the prime directive of non-interference with the lesser evolutions of the universe. When the Nephilium were stuck on Earth they still had advanced knowledge of science, genetics etc. but they had noone to do the work to rebuild the technology they need to break into higher levels of outer space. So on Atlantis they genetically engineered one race of humans who ultimately rejected being servants and they broke away and became what is known as Lemurians. The Nephilium genetically engineered another race of Adams and Eves and told them to go forth and multiply etc. The Lemurians eventually came and tried to tell this second set of Adams and Eves they were being used and the Nephilium got mad and a nuclear war occurred between the Nephilium of Atlantis and the Lemurians. Now in modern times humans have reorganized into countries etc. but the governments are run by fraternal brotherhoods that still have bloodlines that go back to the Nephilium and they are guiding and directing humanity towards rebuilding deep space technology so the Nephilium can escape from Earth because they hate it here.

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  • 4 months later...

"but the governments are run by fraternal brotherhoods that still have bloodlines that go back to the Nephilium and they are guiding and directing humanity towards rebuilding deep space technology so the Nephilium can escape from Earth because they hate it here."


oh good grief! how empowered do I feel if I believe that?


Unless and until we know how to deal with the dangers of nuclear power

I don't see it as a good thing. i.m.o. it is fear driven greed that runs/ruins the world.


Tyrants will lose power when we are able to secure the Same safety and freedom for every one.

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