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Jupiter exalted in Taurus ascendant

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If a Taurus ascendant has Jupiter exalted in 3rd house should it be considered as a benefic ? As Jupiter is considered to be the worst malefic for a Taurus ascendant owning 8th and 12th house.


What will be its effects on :

1. the native during its dasas/antardasas

2. the 9th, 7th and 11th house

3. planets being aspected by jupiter

4. the 3rd house

5. overall effect, status of the planet and whether it becomes benefic/malefic/neutral


Also if yogakaraka saturn is present in the 9th(own house+trine) being aspected and aspecting jupiter for the above case, what results can be seen ?



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The native is more materialistic ,makes lot of money and keeps his/her siblings under his/her control if possible and gets name.But the native is likely to become an atheist.What ever the houses Guru aspects gives materialistic advantage without much human feeling .Saturn in 9th in his own house a trine gives an advantage from father,subordinate workers , travels,higher education etc with conflicting controls between parents and this native.I think you are asking about your chart my dear gOld and more likely you are a female.You are at liberty to correct me .

Edited by U.Sanjeeva Rao
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Hi Gold,


Jupiter in 3rd being the 8th and 12th lord is aspicious in money matters and it may give beneficiary results in terms of gains, spouse and public relations. But being 8th and 12th lord placed in 3rd house will surely take you away from your native place and settle in other place. Jupiter being aspected by Yogakaraka Saturn here is some good point here and will give you good aspicious results in it's dasa and antardasas.


Here Jupiter Dasa will give you good benefic results than Saturn Dasa. Because Saturn and Jupiter are in Samaspataka position (7th from each other). They exchange their results between themselves and give the results accordingly.


Regarding the planets on which Jupiter is having an aspect :~ aspicious results of those planets will be reduced here because Jupiter is the worst malefic (8th and 12th Lord) for taurus lagna. Here lordship dominates the beneficiary nature of Jupiter.


But eventhough in the experience, For Taurus lagna it was obeserved that, being an extreme natural benefic aspect of Jipiter on houses will defenitely boost the implications of that house provided lagna lord venus is strongly disposed in the chart. But if the same aspect is on lords of the houses, it will reduce the benfic results given by the planets.


Hope this clarifies your doubts.




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Yea its my chart. I am a male though.


I am learning astrology myself so was very confused regarding this point.


I would appreciate if you could enlighten me on 2 points - 1.Money 2. Health by looking at my chart:



Time: 12:45 pm

Place: Kolkata, India



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Dear golden ji


I would also like to raise a question that since the jupiter is in 3rd and exalted it is in marna karaka stan what would be effect since it is lord of 8th and 11th since it is a 8th lord it will be benific but wat aby 11th i dont exactly remember but i think 11th is upachaya house of growth dont take in bad way it is just for my learning purpose





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Very interesting discussion. Thanks to everyone esply Srinivasji.

I too have a sibling with Taurus Lagna with exalted Jupiter in 3rd house. Here are the birth details.

DOB: 15-Jan-1967

Time: 1:50 PM

Place: Chennai

The interesting part here is that the 8th/11th lord Jupiter aspecting the 4th lord SUN & Lagna lord Venus placed in 9th from the 3rd place. also 9th/10th lord Saturn aspected by Jupiter. how will it effect on career?


would anybody like to analyse this esply regarding career, profession, wealth, fame, travel, marriage & children?

Thanks for your time.

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Dear experts,


Let me give the horoscope details so that someone might come fwd to continue this interesting discussion.


Taurus Lagna

3rd Place (cancer): Jupiter

5th place (virgo) : Mars

6th Place (libra) : Ketu

8th Place(Sag) : Mercury (combust)

9th PLace (capricorn) : Sun & Venus (Venus NOT combust)

10th Place (aquaris): Moon

11th Place (Pisces): Saturn

12th Place (Aries): Rahu


The interesting combination:


3rd lord moon in 10th place; 10th lord saturn in 11th place; 11the lod Jupiter in 3rd place;


Can anyone analyse the effects ofthe 3-10-11 interchange?


venus (as 6th lord) aspects & aspected by Jupiter (as 8th lord); apart from other aspects of the same as 1st & 11th lord. Will 6/8 aspects give any luck to this native?


seventh lord Mars (also the 12th lord) placed in 5th place aspected by Saturn; venus with sun in 9th apsected by Jupiter (8th lord); how abt married life?


5th lord Mercury, combust & placed in 8th place aspected by both saturn/Mars; guess its very weak. so what about children & education in this horoscope?

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Dear experts,


Let me give the horoscope details so that someone might come fwd to continue this interesting discussion.


Taurus Lagna

3rd Place (cancer): Jupiter

5th place (virgo) : Mars

6th Place (libra) : Ketu

8th Place(Sag) : Mercury (combust)

9th PLace (capricorn) : Sun & Venus (Venus NOT combust)

10th Place (aquaris): Moon

11th Place (Pisces): Saturn

12th Place (Aries): Rahu


The interesting combination:


3rd lord moon in 10th place; 10th lord saturn in 11th place; 11the lod Jupiter in 3rd place;


Can anyone analyse the effects ofthe 3-10-11 interchange?


venus (as 6th lord) aspects & aspected by Jupiter (as 8th lord); apart from other aspects of the same as 1st & 11th lord. Will 6/8 aspects give any luck to this native?


seventh lord Mars (also the 12th lord) placed in 5th place aspected by Saturn; venus with sun in 9th apsected by Jupiter (8th lord); how abt married life?


5th lord Mercury, combust & placed in 8th place aspected by both saturn/Mars; guess its very weak. so what about children & education in this horoscope?



How can mercury be combust wehen sun is in the next house ?

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Hi Gold,


Each house can hold 30 degrees. Mercury has moved 29 degrees in sagittarius & Sun just moved out of this house & placed at 1 degree in next house (capricorn).. thou they "appear" to be in different houses, they still are in close proximity & hence mercury is combust.


Venus has moved 17 deg in Capricorn whereas Sun has moved only 1 deg. So, Thou Venus & Sun appear in the same house, they are NOT in such close proximity & hence Venus is NOT combust.


But as far as I know, Mercury is exempted from this combust factors in astrology as it'll be close to the Sun in most of the charts. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

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Hi Gold,


Each house can hold 30 degrees. Mercury has moved 29 degrees in sagittarius & Sun just moved out of this house & placed at 1 degree in next house (capricorn).. thou they "appear" to be in different houses, they still are in close proximity & hence mercury is combust.


Venus has moved 17 deg in Capricorn whereas Sun has moved only 1 deg. So, Thou Venus & Sun appear in the same house, they are NOT in such close proximity & hence Venus is NOT combust.


But as far as I know, Mercury is exempted from this combust factors in astrology as it'll be close to the Sun in most of the charts. Someone correct me if I am wrong.



Ok, i get it.


But then both sun and mercury are in rasi-sandhi as well, making them more powerless.


According to me combustion is not exempted in the above case. It is close to the sun in many charts and it does give malefic results in those cases.


Also Sun becomes weak(powerless) along with Mercury being in rasi sandhi which will cancel out any good yogas.


Would like to see participation of other experienced astrologer.

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Hi Gold and Pitcha,

Any planet which is in Rasi Sandhi generally becomes weak and can not give complete results. Even if the the two planets are in Rasi Sandhi, combustion is not exempted if that planet is very near to Sun. But there is an exception for mercury as mercury will be very near degrees to the sun most of the times. So in astrological terms there is no combustion for mercury.

Coming back to Sun – Sun is a Royal planet and it should be strong enough in the chart. He signifies the strength of any chart. Though he is a natural malefic, he is a neutral by nature and possessed with Rajoguna. If he is strongly situated in any chart, he will bless the native with status, wealth and fame in the society.

But here in this case, Sun being in Rasi Sandhi in 9th is a bit weak. Though he is in vargottama position (which is a +ve factor), he is placed in enemy Saturn house and he is getting aspect from Jupiter (8th Lord). Thus Sun has become more weak in the chart.

I am looking into the chart and give my predictions in some time ..


Srinivasa Chakravarti.

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Thank you soo much gold & srinivasji. please do write more details as It'll help me in my learning process.


Lets first take abt Rashi sandhi of Sun here. Does it mean it'll affect 4th house effects.. I mean mother of the native, home land etc?


Also to note here that Lagna has moved only less than 3 deg in taurus. Does it also have Rashi sandhi?


So, Srinivasji, whats your overall comments abt this chart? I am anxiously waiting for the expert's comments.


Thanks for your time

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  • 4 years later...
Guest chaitanya

i am taturus ascendent

mars in Taturus

jupiter,venus,ketu in Cancer

Moon in Virgo

Sun,mercury in Leo

Saturn,Ur,Nep in Sagit

rahu in Cap

I am in final yr M.tech...can any one predict about my job


Dob- 23/08/1990 Time: 12:04 AM Place- Aurangabad,Maharashtra,India

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