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Health/Work Problems help pls

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Ever since I have moved to UK after getting married, i have suffered a lot of problems at work, despite constant complaints to the management they just turned around and said they find fault with me than with others, I have always suffered from depression, panic attacks,seilepsy and get scared, hathis made others at work place bully me a lot, finally now we have lodged a formal complaint and the management has decided to meet me, but am very scared to attend, I also suffer from tremors(cos of a brain cyst) could you all please pray I get strength and that things go my way and I dont get bullied, I have got a letter from HR already sort of bullying me and this has truly scared me a lot, is there any chant or some fast I could do that can help me....




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Depression, panic attacks and a lot of similar problems are all products of this very very active and negative mind. All fears arise out of the mind and make our life living hell. All I can suggest to you is to get a grip on your mind, tell your mind to STOP thinking negatively, and try to dwell on good, positive thoughts.


The worst that could happen in this job is you could lose the job. That may seem hard but it's not the end of the world. It's just a job. Millions of people lose or quit on their own in this world every day. More important is that you stay calm, and take some sort of a naam japa, whether Lord Shiva's or Divine Mother's and silently repeat it in your mind continously. When the mind runs again towards fear and stress, tell it to STOP again.


I hope you feel better. There may be some indian astrologers in UK, but I've found that answers from astrology are not so quick either.


Good luck!

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Namastey jee and rishivatsyan,

Thanks for taking time to reply, yes its not the end of the world, but it does seem so when you are having a panic attack, unfortunately this is a medical condition cos of the brain cyst, and the meds to control arent helping much but just making me physically weak, but will keep my faith and keep the struggle of life,thankfully got the love of wonderful husband to keep going.

I will do the japa am starting right away.

thanks once again.



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Hi gga, you have not explained your situation fully or well enough. it is clear that by now there are multiple issues going on - work and health related; but you say that you are facing problems since you got married and moved to the UK. Since when are you working in this job; when did the bullying begin, what are the reasons? There are good labor regulations that apply in most countries. Do not let your panic or fear from one set of issues get into the other set of issues. If you can, clearly list what are the issues at work and what are the medical problems - they both may be worrying you differently and may need different kind of attention.


Your medical problems are bound to lead to fear and worry and panic, leave aside the physical pain. But to manage your treatment plan well, you have to be more organized in your thoughts first and then make realistic plans.


First of all, accept the complexity of life as God's will. then take an account of your problems and think what is doable in this context and what do you have control on. O course you can make a difference with your attitude. Look for support groups on the internet regarding your illness. Educate yourself about the prognosis of the diesease and how it may efect your work, family and personal life. REad about how other people are managing their illness and life.


If you write more, we can discuss a few more things. But panic is the last thing that will help and being fatalistic does not go well with the teachings of Bhagwat Gita. Be a karmayogi.


At work, your panic may be creating a negative impact on your performance. YOu have not given any inidcation of what is the problem at work. Some may be problematic anywhere, but everywhere, there are sensible people too.


Take a careul good account of your situation with a level and cool mind.


take care

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