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Sb 11.08.10

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Sparky, you scamp! You just can't keep your hands in your pockets, can you? :eek2:


I am on a mission to save the western world from a fraud savior that is leading the whole world to hell.


Watch the videos on the website or otherwise your opinion will be flushed down the appropriate porcelain throne.


Unless and until you watch the videos on the website, you have no right to comment.


There is a popular show on TV nowadays called "mythbusters".

So, since Jesus is a myth, I figured "Christbusters" would be a good theme for my website.



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Your site is full of people who are denying that jesus did not exist as gospel were written after him.OR because he did those miracles.Well do you know even our scriptures were written after krishna left the earth.MAny people will not beleive about the miracles and mysticism happening at that time also.

Your site doesnt prove jesus is a myth.




I am on a mission to save the western world from a fraud savior that is leading the whole world to hell.



A personal question werent u aborn in a catholic family earlier.

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This Sonic is a rouqe so-called disciple of Srila Prabhupada. He is a snake and it is best to just avoid hearing from him.


Because I don't believe in a popular myth, that makes me a snake?

Well, I have studied the works of some of the best academic theologians in the world who at one time also believed in the Jesus myth until they looked deep enough into the subject to get past all the bogus propaganda.


For me, I just find it quite amazing that so many devotees are willing to buy into a ridiculous myth that has absolutely no validation in any Vedic shastra.


I think the Jesus myth is actually a toxic, harmful, bogus religious dogma that is harming the spiritual growth of the world at large.


Some disciples of Srila Prabhupada told me that Prabhupada said that Christianity would become extinct in the future.

After looking deeper into the subject I can now see why.


Christianity has a very sordid history.

Modern minds are gradually rejecting Christianity and embracing a new spirituality that does not bind them up in the chains of a bigoted dogma that proclaims that Jesus is the only son of God and the only way to salvation.



Anyone that buys into such nonsense is a fool.

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Go Learn Greek & arameic . . . and then 'cut & paste' commandeer & plagiarise what your 'Pick-of-the-Month' academic theologians think.



2] Dear Sonic Yogi,

Irregardless of the pros & cons of your 'Pet-Project' ---you must admit that you are one of them Old-Time-bonefide-text-book:


of the first order --like haven't been seen to walk the earth since the first Iconoclasts.


3] Dear Sonic Yogi,

Irregardless of the pros & cons of your 'Pet-Project' ---you must admit that you, like any good Jew and emmigrant, looking to aculturate themselves to their new homeland, often say & unconsciously exclaim: "Oh JesusChrist", or say in your case maybe something more like, "Oh Jesus-Effing-Christ", or maybe, when you're awestruck by some grand act of nature, and say, "Oh JesusChrist Almighty".


If not ---then I cannot understand how you possibly could work yourself up to chanting the Holyname.


"Holy Jesus Christ Dude, You're Freaking me out",



PS: There's more pragmatically available data at your disposal to change your Pet-project to "Proving We didn't Land on the Moon". You're half way out there already.

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This Sonic is a rouqe so-called disciple of Srila Prabhupada. He is a snake and it is best to just avoid hearing from him.


Hes a nice person but hes got some enmoty or something with christians.Any anyway thank you for your advise.


By the way sonic yogi you havent answered me- your website has no evidence to disprove about christ.Iv seen some of the videos.

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Go Learn Greek & arameic . . . and then 'cut & paste' commandeer & plagiarise what your 'Pick-of-the-Month' academic theologians think.



Obviously, you don't even know that the gospels were not written in Aramaic.

All the gospels were written in Greek and there is evidence that the writers of the gospels did not even know Hebrew or Aramaic.


Everything we know about Jesus was came out of Rome.

The Jews from Judea don't even accept Jesus.


Long before the Jesus myth was manufactured there was the Hebrew religion called Judaism.


Personally, I think Judaism is a superior religious systems to the sentimental Christian cult that was created as a rebellion against orthodox Judaism.


Paul was never trained in the Rabbinical disciples and had an inferiority complex. He wasn't even from the Holy land of Judea. He was from Tarsus.

So, he manufactured Christianity as a feel-good faith that made him feel better than the orthodox Jews.

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When are you answering me?

YOu know youre wrong but why dont you admit.

JUst a mistake .People do it all the time.

You couldnt provide me those verse nos. about chaitanya and you said u have faith thats why u beleive.But waht about the billions who have faith in jesus.

Those people who are there on the video ,will they beleive in krishna or any vedic devta.

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