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confused in life seek advise, plz help software riaz ji, atulji and respected gurujis

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Name Alok Anand

DOB 4TH MAY 1978






I am working in hotel industry in singapore recently got married and expecting a baby.

known family astrologer told that i have mercury mahdosha and shani dosha so he did 96000 shani mantra nad told to wear panna and neelam but i wore brazillain panna nad lajwart.


Now another astrologer tells me that i have shukra dosha so you should wear diamond or any shukra related gems.


I am confused now is that the gem i am waering is right or not.


plz advise me as i m seeking my career growth and planning for higher education.


plz help gurujis.....:idea:

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Name Alok Anand

DOB 4TH MAY 1978






I am working in hotel industry in singapore recently got married and expecting a baby.

known family astrologer told that i have mercury mahdosha and shani dosha so he did 96000 shani mantra nad told to wear panna and neelam but i wore brazillain panna nad lajwart.


Now another astrologer tells me that i have shukra dosha so you should wear diamond or any shukra related gems.


I am confused now is that the gem i am waering is right or not.


plz advise me as i m seeking my career growth and planning for higher education.


plz help gurujis.....:idea:




I have just replied to your Qns. In my opinion, for professional growth, and higher education Diamond is suggested in silver (not gold, very important for you). Also, offer Surya Dev water at the Sun rise time.



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pranam guruji,


how much carat of diamond should i wear and in which finger. is there any substitute gem of diamond then how many carat.

plz help guruji...:idea:


I have not analysed your chart or anything,but answering the particular question on substitute for diamond.Any gem to give good results should be more than 3 carots and affordability may be a question.Substitute for diamond would be white topaz which is comparatively cheaper

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Dear Friend


you have a kaal sarpa dosha


What is KaalSarpa Yoga ?

When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's south node KaalSarpa Yoga is formed. Complete KaalSarpa yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu Axis there is no KaalSarpa Yoga.

The general impacts of KaalSarpa dosha are following :

1. Hurdles in every important and auspicious work.

2. Lesser Mental peace.

3. Low self-confidence.

4. Deterioration of health and reduces longevity.

5. Poverty and destruction of wealth.

6. Destruction of business and loss of job.

7. Anxiety and unnecessary Tensions.

8. Bad Relations with family members and friends.

9. Treachery from friends and colleagues.

10. Very less help from relatives and friends.

KaalSarpa Yoga is applicable In your chart.

In your Kundali, due to the presence of Rahu in the 9th house and Ketu in the 3rd house, a situation of Ghatak KaalSarpa Yoga is being established. Because of this yog, this person has to face problems in service, profession and employment. Family life remains painful due to constant family conflicts and he has to bear estrangement from parents. He has to struggle for obtaining happiness. Family pleasures are reduced to the minimal and he faces various obstacles and difficulties in land-property related matters.

KalSarpa Yoga is an unfovrable yog. Sometimes, Kalsarp Yoga is seen at the first sight in this person's kundali, but if seen thoroughly then there is a breach of Kalsarp yog, which doesn't show any unfavorable effect, still all people affected by this Yoga should indulge in worshipping and should establish Kalsarp Yoga Shanti Yantra at home.

Calming of Kalsarpa Yoga and its Remedies

There are many remedies prescribed in Lal kitab to calm down Kalsarp yog. Those which show miraculous effects are as follows:

1-Donate fresh raddish.

2-Have meal sitting in the kitchen.

3-Clean your teeth with the urine of cow.

4-Observe 16 shraddh faithfully in bhadrapad.

5-Float one coconut in the sea.

6-Worship the symbolic silver cobra on the occasion of Nagpanchmi. Invite your ancestors. Pray to the cobra that your ancestors obtain the right path. Then float all the articles of worship along with the silver cobra in the river.

7-Place a silver Swastik at the entrance of you house.

8-If there are problems in your married life because of Kalsarp Yoga then remarry your wife.

9-Rahu is always hypnotized by Mantra, so give more importance to worship.

10-Keep barley grains by your side while sleeping in the night and feed them to birds at dawn.

11-Float more alive fishes than your age once or twice every year in the river.

12-Worship Lord Ganesha daily and chant the mantra 'Om Ganpatye Namh' regularly.

13-Worship Lord Ganesha every Wednesday and offer him the Laddos made ut of 'Bundy'. You must necessarily worship Lord Ganesha on the occasion of Ganeshchaturthi.

14-Touch the Pepal tree on Saturday and offer sweet water to it.

15-Install a pecock feathered fan in the bedroom.

16-Feed millet etc. daily to the birds.

17-Make a hole in the coconut and put black sesame, barley, sugar powder, deshi ghee and some dry fruits in and bury it under the soil where ants are. Do this experiment on Saturday.

18-Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.Aspersoriumise one handful of green kidney bean with Rahu Mantra.

19-Wear snakeshaped silver ring in the middle finger after aspersoriuming it with mantra.




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